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10% Crystal's Journey / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Crystal woke up excited for breakfast. It was her first day of school at the Magical academy of Magic. Crystal always thought the name was stupid, but she was still excited.

"Crystal, are you coming?" Amber called.

Amber was older now; her Amber colored hair was greying, and she had glasses that were a bit lopsided.

Crystal ran down the stairs and saw River sitting on the table drinking water.

"River, you drink way too much water."

"How am I supposed to know if the water at this new school will be good, I have to consume more water than you and Amber combined." River said chugging down her two-gallon jug of water.

Crystal took her small cup of water and drank it all. "More pancakes please."

Amber gave Crystal a large pancake with her favorites, sapphire flakes mixed into the pancake mix."

"Sis' that is not normal, you eat rocks." River laughed.

Crystal ignored her. Once she finished, she went up to her room and packed her suitcase. "clothes, writing supplies, father's amethyst and school supplies."

River walked into the room and grabbed her bag. "I already packed mine, I woke up extra early."

Crystal waved her hands dismissively.

They hugged Amber goodbye and thanked her for everything she did for them.

"Promise you'll come and visit, the sky realm is very close." Amber said.

They nodded and ran to the carriage waiting for them.

"So, you guys are the new students." someone in the seat behind them said

Crystal turned around and her jaw dropped.

Behind them was a boy who was at least a year older than Crystal. His skin was perfect, and his hair combed the left side of his face. "I'm Aspen, the prince of the Nature Realm." He blew Crystal a kiss which made Crystal giggle.

River gave her a look of confusion. "Um, Crystal?"

"I'm Crys… Crystal, this is my younger sister River."

"Nice to meet you, I was supposed to tour you around the school once we get there." Aspen winked at Crystal.

She turned as red as a tomato.

"You're weird, did anyone tell you that." River commented.

Crystal elbowed River. "Don't be rude."

"I'm talking to you." River whispered.

Aspen didn't seem to be bothered by Crystal blushing at him, he actually seemed to enjoy it.

"Sorry, my sister seems to be in another dimension." River said to Aspen.

Aspen laughed. "Ah, well I seem to always have that impression on girls like your sister."

"What kind of girls?" Crystal asked.

"The pretty ones."

River let out a groan of disgust.

Crystal saw River and said to her. "Oh, come on, he doesn't mean that you're ugly."

"Nature and earth mix well, water and nature, not as much." River said crossing her arms and putting on her best pouty baby face.

"Well if water didn't exist, nature would die." Crystal said softly.

River groaned and shot a small jet of water at Aspen.

Aspen gave River a dirty look. "How dare you, never strike a prince again."

"River." Crystal said with a look of disgust.

River went to the back of the carriage and sat there alone.

"Two more stops then we'll be at the school." The driver said.

They stopped near the Snow realm. River began to shiver.

"Um, Crystal, I'm freezing up."

Crystal walked back to her and gave her a hug. "It's ok."

A girl walked into the carriage. She had white hair and eyes. She was about River's age which was twelve. Once she saw River, she ran over to them. "Finally, someone I can talk to."

River looked at her with cold eyes, but the girl just smiled at her.

"I'm Icicle, but you can call me Icy." The girl said. Her skin was a pale white and she had ears like a fawn sticking from her long hair.

"I'm River." River shivered.

Icy gave River a hug. "You look cold, let me help."

River looked at Crystal and mouthed Help me. Steam began to come from River's body as she began to heat up. "Oh, thank you Icy."

Icy giggled. "You're welcome, I can tell that we are going to be best friends."

River and Icy both huddled to keep warm.

Aspen looked at the two of them with disgust. "I never understood the Ice Mages, but whatever, Fire realm, here we come."

When Icy heard Fire Realm she perked up from her seat. "What!!"

River calmed her with a warm gush of water.

Icy fell asleep with River resting her head on her shoulder.

"Aspen, just wondering, but who are we picking up next?" Crystal asked.

"His name is Inferno, he has a fiery temper, he's also my assistant." Aspen said.

The longer Aspen was showing his true colors, the more Crystal hated him.

Icy and River were sound asleep.

Crystal hoped it stayed that way.

They arrived at the fire realm.

Crystal felt the heat rise.

Icy began to sweat more and more.

"River, cold water, now!!" Crystal yelled.

River and Icy stirred awake.

River saw Icy sweating and sprayed her with the coldest water she could muster.

Icy seemed content with the cold water. "Thanks River."

Crystal felt a bead of sweat dribble down her neck, she turned around to see someone covered in flames.

"Ah, hello Inferno." Aspen smiled.

The flames dissipated to reveal a boy with charred skin and spiky red hair. He kind of reminded her of Chase from the journal that she had found on the side of the road of the earth realm.

Aspen and Inferno both acknowledged each other.

Icy squealed and hugged River.

"Ok Icy, too hot!" River shrieked.

"Oops, sorry," Icy apologized.

The carriage began to move again.

"A couple more minutes then we'll be at the school." Aspen said.

Icy and River looked at the books Icy had brought from home.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

"What's going on?" Crystal asked.

"New student, hold on." Aspen snapped.

The doors opened as a girl that was the same age as Crystal walked in. She had blue hair and she floated a couple inches off the ground.

"Great, an air mage." Inferno groaned.

Crystal waved at her. "Breeze!"

Breeze smiled at the sight of her friend. "Hi Crystal."

They hugged each other with joy.

Inferno groaned, "Why is there so much hugging?"

"Oh, I missed you." Breeze said.

"Me too." Crystal laughed.

River and Icy looked at the two of them.

"So this is your sister's friend?" Icy asked.

River nodded.

"Why is she floating?"

"I never knew why, but it's cool." River responded.

The carriage continued on its way.

"So, Breeze, you said you were going on a different carriage." Crystal said

"Yeah, I just missed it." Breeze sighed.

The carriage continued down the path until it came to a dead end.

A cloud blocked it from continuing.

Aspen got out of the carriage and placed his hands on the cloud. The cloud parted and the carriage began to move.

"Welcome to the magical school of magic." Inferno said.

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