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Chapter 5

I kept on wondering why would Zweli want to have another wife, do any of our parents know about this .A thought came up on my mind why would our families decide to cone and visit us out of the blue did they know about this and choose to keep quite about it?.Why would my mom not tell me about them coming to visit us even if she hates me that much she always gave me a heads up about their visit.

I decided to call my mom knowing very well that she will probably not answer my phone call but it was worth a try as I waited for her to pick up I contemplated ideas on how to ask her about this whole thing."Thandiwe", "Hello mom"

"What do you want at this time of the day shouldn't you be doing your womanly chores?." Ohh because that's what am good at " A daughter just can't call her mom without a reason". Wow what a bold move I should just pat myself on the shoulder never once had I ever made a snacky comment to my mom.

"Okay what do you want?", I heard her sigh I knew she was very irritated by what I've said but I decided not to bother a lion in it's dern "I was wondering if you would have happened to know about Zweli wanting to take another womanas a wife?", the was silence for a bit

"Yes ,so ?" . She just said it as if it was no problem .

"SO?, SO? Mom you knew that your husbands daughter wants to make another woman his wife but you didn't even think of letting ne know about it, What kind of a mother would be so cruel to her own daughter?" I knew I had pushed my luck just like that but I was tired of always beibg in the dark and allowing people to dictate my life.

"YOU listen to me missy justbecause you are married that doesn't give you the right to disrespect me nor even talk to me in that manner am still your mother and you should have asked your husband about that not me". With that she hung the phone .

Rage filled me ;my blood started to boil like a fiery sea. I was angry that my parents didn't tell me about what Zweli was doing nor even his parent's not that I blame them that much because it should have been my own parents to tell me that ,I was angry that my husband didn't tell me earlier not that he would have cared about how I feel but just a little notice would have been better.

I contemplated different ideas on how to confront Zweli about this whole issue I had but none of them could get through. I knew that if I pissed him off he will be angry and that will only end in me having bruises, so I just had to act as if I was cool with everything.

I didn't care what he was doing with his life but if it involved dragging my name to the mud it didn't sit well with me.

"Dragging your name to the mud? Wow you would be good in stand up comedies ,your name was dragged down the day you decided to get married with him.The day your dad sold you fo a piece of land".

I knew my subconscious was telling the truth but I just didn't want to agree with it.

"I didn't have a choice",

"Choice? You had a choice to pack your bags and leave but no you just wanted to be daddies little Angel right?"

"You also didn't have a choice the first time he decided to make you his punching bag?, or that night he started raping you?".

"That won't help me you are just rubbing salt to my wound".

I started to cry so hard that day .

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