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31.57% Naruto: The Uzumaki Salamander / Chapter 6: Going back to Konoha.

Chapter 6: Going back to Konoha.

The day after the battle, it was just joy for Nami no Kuni, the Gatō tyranny was over. The Shadow Clones of Naruto and Kakashi had taken all the money that Gatō robbed and handed everything over to Tazuna, who was practically the leader of all.

At the moment, everyone except Sasuke who was still asleep was drinking coffee while talking.

(Kakashi): "Well, now we just have to wait for you to finish with the Tazuna-san bridge."

(Tazuna): "As I said yesterday with the help of Naruto we would finish in about 7 days, but without Gatō all the old workers will possibly go back to work, so I assume at most about 4 days."

(Naruto): "So in 5 days we will be going back to Konoha."

(Tazuna): "I still don't know how to thank you for everything you did for us, especially you Naruto."

(Naruto): "I just did what I thought was right."

At that time, the Uchiha appeared in the room and faced each of them, stopping at Naruto looking at him with hatred and at Haku who was sitting next to Naruto.

(Sasuke): "Who are you?"

(Haku): "Have you forgotten about me Uchiha? I'm Haku." - She say it in a calm tone

He didn't even think twice and advanced against Haku, only to be immobilized by Kakashi.

(Sasuke): "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BITCH? SHE IS THE OININ THAT IS WITH ZABUZA!" - He screams with exaltation with his Sensei.

(Kakashi): "She's with us now Uchiha-kun."

(Sasuke): "What do you mean?"

(Naruto): "After you passed out I managed to make her and Zabuza surrender, Zabuza went to help the resistance in the Kirigakure civil war and Haku will accompany us to Konoha."

(Sasuke): "Simple as that?!"

(Naruto): "Simple as that."

He just looked at the blond-haired with absolute hatred, but he just accepted, Kakashi released him. He sat down and started eating with the others.

(Sasuke): "Do you happen to know how Gatō will react now without Zabuza and this one? I want to show him the power of an elite."

(Haku): "If it is the same power you demonstrated against me, then you will just humble yourself." - She said in a mocking tone.

She didn't like the way the Uchiha had acted in their fight, and the night before, not to mention that she was in the area when she heard what Sasuke said when everyone thought Naruto had died while saving Sakura. Sasuke almost jumped on her because of that comment.

(Sasuke): "So?" - He says trying to show that he simply ignored her, which was denounced by the vein pulsing on his forehead.

(Kakashi): "Gatō won't do anything."

(Sasuke): "But Tazuna is still alive." - He says trying to show himself superior.

(Kakashi): "But Gatō doesn't."

(Sasuke): "Did Gatō die?!" - He exclaims.

(Kakashi): "Yes, shortly after Zabuza and Haku gave up, Gatō appeared with an army of mercenaries, but Naruto defeated everyone and still captured Gatō and handed him over to the people here who executed him." - He says with pride in the voice for your student.

Naruto scratches the back of his neck a little embarrassed, both with pride in Kakashi's voice and with Inari's look of admiration. Sasuke threw a hateful look at Uzumaki again, thinking he stole 'his' moment.

They finished their coffee and went to train. Sasuke continued with Water Surface Walking Practice, Sakura went to train Suiton, and seeing this Haku offered to help her, since her genkai kekkei, Hyōton (Ice Style) is a kind of mixture of Suiton and Fūton , Naruto did several Shadow Clones to do all the training, with a greater focus on Raiton, because with Haku's statement, he wanted to finish Raiton so he could start with Fūton, after he saw in Natsu's memories what Wendy was able to do, especially her healing power, which would be very useful.

Kakashi auditioned with Haku, to get a sense of what she knows how to do, since he said that he would ask Sandaime to Haku to stay in Team 7, even though she was 15 and the other 12, and it wasn't much surprised by her skills considering who has been caring for and training her.

A few days later the bridge was completely finished, and it was time for them to leave, and all of Nami no Kuni went to say goodbye to them.

(Tazuna): "Again I thank you for everything you have done for us."

(Kakashi): "None of that, besides, if you want to thank you have to thank Naruto, after all he was the most active and was what convinced me to continue with this mission."

(Tazuna): "Again, thank you, Naruto."

(Inari): "Arigatō Naruto-nii-san, you showed me that heroes still exist, and I will do my best to be Nami no Kuni's greatest hero."

(Naruto): "So commit to everything you have, Inari."

Sasuke looked at both with hate, because in his head, the boy would have to worship the elite, that is, Sasuke.

Everyone said goodbye, except Sasuke, and went on their way to Konoha.

(Inari): "Gramps, what are we going to call this bridge?"

(Tazuna): "How about 'Great Bridge Naruto'?"

Everyone from Nami no Kuni agreed with the name, and even a little distant, Naruto managed to hear because of his dragon hearing, and was embarrassed by all that adoration, but he was happy, because if it was possible with them, it was possible to be recognized in Konoha.

The way back to Konoha went without a hitch, with Haku opening up to them, except Sasuke who didn't bother with it, and especially with Naruto, since the friendship was kind of born when Naruto didn't stop her from gather herbs to cure Zabuza.

Arriving in Konoha they were met by Izumo and Kotetsu.

(Izumo): "What's up Kakashi, how are you?"

(Kakashi):" Well, the mission ended up with unforeseen events."

(Kotetsu): "And who are these two there?" - He said pointing to Naruto and Haku. - "And where is Naruto?" - He ask a little worried.

(Naruto): "Kotetsu-san, I'm here." - He said almost laughing.

Both Kotetsu and Izumo stared at him for a few seconds before shouting.

(Izumo / Kotetsu): "WHAT?!"

(Izumo): "N-Naruto, is that you?" - He asks and Uzumaki nods. - "What happened to you? And where did that scar come from?" - He asks, still shocked by the change that the blond, currently blond-red, suffered in the short time he was away.

(Naruto): "First question, kekkei genkai, second, a swordsman hit me with his sword."

Sakura lowers her head a little embarrassed and the two understood what happened, she didn't move and Naruto took the blow in her place. This was enough to calm them both, as there were several types of kekkei genkai, including some that only manifested themselves from time to time.

(Kotetsu): "Well... at least you're fine... what about her?" - He asks staring at Haku.

(Naruto): "She is Haku-chan, we met on the mission."

(Haku): "Nice to meet you, I'm Yuki Haku."

(Izumo): "Pleasure. Well, you can come in. And Kakashi, Sandaime seems a little irritated with you."

(Kakashi): "I already have a sense of why. See you later."

They entered the village and headed towards the Hokage Tower to talk to Sandaime, on the way, Naruto heard a whisper of female voices.

(Woman 1): "Look at that blond with red highlights... do you think it's natural?"

(Woman 2): "That's what it looks like... and with that scar on the cheek, it looks wild on him, right?"

(Woman 3): "The man at home... do you think he is compromised?"

(Woman 1): "Take your eye off!"

Naruto just blushed with that argument, but he was sure that if he spoke who he was, they would change their minds at once, the whispers followed him until they entered the Tower.

They followed the path until they reached the Hokage's room, and knocked on the door.

(?): "You may come in."

Team 7 and Haku enter the office and are faced with Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen at their desk with a lot of paperwork on it along with Team 10, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chōji and their Sensei Sarutobi Asuma, who as always was smoking.

(Hiruzen): "Kakashi, I see you are back from the mission."

(Kakashi): "Yes, Sandaime-sama."

Ino tried to jump to grab Sasuke, but was stopped by Sakura.

(Ino): "Don't disturb me loggerhead." - She speaks with anger.

(Sakura): "Don't demean yourself by liking someone like him, Ino." - She says serious.

That surprised everyone, because they knew that Sakura was an extreme Uchiha fangirl, they never imagined that she would say something like that.

(Hiruzen): "What happened on the mission, Kakashi?" - He says trying to improve the mood.

(Kakashi): "After a while we left the village we met with Oni Kyōdai."

(Hiruzen): "This already turns the mission into a class B, why didn't you come back?" - He say it in a serious tone.

(Naruto): "It was my fault, Gramps." - He says drawing attention to him.

(Asuma): "Hey boy, he is Sandaime Hokage, don't be so intimate." - He says trying to scold him.

(Naruto): "I always called him Gramps, especially when he gave me the apartment where I am living."

(Hiruzen): "Apartment? Wait... Naruto-kun, is that you?"

(Naruto): "I thought at least you were going to recognize me Gramps." - He says in a hurt tone.

Everyone present, with the exception of Team 7 and Haku, were shocked, Naruto was taller, with the scar on his cheek and red streaks in his blond hair, but the little marks that were practically the blonde's trademark were present.

(Hiruzen): "What happened to you?"

(Naruto): "Kekkei genkai." - He say it simply.

That was enough to stop them from asking questions, but he was still surprised by that transformation, and Naruto knew that reaction would still be repeated.

(Hiruzen): "Returning to the subject, how was it your fault?"

(Naruto): "I heard Tazuna-san's story... and... I said that even if they came back I would go on alone..." - He say a little embarrassed.

Hiruzen was happy that he kept that golden heart that he always had, although he would still lecture for risking the lives of his companions.

(Hiruzen): "Very well... continue Kakashi."

(Kakashi): "Well... we continue the journey, there are no more attacks until we reach Nami no Kuni, where we were attacked by Momochi Zabuza, Kirigakure no Kijin."

(Asuma): "It varies the mission to become an S class!"

(Kakashi): "Well... with the help of Naruto who had woken up his kekkei genkai, I managed to defeat Zabuza."

(Chōji): "Naruto, what is your genkai kekkei?" - He asks curious.

Naruto raises his hand and makes it go up in flames, which surprises everyone in the resentment, especially Asuma and Sandaime, as they knew that Katon was formed in the stomach and released by the mouth, but Naruto did appear in the hand.

(Asuma): "Incredible..." - He says impressed while Naruto made the flames go out.

(Hiruzen): "Can you tell me more about your genkai kekkei later, Naruto-kun?"

(Naruto): "But of course Gramps."

(Kakashi): "Well... continuing... Zabuza was rescued by a partner who disguised himself as Oinin, we continued to escort Tazuna-san, where Naruto helped build the bridge with his Shadow Clones."

(Ino): "Did you have to help with the construction?"

(Sakura): "No, but Naruto helped because he wanted to."

This surprised Team 10's genins, as they were surprised that Sakura did not add the '-Idiot' when revising Naruto.

(Kakashi): "Anyway, a while later we faced Zabuza again, but in the end he sided with us because Gatō, the one who hired him, betrayed him. Naruto defeated the same."

(Hiruzen): "I'm glad that the mission was successful ... but I will ask for a reward worthy of a class S mission."

(Kakashi): "After Naruto and I returned the money that Gatō stole from them, they said they would send the rest."

(Hiruzen): "Very well. Do you have anything else to report?"

(Kakashi): "Yes, I want Uchiha Sasuke to be punished for attacking a fellow from the village." - He says in a serious tone.

That surprised everyone.

(Hiruzen): "Attacking a fellow villager?"

(Kakashi): "Yes, when they were training, Uchiha released a Big Fireball Jutsu on Naruto while he was going to do another training, if it weren't for Naruto's kekkei genkai, he would have been seriously injured."

Everyone looked incredulous at the Uchiha who just looked away, clearly saying that he saw nothing wrong with his actions.

(Sakura): "Not to mention, that the time Naruto almost died saving me from Momochi Zabuza, Uchiha practically spat on his grave." - She said with disgust in her voice.

That irritated everyone, especially Shikamaru and Chōji, who had been friends with Naruto since before the academy, as their parents introduced Naruto to them and quickly they became friends, and shocked Ino that her passion was someone so disgusting, since as a child her father taught the value of companionship in Konoha, and soon afterwards the shock was replaced by anger.

Ino was also a longtime friend of Naruto after Shikamaru and Chōji introduced her to him, but after they entered the gym and she started to be drooling vengeful emo egg, she kind of walked away from the three, and even he insulted Naruto sometimes to make the Uchiha even bigger.

(Ino): 'I have to apologize later.' - Think with guilt hitting too hard.

(Hiruzen): "Very well, we will decide his punishment later."

(Sasuke): "I don't know why to worry about Dobe." - He say arrogantly.

(Haku): "The same 'Dobe' that saved your life. "She says with disgust and anger at the Uchiha."

(Sasuke): "Tsk."

(Hiruzen): "Silence Sasuke, for your actions you could be considered a nukenin, you know?"

It silenced him right away.

(Hiruzen): "Very well. Everyone can leave, except Kakashi, Naruto and the new girl, uh..." - He leaves the question hanging and Haku quickly answers.

(Haku): "My name is Yuki Haku, Sandaime-sama."

(Asuma): "Yuki? Are you from the Yuki clan?"

(Haku): "Yes... and as far as I know I am the only one left."

(Hiruzen): "Very well. Everyone, please."

Everyone left except the ones Sandaime asked to stay.

(Hiruzen): "Very well, you would like Haku to register in Konoha, right?"

(Kakashi): "Yes, and I would like it to be placed on Team 7."

(Hiruzen): "I can do it... but I would like you to talk a little about yourself."

Haku looked at Naruto and when he confirmed she spoke.

(Haku): "My name is Yuki Haku, as you might have suspected I am from Mizu no Kuni, my kekkei genkai is Hyōton, I use sebons and I have a certain knowledge in medical ninjutsu."

(Hiruzen): "Okay, just sign here and it will be a Kunoichi from Konoha."

She signed the papers and then Hiruzen asked her to leave the sos with Naruto and Kakashi, she was a little hesitant to leave Naruto's side, but left the room to meet Sakura.

(Hiruzen): "Okay, Naruto, could you explain about your kekkei genkai."

Naruto gave the same explanation he gave to Kakashi in Nami no Kuni.

(Hiruzen): 'If those vultures know about it, they will try to make his life even worse.' - He thinks worried about his considerate grandson.

(Hiruzen): "Is there anything else you ended up finding out about your kekkei genkai?"

(Naruto): "There are some things I discovered, but it wasn't about the kekkei genkai."

(Hiruzen): "What was it about?"

(Naruto): "I found out that I was never Kyūbi no Jinchūriki."

The silence is established for a few seconds before both Kakasho and Sandaime give a cry that all Konoha must have heard.

(Kakashi / Hiruzen): "WHAT?!"

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