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64.7% Treasure! / Chapter 22: Magnus and the Dark Lord

Chapter 22: Magnus and the Dark Lord


Pit and Jared rush to the door to start the adventure.

"And we're off!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared leap through the door and flies into stormy skies.

"Ugh. This weather's nasty." Pit said, annoyed.

"Tell me about it. Anyway, I'm glad that Palutena is doing long distance telepathic calls for me. I wanted to get in contact with the Puella Magi Holy Quintet." Jared said, happily.

"We're glad to be your companions for your adventures against the Underworld, Jared." Mami said, telepathically.

"Yes, it's great to have Magical Girls by your side, Jared. But Pit, Jared, your next mission can't wait. The both of you must defeat Dark Lord Gaol." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Heh. 'Dark lord'? Seriously? Hasn't the dark-lord thing been done to death already?" Pit asked.

"That's like saying that the concept of Madoka Magica and Sword Art Online has been done to death already. Which it has." Jared said, shooting at the Underworld Troops with his upgraded Ebb and Flow.

"Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero and Magical Girl Raising Project totally copied us." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"For the Magical Girls suffering." Homura said, telepathically. "I agree."

"Why can't things be more like Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Cardcaptor Sakura, or Sailor Moon?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"That would make things easier." Mami said, telepathically.

"Why the hell are we getting off topic?" Kyoko asked, telepathically. "Can we get back to Dark Lord Gaol?"

"Yes. Please. Bring us to the present." Jared said, killing another Underworld troop.

"Right, where were we? Oh yeah. Dark Lord Gaol. He's earned it. He's working for Medusa. Her forces are coming from HIS castle. A human army has gone to fight him, but they don't stand a chance." Palutena said, telepathically.

"So, what you're saying is we need a brave hero to face the dark lord?" Pit asked.

"Like what? Madoka Kaname or Homura Akemi taking on Walpurgisnacht alone?" Jared asked.

"Just because it happened in our world doesn't mean that it did in this one." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"She's right. It was a group effort over here. Us, Iroha, and her friends defeated Walpurgisnacht in this universe." Mami said, telepathically.

"I suppose it IS an old story. But don't forget this is the Underworld Army we're dealing with. And anybody with the title 'dark lord' won't be some low-level minion." Palutena said, telepathically.

"So what are we talking here? Miniboss? ...Final boss? Well, whatever. I hope this dark lord's hungry for a hot plate of punishment!" Pit said.

Lightning suddenly strikes in front of Pit and Jared.

"Augh! Is this lightning coming from the Underworld Army?" Pit asked.

"Shocking, isn't it?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"Since when were you Yang or Ina'nis?" Jared asked, shooting down more Underworld troops with his bow and arrow.

"Where else would it be coming from? The lightning, I mean." Mami said, telepathically.

"Sorry...I guess that was pretty obvious." Pit said, sadly.

"It really was obvious, Pit." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"If neither of you don't watch out, we'll be having barbecued angel and human tonight. And though spicy angel wings sound tasty and a barbecued human sounds disgusting, I'd best get the two of you out of there." Palutena said.

"Plus...chicken is much more economical!" Pit said.

"I would rather have Kiara's Fried Phoenix over Kentucky Fried Chicken any day." Jared said, sadly.

Pit and Jared dive down through the storm clouds.

"Ahhhh! Much better!" Pit said, happily.

"I know, right. It really is much better flying like this." Jared said, looking over at Pit. "Love you, buddy."

"The two of you still have to watch out for fire from Underworld troops. Let's get you both headed toward land." Palutena said, telepathically.


Pit and Jared exit the clouds and reach an area with several mountains and canyons.

"How in the world would the human army make it across these mountains by foot?" Pit asked.

"Like, seriously, do they walk for miles? I love walking but even I have my limits." Jared said, shooting down another Underworld enemy.

"Do I detect a note of smugness in both of your voices?" Mami asked, telepathically.

"Uh... No, no, no! I'm just really happy I can fly." Pit said.

"Same. And I'm really glad that I get revived when I die." Jared said, smiling.

"Angels and allies of justice shouldn't gloat, Pit, Jared." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"Isn't that wrong to say?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"It is. Can one of you rephrase that?" Homura asked, telepathically.

"What we meant to say is that we're eternally grateful for your help. Whether your Magical Girls or Lady Palutena" Pit said.

"Let's make our way underground." Homura said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared head through a fissure and into an underground cave.

"It's not the most cheerful place, is it?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"It's less creepy than a Witch's labyrinth that's for sure." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"I remember the last time I was underground." Jared said, sadly. "It involved Silurians."

"We were there." Homura said, telepathically.

"The Underworld baddies seem to like it." Pit said.

"I suppose it makes sense they'd feel at home underground." Palutena said, telepathically.

"It'd be like living in a basement." Pit said, as he and Jared abruptly stopped in front of a Porcuspine. "Why did we stop?"

"Is there any reason for that?" Jared asked, holding his bow and arrow.

The fanboy looked over at his fairy wings from ALFheim Online for a moment. The wings are augmented reality for him and for others that can see it.

"Oh, I thought the both of you might want to take in the sights. And destroy some monsters." Palutena said.

Pit and Jared fly out of the cave and back into the canyon.

"Pit, Jared, behind you!" Madoka said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared notices a Belunka chasing after them.

"Let me at 'em!" Pit said.

"It's like taking down a flying Noise, Familiar, or Grimm. But this one is more gross." Jared said, shooting at the Belunka.

"I'll control both of your flight paths so neither of you don't run into anything. Just focus on shooting and dodging." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Got it!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared defeats the Belunka and flies out of the canyon.

"Dark Lord Gaol's castle is up ahead." Palutena said, telepathically.

"But...but what about that wall?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'll help the two of you over." Palutena said.

"Thanks a lot." Jared said, happily.

Pit and Jared fly upwards at high speeds.

"Whoaaaa! G-force in my faaace!" Pit said.

"It's fun, right?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"It sure is. I normally reach these speeds with Kirito and Leafa in ALFheim Online!" Jared said, excitedly.

Pit and Jared arrive at the top of the cliff.

"Yeah! Take that, wall!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared notices the human army engaged in combat with the Underworld Army.

"Look!" Pit said.

"I kind of don't like this." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"The people will never defeat Gaol with the Underworld forces in their way." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Just what we need. A losing battle." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"That's horrible!" Madoka said, telepathically.

"Tell me about it." Jared said, sadly.

"The humans are taking a beating! They need our help!" Pit said.

"Normally I'd agree with you, but…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"What is it?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Do you remember how long the power of flight lasts? Whether it's by me or the mechanics of ALFheim Online." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Five...minutes?" Pit asked.

"Under my system, yeah. How long was it for ALFheim Online?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"Ten...minutes?" Jared asked.

"And remember what happens when it runs out?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"My wings...burn up?" Pit asked.

"I would need to rest...and take a break?" Jared asked,

"We don't have time to assist the people. We have to go straight for Gaol. I'll take the both of you into the castle. From there, it's up to the two of you to face the dark lord. His defeat will force the Underworld Army into retreat." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Roger! Get ready for a display of raw angel power!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared fly down toward the castle.

Dark Lord Gaol's castle...

Pit and Jared arrive inside Dark Lord Gaol's castle.

"So this is the dark lord's castle." Pit said.

"It looks old fashioned." Sayaka said, telepathically. "European even."

"Yes, he must've scrambled to build it after Medusa's resurrection. He's using this castle as a stronghold for Underworld monsters. Monsters designed to wreak havoc and sow sadness." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That sounds like Witches." Mami said, telepathically.

"Or Familiars." Homura said, telepathically.

"Anyway, you're taking on the dark lord. Are the two of you excited?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"Yeah. It's like a birthday party where everyone wants to kill us." Pit said.

"Um, maybe I don't want to get killed." Jared said, looking over at Pit.

"Make your way to the great hall down on the first floor." Madoka said, telepathically. "I know you're scared. But you can do this, Jared."

Pit and Jared hop through an opening in the floor, winding up in a large hall.

"This must be the great hall." Jared said.

"At the top of the stairs, there's a door with switches across from it." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Switches, huh? That probably means I should hit them!" Pit said, happily.

"Very...perceptive of you, Pit." Mami said, telepathically.

"Man, I want to play on my Nintendo Switch, right now." Jared said, frowning.

Pit and Jared hit the switches, unlocking the door and summoning a Ganewmede.

"So you could beat us in Smash Bros Ultimate? No way!" Madoka said, telepathically. "I suck!"

"That's because you don't know how to recover properly." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"The hell? Madoka doesn't know how to recover in that game? Yet she's the Law of Cycles!" Kyoko said, telepathically.

"Can we get back on topic?" Mami asked, telepathically.

"I agree. The door's unlocked now. The enemy with the big skull guarding the door is a Ganewmede. They'll attack when fired at, but they don't do much at all if you don't shoot them. So I suggest using melee attacks or dash shots to take them down." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared and Pit did as they're told and took down the enemy.

Pit and Jared walks through a door.

"I'm sensing treasure somewhere to your left." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How do you know that?" Pit asked.

"From the heavens, I can see through your laurel crown to divine your surroundings."

"Really? That's amazing!"

"And that's not all I can see, Pit. I can also see what's in your heart."

"...oh...heh heh...that's really...something."

"And Jared, I can also see what's in your heart." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Wait. Really? I thought I was as heartless as how Homura perceived herself to others." Jared said, frowning.

"So neither of you had better not be thinking about anything...naughty." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What?! How did you—?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Just kidding. Sayaka came up with that on the spot. Seriously, reading hearts through laurel crowns and pendants?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"Sayaka? Really?" Jared asked. "Is that the best you could come with?"

"I also had some help from Kyoko." Sayaka said, telepathically. "We were bored as you were flying through the castle."

"I don't know how you fell for that. The hell?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"I know...I was...also kidding." Pit said, frowning.

"Same here. I was kidding when I said that Homura was heartless. She has a bigger heart than me." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

"Sure you were." Sayaka said, telepathically.

Jared ran down to the room to the left where there are Treasure Boxes. He looked inside, took down an Underworld enemy, and he picked up an item that consisted of the Palutena Bow.

"Ooo, the weapon Ebb and Flow was based off of." Jared said, picking up the bow and arrow. "Sweet."

"Isn't that cheating?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Not if it means that I can get weapons for my friends so they can take down the Underworld Army with me." Jared said.

The ally of justice checked out the other nearby chests to see that there are weapons for the Sword Art Online survivors inside.

Jared picked them all up and laid them all on the floor for Palutena to teleport the weapons out of the castle.

"Can't believe you actually got them weapons." Kyoko said, telepathically. "I don't know why you wanted to do that."

Pit and Jared heads down some steps.

"The two of you are heading to the lower level of the interior garden." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared rush into the garden and see Magnus fighting two Skuttlers and Shemum.

"Look at that!" Pit said.

"He's using melee weapons like Sayaka and Kyoko would." Jared said, happily.

"No dual wielding swords…" Sayaka said, telepathically.

"No spear…" Kyoko said, telepathically.

"A club?" Madoka asked, telepathically. "Why that?"

"How did a human make it into the castle?" Palutena asked, telepathically..

Magnus turns and notices Pit and Jared.

"Well, I didn't expect to see an angel and another human here. Hope this doesn't mean I've kicked the bucket." Magnus said.

"I think you should help him." Palutena said.

"He's taking on the Underworld Army himself...and surviving! Are you sure this guy is really a human?" Pit asked.

"Absolutely." Palutena said, telepathically.

"I have a feeling he would be able to take down Familiars." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"You're not wrong." Mami said, telepathically.

"That's kind of crazy to think about." Jared said, laughing a little.

"You having a private conversation with yourself, angel face, fanboy?" Magnus asked.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that. I'm Pit, servant of the goddess Palutena." Pit said.

"And I'm Jared. An ally of justice, friend of Symphogear and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet." Jared said, looking at Magnus. We're here to defeat Dark Lord Gaol."

"So the two of you are here for a slice of the pie too?" Magnus asked.

"Huh? Pie? Where? No, I mean...we're here to defend the humans from the brutality of the Underworld Army." Pit said.

"Sure, sure, you're the angel and ally of justice here. But me, I'm in it for the reward money. Since we both want to take down Gaol, how about we work together?" Magnus asked.

"I don't know about that…" Pit said, sadly.

"What have you got to lose? It'll be easier on the three of us." Magnus said.

"Lady Palutena...what do you think?" Pit asked.

"He makes a compelling argument." Palutena said, telepathically.

"He really does." Mami said, telepathically.

"Jared, do you know this guy?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"He's awesome. Sayaka, Magnus is you and Kyoko merged together." Jared said, smirking.

"Isn't that basically you?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"Touché. I don't mind working with you, you amazing mercenary."

"All right, then. Resuming mission Dark Lord Suppression!" Pit said.

"I'm Magnus, by the way. Pleased to meet you. Don't hit me, and we'll get along just fine." Magnus said, taking down an enemy nearby. "I'll follow your lead from here. I've got both of yours back."

Pit and Jared reach the end of a narrow, underground passage.

"Magnus sure is strong." Pit said.

"Yes, especially for a human." Palutena said, telepathically.

"He must really want that reward."

"He may not be made of the sturdiest moral fiber like the Puella Magi Holy Quintet and Jared, but that's fine with me."

"I'm surprised you feel that way."

"Humans are driven by desire. It's convenient to know what bait they'll chase." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That's kinda cold, but it makes sense. I guess." Pit said.

"Why do you think Magical Girls became a thing? All of them are driven by desire. Whether it's to make someone they love happy, to survive, or to become a beacon of hope for everyone." Jared said, sadly.

"Did you just refer to our wishes?" Mami asked, telepathically.

"You five are the first thing I thought of."

"More like you have easy access to us due to being the protagonist. And making the rest of us side characters." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Like why do that?" Kyoko asked, telepathically. "The hell is the point of it?"

"To extend the chapter a bit." Jared said, smirking.

"Hey, if you're chatting with your precious goddess and Magical Girls, give them a message from me. Tell them they've been sleeping on the job! My world is on the edge of collapse!" Magnus said, angrily.

"I take it back. This guy's a jerk." Palutena said.

"O...K…" Pit said.

"How is a jerk? Magnus is as cool as Felicia!" Jared said, happily.

Pit, Magnus, and Jared go through an elevator, arriving on a higher floor.

Jared's eyes turned blue for a moment thinking of the different possibilities out there.

Jared's mind palace...

If Pit and Jared enter the Hot Spring room to the right.

"Wait, is this...? Ha! It is! A hot spring!" Pit said, excitedly.

"Apparently, someone likes his spa time." Magnus said.

Dark Lord Gaol's castle...

Jared's eyes turned back to it's brown hue. Pit and Jared entered the Hot Spring.

" that's what I'm talking about!" Pit said, smiling.

"You go in fully dressed? Don't you at least want to change into a...swimming tunic or something?" Magnus asked.

"Oh, no no no! The angel's code of conduct says that we must always be ready for duty." Pit said.

"I guess you wouldn't be an angel if you didn't do things by the book."

"Yeah...and I don't want to steam the sacred buns." Pit said.

"We're done talking about this." Magnus said.

Pit and Jared approach the Treasure Box to the left.

"Yay! A treasure box!" Jared said.

"That's clearly a trap. Think about it. Who would leave treasure just lying around outside?" Magnus asked.

Jared proceeds and takes the loot from the Treasure Box, "Come on. Come on…"

"What is wrong with you?!" Magnus exclaimed.

"If there's a treasure box, I open it! I can't help it!" Jared said.

"Same here. High five!" Pit said, giving Jared a high five.


"OK, we'll see how long the two of you survive with that strategy!" Magnus said.

Pit and Jared enters a room with a long, spiraling pathway.

"It looks like a long way up." Pit said.

"If only I brought my hoverboard with me…" Jared said, sadly.

"What, do your legs not work or something?" Magnus asked.

"What has two legs but can't walk? Pants." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Sayaka! Did you just…." Jared said, looking at Sayaka.

"Wait! Forget I said that!"

"Just get to the boss…" Kyoko said, telepathically.

Pit, Magnus, and Jared approach the top of the path.

"I think we're closing in on Gaol's lair." Pit said.

"I hope you're ready." Magnus said.

"Are you ready kids? Aye aye, Captain! I can't hear you! Ooo!" Jared said, laughing a lot.

"SpongeBob…" Madoka said, telepathically.

"I don't know if now was the time for that." Mami said, telepathically.

Pit, Jared, and Magnus arrive in the throne room.

"Prepare for defeat, Dark Lord Gaol!" Pit said, taking out his weapon.

Jared is holding his bow and arrow while looking at Gaol.

"Aw, Palutena's little messenger boys. And Magnus, it's always a pleasure." Gaol said.

"Sorry I'm late. I had other business to attend to." Magnus said.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Pit asked.

"I think they do." Madoka said, telepathically. "It's like, it's like…"

The battle initiates.

"It's like how I know all of you before you met me." Homura said, telepathically.

"It's so typical of you to pawn off your work on someone else." Gaol said, looking at Magnus.

"Hey! In this economy, everyone's looking for work. Even part time work." Magnus said.

"That's funny. Business is booming for me. We're even hiring more staff!"

Two Skuttlers appear as Pit and Jared took them out.

"Huh, are these the new hires?" Magius asked.

"I don't know much about the situation...but it seems that Magnus and Gaol used to be close friends." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What?! Seriously?!" Pit exclaimed.

"It's like how Mami and Kyoko used to be close friends." Jared said, sadly. "When they used to fight Witches together."

"You're not wrong…" Mami said, telepathically.

"Our paths diverged." Kyoko said, telepathically. "I didn't want to be ordered around by her anymore."

"Anyway, Gaol and Magnus were part of the same band of monster-fighting mercenaries. But Gaol's heart was weak, and he couldn't resist the temptation of the Underworld." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Seeing them fighting, it's hard to believe they were ever friends." Pit said.

"Magnus only knows one way to fight:ferociously. Perhaps his fire is fueled by the child he lost to Underworld troops." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Like how Kyoko fights ferociously due to losing her family. And she also lost her illusion magic." Jared said, frowning.

"I had no idea. That's so sad…" Pit said.

Jared's eyes turned from brown to blue as he got another vision in his head.

Jared's mind palace...

If Magnus has already been defeated.

" and your mouth." Magnus said.

"Hmph. I almost feel sorry for the three of you. But not quite. I'll rip this angel and human to shreds first. Then I'll take care of you." Gaol said.

Dark Lord Gaol's castle…

Jared's eyes turned back to the brown hue they were before from being all blue. Magnus hasn't been defeated up to this point.

"Hey, enough chitchat! We need to concentrate here!" Magnus said, angrily.

"Feeling a little agitated, Magnus?" Gaol asked.

"Don't make me laugh, 'dark lord'! Now put on some pants, and fight like a man!" Magnus said.

Pit and Jared defeat Gaol.

"Dark lord suppressed!" Pit said, happily.

"It's like Trendz Galore!" Sayaka said, telepathically.

"You mean Trenzalore…" Jared said, frowning.

"Nice work, angel face, ally of justice!" Magnus said.


Gaol stumbles backward and falls, causing her armor to break apart and reveal a human woman inside.

: "...I'm sorry it had to come to this." Magnus said.

"Gaol was a human? I-I didn't know...what have I done…" Pit said.

"Tell me about it. I forgot that Gaol was Magnus' ex girlfriend." Jared said, sadly. "It's been a rough few years."

"You can't feel bad. Just think of all the other people you've saved. Besides, she looks like she's still holding on." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Really?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Come on, Pit. We have to help them!" Jared said, looking over at Pit.

Pit and Jared attempt to rush over to Gaol, only for pillars of light to appear over them and lift them off the ground.

"But we need to regroup. The war against Medusa is just starting." Palutena said, telepathically.

Palutena whisks Pit and Jared away.

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