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60% Transforming on Half Moon / Chapter 3: It’s a Beautiful Moon

Chapter 3: It’s a Beautiful Moon

Camilia nodded, formulating the thoughts that had been running around her head, "I think I like werewolves. I'm not sure they're real yet, but if they are…" She looked at Neil, blushing harder, "They would be good at basketball."

Neil smiled, his fangs showing, and Camilia continued, "Have a fanged smile." She looked at the red-head, "Have a very close group of friends." Then she looked at Kyle and Brett, "They would know their strength and be good sports with that strength." She met Neil's eyes, seeing the laughter in them, "Yeah, that's what I think." She said, folding her arms to give her some more confidence. She had just spewed the thought in her head, they probably didn't make an ounce of sense, but she had already said it. So she wouldn't take them back or blush any further.

Neil smiled, looking at the court, "That was a good answer." He said, rubbing his nose.

The red-head snickered as he saw this, he gestured for Camilia to come closer, "We've never played a game that natural before. He told us not to hold back." He chuckled again, "Got his ear talked off by the coach." He stepped away, "I'm Declan." He said, giving her a small salute.

Camilia smiled, "Nice to meet you. I'm glad I got to see the game." She said, wishing she could have played it. Kyle gave her a small smile, understanding her yearnings. She smiled again, "I guess you already know my name."

Declan laughed, "It's one I won't forget."

The Liken coach whistled, snapping everyone out of their conversations. The Likens smiled at each other then started to walk towards the coach, waving to Camilia's team.

Neil sighed, "Guess it's time to go." He said high fiving Kyle and Brett, "It was amazing to play with you."

"Same here." Kyle said, smiling, "Do you guys want to play sometime? 3 on 3."

Neil's eyes brightened, "Of course."

Kyle fished out his phone, "What's your number?" He asked, pulling up his contacts.

Neil glanced at Declan, shaking his head, "I don't have mine with me. What's your number?" Camilia hid a smile, he didn't seem like the type to forget his phone number. His glance at Declan had been cute, a flustered puppy looking to a sibling for help. She didn't have a phone, being the second youngest of a 5 kid family, but she would forget it everywhere if she did have one.

Kyle nodded, fishing a pencil and paper from his jacket pocket, he wrote down his number and gave it to Neil. Neil smiled, pocketing the paper. He waved to them as he walked away, Declan waved before jogging to the coach.

Kyle smiled, "You three want to play them?"

Camilia raised an eyebrow, Kyle laughed, "Don't pretend that you wouldn't do anything to play with them, I saw you during that game. You wanted them to win." Camilia chuckled, she never got anything passed Kyle, trying to act aloof or playing hard to get would never work with him. He would just come up with the perfect retort to make her go along with him.

Camilia laughed, "Of course I wanted you to win." She watched the Likens walk out of the gym, the only people left in the gym were the band. They were packing up their instruments, getting ready to wheel the percussion back to the music room.

Brett smiled, "They gave us a game I won't forget." He smiled wider, "We've got a lot of catching up to do before we play them again."

Camilia smiled, "We still playing tomorrow?" Tomorrow was Saturday, they would play together at a park's court, working out some as well. This was their tradition every weekend, Camilia refused to let them get ahead of her, if she couldn't play with them she would beat them off court.

Brett rolled his shoulder, "Oh yeah, I'm all fired up."

Kyle laughed, "I'll be there."

Camilia checked her watch, "I should get going." She started to walk towards her chair, picking up her backpack as she waved to her team. They waved back, saying their goodbyes.

Kyle walked and grabbed his bags, running after her, "Let me walk you home."

Camilia smiled, "I've walked home for years." She looked at the team, they were smiling and laughing as they saw the two together.

Kyle shrugged, "I'm going the same direction, my Dad has to repair the car."

Camilia nodded, "Fine, since we'd be walking together anyways." Kyle smiled, waving to the team as they began walking again. Then they exited the gym, seeing the group of students talking and laughing around the hall. She shifted through them, moving to the doors. She went outside, just in time to see the Liken bus turn out of the school's loop. She stared at the metal planks covering the bus windows. A metal plated truck drove ahead of the bus, another behind it. She shook her head, some schools had weird tastes.

"I've never seen a bus like that." Kyle looked at the bus, his eyes wide.

"Me neither, it's like the bus needs protection." Camilia remarked, a curiosity arousing. She wanted to see the inside of the bus, it had to be something crazier than she'd ever see. She stopped focusing on the bus, turning her thoughts to her surroundings. It was a nice night, they were still in the middle of fall, a breeze blew through Camilia's hair, but her jacket was enough to keep her warm.

Camilia's house was about a mile away, it would take her 12ish minutes to get home. It wasn't too dark, the moon bright and full, casting light on the ground. Street lights illuminated the rest of Camilia's way, making her feel comfortable as she walked next to Kyle. Although it looked like she was focused, her mind was flying, thoughts sprinting back and forth. She looked at the moon. Werewolves, were they real?

"What do you think of werewolves?" Camilia asked, looking at Kyle. She wanted to hear what he thought of all this, she felt like she was going insane with her curiosity and awe towards the Liken team.

Kyle walked next to her, his movements relaxed. He looked at her, his chin just over the top of her head. He smiled, "I didn't believe in them, not any monsters really. But after tonight." He shook his head, "I've never seen anyone play like them, much less a whole team." He took a breath, "It's almost scarier to think they're all human."

Camilia nodded, "They were so connected, and so fast. They just fused together. It was beautiful." Kyle nodded and the two lapsed into silence, walking at a relaxed pace. They had known each other for years and were comfortable being silent.

Kyle looked at the moon, "The moon is beautiful tonight." He turned to her with a smile, "I'm glad I got to see it."

Camilia smiled, "It's a beautiful moon. A beautiful world." She chuckled, "I guess we take it for granted, huh?"

Kyle nodded, sighing in contentment. The two walked in silence, admiring the stars and sleeping street. Once light entered the sky this road would fill with cars, but right now it was motionless.

That would have tipped off a less distracted person. A road this large was never truly dead. Cars wouldn't clear this road completely, unless it was in the drivers' best interests to avoid it.

A man's silhouette appeared in front of the couple, a large shadow stretching in front of him. Kyle looked at him, his hand grabbing Camilia's as he steered her onto the grass to avoid him.

"Where are you two lovebirds up to?" The man asked, the laugh in his voice not quite hiding its dangerous edge. Camilia expected the man to start wobbling back and forth, he had to be drunk, but he stood aware, strong.

"We're just heading home." Kyle responded, Camilia heard the fake brightness. Kyle was trying to hide his uneasiness. His hand tightened on her hand, his eyes masked in the darkness. Camilia looked at the man, trying to see why Kyle was so unnerved.

Camilia's eyes widened as she recognized the man's dark braids. She looked at his eyes, seeing an intense light being compressed as he tried to appear casual. She squeezed Kyle's hand, taking another step forward. Kyle gave her a slight nod, beginning to take faster steps. The two continued walking, glancing back over their shoulders at the man. He didn't move forward, watching the two walk away. As Camilia turned away his dark eyes seemed to sear themselves into her head.

As they walked away Camilia turned to Kyle, "I saw him at the game. He asked if I was your manager." She felt shivers dancing up and down her spine, cold water falling down on her again and again.

Kyle nodded, his posture tense, his movements aware, "Don't go to the park on your own. I'm going to pick you up from now on." He turned to her, his expression serious, "Got that?"

Camilia nodded, moving closer to Kyle. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her galloping heart. She was almost home, she would be safe there.

C_L_Spearhead C_L_Spearhead

Here's the third chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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