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Welcome to Tokyo

"I'll lock you up,

I'll chain you down"


Walking out of the air port, Crystal takes in the sweet Summer breeze of the city named Tokyo.

The brunette was very excited about the Holiday she was about to start in this beautiful city. A little nervous too but that only added to the thrill. Her blue eyes catch sight of the girl that was supposed to pick her up.

Also the girl she would be staying with during her time here. Her dear cousin, Sakura.

A girl with long dyed blonde hair and almond shaped brown eyes. Standing at 5'6 which was an inch taller than Crystal's 5'5, Sakura was by far the prettiest cousin Crystal had as well as her favourite.

Also her only cousin.

She waves her over with a big smile on her face and Crystal returns it with a small grin, scurrying over towards the blonde with her suitcase dragging behind her. Sakura pulls her in for a hug when she gets to her.

Squeezing her tight in her embrace.

"How was your flight?" She asks, collecting Crystal's suitcase in the process.

"It was boring. But okay" Crystal answers with a shrug, watching as the blonde places her blue suitcase in the back seat of her Jeep. She was going to ask why she didn't just put it in the trunk but decided against it as she was too tired to actually ask questions.

The quirky blonde gets into her side of the car, Crystal sluggishly opening hers to sits down on the cool leather seat which was as a result of the car air conditioning. Sakura starts the car right after.

"Wow, Look how tall you've grown. How's New York? How does it feel to finally be back home?" She asks as the brunette rolls her eyes staring out the window.

"Stop talking to me as if you're so much older than me. It's weird" she says cringing a little as Sakura only laughs in amusement.

It's almost comical how Sakura always treated her like a kid when she was only three years older. At twenty one, she liked to baby the brunette and pamper her as much as she could. Saying it was because she was her favourite cousin and like the little sister she never had.

The two drive out the airport and finally into town.


Crystal had almost completely forgotten just how it looked like. Her father worked in the US so she had spent most of her life there. They had only ever visited Japan once and that was when she was six at the time.

And now at eighteen, she barely had any memory of the place. Especially since it had changed a little over the years.

"Crystal?" Sakura's voice snaps her out of her train of thoughts and she glances at her smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry, I got distracted"

"Clearly" the blonde grins stealing a glance at the younger before focusing her attention back on the road. Several minutes pass before they finally arrive at their destination.

"Welcome to your new home" she announces, getting out of the car as

Crystal could only stare at the massive house in front of her. It was so huge it could almost pass as a mansion.

Stepping out of the car, Crystal notices her cousin bringing out her huge suit case from the back seat and starts dragging it towards the front door.

"Sakura you don't have to. Give it here" Crystal almost pleads trying to collect the bag but the older slaps her hand away.

"First of all... What did I say you were supposed to call me?" She glares at the younger making her shrink back and mumble softly.


"Good. Second of all...." Sakura is caught off when a maid scurries out of the house to take the bag from the blonde's grasp.

"I wasn't planning on dragging your bag up to your room. I'm too lazy for that.." she says winking at her younger cousin before grabbing her hand to drag her into the house. She takes her straight into the kitchen, both eating dinner and catching up before taking her to her new room right after.

On their way there, Crystal gets distracted by the beautiful paintings hung all over the hallway. Some were of mountains, some were of angels, some were sunsets and then the last one that was hung next to what she assumed was her new room was what caught her attention the most.

It was of a woman wearing a white dress. Her eyes were closed and her dark hair was spread around her on her pillow. Red marks littered all over her body as what seemed like a red and black aura surrounded her supposedly sleeping figure. For some reason, Crystal couldn't help the goose bumps that rose on her skin.

"And this is your room.... Crystal?" Sakura's voice calls out making the younger snap her head towards her. She chuckles a little at Crystal's dazed state.

"You look like you just saw a twerking cat. Are you ok?" The brunette smiles at her question nodding before Sakura walks into the room. Glancing at the painting one last time, Crystal follows in behind her.

The room as expected was huge. Also beautifully decorated, to her liking even. The color of the walls, the curtains and the sheets. How did she know her favorite colours? Did she really know her that well even though they rarely ever saw each other?

"Do you like it? If you don't I can arrange for it to be decorated to your liking"

"No no, I love it. It almost reminds me of my room back home" the younger giggles sitting down on the soft made bed. It was true. It was as if she copied every detail in her room except with a little touch of Japanese culture.

"You go freshen up and go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow" Sakura chirps before she starts walking out the room but Crystal calls out her name before she does making her stop.

"Where is your dad anyway? Haven't seen him in a while and I didn't see him through out dinner. I want to say hi"

Sakura scratches her nape smiling sheepishly,

"oh... Uh... He's on a business trip. I don't even know when he'll be back but I think in a month or so" she answers awkwardly.

"Anyway, good night" Sakura rushes out before quickly leaving the room. There was something off about how Sakura answered the question but Crystal doesn't dwell on it as she was mentally and physically drained to think about anything.

Falling onto her back to face the ceiling, her phone beeps and she checks it to see that it's a message from her mom. Asking how the flight was and if she'd settled down yet. Crystal answers the text with a yes, telling her how much she missed her already. She could remember her mother's reaction when she'd said she wanted to visit Tokyo for the summer. There was a look of what seemed like fear and horror that took over her face. Lingering there for a few seconds before she quickly masked it with a fake smile.

"Why Tokyo? Hawaii or Africa is way better" her mother had said. It was quite surprising hearing it from her since she was Japanese, born in Sapporo but raised in Tokyo. So why would she suggest a different place? Wasn't she supposed to be happy that her daughter wanted to explore her mom's place of origin?

She could also remember the look of uncertainty and worry in her dad's eyes as he stared at his wife before he quickly looked away. Biting on the piece of toast he was holding and burying his nose back into the news paper he was busy reading.

By now it was obvious to Crystal that her parents were hiding something from her about this place. Her suspicions were further confirmed on her last night before her travel. She had come down stairs to get a glass of water from the kitchen when she heard her parents talking in a hushed tone in the living room.

"I'm worried he'd recognize her Ian"

"It's been years Mai. He wouldn't. She'll be fine. It's only for the summer" her father had replied.

She wasn't one to pry and question them about things that they obviously didn't want to talk to her about. But that didn't mean she was not curious. It only made her even more determined to come and visit Tokyo and find out for herself what they were talking about.

She didn't know how yet. But coming here was the first step.

She had always wondered why they'd only ever visited Japan once when she was little and never again. And for some reason whenever she asked, they would either change the subject or flat out scold her.

Crystal feels her mood dropping at the thought.

Though she doesn't let the little negative feeling bring her down. She would finally be able to solve the life long mystery and secrets of what had always seemed to be a forbidden place to her, her whole life.

Basically she was determined to make this summer vacation the best one yet.

If only she knew what awaited her....

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