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Ch.80 Cyclone en route!

For 57 years, Ellen Ripley has been in stasis in an escape shuttle after destroying her ship, the Nostromo, to escape a lethal alien creature that slaughtered her crew.

She is rescued and debriefed by her employers at the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, but they are skeptical of her claims of alien eggs found in a derelict ship on the exomoon LV-426, as it is now the site of the terraforming colony Hadleys Hope.

After contact was lost with the colony, Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke and Colonial Marine Lieutenant Gorman ask Ripley to accompany them to investigate. Still traumatized from her alien encounter, she agrees on the condition that they exterminate the creatures.

A dropship delivers the expedition to the surface of LV-426, where they find the colony deserted. Inside, they find makeshift barricades and battle signs, but no bodies; two live alien facehuggers in containment tanks; and a traumatized young girl nicknamed Newt, the sole survivor.

"These two are the ones we need to protect, especially from the two facehuggers mentioned before." Said Honglu

Agreeing with Honglu, Kris added "When they seemed to be on their way back to the safety of the USS Sulaco, the company representative, Burke got greedy and wanted to smuggle the alien sample thru impregnating Ripley and Newt."

"With this he could sell it to the highest bidder once he got back to earth." Finished Kris.

When they were told to prepare for the mission. Zheng took this time to gather the players, and discuss the movie.

Lan explained the plot up to their current situation, Honglu pointed out their priorities. While Zheng broke down the orders they were given so they could understand their roles.

The J squad will be going down with the movie characters, to secure the colony and protect the dropships.

While the movie characters will look for the missing colonists.

The civilians, and Yutani representatives will be waiting here in Sulaco. When the area is secured they will be brought down to perform their tasks, and be settled with the colonist later on.

In the mission Directives, The ones staying with the "Civilians" will be Corporal Smoak who will be their pilot on the 2nd dropship, Private Lan, and Private Zhao Yinkong but, mostly known as "Private Yin" due to Lt.Gorman's mistake at her introduction.

So only Kris, Zheng, Tengyi, and Cheng Xiao, who Lt.Gorman once again called "Chen" in the introductions.

When they were done the newbies were told to proceed to their rooms, but most of them opted to stay in the messhall.

The newbies were still taking things lightly since they won't be going down to the hostile planet, until it was secured. And due to the presence, of the colonial marines they felt safe.

'Well that's because things were still at a simmer, but when everything starts boiling, they'll start acting like ants on a hot plate.' thought Kris as he simply looked at their leaving backs.

When they were gearing up for the drop, Kris swapped his storage belt with Felicity's magic bag.

When the rest of the movie characters move down to the planet, Felicity will start collecting santa's presents for the both of them.

The weapons provided by the government on this mission was very high end for just a mere rescue mission. This was one of the things Kris observed as he was studying the movie in God's dimension.

The level of fire power they had. Should have made this mission a cake walk. If not for poor leadership, and corporate intrigue, coupled with the marine skeptic views towards the mission info they received. Made this whole op. into a disaster.

While they were busy with planning for the movie, Ripley manage to show off her piloting skills on the mech-loader, and impressed the Sgt. and Corporal Hicks, earning their respect.

By the time they were geared up, everyone was psyched up for the mission.

Fueled by the speech Sgt.Apone had given them, after he started giving orders.

"Everyone get to the ready line! Get Out! Get Out! Moving Out! Moving Out! Moving Out!"

As the now geared up team lined up in the hanger, the colonial marines and the four members of Team China look absolute bada*ses.

Equipped with tactical armor, infrared sensors, and military grade combat knives, with the addition of there main weapons they were fully ready for war.

Some of them had additional weapons they carry like Corporal Hicks's shot gun, and the 2 lightsaber hilts strapped on Kris's leg.

The Sgt. walked done the ready line to inspect the troops, and when he was satisfied. He told them to load up the armored transport vehicle.

This transport vehicle was a hybrid between a tank and a personel carrier. Fully equipped with cannons, and a rotating turret that's capable of moving on top of the vehicle to its back portion allowing it to squeeze into tight spaces.

This machine is akin to a mobile command center, rather than just simply a transport vehicle.

"Alright! get in there! 1,2,3,4... I want combat seating! You know your places! Hudson! Strap everyone in!" ordered Sgt.Apone

As the grunts were getting strapped in, Ripley, Burke, and Lt.Gorman boarded the vehicle, and took there places.

While Bishop the android, drove the carrier into the loading ramp of the dropship.

When the carrier was secured in, It was Corporal Ferro and Private Spunkmeyer's turn to prep for the drop.

Ferro's voice was broadcasted thru the comms.

"Stand by were retracting landing gears now..."

"Pre-launch auto-cycle engaged."

"Primary couplings release."

"Opening bay doors."

"All systems clear."

"Prepare for drop in... 5... 4... 3... 2...1! drop!"

Mean while in the carrier Ripley saw how tense Lt.Gorman was so she asked,"How many drops is this for you Lt.?"

The Lt. now clearly having cold sweat on his face answered."38.... simulated."

Then Vasquez asked,"How many... actual drops?"

The Lt. said, "2... including this one."

The marines all show their displeasure at that answer, having an inexperienced Commanding Officer is never good for operations such as this.

Hudson then looked at Kris, and asked,"How about you Wu? How many actual drops?"

"Hmm... Enough..." said Kris while closing his eyes like the gravitational pull of a re-entry was a smooth ride on a pave road.

Ripley interjected here,"80 mission drops in 8 years!"

Kris crack open one eye and said, "You've read my file..." this pique his curiosity since God, usually doesn't go into to much effort into arranging the players background story.

They were about to continue their discussion when Ferro's voice came from the comms.

"We're in the pipe! 5 by 5."

Then the turbulance kicked in as they pass thru the planets thick clouds.

Kris just closed his eyes back, and thought, 'It's about time to stirr up some trouble.'

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