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43.13% lookism jimins story / Chapter 22: Transfer student

Chapter 22: Transfer student

When Jimin woke up he does what he usually does he brushes his teeth styles his hair and gets dressed, He puts on a black sweater, with his school uniform under it, with black pants, then he puts on his earrings, necklace and his glasses.

Finishing getting dressed he leaves his house and heads over to Daniel's house he goes to Daniel's door and knocks. "Hey Daniel are you ready yet?" He doesn't hear any response for a second until he hears. "yes just give me a second."

He waits there patiently until Daniel comes out he looks at Daniel "you wear the same thing almost everyday, even though you have so many clothes you should try to be different my friend." he says jokingly, Daniel looks at him like he's stupid. After that they walk to school talking about random things like what they are gonna do after they graduate.

They make it to school and they head to their class once they get there they hear the class talking about a transfer student, Zack's hype men were excited hoping it was a girl. When the transfer comes in they are disappointed because it is a ugly girl to them at least, Jimin thinks "hmm she actually looks a little like jinn that's really weird and kind of cool like they are doppelgangers."

Jimin looks over to Daniel "Daniel she kind of looks like jinn doesn't she." Daniel looks at her and then nods "yea its kind of creepy." After that Jimin notices that crystal looks at everyone he figures she is probably trying to see were everyone stands on the social hierarchy, Daniel looks over to Jimin " hey I'm gonna go talk to her." Jimin nods and says "knock yourself out."

Daniel walks over to her "Hey we live in the same area, I transferred here a few months ago to nice to meet you." Jimin just nods off and falls asleep, once he wakes up Jimin and Daniel start walking out of class together, and they see a group of people but think nothing of it but then they see crystal, arms out protecting what looks like a dog.

Jimin looks at everyone and says "Hey what the fuck are you doing guys." Vin jinn and Zack's hype men look at Jimin "What are you doing here without Zack." Jimin says angrily. but no one responds Jimin says "crystal what happened."

She looks at Jimin with a face full of worry, And this starts making him angry. she notices this so she answers quickly "well they kicked the dog and so I protected it." Jimin looks angry and he says "So you fuckin beat dogs now." vin jinn looks at Jimin and says "What are you gonna do about it."

Jimin looks him dead in the eyes with a ferocious glare and says. "You want a repeat of last time." Vin jinn looks pissed off when Jimin says this but Daniel quickly comes between them. "alright guys relax we can settle this without a fight." he says nervously. Vin jinn says "Whatever." and walks away.

After that Jimin starts walking away and says "Daniel come on let's go we don't have time." Daniel says "Wait a minute I want to see if crystal is ok." Jimin rolls his eyes and says. "She is fine they didn't touch her." Daniel says fine and runs up and catches up to Jimin and they walk away leaving crystal behind she thinks. "of course he wouldn't spare me any light of his day, all good looking guys are the same."

While Jimin and Daniel are walking away, Daniel looks at him and says "Why wouldn't you let me help her, is it because of how she looks?" Jimin doesn't look at Daniel and shakes his head "No it isn't because how she looks she just looked like she could handle herself, and you need to leave her alone."

Daniel says. "But why I just want to help her." Jimin stops and says "And that's your problem you don't realize you are making things worse for her with the other girls, girls are sneaky they don't do things out in the open like guys do so you would never know." Daniels mouth goes wide in surprise he says "I never thought about that."

Jimin laughs a little and says "let's go I want to sleep early I'm tired today." Daniel nods and they start walking again they finally make it to their homes, Jimin says goodbye and Daniel does the same Jimin goes in his house and he gets his phone out and does random things.

Later on he is still on his phone but he gets a message from jinn he looks at the message "Hey you want to come and see that dog Daniel told me about." Jimin looks at his phone for a second and responds saying "Why not I have nothing else to do, I will come to your house." He waits a few minutes to see what Jin will say about that when he hears a notification "No I'm heading over to you right now, don't want to wake Daniel."

As he finishes reading the message he hears a knock on the door, he goes over to the door and opens it he sees Jin standing there Jin is wearing his usual work clothes, while Jimin is wearing his hair in a ponytail, He is wearing a short sleeved shirt that reveals his tattoos and shorts without his glasses, he says. "So your ready to go right?" jinn says "yes I'm all set let's go."

They leave from Jimin's house and head to where the dog is once we get there jinn starts trying to feed the dog, but the dog is barking and biting jinn. Jimin starts laughing and says "I guess this dog must hate you man."

Jinn doesn't respond and keeps trying to feed the dog but while their feeding the dog a girl comes and she yells "Hey." Jimin see's her and he recognizes her as the girl who bought him at the festival slave auction. He was angry and with an angered tone says. "What are you doing here."

She looks scared and she says "I was just going on my daily walk, and I thought someone was bothering the dog." Jimin still angry says "go away now and tell gun I want to speak with him, unless he is scared of a repeat of last time." jinn looks worried and he says "Jimin calm down she hasn't done anything wrong she just knows him."

Jimin looks at jinn and he says "I don't care if she only knows him, just because of that I can't be calm around her I want to beat the hell out of her right now." Jimin starts to calm himself down and he says "Go now before I lose it you bitch, and don't come around me again if you know what's good for you."

She nods and walks away and after she is gone, jinn looks at Jimin and he says "Why would you do that it was unnecessary, she hadn't done anything to you yet." Jimin says "Shut up you just don't know what's going on here, she is involved with the wrong kind of of people so you got to trust me I know what I'm doing."

Jinn looks at Jimin for awhile before he nods his head and says. "I trust you Jimin. But tell me what is so bad about them?" Jimin looks at jinn and he reluctantly says. "That guy I fought before is the one who broke up my old gang big deal, or he made them join his crews which mad them a real gang so yea I get a little angry when I see the bastard, and her the girl who was with him that bitch."

Jin nods his head and he goes back to Enu. After awhile Jimin seems to be getting annoyed at the fact that Enu is still biting Jin, he goes up to the dog and tries to pick her up to which she bites him he doesn't even flinch and still picks her up he walks away with her, with Jin yelling "Wait for me." while running after him.

The finally make it to where they live and say their goodbyes. Once he gets in his house he lifts her up in the air, to look her in the eye and he says. "You annoying mutt if you ever bite me again so help me, you are gonna listen to me your master is gone, she is not coming back she doesn't want you so you are mine now so I am your master got it."

Enu whimpers and nods Jimin smiles brightly and says good and puts her down and says. "now eat." The dog complies and eats, afterwards Jimin gives her a bath and the he picks her up and lays her in his bed, then he goes and sleeps.

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