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66.66% The Cards Of War / Chapter 2: new beginnings

Chapter 2: new beginnings

Today was supposed to be Omar's happiest day but tragedy struck. Zeina, Omar's wife, had just given birth to a pair of twins but sadly one died during birth. Zeina was lying on a bed while holding her only surviving son in her arms, while her other son now lies on a table close by. Omar is beside the bed comforting Zeina while she feeds her baby.

Meanwhile, somewhere.

"Ugh. So cold…. so cold, God why is it so cold?"

Chris wakes up in a dark world, with nothing to be seen. As he slowly suffers, he can hear light weeping and sniffing.

"Am I in a hospital? If I am, then why is it so cold?"

The crying he heard seemed like it kept getting louder and louder.

"It seems as if someone died in the same room I'm in. Man, it must be nice having someone care about you. Is this the world trying to tell me to get a girlfriend?"

As he thought to himself, the coldness that enveloped him seemed to worsen. What Chris felt when he first woke up was now a hundred times better than what he was dealing with now. Soon Chris couldn't take it anymore.

"God f*cking damn it world! If you want to take my life then take it! Stop making me suffer!"

Back to Omar. *Ding* Omar got this feeling he hadn't had in a long time. Something was crying out, something in pain. Not just anything, a soul. He started to look around and then his eyes landed on the dead baby's body, moving instead of limp and lifeless. Omar quickly ran over to the baby and picked it up. 'This is impossible, I saw its soul leave this world. How is it alive?' Omar questioned. Omar grabbed a small blanket and wrapped it around the deadly cold baby. Zeina, seeing her husband act strangely, asked,

"what are you doing?"

Omar turned around with a bewildered expression.

"He's alive," Omar said questingly as he held the infant tightly. Zeina's already teary eyes started to water up even more.

"H- he's alive? He's alive. He's alive!"

Zeina cried out as water overflowed from her eyes. She held her hand out, motioning for Omar to come closer. He nodded and walked over to her. Placing the baby into the loving embrace of Zeina, Omar could help but think that this situation could end horribly if what he thinks is true. While thinking Omar was caught off guard by Zeina, who quickly bounced back from the news and asked a question.

"So what's his name? We agreed that we both could name one of our children. I got to name this little ankle biter, yune." motioning towards the child she had been holding for a while now.

"I haven't thought of a name yet but trust me I will have one soon."

"You know that you're famously known as a workaholic but what I see is that you just love to procrastinate don't you?" Zeina giggled at the now-embarrassed Omar who was covering his face with shame. She had hit the nail on the head, he was known as the sleepless hero but in reality, he loved to procrastinate and do anything but what he needed to do.

"Anyway, how are you doing? Are you feeling alright?" Omar asked as he saw the tired look on Zeina's face.

"It's nothing, I'm tired and just want to rest"

"It's okay, I can look after the two of them while you sleep. It's been a stressful day for you, let me take over." Omar leaned over, kissed her on the forehead, and gently grabbed the babies from her hands as she dosed into blissful sleep.

Omar slowly walked out of the room and into an adjacent room that was prepared for the babies. He gracefully lowered Yuan into his crib as he slept like a rock but he didn't put the other baby in his crib.

Instead, he walked to the living room and sat in a beautiful rocking chair. He lightly rocked in the chair as he asked himself many questions that gave him only one answer and he didn't like it in the slightest.

he needed to know if what was happening was what he thought it was so he lifted his hand slightly in the air. A green stone materialized in his hand as he looked at it for a moment. He then placed it onto the baby's chest.

Back to Chris, the dreadful coldness he was feeling had gone away not too long ago and his body was now filling up with warmth. He was feeling relaxed now and was almost about to sleep when *CLICK* He heard something but didn't know what it was.

Before he could think of anything a booming voice erupted into his ears "WHO ARE YOU?" the booming voice echoed in his ears as his mind shook. This was the first thing he heard since entering this dark place.

"H Hello?"


" AHH, who's there?"

"Don't make me repeat myself! What is your name!"

"My name is Chris, may I ask, who are you?

"Who I am doesn't matter, why are you here?!"

"What? This black void where The only thing I can feel is warmth? I don't know where I am so sorry"

"...? You can't see?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Can you feel anything?"


Omar was confused, he had figured out that a reincarnate had taken his son's body but when he communicated with it, the reincarnate didn't seem to have control of the body it inhabited. Looking more into it he finds that the soul and body have yet to connect completely. In all honesty, this was the best thing to happen for Omar because the soul was vulnerable and if needed he could take it out.

Wanting to know more he asked, "What is your background, reincarnate? If you answer truthfully, I might help you with your situation."

Something seemed to click in his mind and his voice soon turned annoyed as what he thought happened came to light.

"Is this some kind of prank? Am I in a hospital? If I am, can you get the doctor or nurse?

Omar's brain blue-screened while he tried to understand what was going on.

" What are you talking about? You're in my house, not a hospital."

"Funny joke, Can you get the nurse?"

"If you don't believe me, open your mind and I will explain."

"If I do, will you call over a nurse?"


Chris did as he was asked and stopped thinking about anything, which was surprisingly easy for him at that point as he was still confused about many things. As he emptied his mind, Omar put his hand on the sleeping baby's head. His hand started to glow and he soon started to see things. It was like looking back at a memory but what he saw wasn't his memories but Chris's. Of course, if he tried to see all of his memories, he would be there forever. So he just looked at the most emotional memories.

As the memories played out in his head, Omar's eyebrows began to sink further and further down his face. The things that he was seeing were like nothing he had seen before. It was as if he was looking into a new world. A world that was completely different from the one he knew was playing out in his mind but that wasn't what was on his mind after seeing the contents of the memories.

Pain, misery, and hardships were the only things he could see as the memories played out. Tears soon fell from Omar's eyes as he continued to watch. What he was seeing made him hold the baby softly but firmly in understanding. The pain he saw wasn't something someone should go through.

Chris suddenly felt the increase in warmth, but it felt different than regular warmth. It felt embracing, calming, and comforting. It felt like he was understood and that all of his worries could be put to ease. Suddenly with a soft voice, Omar asked, "What is your reason for living? What do you want the most in this world?"

Chris paused for a moment as he thought.

"What I wish for the most is a family to call my own. Others that care about me."

Satisfied with the answer, Omar waved his hand over the infant's body, and suddenly, the dark abyss that Chris saw slowly brightened up—revealing the new world to Chris for the first time. As his eyes adjusted to the new intake of colors and shapes, Chris soon started to look around. His eyes quickly locked on Omar who looked like a giant in Chris's eyes.

"Where am I, Who are you, and why are so big?"

Hearing this, Omar started to chuckle hearing the question.

"Have you seen what your situation is? It might not be that I'm big but you're small."

Chris looked down while holding his hands up. What he saw startled him, he had tiny, chubby fingers. Omar saw that Chris was starting to freak out so he started to rock him side to side, and it surprisingly worked. Chris calmed down and looked back up.

"Am I a… baby?"

"Yep, you were born a couple of hours ago"

"...what? "

"Well you see, it's super rare but people can come back to life in the same way you have, but you're different. Coming back to life is possible in this world, but you are not from this world. You came back to life in a different world and the process took a body that had just recently died."

Chris was confused.

I'm not from this world? How is this possible? This can be real, I must be dreaming."

"What I'm telling you is the truth. I was able to look into your memories, and the world that I saw was completely different than this world."

Chris's mind paused for a second before saying"Wait wait wait. Did you just say that you saw my memories?"

"Yes, yes I did"

"You must be lying. If you saw my memories then what is my favorite color?"


"When is my birthday?"

"May 19, 2001"

"What are the names of my parents"

"Trick question, you never knew your parents."

"..." Chris was short on words. Every single question he had asked was answered perfectly by Omar. Chris was never a superstitious person but he had the philosophy of seeing is believing. He never considered what others say is possible unless he can see it in action or the study is about it.

"This isn't my world, is it?"

"Yeah, sorry to say but I don't think there is a way to get you home so you're stuck here. Welcome to the family."

"It should be impossible for me to be here so I never expected there to be a way..... back...… what did you say? Why would you want me to join your family? I took the body of your dead infant."

"I mean you're right about that but I have learned that you are not a bad person. I have seen that you have been used and abused, but even after all of that, you still held onto your humanity. Not many can go through what you have and come out alright. Your will overpowered the depressing, crushing life you have lived, allowing you to live the life you want for yourself."

Chris was baffled, he had no idea what to say. No one was ever really kind to him in his past life, he had to fight for everything he had so someone that didn't even know him and had every right to want him dead was now inviting him into his family.

Tears started dropping down Chris's soft and chubby face as he reached out toward Omar. Omar lightly smiled as he slowly hugged Chris.

"It's ok son, you're safe here. You can live the life you never got to in your previous life."

Hearing this, Chris cried even more. He cried until he passed out in the embrace of Omar. Surprisingly Omar felt so calm that he also fell asleep. The scene of Omar fast asleep while holding little Chris softly but firmly in his hands played out in the gold family residence.

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