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96.42% The Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 27: Marielle x Karliah x Maven Black-Briar x Ingun Black-Briar

Chapter 27: Marielle x Karliah x Maven Black-Briar x Ingun Black-Briar

Things happened quickly from the next morning onwards. First there was being inducted as a Nightingale. Actually hearing and seeing Nocturnal herself was something she hadn't been expecting. And being a Daedric Prince, she hadn't expected her to look as… gorgeous as she did. Her voice was captivating. Marielle agreed to servitude without thinking of the consequences.

She certainly liked the new armour she'd been given, not missing the fact every single piece was enchanted. She knew most Nords just wore simple armour, barely trusting mages, so the idea they wore enchanted clothing made her giggle.

Karliah then explained everything that she had had to keep secret until then. Marielle and Brynjolf were left gobsmacked at just what Mercer had done. Brynjolf muttered feeling sorry for Delvin, as he'd been absolutely correct. Their bad luck had effectively been a curse due to the actions of Mercer Frey. What was agreed before leaving was that Mercer Frey had to die. And that to achieve that objective, and stop him from stealing something called 'Eyes of the Falmer', they had to travel to another dwarven ruin, called Irkngthand, far to the north, west of Windhelm.

Agreeing to leave early the next morning, Marielle decided to just remain in the cistern for once. Karliah spent most of her time in the training room, shooting arrow after arrow. Brynjolf paced around constantly, no doubt thinking over his relationship with Mercer over the years, focusing on every single lie he'd been told. Marielle just tried to relax, but she was full of nervous energy herself. She eventually went looking for Vex, who sensed what she needed. Taking her by the hand, she wasn't after romance, just relief, ending up in some dark corner of the Ratway, Vex on her knees, her mouth clamped at her pussy, eating her out to a quick trio of orgasms.

"That should help calm you down now," Vex murmured once she was slumped against the wall, Vex crawling up to straddle her lap and kiss her.

"Thanks. I needed that!"

They made out as Marielle returned the favour with her fingers, Vex enjoying it as Marielle had talented fingers, quickly finding her special spot, managing to position her hand so she could fuck her and fondle her clit at once. "By Ysmir, I love riding your fingers sometimes," Vex moaned, "Can't believe we're doing this in the fucking Ratway."

"Makes it even more sordid, Vex," Marielle stated with humour.

After making Vex cum, both women were in a better mood, walking back to the Flagon. Karliah was enjoying a tankard by then, glanced their way and started to chuckle. Sitting at the same table, Vekel delivered a tankard for them each. "I've already figured out you've fucked her," Vex said, looking at Karliah.

"Do you really blame me? She's adorable. Best blowjob I've had in years."

"I know. But I figured a few orgasms would take away some of the nerves. She's far more relaxed now. You can sleep with her later, at least."

"We won't be having sex. We need to get up early." Karliah looked at her and grinned. "Can't afford too many distractions now. Not until Mercer is dead."

"I understand, Karliah. It's fine."

Sharing a bed later, dressed in their underwear, giving into temptation was obviously on their mind, particularly as she was spooned against Karliah, and feeling her cock press into her was almost too much for them both. Marielle eventually spun around and snuggled into her that way, so at least she couldn't feel it any longer. That just meant they could make out for a little while, Karliah stroking her cheek, gazing into her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, before Marielle found herself wrapped tightly in her arms, drifting off to sleep rather quickly.

It was a two-day journey to Irkngthand, Brynjolf calling in some last minute favours, Maven meeting them at the stables outside to ensure they each had a horse to take them north. Karliah was amused when Maven approached Marielle, and when Maven kissed her, even Marielle was slightly surprised. Brynjolf eventually cleared his throat. "Sorry, Maven, but…"

"It's fine, Brynjolf. You don't have to constantly walk on eggshells around me. You take care of Mercer, and trust me, you will have one very grateful benefactor. Whatever he's done to you, he's done to me." She continued to hold Marielle though definitely looked at Karliah. "Once you return, we'll need to talk. I will need to make things right with your personally. Brynjolf wasn't the only one taken in by his lies."

"Thank you, Miss Black-Briar."

"Maven, dearie. We will be rather familiar rather quickly." Marielle found her chin lifted by a finger, looking into Maven's face. "All I want from you is to come back alive. If you don't, I'll come find you and kill you myself." She paused and kissed her again. "I love you, Be safe."

She saw the look on Brynjolf's face once Maven let her go and turned around. Once mounted up and riding north, he had to ask, "I heard her right, didn't I?"

"I love her too, Bryn. She's beautiful. Intelligent. Ambitious. And I love a woman who is dangerous, whether it be through her physical presence or what she can do with just a flick of her wrist."

Karliah reached across to grab her hand. "I take it she's one of many?"

Marielle met her eyes. "Too many, if I'm honest. I've found myself falling in love very easily. Once I finally accepted that there isn't anything wrong with it, and that I'll feel better just admitting it, my life has felt… I feel as loved as much as I love those I've confessed my feelings to. It's the best feeling I've experienced."

Avoiding Windhelm, as Karliah hadn't liked the attitude of the locals during our previous visit, they opted to stay in Kynesgrove, taking two rooms at the inn, one for Brynjolf, one for Karliah and herself. Despite what Karliah had said in the cistern, now that they were on the road, as soon as they were alone in their room, Marielle couldn't help fall to her knees, Karliah leaning down to kiss her before she lifted her skirt, Marielle helping remove her panties so she could get at that thick nine-inch cock she'd thought about half of the journey north.

She didn't even tease. She practically swallowed her whole length in one go, eager to make her cum quickly more than once. Karliah giggled as her head bobbed up and down. "Someone is eager," she whispered, Marielle just murmuring something around her cock. "I love you're so eager to please me." Marielle just made an approving sound, refusing to remove her mouth until Karliah had cum at least once.

When she felt her hot cum hit the back of her mouth, she almost enjoyed an orgasm herself, so turned on she was. It had happened once or twice, when she was so caught up in the moment. Karliah ran her fingers through her hair as Marielle didn't stop, continuing to suck that thick Dunmer cock, and Karliah seemed to realise how much she wanted to do it, simply moving enough so she could sit on the bed, slowly taking off the rest of her clothes until she sat naked except for her boots, giggling as Marielle was still dressed.

"Azura, I can't believe this," Karliah whispered, her fingers caressing her head, "No-one has ever treated my cock like this. Gallus… He loved me but… Being physical…"

Marielle looked up and met her eyes, putting all the feelings she could into her gaze. It made Karliah smile, which was all she wanted. She had no idea how long she sucked her cock until she felt Karliah release again, but by Dibella, it was as good as the first one, swallowing every drop yet again. Only then did she finally release her cock, flopping down onto Karliah as she stood up and undressed quickly, straddling the lap of her Dunmer lover, rubbing her achingly wet pussy along her shaft.

"I love you," Karliah whispered, "I liked you straight away, but what you've done for me since we met... Then add what you're doing for me now. And what I'm already thinking for the future…"

"I love you too. But…" She took both her hands and met her eyes. "Karliah, I have something to tell you. It's important."

"You can tell me anything."

"I'm the Dragonborn."

Karliah smiled. "I knew you were special the moment I met you," she replied without hesitation, "If you think that changes anything, it doesn't." Marielle hugged her tightly, feeling a little overwhelmed, Karliah's arms around her, fingers gently stroking her back. "Does anyone else know?"

"No. I trust them but… it's big. And it's a sign of how much I trust you. Just like you did with me."

Marielle found herself gently rolled onto her back, and Karliah's cock gently slid inside her. "So I'm making love with the Dragonborn now, am I? The woman feted to save us all from destruction, is what I remember reading."

"Something like that. All she cares about is that she's gazing into the eyes of the woman she loves, as her fabulous cock slides in and out of her. She particularly loves how… dangerous she is. And she sees a partner for the future in their crime spree across Skyrim." Marielle found her legs spread nice and wide, and Karliah's cock even deeper inside her, provoking a loud moan to escape her. "Fuck me, Karliah," she breathed.

It was the first time she'd asked her that. Karliah grinned, getting herself comfortable. Then Karliah fucked her. Divines, it felt good to feel her thick cock really pound her. Both of them made plenty of noise, fairly sure they kept Brynjolf awake. But it was just what they needed. The night in Winterhold, and the night by the lake near Riften, had been wonderful, but sometimes, Marielle the Dragonborn just needed a thick cock slamming her. And Karliah certainly seemed to enjoy it, as when she came again, she near enough collapsed on top of her, Marielle returning the favour of embracing her, fingers trailing up and down the back of her lover.

Heading out for breakfast the next morning, Brynjolf didn't say anything to start, but the look suggested he had heard at least a few things. He eventually cleared his throat. "You two were not exactly quiet last night, and I don't mean when being intimate."

"Sorry," they stated together.

He waved that away. "Not exactly what I'm talking about. Marielle… why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry," she said, almost meekly, Karliah grabbed her hand immediately.

"I'm not angry, lass. A little confused, to be honest. The Dragonborn a thief. Why?"

"I worked as a thief for a little while back in Wayrest, and in various places on my way to Skyrim. Seemed natural to apply my talents when I got to Riften. As for not telling anyone else, I just thought it best I didn't tell anyone. The only reason I told Karliah is… when someone tells you they love you, they deserve to know your secrets. She knows I have many other lovers, they all know I'm Dragonborn. Karliah should know like all of them."

"Will you tell anyone else?"

Marielle nodded. "I was going to tell you, Bryn. When all this was over. Vex too, obviously. She deserves to know."

"Does she like futanari?" Karliah asked.

"She might like a threesome with you involved." She looked at Brynjolf. "Sorry, Bryn, I'm not…"

"Lass, I keep work and pleasure entirely separate. And you haven't exactly been subtle in what you like." Marielle giggled. She couldn't help it. "Anyway, I now know the truth but nothing changes. We leave here, find Mercer, kill him, then decide what to do next. Agreed?" Karliah and Marielle nodded.

The ride west only took half a day. The perimeter of the ruins was full of bandits. Having stopped to change into their Nightingale gear, the three moved silently and effortlessly forward, ruthless in how they despatched the bandits. They may have been thieves, but they never harmed their victims. Everyone hated bandits, so they were doing fellow travellers a favour by taking them down.

Climbing up to find the entrance into the ruin, they carefully entered to find darkness and dead bodies. The bandits they had killed had generally been killed in self-defence. Finding unarmed bandits with their throats slit suggested Mercer, well, they already knew what he was capable of.

The ruin was enormous, only Blackreach being larger, or that's what Marielle was left thinking. Following in Mercer's footsteps, they did their best to avoid the traps either left by him, or the long disappeared dwarves. But even though they tried to move as silently as possible, Dwarven machines continued to wake up and attack without hesitation, and that's when Marielle thought it was time to use her gift to their advantage.

"By Talos, the power at your fingertips," Brynjolf murmured after she'd blown a couple of large machines back.

"Yeah, it's a little daunting. The Greybeards have explained what I'm capable of. Apparently with every dragon I kill, I absorb their soul but also their power, and I learned more of their language as well."

The trio knew they were in a new area of the ruin when they came upon Falmer. Again, they saw Mercer in the distance, Marielle lining up her bow for a shot, but he was simply too far away. Karliah believed he was taunting them, an idea they all agreed with, agreeing to move on and catch him before he achieved his objective.

"I'd love to drag him back to Riften with a rope around his neck," Brynjolf muttered, "But I know he won't allow himself to be taken alive."

"He's not leaving alive, Brynjolf," Karliah stated. Marielle looked her way, meeting her eyes, returning a single nod.

Moving through more ruins, continuous signs the Dwemer had been incredibly advanced, they killed any Falmer they crossed, the only group of people Marielle knew she should show no mercy to, as they showed absolutely none in return. Dwemer machines they generally tried to avoid when possible, but sometimes, they'd wake up despite their best intentions. There was no doubt the enchanted armour helped them, particularly their boots, which meant their footsteps were silent.

Mercer left some traps that could have led to their deaths, including collapsing an entire tower that would have crushed them had they entered the cavern just a minute or two earlier. The noise simply attracted even more Falmer towards them, having to either cut or shoot their way forward, Brynjolf wielding two blades, Marielle with her bow, Karliah switching between blade and bow, depending on how many enemies and where they were.

In addition to Falmer, they soon ran into Chaurus. None of them had faced them often, though Karliah warned them about the poison they spat, taking out her bow, suggesting those with a bow take care of them. They didn't see many of them, but those that they faced, Marielle would admit they sent a shiver up her spine. Like creatures from her worst nightmares.

It must have taken them hours, many hours, before they were finally through the worst of it. After making their way through a Falmer camp, sneaking around most of it in the darkness, not wanting to fight their way through, they eventually entered a tunnel and could hear running water above. Approaching a door, the three knew that Mercer was on the other side, agreeing they would either kill him or die trying.

"Shadows preserve us," Karliah whispered. Marielle did something else, gently caressing her cheek and kissing her. Karliah smiled and added, "Lead the way, Dragonborn."

Mercer knew they were coming, of course. He used some sort of spell that made Karliah and Brynjolf fight each other, while he seemed to relish the prospect of fighting her. Armed with two blades, she wrapped her bow around her body and took out her two daggers. She hoped to surprise him with how much skill she had with them.

The bastard cheated, of course, using some sort of invisibility spell. So she taunted him over and over. He had size and strength, she had speed and agility. He never got close to her, and she knew he was getting frustrated very quickly. The invisibility spell finally ended. Marielle had a plan in her mind, she just needed to get him into the right position. Positioning themselves at the top of the Snow Elf statue, she feigned being trapped. The arrogant fool fell for it.

"So another Nightingale falls at my blade!" he crowed.

"Remember how you tried to kill me at Snow Veil Sanctum?"

"Oh, I remember. No doubt that worthless bitch behind me is responsible for you still breathing. Don't worry, she'll be joining you in Oblivion soon enough."

"You see, I never told you something, Mercer. I told her the other night just before we made love. I never trusted you from the start. I trusted her from within a few minutes. Guess that speaks volumes."

"Humour me before I take your head. What secret?"

She leaned forward and grinned. "I'm the Dragonborn."

Mercer blinked in surprise. And that was the last thing he did.


Marielle smiled as his screams echoed around the cavern, flames continuing to lick his body as he collapsed. Despite everything, she leaned down and cut his throat to end his suffering. She simply wanted it over and him dead. Checking his body, he carried a few things on him, including a strange looking key which she knew was the Skeleton Key.

Heading down to meet the other two, their minds were clear as they picked up an Eye of the Falmer each. But now they were trapped. When water started to flow in from a couple of broken pipes, the watertight cavern starting to fill rather quickly, Marielle was left thinking it was hopeless. Floating in the water, Karliah swam towards her and kissed her. "If we don't make it, I haven't enjoyed a few days with someone more than these last few with you, Marielle," she said softly.

"I love you too," Marielle whispered back.

They were busy making out when Brynjolf cried there was a chance of escape. That's when Marielle was convinced Nocturnal was aware of their success, as an exit appeared above them. They had to wait for the water to take them towards it, but once they touched solid ground, they jogged forward. Soaked to the bone, they were relieved the cave was at least a little warm. Heading to the exit of the cave, it was dark, so they agreed to just settle down in the cave until morning.

Figuring out where they were the next morning, they simply walked east until reaching Windhelm, instructing the carriage driver to take us to Riften without stopping, not caring what time they made it back. To keep the driver safe, they slept in shifts, Marielle eventually resting against Karliah, who stayed alert but wrapped an arm around her.

It was mid-morning when the walls of Riften came into view. The trio was exhausted as they walked through the gates, heading straight for the Ratway and the Flagon. Word must have passed as everyone was waiting for them. Maven appeared within a few minutes as Marielle collapsed with the other two in a chair, waving away the million and one questions.

That's when Brynjolf lifted his bag and pulled out the Left Eye of the Falmer. When Karliah pulled out the Right Eye of the Falmer, she was adamant that Delvin was about to start crying. So convinced they were cursed, this was proof that perhaps, just perhaps, the good times would return.

"And Mercer Frey?" Maven asked.

"Dead," Marielle replied, "Burned alive."

"Good. Bastard deserved a lot more."

"Maven, we'll discuss the future tomorrow," Brynjolf stated, "The three of us have barely slept for the past three days."

"Of course. Mercer dead is all I wanted to hear. I know this organisation is now in safe hands."

After a round of hugs and handshakes, Vekel wandered over with some tankards, Maven taking a seat at the same table, Marielle noticing her glance, Karliah looking at her too with a grin. She didn't ask for too many details about what happened, no doubt just relieved it was all over. "The only thing we need to do now is…" Karliah stated before trailing off, glancing at Maven. "Um…"

"Considering the armour you're wearing, Karliah, I'm thinking something is up. Whatever it is, you know I won't share it with anyone."

Karliah took a deep breath and explained everything about Nightingales. She wasn't surprised by anything Karliah told her, figuring there had to have been some sort of Daedric involvement considering the bad luck the guild had been experiencing for years. Brynjolf eventually headed off, wanting to discuss matters with Vex and Delvin, still nominally in charge until discussions took place to officially declare a new guildmaster.

"Would you both like to come to mine?" Maven asked as soon as they had privacy, "We could head to the bath house first to relax. I have a big, comfortable bed… and my daughter would definitely love to see you, Marielle."

"Are you futanari, Maven?" Karliah asked.

"I am."

"Let's go."

Marielle just grinned as they both looked at her. "Oh, we are going to have a lot of fun tonight," she said.

Amazingly, they didn't fuck in the bath house, Maven taking charge, insisting all they did was sweat in the sauna before soaking in the water, enjoying a thorough clean. That's not to say that Karliah and Maven didn't sit to either side of her, their stiff cocks resting against them, Marielle wanting to just touch them, but Maven would smack her hand away. "Later, Marielle. Trust me, I want your lips or pussy wrapped around it just as much," she said softly, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"I can't wait to see Maven fuck you too," Karliah whispered into her other ear, "You have a wonderful cock, Maven. Longer than mine. Ten?"

Maven grinned. "You have a good eye, Karliah. Yours is… marvellous. Very thick. I assume Marielle loves it?"

"She's certainly enjoyed it recently."

After the three of them had washed themselves down, Maven opened up her own cabinet, handing them dressing gowns to cover themselves, and soft shoes to wear as they walked towards her manor. Once inside, she called for Ingun, who appeared from another room and immediately grinned. "Visitors, mother?"

"You know Marielle, of course. This is Karliah. She's a guild member."

"Delighted to meet you," Ingun said, shaking her hand, before she leaned down and kissed Marielle, "And delighted to see you again too," she added softly.

Maven and Karliah took Marielle by the hand, leading her upstairs towards Maven's bedroom, Ingun following them Marielle glancing back to see her leave a trail of clothes behind her. Once in Maven's room, the dressing gowns were removed as Ingun set about taking off her underwear, Marielle falling to her knees and immediately focusing on Maven. Her mature lover caressed her cheek as Marielle teased her shaft first before finally taking some cock in her mouth.

"She's good, isn't she?" Karliah asked. Maven nodded, Marielle looking up, surprised to see Karliah lean across and kiss her.

Maven quickly stepped backwards to sit on the bed, Karliah sitting next to her, taking the offered bottle of oil to stroke her cock, Ingun doing the same. As Marielle slowly sucked Maven, Karliah kissed her and eventually moved down to suckle at one of her large breasts. She learned rather quickly the night could be slightly different when Ingun and Maven started to make out. Marielle looked up as Karliah pulled back and grinned. "Ah…"

"Does it bother you?"

"Not at all. Just wondering how far it goes?"

"I make love with my daughter… I won't say constantly, but a lot."


Maven smiled, looking down at Marielle. "You've stopped, sweetie. Do you not want to taste my cum?"

Marielle giggled, immediately resuming her blowjob, Maven finding her breasts being given plenty of attention before she turned to make out with Karliah. That's when Ingun got up and settled next to Marielle, running her tongue up Karliah's shaft. "Wow, your cock is beautiful," Ingun whispered.

"Okay, is your daughter a sweetie like Marielle?"

"They are both so adorable, it's like a dagger to the heart at times," Maven replied.

Marielle watched Ingun blow Karliah out of the corner of her eye, but her head was soon bobbing up and down quickly on Maven's long, thick cock, eager to taste her cum yet again. Her fingers were caressing the back of her head again, whispering sweet words to her. When she felt her hips start to buck slightly, that's when she knew Maven was getting close.

"Going to cum," Maven breathed.

Marielle moaned when she felt her hot cum hit the back of her mouth, swallowing the first couple of spurts, before keeping the rest in her mouth. Feeling some of it dribble down her chin, she looked up and grinned at Maven, then Karliah, before Ingun looked at her, the pair sharing a kiss, Marielle sharing the mouthful of cum with her. Pulling apart, Ingun licked the cum on her chin before she glanced at the pair on the bed. "Mummy's cum tastes yummy," she stated, before swallowing Karliah's cock again.

"Okay, I really want to see you fuck her now," Karliah said, "Because although it's… weird, it's also really hot."

"Later. First, Marielle will need attention from the three of us. Though, if you don't mind…"

"By all means, Maven. I am loving the attention from your daughter at the moment."

What surprised Marielle was Maven lying on her back, gesturing for her to straddle her lap. Sliding down her long cock, she moaned loudly as she felt her entire length soon inside her, leaning forward, resting on her forearms as Maven kissed her again. "Fucking love you," Maven whispered, "I wanted to kiss you in the Flagon in front of everyone, but…"

"Everyone will find out eventually, Maven."

"I know, but until then…"

They made love, Marielle riding her slowly, feeling Maven's fingers caress her back as she gently thrust into her. She could sense the two move, glancing to see Ingun on her knees, Karliah behind her, both grinning at her. "My daughter does love being fucked that way. No surprise she's immediately on her knees."

"And straight into her arse too!" Karliah exclaimed with humour.

"Ingun!" Maven shouted with a laugh.

"You'll fuck me there later, mother. I thought I'd give Karliah a chance first."

"Very naughty. You're getting fucked very hard later."

"Is that meant to be a punishment?"

Maven met Marielle's eyes, the pair smiling at each other as Marielle sat up, starting to ride her cock a little faster. "Divines, I love that view," Maven whispered, Marielle feeling Maven's hands caress her entire body. She seemed to love her small breasts, eventually sitting up to take one nipple in her mouth, then the other, letting Marielle control the tempo. "I want you to cum first," she whispered, "Then I'll throw you on your back and fuck you."

That just urged Marielle on to ride her faster, as the thought of Maven just pounding her was a complete turn on. Feeling the orgasm approach, she kissed Maven hard, feeling her tongue in her mouth, fingers digging into her back, and she certainly whimpered more than once as she rode her big cock as fast as she could. Then she needed to break the kiss, resting her head on her shoulder as the orgasm tore through her body.

She was still shuddering as Maven gently turned her onto her back. Feeling hands under the back of her knees, she shuffled enough to be comfortable, before Maven started to slam her long cock into her. With her hands free, she could continue to rub her pussy, focusing on her clit, and it was little wonder she came even harder again with a few minutes, unable to stop smiling, as she knew it was something not all women could do.

Maven fucked her for a good ten minutes before she came, spurt after spurt of hot cum filling her pussy, before her mature lover needed to relax, Marielle wrapping legs around her as Maven rested on her forearms. "Holy shit," Maven murmured, "Every time is just perfect."

"That was… beautiful. And hot," Karliah stated, now fucking Ingun with her in the same position, Ingun stroking her cock as Karliah fucked her. Maven stayed inside her as they watched Karliah fuck Ingun, not quite as hard as Maven, but there was no doubt they were enjoying themselves just as much. Ingun covered herself in cum eventually, and it was rather amusing when Karliah pulled out, stroking her cock and adding more cum. They both then looked at Marielle.

Maven pulled out as Marielle eagerly started to suck Karliah's cock, then Ingun's cock, before she started to lick up all the cum on offer. As she did that, she felt Maven's cock back at her pussy, just about managing to lick up Ingun's body as she felt Maven fuck her again.

Feeling Maven then pull out, she shuffled enough to sit down on Ingun's cock, starting to ride her, as she felt oil immediately poured onto her arse and up her back. Four hands were soon caressing her back and arse, and fingers eventually started to probe her arse. "Who first?" Maven asked.

"If I fuck her first, I can then just clean myself off for later."

"I would like to have anal with her last. She loves my fat cock in her arse." Marielle nodded eagerly, earning a kiss on the cheek from Maven. "She's all yours, Karliah. I'm thinking my daughter can suck my cock for a while."

Marielle stopped riding Ingun as Karliah gently slid her thick Dunmer cock inside her. She groaned loudly as it was slowly but surely buried, both pussy and arse now spread wide by two thick cocks. Watching Ingun start to blow her mother was something else entirely, turning her on even more, Feeling Karliah's hands on her shoulders, she glanced back and moaned, "Fuck my arse."

Karliah fucked her arse. Ingun continued to pump up into her at the same time, though she was rather distracted by Maven. Marielle eventually sat up, feeling an arm wrap around her, hot breath on her neck, and Karliah started to really pound her. "Holy shit, your arse is just fabulous," Karliah whispered.

Marielle was now riding Ingun and was utterly loving what Karliah was doing too. Maven was now stroking her cock almost next to her, and she knew another load was going to be released soon, all over her daughter's face. Karliah came first, groaning softly into her ear, her cock so thick that Marielle felt every throb as she left quite the load inside her, leaving her cock buried. Resting on Ingun for a moment, the pair watched Maven stroke herself to orgasm, covering her daughter's face in plenty of cum. "Stay where you are, Marielle," Maven said.

To her surprise, Maven leaned down and kissed Ingun, before started to lick up her cum and sharing it. "Okay, that is… perhaps one of the hottest things I've seen," Marielle stated.

"Get weird often?" Karliah asked.

"Not all the time. But when we're caught up like we are now…"

"I love my daughter," Maven said quietly, caressing her now clean cheek, "We've had our issues, but our relationship is much stronger nowadays." She glanced back and smiled. "I like to think Marielle helped with that."

Karliah pulled out, Ingun rolling Marielle onto her back, barely lasting a couple of minutes before she came inside her too. Ingun pulled out, Marielle given a chance to relax back and recover, Maven disappearing, returning with a bottle of wine and four glasses. The four of them sat back together, enjoying a glass each, Karliah and Marielle explaining what happened.

"I owe you, Karliah."

"You don't, Maven. I've got my life back. That's all I want."

Maven ran a hand down her leg. "Maybe you'd like…" Karliah kissed her, and that answered that question. "Just one thing…"

"Maven, you can… make love to me. It's been a long time since that happened. Maybe our first time should be alone, though?"

The night ended how Marielle expected. Karliah lay down and she lowered herself down on her cock. Ingun sat on her knees in front of her, offering her cock to suck, while there was no doubt Karliah gave her hidden pussy some attention. It was so rare to see, and Ingun must not have done it much, she got rather excited. But it was Maven sliding into her arse again that felt wonderful, feeling a hand on each shoulder, Maven's breath in her ear. "Are you ready, my love?"

"Call me that every time."

Marielle the Dragonborn was fucked. Maven was… almost brutal at times, though Marielle loved every second. Karliah thrust up into her so hard, Marielle wondered if she wasn't going to puncture something, making herself giggle. Ingun gently grabbed her hair and started to fuck her face.

Marielle. Came. Hard. Then begged for them to keep going until they'd all cum inside her.

Ingun came first, turned on by Karliah giving her pussy attention, and she laid down next to them, watching Marielle double penetrated. The two fucking her joked about finishing at the same time, then set a tempo, slowing down and speeding up to time it. Marielle giggled when she felt them almost cum at the same time, and that seemed to sate all their appetites, Marielle resting on her forearms, Maven resting on top of her.

Cleaning up was required first before the four sat back again, finishing off the bottle of wine. It had been a long few days, no surprise Karliah and Marielle were quickly starting to doze, and that's how Marielle found herself with Karliah to one side, Maven to the other, Ingun cuddling up behind Maven. "We'll have to do that again sometime soon," Maven whispered.

"Definitely," Karliah added softly, "Though I remember your offer, Maven."

"I'd love to enjoy your company too. I don't make love with too many Dunmers."

Waking together the next morning, dressing gowns were gown on, Marielle still in disbelief at how soft and comfortable they were, enjoying breakfast at the table, before they needed to leave. After sharing a kiss with Ingun, and then one hell of a kiss with Maven, that left her whimpering as usual, and a little wet, she returned with Karliah to the Flagon, intent on deciding the future of the guild.

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