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66.66% rewritten / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - The foundations of brotherhood are built from the ruin of the wicked.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - The foundations of brotherhood are built from the ruin of the wicked.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


Location - New York | Peter's room.

What else can hurt more than dying? The constant ache of his body slowly tearing at her skin, turning into nothing more than a sample of crackling shake.

His ragged breathing followed by the agitated movement of his sleeping body, his facial expressions distorted into seemingly intense body pain finally, after an unfinished time, his eyes snapped open, like a spring lifting his upper body forcefully to remain seated in the middle of the bed.

His eyes still unfocused from reality, he stared blankly ahead, what the hell was that he felt was pain that he knew, but there was something weird about that stinking feeling of being felt by his body, it was not of this one, in reality, it is as if he were feeling the pain of another person in your own body feeling chills is like an indication or prediction of something that happened very far from, even if that raised the question.

"Who was that boy?"

He asked for nothing specifically, raising his gaze, it became more serious, he had dreamed of another person, the life he led was shit, anyone in those conditions would have committed suicide, and he knew this very well because it looked like his previous life before to appear in this universe, loneliness is a mark that those people who passed through it during its existence would have for life.

Another thing that I noticed right away in the dream about the boy was the red mist at the end, the way he interacted with his body, destroying it and putting it back together, maybe a mutant? He did not know very well, but he was sure he was not wrong, he had to find this boy something inside him lit up, that was a lot of potentials, it seems that his subconscious has just given him a good recommendation for the first member of the brotherhood of assassins.

Peter's brown eyes lit up bright green with a wild smile he looked slightly over his shoulder at the time on the clock, it was pointed at dawn, so he jumped up from his bed lazily stretched his body enjoying the noise of his joints when resting this day great things awaited him, at last, the date was fulfilled, it was the day on which he would go to take the Wester Dragon clan and close the clans of the underworld, it had been only a few weeks since the previous time, but he had already prepared a gift for the western dragon clan.

It took him several minutes to get ready after taking a bath he dressed calmly as if it was not important to go to a dangerous clan of martial artists who could sweep armies, grabbing a black jacket and jeans next to his skeleton lower mask I finish preparing, before leaving I do not forget to leave the message to May on the table informing her that I would go out.


The classic sound informing the activation of his transformation sounded faint as the two ghostly halos roamed his body until he transformed.

Once finished, he took flight towards the sky, the speed at which he was traveling was ridiculously fast, he could reach "Mach 5" but he did not seem to care in the least that he could exceed 5 times the speed of sound reaching the hypertonic.

On the way, the barren land of the desert could be seen in front, slowing down, this stopped in the middle of nowhere, activated his ghostly power and crossed the ground until he reached his secret lair in the ghost zone, once inside he walked calmly taking his hands in the pockets of the pants and a smile on the lips.

"Karen are you there !."

'Affirmative sir.'

A voice with mechanical touches was heard throughout the phantom area, bringing out Peter's smile, even more, just a few days ago after stealing the AI ​​plans within Stark Industries, he improved his own, and they were more in creation, still that He was clearly showing off a bit as he was more advanced than Tony Stark himself was quite proud of his work even though he technically stole the plans, but they are minor details.

"Come on Karen just tell me Peter what sir makes me feel old." He said without removing his smile as he entered the laboratory.

'Very good, how can I help you, Peter'

"I need you to always keep an eye out for some pesky organizations that have been trying to find me." He retorted as he sat in front of his computer.

'Is the free use of the means necessary for this order authorized?'

The AI ​​question elicited a slight laugh from the chestnut tree "Sure, I want you to hack into the systems of the following organizations; Shield, Hydra bases, every operation center of The Hand, Oscord and all branches of governments no matter if They are policemen or transits. I want information on everything in detail. "

'Understood ... Starting to take control of the satellites.

The chestnut's eyes were fixed on the screen where a representation of Holographic representation of the entire planet was gradually presented before his eyes where the satellites orbiting the world began to turn red as a signal that they passed into Karen's total control.

'Control finished, accessing the databases of the objectives ... complete objective the infiltration has been successful, do you want to see the information?'

Music for the chestnut's ears was so ecstatic that his body trembled for a few moments, he had entered the most dangerous organizations in the Marvel universe so easily that anyone who knew this would have body bleeding, seeing it from another perspective a child no older than 16 years He was in control of the world at this time, something like this would engender fear in paranoid people, especially the objectives that Peter had in mind to eradicate, unfortunately for them, an anomaly had reached this reality and their heads now had a huge sickle pointing at them.

"No, for the moment save the information, today I have an appointment to attend." He said cheerfully.

'It is understood'

Typing for a few moments Peter looked at the computer.

"Karen lets Lagemeton out."

Replied the chestnut as he got up from the sliding chair.

Lagemeton was the name he gave to the evolved royal Eagle, the name came from his ancient world more precisely from the Christian religion it was the name of a powerful book that contained the information of all the demons locked up by King Solomon, as well as the secret of the art to fight the dark and evil spirits in other words. Lagemeton is the one who possesses the infinite power and wisdom to end against evil by choosing the heroes destined to learn the Power.

A perfect name for an Eagle that would cause terror in the hearts of the wicked and joy to the innocent just with his presence, as he walked to the exit he remembered his dream this morning "Hey Karen, if I show you a sketch of a drawing could you find the person around the world? "

'Affirmative, if the sketch in question has the details of the person's face well-drawn, the facial recognition program can be run around the world looking for a match'

Nodding to this, the brunette approached his large table again, taking a sheet from the drawers and a pencil, applied his super-speed to draw the boy's face in his dreams, he did not have to spend much time when he had finished a quick look he realized it was exactly how he remembered it, bringing the sketch closer to the screen I hope.

'Full scan .... Searching for matches around the world'

"Very good, when you find him keep me briefing Karen."

The chestnut tree was taken out of his talk when the loud sounds of footsteps began to sound through the place, a sliding mechanical door was opened calling Peter's attention when he looked he saw a huge animal in the shape of an eagle walking towards him, the bearing of the beautiful metallic feathers next to her wild eyes and her imposing aura made her look terrifying in the eyes, not to mention the armor that covered her body a saddle chair along with details on her head breasts, wings and legs even though they were not yet the final product that could be adjusted to the size of its wearer, these were not bad at all.

"Alright, it's time to go !."

I walk towards the eagle.

'Have a nice day Peter'

As he left the laboratory accompanied by Lagemeton, his wild smile could not be contracted when he finally mounted the eagle, it understood his majestic wings releasing a resounding cry.


Lamegeton shot up, when he was about to reach the ceiling it became intangible to cross the earth, for his part Peter did the same when they left the earth the wide blue sky was in charge of receiving them, an intense emotion could be seen In the eyes of the eagle, the speed he could reach was much higher than that of the eagle, this only caused more emotion in Peter, he had a mental connection with the animal, so he only had to think about where to go so that it would immediately take flight towards his place.

Location - Wester Dragon Clan.

On the other side of the city, almost at its limits, the clan's mansion was currently altered, as one of the central disciples had been brutally beaten, the most worrying thing was that he came alone running through the main entrance, his face was a mess he was missing most of his teeth and his cheeks looked like purple balls with green not to mention his all bruised body.

His arrogant attitude had completely disappeared leaving still a pathetic young man crying while trembling with fear, his body inertia remembering the pain and those bright green eyes, the eyes of death those who looked down at him as if he were a worm to crush without A concern.

All the ancestors were gathered at Yes like the other disciples both central and normal, many had a hard time believing that Vladimir was in such condition they knew his abilities and were above normal humans even trained an unconscious fear began to bloom in their hearts whoever it was. After doing this, he was not human.

"What's going on, speak up Vladimir !." Ancestor Wang yelled loudly causing Vladimir to come to himself briefly.

"Who did this to you!." Ancestor Shao was very angry, the veins on his face let us understand that.

On the other hand, the black-haired man looked at them trying to say something but the trembling of his jaw intervened in his action, little by little the words could return to his mouth.

"G- Ghost ..."

The eyes of the 6 ancestors snapped open, they knew the meaning of those words the ghost had found Vladimir, everyone was surprised but it was the leader who spoke.

"If it was the ghost, how are you still alive?" Asked the Kusanagi leader.

"The let me go to deliver a message." He said with a choppy voice causing the leader to narrow his eyes, some of this gave him a bad feeling because there would be something like this. As much as it hurt, she knew that no matter how prepared they were, they simply could not defend themselves from the ghost. His honor as leader and warrior prevented him from running or escaping.

So why not come at once to end this?

"That bastard! He dares to provoke the Wester Dragon clan!" Shao said.

"What message?." Asked Wang

"My name is The Phantom, by the present ancestral rules of martial artists and do Martial I challenge the entire Wester Dragon clan to a duel where the loser must serve the winner for the rest of their days if you refuse this challenge. I will be forced to take the most direct path. " Vladimir's voice fell silent for a few seconds in which his body trembled again until the last words that came out of his mouth caused a global shock to everyone present, even more, when they saw how Vladimir's body spat blood from all the orifices falling dead at the feet of the ancestors leaving these last words in the air.

"I'll kill all of them."

Inside them, they all felt the crackling feeling of electricity running through their spinal column, stealing the strength in their bodies, the disciples began to lose color in their faces, they never stopped seeing the corpse of the considered strongest central disciple lying on the ground in a pool of blood, bullets of sweat began to fall throughout his body, even the ancestors were affected inside that mansion you could not even hear the air, a total silence full of astonished looks especially that voice, in the end, they knew well that They have not mistaken that voice was not Vladimir's, they could swear by their mothers that it was not his.

Then panic broke out in the place, murmurs everywhere even some disciples began to vomit as they could not hold their eyes, many wanted to run away from the place the central disciples still did not recover from the shock, they remembered Vladimir leaving the mansion a few years ago weeks arrogantly and now come back completely shattered which led to his death.

On the other hand, Ancestor Shao was trembling with anger, his eyes were injected with blood as his aura ripped madly into the air he was so angry that the veins in his body began to swell.

"I'll kill him! I'll kill him! I'll kill him! I'll kill him!" Ancestor Shao shouted in anger while the others kept silent with shaded eyes, the place was falling into chaos.

"SILENCE!." Shouted the Kusanagi leader.

By releasing his aura that was the strongest in the entire clan, he forcibly regained his tranquility, forcing everyone to shut up, their gazes focused on him, yet he could not stop the sweat that fell on his forehead, his face was serious, he looked towards Vladimir for a few seconds and then look up again.

This was not an idiot, he knew that they would not have a chance even if everyone fought against him before he had realized that the ghost did not speak or challenge his targets, he attacked with forceful force, then why did he challenge them? Something was looking for them to make a move like this, the guy was not just brute force as many thought, a goal had in mind with this, whatever it was, it seemed that the Wester Dragon clan was useful for that goal, the reality of the things is that force was what governed everything.

In ancient martial arts, the weak followed the strong as a teacher and clan leader, I knew that following someone strong guaranteed the safety of their clan and family was a pretty strong dilemma, surrendering means giving up control of the clan but accepting the challenge or not accepting it. led to the same result without imposition Wherever he saw it, it was a devastating defeat, they had brutally left him in checkmate without even realizing this that was too terrifying, hence the sweat that ran on his forehead, this guy was seriously someone to be afraid of.

"Father, what are we going to do?"

Reika's voice took him away from his thoughts the clan leader looked at his firstborn for a few seconds you could see the fear in his eyes, everyone was looking at him expectantly for his response after all being the leader is not just brute force, intelligence plays an important role even if the variation is not noticeable at first.

"We will wait for their arrival, after that we will decide the next course of action to take." his voice sounded calm showing security at least on the outside, everything in the place began to murmur again.

"Oi seriously is he thinking of accepting the duel?"

"That is suicide !."

"Well, just because he killed Vladimir doesn't mean he can kill an ancestor."

"It is also true the strength of the 6 ancestors combined is not a joke."

"I think the guy I know is over-estimating challenging the whole clan humph garbage !."

"Haha! He's indeed just a smug bastard surely I use traps to kill Vladimir, challenging the whole clan thinks a lot about himself your father here will teach him a lesson."

"How brave they sound, I dare you to say it to your face when you arrive."





"I have a bad feeling."

As if the words were spoken were a prophecy, while all was calm in the mansion a crackling croak made the earth shake under his feet.


The trees of the place began to bend violently, followed by the sound of the wood receding while the roots of the soil began to rise to the surface due to the force exerted by the wind, the windows of the mansion provided broke one after another in a chain even the walls of the mansion cracked like a spider web, a scream heard for miles imposing the might of the animal, the people in the yard were thrown into the air like rags hitting the ground, the walls, or the trees semi-torn from the ground only those who managed to react in time lit their aura to protect themselves from the impact that generated a huge cloud of smoke that covered the entire place like a blanket.

After a strong blow against the ground, which generated a huge crater, coughs and wailing of pain began to be heard all over the place, little by little those who react stood up, the same Reika got up from the ground while grabbing her Right arm injured, all the ancestors were incorporated with injuries on their bodies, they were puzzled what the hell that scream had been, it was an animal, there was none in their memories that could generate such power with just a scream.

"What the fuck was that !." Ancestor Shao asked in surprise.

"I have no idea but whatever it is it can't be a good thing." Ancestor Wang replied as he looked to the sides, managing to make out the central disciples, some already incorporated with injuries.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I think I have a concussion!" Wei Wei's sweet voice sounded through the cloud of dust.

"I think we have a problem bigger than your head," Reika said as he pointed to the center of the large cloud of dust.

Everyone by inertia looked towards the same place where a shadow within the dust could be seen distorted, this would not cause much commotion if it were not for the fact that it was a giant shadow more than 5 meters high the words in the mouth of those present they were swallowed when the shadow spread its wings with force generating a wind that removed all the dust of the place, right in front of their eyes a huge imposing golden eagle with beautiful metallic feathers stood proud forcing the ground where its wings began to open generating two Huge moon-shaped cracks, Reika was sure her eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets when she saw the titan standing in front of her mansion.

Everyone was frozen in their places, it seemed that their breaths had left their bodies, the looks of disbelief that turned to absolute terror, as a natural reaction their bodies began to lose strength in their legs and their hearts beat as fast as a horse runaway.

Little by little, they came out of their impression when the titanic eagle began to incline its body as if it were a bow, it's right-wing extended throughout the place, it was there that they saw it a hooded person began to descend through the great wing of the Beast, his walk was calm but constant he did not seem to care about the fact that he was descending from a fucking eagle of more than 5 meters with steel feathers.

The clan leader did not have to look twice to find out who that ghostly form was, the aura that his body expelled even while he was not there. Using this I had no doubt this guy was the ghost, for the first time in his life his legs shook in such a way that he could play that they made noise when the hooded figure stopped in front of a titanic animal taking his cap off his head, everyone could see finally his face, fine features platinum white hair deep green eyes and a faint smile on his face.

"And then ... if they accept the challenge or not?"

Silence, complete and deadly silence, no one spoke, it is not as if they could see the boy standing in front of everyone helplessly followed by a titanic beast behind him as a bodyguard looking at them all with bloody eyes that made more than one swallow hard, they did not even want to breathe in these moments, much less escape they did not believe what their eyes saw independent of the eagle the famous ghost was it a child? How old was I 15 or 16 maybe? Even younger? This was the being that exterminated all the clans and generated fear in all the criminals of the city only a brat would have to be a joke in bad taste, some thought this naturally none were stupid enough to say that out loud.

The thoughts of the Kusanagi leader were different, this only increase the level of danger if someone of that age had such power and intelligence it scared him to think about what he would become in the future, the decision was made even before it happened. He counts from the moment the boy had set his eyes on his clan, despite any countermeasure that might occur to him, it would not have made a difference and now he knew, they had no chance of winning that was the reality of things.

Sighing to find tranquility the leader began to walk towards the chestnut tree, all the others awakened before this they saw their leader advance a lot they thought that he was going to accept the challenge others wanted to stop him it was crazy but in the end, with a look from the Lamegeton they remained static in the ground as if they had nailed him only some people were fighting fear with everything they had between these Reika and Wei wei.

"I am Keytaro Kusanagi, leader of the Western Dragon clan. I am here to answer the challenge." Despite his fear, this attempt to speak calmly even though he did not succeed at all, it was evident that he maintained the pride of the clan leader, this was something that the brunette respected, after all, so he launched the challenge, he did not want people with potential like him to get lost.

Peter just nodded in response waiting, it could be seen how the Kusanagi leader breathed heavily.

"I know very well, that regardless of the answer the Wester Dragon clan will be in danger, although my pride as a leader motivates me to fight to the death that the decision would affect my clan and only the people I care about would be hurt or worse, my family, a man has to do what it takes to protect his loved ones even if it means leaving his pride still aside, that's why if you allow me I would like to ask you a question before making the decision. "

This elicited gasps of surprise from everyone present, Reika and Wei wei knew that their father was doing this to protect them along with the entire clan from elimination, it was obvious that that boy was still on a different level.

On the other hand, Peter smiled internally and you could see something like this coming when investigating the Kusanagi leader, he liked people as well as the old "Question."

Obtaining permission, the leader Kusanagi spoke "If I surrender and kneel in front of you to die, yielding the Wester Dragon clan to you, what is your objective, it is obvious that you have one, so you asked for the challenge, you knew you could not lose, if not much I would like to know the fate that would bring my clan. "

The leader's words created a lump in the throat of all those present, expecting the chestnut, all the disciples feared tears in his eyes the situation was quite clear his future was in the hands of the ghost boy both Wei Wei and Reika kept their fists clenched their father she was sacrificing herself for their sake alongside that of the clan, they felt weak, useless, frustrated and angry with themselves for being so weak.

Peter listened to the words of the Kusanagi leader, remaining silent for a few seconds as he looked into the eyes of the old man in front of the "You are a quite intelligent old man, well if you want to know I will tell you."

I let another seconds pass until he spoke again "My goal is to protect the real victims of the corrupt system in which we live, those who cannot protect themselves, victimized by those who have power and do with it what they want, regardless of The objective is big fish of the government, clans of the underworld, aliens or the president of the country, nothing, and nobody will escape if it hurts the innocent, my objective is to go to defy the sky, step on reality, break the automatic cycle of the world where we live and what if the whole world is against me and what if other worlds on this planet are against me and what if God himself wants to go against me. "

At this point the chestnut's body began to release its aura as if they were green flames that swallowed everything, the immense pressure was dropped throughout the mansion making the earth tremble much more than the first time the eagle screamed.

"Everyone can come if they want! My goal is to make a real difference, where a girl can go down the street without fear of being abducted, a place where families can live in peace without having to close their doors with multiple locks just to be able to rest. " Raising his fist, the chestnut squeezed it hard, listening as if the air thundered violently "Shortly, threats will begin to reach the earth beyond all that humans have seen, my goal is to create a brotherhood that protects it from any threatened by doing what needs to be done to end them keytaro Kusanagi, what do you want and dream about? Do you want to rejuvenate? Or maybe be immortal? Do you want more power than what martial arts can offer? "

To demonstrate his words, Peter released half of his power causing the green aura to grow in size the earth around began to shake as if it were an earthquake, large portions of earth were levitating upwards due to the power exerted against them by the trees bent by They finally gave way, being uprooted, all those present fell to the ground while Peter began to levitate in the air, his eyes flashed with force leading to total shock to those present who, no matter how hard they tried, could not stand up, like a god watching at mortals the chestnut rose above them.

"If you follow me, a completely new world will enter for you because I am him!"

"Peerless Ghost Emperor !."

When those present believed that they could no longer be surprised, the last sentence caused an explosion in their hearts, along with the boy's complete words the adrenaline and emotion of everyone was leaving their bodies A peerless emperor only in ancient books did such names exist They described themselves as men who achieved immortality absolute power, many only believed that they were fantasy since no one was ever seen, hearing it from him while they felt his overwhelming power caused a bestial shock in them, how they could get up when the pressure The Kusanagi leader, along with the 6 ancestors, fell to their knees pointing their heads towards the ground with force, this was followed by all the normal and central disciples in a few seconds hundreds of people were kneeling in front of him.



The wildest smile that his face had ever presented appeared on the chestnut's lips, the emotion he felt inside made him tremble, there he was standing before hundreds of people kneeling in front of him showing the respect that an emperor had, with him the sound of Lamegeton's scream in the background the first target was complete.


Note: The mini-arc of the clans is already ending, and the detailed construction of the brotherhood is about to begin. Remember that there have not been very long jumps in time, tony for the moment is still kidnapped and will not appear soon.

Chris_Mayo Chris_Mayo

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