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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

I haven't really left my home since I got back, I did order groceries online after I had got home just in case they would actually be delivered and I was actually quite surprised when my stuff arrived a few hours later with the promise of a phat tip upon delivery.

I ended up with a few thousand extra dollars of canned goods, multiple boxes and types of ramen, rice and some produce and the rest of the basics that go well with such things to last a few good weeks at minimum since I wasn't sure how long I would be stuck here. I ended up giving the dude a $300 tip as promised.

Other than that I haven't had contact with anyone. I did notice the drama with Nick as I was being a nosy neighbor but for good cause! I did still have a few Percocet from having a tooth pulled a while back.


As I see Madison getting ready to leave for what I'm assuming is the school for the drugs I decide to talk to her about the things that are obvious, like nick.

I wave at her and Alicia as she is still in the doorway of the house. "Hey Alicia, Mrs. Clark. Is Nick ok?" I smile at them as we have all known each other for years.

Madison just sighs at that. So I continue. "Withdrawal im going to guess." She grimaced, it wasn't difficult to notice.

"Well with everything going on and looting everywhere the doctors probably wont answer and the Pharmacy's are dangerous. I still have some Percocet from my wisdom teeth if they will help with the symptoms because cold turkey could kill him right?" I do know a little bit about first aid but not much, Alicia probably knows more than me but I do know some home remedies as well.

"Are you sure Alex? We definitely appreciate it." She says in a grateful voice. I just give her my house keys and tell her they are in the bathroom.

"Well considering you work with teens I'm guessing you were heading to the school to try to find something similar and it's a good idea honestly. Even the percs won't last but a few days if used sparingly. Il go with you as nobody should be traveling alone right now as it's simply far to dangerous." Alicia face crinkled cutely at that in confusion. She didn't have an idea of what's going on yet it seemed.

She looked at me for a minute trying to gauge what I know or think I know about what's going on and I just raise an eyebrow. She sighed and agreed. "Ill follow on my bike." I winked at Alicia and she blushed and fled to my house to get what she needed. "Il meet you there Mrs. C." I told her as I went to get my bike, and my Glock.


I rolled up at the school right behind Madison and got off the bike, walking up to her. I had a knife strapped to my belt and my Glock tucked behind my back all gangsta style, well at least it's not pointed towards my nuts, I'm not that brave.

"Think there are any of those things in there?" She just gave me a look, probably not knowing how to respond but she did give my knife more than a cursory glance and I just shrugged. "Just in case."

As we walked into the building and through the metal detector, with it screaming bloody murder, (I most certainly did not cringe) we continued to an office for a set of keys and then to the Crime Prevention office to loot the hell outta it. I was just watching her back just in case something changed.

After a few moments of her prying a cabinet open I speak. "Come out kid" I speak to Tobias as he is sneaking around outside the door like a creeper. Madison turns around like a shot and I have my hand on my knife incase I'm wrong.

"Tobias! What are you doing here?" Madison asks in a concerned voice. And with that I had to listen in to the whole spiel about looting and exposure after getting his knife back, then we followed him to the kitchen for some reason.

I did agree with the kid about stocking up on supplies though so I grabbed a second cart and put a few bags of potatoes, beans and more rice, as potatoes were re-plantable and would produce more potatoes and some cans of beans and rice and other shit that would last a while.

After a few minutes of walking we hear static and breathing from the speaker system and Madison just has to check and then the metal detectors go off and they run in a different direction as it.

As we go through a door I hear Madison calls out for Artie, the principle and I just cringe, this is it. I hear Tobias and Madison speaking in the background but I block them out as I draw my 15 inch Bowie and walk forward. "Alex!" I hear Madison call out in fear.

The dead man reaches out to grab me but I just push his left arm to the left partially spinning him away from me and side step to the right as I quickly stab him in the temple as fast and fluidly as I can. I'm no knife master but I think it went well, I even avoided getting brain matter all over me like they tend to do in these tv shows.

Once that was done I removed the knife and wiped it on Arties pants and sheathed my blade. "Poor Artie.." I heard Madison cry out near silently.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure he was your friend but he was already dead Mrs. C." I tell her sadly.

"I know Alex, I have seen it before it's just horrible to think about and see it happen to someone you know."

I just sighed. What else could be said. We eventually managed to make it back to the cars and I loaded my saddle bags and they loaded the rest in Madison's car. I followed them to drop Tobias off and then back to our neighborhood. Jesus I'm glad my bike uses so little gas and that I have a few 10 gallon fuel cans in the garage.

I didn't really care about the supplies so I just helped carry most of the rest in with Madison.

Then I hear Alicia's voice as I walk in. "Hey mom, Alex, y'all look like.. crap?" We probably did look slightly disheveled but I didn't think we were that bad, I didn't even have blood on me! Madison looks like she wants to break down so I replied. "Yah… it was a rough trip Lisha.." I say actually shuddering remembering plunging my knife in what was once a human being. I was not as mentally prepared for that as I thought, not at all but I knew things would only get a thousand times worse in the future.

"But we will be fine." I tell her as Madison walks away to the bathroom knowing Alicia would probably at least be safe with me right now. "Want to help me carry some things inside?" She just nods and puts her phone down on the table then walks to the tv room and grabs my own keys and hands them to me. "Thanks."



Fuck I have been pining after a guy since I turned 16 but there was no way in the actual fuck he would date a 16 year old, hell it's like he barely noticed me as a girl back then really, but recently that seems to have changed, he talks more openly with me and even seems to flirt some what even. Maybe there is a chance he will go out with me?

Only time will tell I suppose but now to more important things. "W-what happened out there Alex? I don't think my mom will tell me. Please??" I give him my best Doe eyed look. I can almost see his will not to speak of it crumble before me. Interesting.



"W-well… you already know about the sickness going around right??" I try to not babble but the look she is giving me is not fair. It should be an illegal weapon. She just nods urging me to continue with her eyes before we are interrupted.

"It's worse than that Alicia. Have you seen those videos of cops shooting people? Well iv seen it in person and I can tell you those videos are not faked." I can see her eyes widen in horror at that, a look of shock on her face.

"It's bad Alicia, the people that are infected… they are already dead but they don't stay down. The only way to put them down is to destroy the brain." I mumble at the end of the explanation.

"Are you joking right now, your not lying to me right? That sounds crazy!" She yell whispers to me.

"I know how it sound Alicia but… me and your mom… at the school, we ran into one of the infected… it was your principal, he was trying to eat us. It's why your mom is so shook up." I tell the pretty brunette sadly.

She looks horrified. "You had to protect her and.. put it down? Didn't you?" Did you save my mom Alex? Because I think you did, thank you!" She hugs me tightly and before I could react she kisses me lightly on the cheek. I actually blush as does she.

"Well if saving someone gets me a kiss il just have to do it more often." I tell her with a wink at the end for good measure and she just blushed harder as we move to the car to get the rest of the stuff.

"What's all this?" She asks after seeing all the stuff in the back seat of the car.

"Oh just stuff from the school, we kinda raided the pantry a bit since we were already there. Honestly Lisha, this is going to get pretty bad before it even has the hope to get better." I tell her as I look down, in no way ready to face the Apocalypse myself either.

She quickly sets her box down that she had just taken out of the car and wraps her arms around me and gives me the biggest freakin bear hug and I could almost swear my ribs creaked a bit. "But we will all get through it, whatever it is, I know it!" She was already becoming a fierce motivator it seems because I already felt somewhat better as I hugged her back.

I just sighed eventually. "Thanks Alicia, your the best." I mutter in a low voice. "And don't forget it." I hear her muffled voice as she lets go.

We finish loading things to the house and after a round of goodbyes I head to my own home and wait for what's to happen next.

Westley86 Westley86

One before sleep I figure since I already had it outlined

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