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100% Rich Women

Chapter 6: Chapter 6; Unoccurs sorrows

·Next night!·


I still need to be careful so aunt won't find me, until I know for sure I won't go back! What time is it? Huh? My watch! Where? What do to do? Mom, gave it to me. Did I lost it? Ah why? His thoughts.

Just a minute, no way!

·Slap to the forehead!·

Why? Why? Why? Why?~ But I don't think she found it, did she? Ah!!

"Excuse me!"

Yea, why?

"Shut up!"

Ah yes, I'm sorry.

I can't go back not yet! I should get a job for now and find a way to go to school, without Fei Yan finding out so she can tell aunt that I'm at school! What to do? My watch? Aish. It's already this late but it's not a school night, I can stay up where's my book? Ah, be silent but why? Isn't he supposed to be nextdoor?! Ah, find you! A note? "IQ being high or not everyone make mistakes!" What does this mean? She solved my mistakes "IQ being high or not everyone make mistakes!" Haha, Woo Jin you lost a smart ass wife! It's your lost. I remember I took the books she was reading, I opened my bag and took them out one by one but they're all my favourite books. A smile took over my face as I remember our accidental kiss that night in the dark, a complete stranger took my first kiss. His thoughts.

"Stop it!"


"Leave it!"

"I said, stop it!"

"Aish! Hey stop it!"

"No, give it to me!"

"I don't want to!"

"It's almost mid night, read it tomorrow."

"I said, I don't want to!"

"Give it!"


"Give it to me!"

"No! Aish why?"

"You need sleep!"

"My first kiss, you bastard!"

"Get up!"

"I don't want to!"

"Really then, do you want to sleep with me?"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Then, if you don't get up I will sleep with you!"

"You bastard!"

"Say it again, and I too will take your second kiss."

"Get out!"

"I will be back to see if you're asleep, who told you to touch my stuff anyway?"

"Ah, get out!"


But why am I finding this cute? Wait a minute, who was she? Before I leave she looked like someone I met before but who? "My first kiss, you bastard!"² Ah, why is it replaying? Forget it. Let's get some sleep.

"My first kiss, you bastard!" Why am I remembering a scene from complete darkness? One sheep, two sheep, sh..eep. fo..ur she..eep. His thoughts.

·five sheep!!!·

(Du Yan, feel in to deep sleep.)

I'm not marrying her, why does it have to be me?

"It just have to be you!"


"Don't question it, now go get rest!"

I don't want to.


She not my dride…

"Then is it mine?"

Woo Jin? Where were you?

"I was with my wife, I got married when I left home!"



"Brother, you must marry her!"


"Why don't you want to marry me? Am i not pretty?"

No, no, no that's not..! You're not my wife! I don't want to! I can't marry you! I'm sorry.


"Why? Nephew!"

"Why cousin?"

"Yea cousin, why?"

"Why don't you want to marry her?"


·Closing in on him.·

"Marry me!"

"Marry her!"

"Marry her!"

"Marry her!"

"Marry her!"

"Marry her!"

Ah!!! No!!!!

·Wake up!·

I don't want to! 


I'm okay… It's just a dream! I'm okay! I'm okay!


"Sorry, I heard noises! But who are you going to marry?"

Who… are… you?

"Ah, I'm  Tae-Gong and I live next door!"

Ah! Right, but how did you get in?

"The door was open."

Oh, hmm go!

"Who is she?"


"The girl, you are going to marry?"

I don't know, get out!

"Is that's why you run away? Is she not pretty? Huh!"

Are you crazy, get out I said!

"Alright, Marry her! Marry her! Marry her!"

I looked up at him standing at the door, impersonating my dream! His thoughts.


·Fling shoe.·

Get Out!

"Excuse me!"

Shut Up!


I'm not going back ever!


Damn you Woo Jin, I will not forgive you! 

I should have asked him what time it was? Aish, what do I do? I lay down on my back looking at the ceiling, why is this happening to me? Isn't she his wife to be why do I have to marry her? Why? His thoughts.

Ah why? Marry her! Why? It's only a dream! Right, that's all it was… A dream!


·One week later.·

Ye Jun have been acting weird ever since my allergic reactions to nuts, it's not his fault he did know it and it's mine for not telling him and being too in over my head to remember I'm allergic to nuts. But at least now he knows and he won't make that mistake again at least I hope he won't, I went down after getting dress for school I sat down at the table with Mr. Park! He didn't seem very happy this morning and I couldn't help but to noticed, he look lost and out of place in his own home. I wonder what it is? We have breakfast in silence. Ki thoughts.

Are you okay?

"Huh? Ah yes, I'm okay."

Where is Ye Jun?

"He left early, you should get going don't want to be late! Do you?"

No, but do you want to talk about it?



"There is nothing to talk about Ki, aren't you going?"

No! Tell me what is bothering you! You look lost and worried!

"I'm fine, now go!"

Hmm, alright I'm going!


But what is it?

"Ah! You startle… You"

The door open and a woman, dress in bright colour expensive clothing I look back at Mr. Park! That's what's bothering him but who is she? I stared at her for a moment before folding my hand beneath my chest! Ki thoughts.

Who are you?

"You remarry?"

Ah, who are you? No way~ Are you deff?

She look at me surprisingly I guess she wasn't expecting that! Ki thoughts.

"Are you crazy? Hey, is this how you raised your children huh?"

Hahaha! Hey, you old lady do you have children?


Are you deff? What right do you have to talk to him like you wish?

"What? Hey, do you know who I'm?"

I don't want to know! Also you're not welcome!

"Go to school!"

I will! Soon! Aren't you going?

(She raised her hand to slap ki, and she steps towards her!)

I wish you would!

·Confident glare.·

"Is this how you allow strangers to talk to your wife?"


Wife? Ha, really Mr. Park? She's your wife? Just a minute is she Ye Jun mother?


(So this is why he's like this? It's because of her! What does she want?)

"Aren't you going?"

Huh! Oh yea, I'm going!


As if I was really leaving! Ha! I want to know what they're going to talk about, and why is she here? From Ye Jun's memories, he grown up without his mother it was always him and his dad in everything suddenly she back. Not good and from Mr Park, reaction he's not happy to see her and so will Ye Jun. He will be very upset when and after he see her. What are waiting for to talk? Maybe think I'm still here! Ki thoughts.

"What are you doing here! Hye Jung?"

Hye Jung! Jun Yon! Ye Jun! Whoa, the family Jun-g. Ki thoughts.

"My sister was arrested!"

"I know, I was there!"

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"I'm a father, and I have my son to care for do you want to see me get arrested for getting involved? She murdered someone and try to do it again! Have you lost you mind?"

"He's our son!"

"He's my son, he has no mother like you! Why are you here?"

"I want my sister back!"

"Your husband is very rich unlike me, you left for and now you're here again why?"

"I just want me sister back!"

"I'm not that powerful to help you, now go back to your rich husband!"

"He doesn't want to get involved!"

"But I should?"

"I heard the girl of the mother lives here, i came to ask for her forgiveness more over this was her father's doing it have nothing to do with my sister!"

"She won't help you, Hye Sun took her family from her and tried to kill her more than once afterwards do you actually think she will forgive her?"

"I will pay her to, every body loves money!"

I was going to enter when I heard a slap! Ki thoughts.


"You slap me?"

"Not everyone is like you! You abandoned your son for money and you're here for not your son but your sister? I should have known better you haven't changed! Get out."

"I didn't want to leave my son!"

"But you did because your new husband, didn't want a child that is not his in his house!"

"Just let me talk to the girl!"

"I said she won't help you, now leave here before I do something I would regret!"


"Get out!"

"I'm not leaving until_"

"You just offended her! Now leave here quickly, I don't want Ye Jun to see you here."

"Where is he? Ye Jun!"

"He's at school!"

"Tell that girl to meet with me tomorrow, here my card!"

(Ki open the door and step inside, she smiled at Hyejun Mr. Park was surprised because he thought she left! Ki walked over to her and grab her arm unexpectedly pulling her to the door.)

You're not welcome, as for me helping someone like you? Haha not even in my next I won't!

(Ki pushed her out and followed her then closed the door behind her, she walk out more from the house she look down on her mother's watch and scream out at the time.)

I am late! Aish!

·Some later·

Almost there!


If it wasn't for that crazy woman aish!! I'm here now to sneak past this one, but where is he? He's not here! Yes, now to make it to class before he comes back! Fighting! Ki thoughts.

·Later that day!·

"Where are you going?"

I don't know!

"Can't you talk to me?"


"I'm your friend!"

When did we become friends?

"We are friends hey, let's go together!"

Do you want to get in trouble?

"No, father will get upset with me!"

Then let's not go together, go study are something!

"Hey, wait for me!"

Aish, why did he have to see me? But why is he following me? He followed me all the way to the house. Ki thoughts.

"Who's house is it?"

My mom!

He went silent for a while, I'm getting over it slowly I just wish she could be here with me I need to get to dad's computer before he successfully connect with a lawyer. I should have thought about this long before now but I guess now is the right time, I opened the door and went inside and it was cold for a moment but then gets lonely like no one have been here in years. I went upstairs and into his room leaving Ye Jun, downstairs looking around. I sat down before his laptop and enter mom's passcode I smile at the thought that its still the same! It's about time he knows the money is missing, I'm not fighting against him so there's a strong possibility he won't go away for long! A maximum of three to five years. After I was finished I went to my room, to collect my mother's frame photos I need everything in frame of her with me she thought me twice as good as school! Never really depends on anyone but yourself, it's easy allow your mind to trust people but sometimes, it's the heart that drives you in the wrong direction. I collected her photos from my room and the guest room. Father made sure nothing was left in up their room for her! He wanted his "mistress" to be as comfortable as possible but now neither of them is comfortable. He's probably hating on me and he has all rights to just like I do, what I did to him is nothing compared to what he did to mom but the moment he realised that it was too late for even him. I collected all I came for including her jewelries, when I got downstairs Ye Jun, was just standing there waiting for me, when the heart leads you into the wrong direction. Ki thoughts.

I thought you left!

"No, we come together so let's go back together!"

I do hope you're not leading yourself where you shouldn't!

"And where is this place I'm leading myself to, when I know I shouldn't?"

You will find out soon enough! But remember I told so.

"You didn't tell me anything!"

Okay, let's go!


We walk back together, when me got back it was night and completely forgot about mr. Park's, visiter. He didn't look happy when we got back! Ki thoughts.

"Look at the time!"

I'm sorry, I should have told you!

"Why didn't you?"

I didn't…

"Where were you Ye Jun?"


"Who did you meet?"

"Meet? Who? Father, are you okay?"

We went to my house to collect my photos, we should have told you! Sorry.


The thing is! It's about time my father got a lawyer so I didn't want get caught up with his lawyer there, so went and Ye Jun followed but why are you upset? Are you okay? Hey, were you drinking?

I points at the bottle. Ki thoughts.

"Father, it's mom again isn't it?"

Mr. Park, turned around and walked back to the table where he then sat down! Ki thoughts.

"Go fresh up and come down for dinner!"


It's okay, go, aren't you going?


Ye Jun, went upstairs and I went over then sat down with Mr. Park! He started drinking again, I took the bottle and poured it for him. He put to his head and sat the glass down for a refill, he's having hard time did that women come back or did she even leave? Ki thoughts.

What wrong?

"Nothing, don't worry about it!"

But you're worrying about it, what did she say that made you drink like this?

"You're a child! Let adults be adults, aren't you going to fresh up?"

I was forced to be an adult, when my father and his mistress murdered my mom!

"You have a point there, but how are you doing inside?"

It's getting better, the pain is healing but memories are forever!

"Go wash up and come down for dinner!"

It's Ye Jun isn't it?

He look up at me immediately! I knew it! She using Ye Jun, to sway Mr Park, into talking to me, about the charges on Hyesun. Ki thoughts.

Tell me.

"She wants Ye Jun!"

Unless you talk me about letting Hyesun go, that's why she was so confident coming to you! She knows you wouldn't want to let your son go.


But if I change my words against Hyesun, father too will be free what do I do? Ki thoughts.

"Don't worry, the choice of staying or going is up to Ye Jun! If he decides to go I won't blame him, he will have a better life worth living there than with me!"

How can you say that? You stayed and care for him! When she decided that money was more important than the family she had, if he decides to go I'll hate him forever.

(Ye Jun, heard everything after Ki got up he pretended like he was just coming down. Ki step aside and let him pass, he realised the cold shoulder from Ki as her word replay in his head!

"If he decides to go I'll hate him forever."

Now when everything seems like it's over and his feelings he gained from a week plus with ki, what will he do? His father is poor but they're okay though his mother is rich now she once choose money over him. What's in his heart, a father that stayed around or a mother that run away without a phone call nor a birthday card! Like father like son but there's also a saying for mother's and their son's.)


Ye Jun.

I didn't hear everything they talked about but if father is like this before I go, what will he be like after if I'm gone father what do I do? I walked over and sat down before next to Ki's seat! I like being around her and father do too! But if all this go on and I have to father will have her! He got up and clear the table, he started setting the table and I offer my help but he refused! He didn't even look at me like he use to. Why is he acting like I'm already gone, he only set food for his and Ki's only. He sat down with his bowl in his hand smiling, I got up and took the bowl from him!)

"Oh, Ye Jun you're here!"

Yea, I'm here! But father why didn't you set me a plate?

"I'm sorry son, dad drink to much today! Here eat from mine I will take rest first!"

Uh, careful!


He got up and walk to the stairs and stop half up looking at our photos on the wall, but it's like he wants me to go… He's already acting accordingly but I don't want Ki to hate me. She comes down and sat next to me but wasn't eating, she was just sitting there like she waiting for something or someone.)

Are you okay?


Why aren't you eat?!

"Because I'm waiting!"

Waiting? Waiting for what?

"Your father, but where is he?"

He said, he had too much to drink and wanted to rest!

"That's so, then I'm going!"

Just a minute, where to?

"I lost my appetite, why don't you eat alone."


If I tell her I'm not going! She will know I heard them talking, no. I can't do that. His thoughts.

What's wrong you? A minute ago you were fine...

"And now I'm not, i have school the next day i should rest early!"

What about me?

"What about you? If you hungry eat, i'm hungry anymore i wont eat."

I like you! His thoughts.

"Then, goodnight."

Wait! You talked with my dad, what did you talked about?

She looks at her feet for while, she didn't want to tell a lie and she didn't want to tell the truth! It took her this long to answer one question, what did you talked about? But don't you know I like you or you're just playing like you don't? His thoughts.

"A conversation between you and your dad, is not something i want get between i'm sorry."

She left without even looking at me, why didn't I come earlier then I could have heard everything! What do I do? Mom why? Why did you have to ruined everything? You left me and dad, why didn't you just stay gone? We are living good! We all were happy! But then you showed up and the dinner table is empty! But why? I got up and went to Ki's door, her room was completely silent it was as if she was in there! I opened the door and enter she did even looked up from her laptop at me. His thoughts.

Are you alright?


Do you want anything?


Can i come in?


Ki, i…

"Go! If you want to go just go. Aish!"

She slam down her laptop and turned facing the wall! I almost believe she didn't want me to go because of her teary eyes, i was only going tell you how I feel! His thoughts

'Why should i care?'

You know that I-

"Ah, get out!"


"What? What do you have to say? But Ye jun-ah i'm not a unnie for your, you don't answer to me but you dad!"

Unnie? Ki, do you-

"I'm trying to sleep, Ye Jun!"

Yea, I am sorry I'm going!

I went to my room and draw face along with her teary eyes, I am being called out for going when it haven't come to that but they are already preparing for my leaving? What do i do just to show them am not going? I know my father best, if mother had decided to or if she come back to take me with her. He would have allowed it! But because she run off for a better life, and leaving us behind, he cared for me all the time how can he just let go? I feel there's more to this, they aren't telling me everything why? His thoughts.


I picked my phone and looked at it and it was a massage. His thoughts.

"Hi, Ye Jun it's mom… I miss you! Can you meet with mom once? It's been so long i forgot what you look like!"

How dare she? It been more years than I choose to remember and this is what she have to say? A few line of words, no I'm sorry! How are you! How dare you miss me after what you did? His thoughts.

"I don't want to meet with you, my mom died a long time ago."

"Mom is outside! Can you see her once?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I come to visit like i always have, but your father wouldn't let me see you! Please, let me see you!"

"I don't believe you!"

"You don't have to, but i'm your mother allow me once to see you."

"I don't want to see you, please go away!"

"Why don't you want to know your mom?"

"You have caused enough trouble as it is, haven't you done enough? What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean? My child, talk to me let me fix it!"

"You ruined my life, you caused the girl I like very much to not talked me! Mom, are you going to make me unhappy like you did leaving us behind?"

"No, i don't want that! Tell mom about the girl you like, tell me about her and let's fix it together."

"I don't want to, go away!"

"Tell me about her name at least, i won't make anymore trouble."

"Are you going to tell me? Can i at least know what she looks like? Ye Jun!"

"I'm sorry, that I wasn't a good mom! But I'm here now, give me a chance to make it right with you and live together, I miss you and want know you please, give mom a chance to be good with you!"

"Did your dad make up stories and tell you, is that's why you hate your mom? Ye Jun! I'm sorry, really, mom is sorry to you!"

"Good night, my child mom so so much loves you!



I woke and heard noises I got up and went downstairs Mr Park, was seat at the table drinking, I looked over at the clock and it was still too early in the morning for him to be drinking. Ki thoughts.

Did you eat?

He look up and force a smile I walked over and sat down with him, he look like he lost his soul I wonder where Ye Jun is? Ki thoughts.

·Door open·

We look over to the door and Ye Jun came in with smile on his face, he walked over and the smile fade once he noticed his father's drinking. Ki thoughts.

"Dad, aish ah why?"

"Where did you go?"

"Oh, the food run out and I went to"

"Did you meet with your mom?"

Ye Jun got upset with his father words, he didn't seem to want to asked that question! Ki thoughts.

"If you didn't want me to meet her, you should have gone to get groceries yourself instead of drinking away your unoccurs sorrows … You should have noticed we are out of food but you're here drinking like someone died, I wonder where my father is cause I don't see him anymore."

He has a point! Ever since his mother shows up Mr Park, have been drinking like he's drinking a never ending battle of alcohol. I got up and trying took the bag from Ye Jun but he was so angry he didn't realize I was trying to take the bags he's holding. Ki will.

Are you okay?

"Uh, ah yea."

I will visit my father and…



"I said you can't, I will clean up and prepare meal both of you go clean up for school!"

He got up and took the bags from Ye Jun, I think he's questioning himself after what Ye Jun said! He started cleaning up and acting like himself again, but I saw right through him … He's pretending it's okay when it's not! He doesn't want me to release his Ex-wife sister but why? We leave and went upstairs i went to my room and sat on my bed thinking. Why wouldn't he want to help her, it would keep his son so why isn't he agreeing unless that's not the issue!? Ki thoughts.

If not then what is it?

"What is what?"

I look up immediately and he was standing at the door! Ki thoughts.

Do you know how to knock?

"Yes, but why?"

I want to make sure.


Because next I'm going to break your nose, if you enter without knocking.

I smile at him and got up walking towards him! Ki thoughts.


Ah, why are you calling your father for? Aigo, move over.

I walked to the bathroom with a smile on my face, he swear I was go hit him hahaha. After shower I got ready and went downstairs to join them. Mr Park, serve our meal and went to the work shop… I sigh and sit down. Ki thoughts.

Unoccurs sorrows!



"Nothing, I thought… Never mind eat."


I look down getting ready to eat, when I realized he's staring at me. Ki thoughts.

What you looking at?

"Huh, oh nothing."

I made sure he wasn't looking before I started eating! He's not getting too attached to like me is he? Ki thoughts.

Ye Jun!

"Yes, why?"

Do you … Like me?




"Cough! Cough! Why? …"

Here drink water, are you okay?

"I think so!"

Aigo, why are you choking to such a question! But, do you like me?

"Aish, no!!! I'm full I am going."

You haven't… even half your meal! No way… Hey Ye Jun, answer my question?!

He was already out the door. Why is he acting so sensitive about it? I eat and clear the table before leaving, I saw Ye Jun decided to catch up with him. Ki thoughts.

Hey Ye Jun, wait for me let's go together!

He turned around and when he saw me, he acted like he has seen a ghost! Ki thoughts.


Why is he running? Hey, wait for me!

Whoa, he's fast! I walked to school and went to his class he need to answer my question but he was there, I searched for him but didn't find him and soon it was time for class. After class I went to look for him but one of his classmate told me his mother came and send him home, and here I was thinking he meant what he said this morning it seems he wants to go but how can I blame him! He grow up without her, he must want to know what it's like to have and be loved by his mother! I walked slowly from school to Mr Park's, when I saw the car living. Mr Park must have gave in and decided let him go with his mom!But why does it bother me? Why do I keep thinking about it? Why? I must have last it, I'm crazy… I'm going crazy aish. Ki thoughts.


I look up and Ye Jun smiley face and waving at me, I'm going crazy… Crazy~ I walk slower watching the cars pass by as if I was counting them, I look up again and he was still standing there waiting! But why? Aish, I rolled my eyes and walked past him when I reached up to him! I went straight to my room and lock the door behind me! Why? Why? Why? The door open and I turned around! Ki thoughts.

Ah!!! Hey!!! How did you get in?

"We have a key!"

He show me the keys and I got mad! I went to him and grab the keys and push him out and looked the door! Ki thoughts.

If you don't want to die go away!

"Ah why?"


"I bought you a gift!"

Why? Wait, I don't want to know go away!

"I bought it for you!"

I don't want it, go now before I broke your nose.

"Alright! What is wrong with her?"

A why would he buy me gifts? I sat on my bed looking at the door, then I got up a change from my school closing! I went downstair and Mr Park, smiled at me Ye Jun was just looking at me. I went and sat on the couch, I turned on the TV after some time I was staring to feel sleepy and fighting it to watch the drama… I woke up on Ye Jun, shoulder but pretending like I was sleeping, then I started to wake up, and he got up quickly screaming at me.

"How can you sleep like that? Huh, aish!"

Why are you yelling was it your sleeping? Huh?

"Get up and eat!"

He point at the table and left then i started smiling, but I'll have let him know I'm not interested and soon! Ki thoughts.

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