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Chapter 5: -Defense Against The Dark Arts-

Y/n made her way into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and sat down in a seat next to Dean Thomas, another Gryffindor student. Everyone talked for a little before their new professor walked in and went straight to the front of the room.

When he got there he didn't say anything, he just started writing on the chalkboard. He wrote in big messy letters across the middle of the board:

Mr. Madeye Moody

When he was finished writing he turned to the class and began the lesson,

"I'm here because Dumbledor asked me. End of story, goodbye the end. Any questions?"

It wasn't even 15 minutes in class and Y/n had already started conversing with Dean again about the prank she and the twins were going to be pulling this weekend.

"Mrs. Y/L/N, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" The professor asked

Dean turned his head and brought his hand up to his mouth to muffle his laugh. Y/n nudged him with her elbow before turning back to their teacher and answering with an assuring


He nodded and continued on with the lesson, this time she made a point to pay attention

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, miss Y/L/N, since you like goofing off, would you like to tell me how many unforgivable curses their are?"

Madeye asked her. Y/n's eyes widened and she thought back to something she had read in a book last year. Trying to remember the answer to his question.

"Um- there are t-three sir."

She said, almost asking because she wasn't quite sure.

Their professor nodded and then turned to write some else on the chalk board as he spoke again.

"And they are soul named.."

Waiting for someone to finish his sentence. Hermione who was sitting a row in front, and to the left of Y/n and Dean spoke up, her voice shaking slightly

"Because they are unforgivable."

Once her sentence was finished her head dropped and she was breathing shakily.

"Now the ministry says you are to young to see what these curses do."

Madeye continued

"I say different. You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk Mr. Finnegin."

Y/n quickly turned her head to the boy, Seamus, who was sitting behind her. And sure enough, he was in the middle of sticking a chewed up piece of gum under his desk. Y/n let out a small and quiet laugh. As she turned back around Seamus began to say something that she couldn't quite hear but she had guessed that professor Moody had heard it because before she knew it a piece of chalk was flying above her head and almost hit Seamus's face. Moody then continued,

"So, which curse should we see first? WEASLEY!"

He yelled to Y/n's cousin who was sitting in the desk next to hers. He was sitting in the seat furthest from hers with Harry right next to him. Ron was frightened by the sudden question and said very high pitched


Which only made some of the Slytherins in the classroom laugh.


The professor said. Reluctantly, Ron stood and his hands were shaking slightly.

"Give us a curse."

Moody said

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius curse."

Ron said

Moody clicked his tongue and nodded before speaking again

"Your father would know all about that,  gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why"

Ron sat down as soon as Moody was done talking, Moody on the other hand walked back to the front of the room. Iitting on a table were three jars, each contained a gray spider. He took one out of a jar and placed it in his hand. He then drew his wand and said the Imperius curse quietly.

He then moved his wand and aimed it at a desk were Neville and Lee were sitting, the spider followed. Everyone gasped and the two boys moved back from their seats and looked wide eyed at the spider.

He then moved his wand back a table and the spider jumped onto Crabbes face. After that the spider payed a visit to the next table over where the Pavarti twins were sitting. As it started to crawl up one of the sisters hands the spider jumped to on top of Rons head. At this you burst out laughing, although Y/n did feel bad for him because she had learned that he was deathly afraid of spiders.

Draco was also laughing hysterically and Moody took this to his advantage. He moved the spider over to Draco and it clung onto his nose. Goyle tried swatting it off but the poor thing didn't budge.

Moody then started speaking again.

"Talented isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?"

He moved his wand the the spider was hanging over the ledge of the window. If he let go, the spider would fall at least three stories before hitting the ground. At this, the laughter died. Moody then moved his wand and the spider was dangling over a bucket full of water.

"Down herself?"

He said

This made Y/n's face scrunch up. She was starting to feel bad for the spider and she had hoped that Moody wouldn't show then any more curses today. Y/n didn't want the spider to get hurt. Moody then brought the spider back up to his hand and said,

"Scores of witches and wizards claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius curse. But heres the rough part, how do we sort out the liars. Another, another."

Of course , he would be showing you all of the curses. Neville raised his hand and Moody called on him. The once timid boy now stood and said

"Theres the um- t-the Cruciatis curse."

When he said the name of the curse, Y/n could see him wince a little, Although she couldn't blame him, she had winced as well. Moody then spoke once more.

"Correct! Come come."

He said, motioning for Neville to follow him to where the spider was sitting on a desk in the front of the room.

"The torture curse."

Moody said. He then preformed this curse on the spider which let out a high pitched squeal and wiggled around on the desk. To this Y/n

closed her eyes hard and plugged her ears. Harry turned and saw that it was bothering Y/n, it was bothering Neville as well. Hermione also then saw how much it was bothering the two of you and went off on the professor,

"STOP IT! Can't you see it's bothering them?"

Moody then looked at Neville and back at Y/n before he lowered his wand and told Neville to sit. He picked up the spider and walked slowly to the desk where Y/n sat. Her eyes were open now with tears building up in them. She didn't look at the spider or Moody, she was too upset. Moody sat the spider in front of her.

"Perhaps you could give us that last unforgivable curse Miss Y/L/N?"

He said. Y/n shook her head, letting a tear fall from her eye. He then raised his wand,

"Avada Kedavra"

There was then a flash of green in front of Y/n and Dean, the spider was laying motionless on one of Y/n's books. She looked down and saw the spider, the sight of it made Y/n burst into tears and Dean pulled her close to his chest, stroking her hair, trying his best to comfort her.

"The killing curse,"

Moody started walking away from Y/n and Dean's table and more towards Harry and Rons table.

"Only one person is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in this room."

Class ended shortly after that and Y/n rushed out of the room, with her book bag swinging as she walked swiftly. On the stairs Harry, Ron, and Hermione caught up with her.

"Are you alright Y/N?"

Ron asked. Y/n nodded sending a fake smile their way. Hermione wrapped her arms around Y/n and engulfed her in a tight hug. Shortly after, Ron and Harry joined in. Y/n was glad she had such good friends. But she couldn't help but worry about how Neville was doing.

   *Later That Day*

After her classes had subsided, Y/n had quite a bit of studying to do. It was only the first day and there was already an exam that was to take place on Friday for no other than potions, her least favorite class.

Y/n didn't dislike potions because she was bad at it, she was actually quite good. Y/n disliked potions because of her teacher, and her classmates. Two of them being Crabbe and Goyle. Those two always had a way of getting under Y/n's skin.

Y/n walked into the library, taking a seat at a rounded table close to the restricted section of books. This is where she would usually sit to study because it was quite and calming. But before long, before she even had the chance to get your book out, a certain blonde haired Slytherin came and sat by her with his goons following close behind him.

"Afternoon Y/N, how's your day been?"

Draco said with a grin on his face. This grin was unfamiliar to her though. Unlike his mischievous grin, or the grin he made after he had just gotten done insulting someone, usually one of Y/n's friends. No, this grin was genuine, as though he really cared how her day had been. Which he didn't of course. He couldn't possibly care.

"Do you need something Draco? I'm really quite busy."

Draco looked down at his hands and his grin got wider. He looked back up to Y/n and said,

"Actually Y/N I do. I need to ask you a question"

There was a long pause before he spoke again, Y/n thought maybe something was keeping him from asking so she looked up from her potions book to meet his eyes locked on hers. Y/n quickly asked.

"What is it?"

Trying to break the awkward eye contact. Draco looked down and stared fidgeting with the rings on his fingers and spoke once more,

"I was wondering if you are okay? You looked pretty upset in DADA this morning."

Y/n looked at him, eyes wide with shock, her mouth gaping open. Had THE Draco Malfoy really asked her if she was okay? After being so bitter to her at the station and being distant at all of this years meals! No, no, no! She thought. I must have heard him wrong. And if I heard him right, he probably just wants something.

Y/n closed her book with a slight slam and repositioned her body so that she was facing Draco. She looked him dead in the eye and said in a very calm tone,

"Draco, after how you've treated me and my friends so far this year, I can't help but think that there is a reason why you just asked me if I was okay."

He looked at her, dumbfounded. His eyes were wide and his cheeks had become that shade of rosey pink that she had seen at the dinner table last night from embarrassment. He quickly softened his face and waved at Crabbe and Goyle to go away, which they quickly did. He then spoke once they were out of ear shot.

" The only reason I asked if you were okay is because it was bloody awful to see you look so upset. I don't know why it bugged me so much, but I just couldn't bare it. Now I'm going to ask you again. And for my sake, please just tell me. Are you okay?"

He said, he then placed one of his hands on Y/n's. He was being genuine. He really cared if she was okay or not. Y/n was embarrassed that she had accused him of wanting something so she lowered her head and quickly said.

"Yup, I'm fine. Thanks."

He smiled and removed his hand from hers. He then got up and walked out of the library. Crabbe and Goyle followed shortly after they had realized that he left.

After a while. Y/n got up as well and walked back to the common room to finish her studies before dinner.




It was now the end of the week, specifically, it was lunchtime on Friday. The week had flown by and tomorrow, Y/n and the twins would be pulling the first prank of the year.

Y/n was walking from potions to the Great Hall for lunch. When she had reached the entrance of the Hall and was about to walk in, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Y/n spun around and came face to face with the handsome Hufflepuff which the twins had told her earlier that week was Cedric Diggory.

His cheeks were a bit rosy, Y/n assumed, from being out in the frigid weather. He was smiling, his eyes locked on hers. After a minute or two of just standing there, looking at one another, he spoke in a gentle and calm voice.

"Your Y/N, right? Your cousins with the Weasleys, correct?"

He spoke as though he was trying to act cool, as though he was trying to impress her. A smile was still plastered on his face as he spoke to Y/n, and she couldn't help but smile back.

Y/n then spoke in response to his question.

"Yes that's me. And you're Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

When he heard her say his name his smile got bigger and he shifted his weight to his other leg as he chucked slightly.

"Listen, I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to, I don't know, hang out sometime?"

Y/n was absolutely shocked. She'd never even talked to Cedric before and he had just asked her out! Maybe he just wants to hang out as friends, Y/n told herself. So she nodded and started walking backwards into the Great Hall as she said,

"Tomorrow. Library. 2 O'clock sharp. Don't be late."

She then swiveled on her heels and walked the remaining way to the Gryffindor table and sat down at her usual spot between Hermione and Ginny. Cedric had stood at the entrance of the Great Hall for a few seconds after Y/n had walked off, then he as well walked to the Hufflepuff table and sat down with his friends.

Everyone was already eating so Y/n dished herself a plate. As she scooped up a spoon of mashed potatoes and plopped it on her plate, she turned her head and meet eyes with Hermione, who was smiling wildly.


Y/n asked, Hermione giggled slightly and nodded her head towards the direction of the Hufflepuff table, indicating that she had seen Cedric and Y/n's encounter. Y/n smiled as well

"Tell me everything as soon as we get to the common room!"

She said, nudging Y/n's elbow slightly.

Her being a dramatic git, placed one hand over the arm Hermione had nudged and pretended to cry. At this everyone in close proximity to them had started laughing.

Almost everyone. Harrys eyes were fixated on Y/n. Then he turned his head and gave Cedric a deadly scowl.

A/N- Y'all, we're going to pretend that Cho is nonexistent in this story. Just because thats how it needs to be in order for everything to make sense. Thanks for reading and I'll try to get the next chapter out shortly.

-2583 words


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