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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Wave

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at

Let's get right into this! Finally, some action.

As I have yet to aquire the vast amounts of money I would need, I do not own Naruto….yet. Only Kenta, his family, and the smattering of OCs that'll randomly appear.

The wind whistled in my ears as my team and I rushed through the forest. Captain Genma had set a reasonable pace that would allow us to catch up to team 7, but wouldn't tire us enough if we had to fight at a moment's notice. At low Chunin speeds, the trip to wave was only about a three hour sprint. Team 7 had to travel at a Civilian pace so we were hoping to catch up to before they reached their destination or ran into more trouble.

We ran in a loose diamond formation. Captain at point ready to rush in any direction to engage the enemy. Naruto was on his left guarding that side and keeping his guard up; Ami was doing the same on the right. I was at the back of the formation, senses spread as far as I could push them. I vowed I wouldn't miss even the smallest mouse hiding in it's burrow.

We continued our mad dash through the forest when it suddenly opened up to the Ocean. Captain Genma stopped and made a quick assessment of the situation. There were no boats around to ferry us across. The straight between Fire Country and Wave was relatively calm, so we shouldn't have an issue making the journey. The only question was how far wave's shore from where we stood was, and would we make it before our chakra ran out?

"Quick 15 minute break, then we make for Wave" Captain declared. "Ami, if you start to get winded and feel your control slipping, tell me immediately and either I or Naruto will carry you the rest of the way. Don't let pride cloud your judgement on this. We have no way to determine what we're about to face once we cross the bay."

Ami nodded once at Captain Gemna and gave a small smile to Naruto. Naruto, naturally, gave her his patented grin and a thumbs up. Reminding me suspiciously of Konoha's Green Beast. Did they meet at some point when I wasn't paying attention? No time to keep pondering that train of thought, 15 minutes was up.

Our trek across the bay wasn't as bad as we thought. Ami made it on her own and was only slightly winded. I was proud of her. Her hard work and extra training with Anko seemed to be paying off. Captain called for another quick break to catch our breath, and 15 minutes later we were on our way again.

Within 20 minutes I felt the spike of chakra. It was powerful. Then another, different one. Even more powerful. I knew one of those signatures was Captain Kakashi, I only hoped his was the more powerful one or we might be marching to our deaths.

"Directly ahead of us. Two large chakra signatures battling. Picking up two smaller ones as we're getting nearer. I haven't spent enough time with team 7 to memorize who's signature belongs to who. I apologize Captain." I reported in what Naruto called my 'Mission Mode Voice."

Genma nodded at me. "Alright team. When we arrive at the battlefield you three will join with Kakashi's genin and surround and protect the client. I will engage with the enemy along with Kakashi. You three stay out of this fight and worst case escape with your lives. I don't know Kakashi's reasoning for continuing this mission, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my student's lives for a man who lied about mission parameters. Do I make myself clear? If I go down you will escape by any means necessary."

A round of affirmatives was all Captain needed and minutes later we arrived on scene. A scene that would haunt me for months to come.

Kakashi, trapped in a water prison. Wide eyed and panicking.

A clone or the original of the enemy; foot planted directly on the head of a bloody and beaten Sasuke, ready to crush his skull.

Sakura, screaming, crying and shaking in front of a large elderly man I could only assume was the filthy lying client. She had a kunai clasped in her hands. Knuckles white from the strain of how hard she was gripping the thing.

And finally Arata. Arata, laying at the base of a nearby tree. Blood dripping from a head wound. Unmoving, eyes closed. He looked so small, laying there. Aside from the blood, he looked as if he could be curled up taking a nap.

Captain Genma accessed the situation in seconds. "Kenta, check the boy by the tree. After you assess him join Ami and Naruto in surrounding and protecting the client. Move." And with that, Genma disappeared. He reappeared moments later, machete out and taking the head off the now identified water clone.

I rushed over to Arata. I was no medic but I only needed to get close enough to assess the damage and potentially move him out of harms way. First aid would have to wait a bit. I ran to the boy and dropped to my knees. I didn't really know what I was doing. I knew head wounds could be tricky, so I didn't want to move the boy and risk further damage. That's when I noticed it. The pool of blood that was behind Arata. I took a closer look at the back of his head and gagged.

The back of his skull was caved in. The brain matter exposed. That's when I noticed he wasn't breathing. I checked for a pulse, knowing the answer before I even touched his skin.

He was still warm. So this was recent. Had we moved a bit faster, could we have saved him? Were those 15 minute breaks the reason I lost a classmate and comrade? I knew these questions were silly. We got here as fast as we could without arriving completely spent and useless. But it didn't stop them from popping up immediately. It didn't stop the guilt I felt like the weight of a mountain. I said a quick prayer for the young warrior, then turned to take in the situation.

Captain Gemna was doing his best to try and free Kakashi. However this missing ninja, judging by the scratch through his village symbol, was good. He had summoned a dozen more water clones and while Captain was taking them out, another was replacing it every time he struck one down. The enemy was cackling with glee while Captain struggled. I glanced at Kakashi and noticed his struggles were slowing down. We had to get him out of there, he was dying! I steeled myself knowing what I had to do.

"Captain Genma, pull the clones away from him!" I shouted. Captain looked over, seeing the stance I was in and the all too familiar handsign that my clan was famous for. He looked hesitant, but noticed Kakashi's predicament and started herding the clones away from the original.

The original laughed at me. "What is this? Konoha jonin are such trash that they just throw their genin to the slaughter? Well if you're so eager to die, greenhorn, then I'll send you to the pure lands the same way I did your little friend over there by the tree." He finished with a bloodthirsty smirk.

The rage I felt inside me was boiling. If only this fucker knew what was about to happen to him. My father wasn't content being an average Yamanaka, something I inherited to the fullest. He designed many new techniques for the clan, and I was about to use the first he developed to it's maximum potential.

Hands in the sign required for the technique, I locked onto my opponent. Now, this technique has a few weaknesses. One, it's even slower to hit than the body replacement technique. Two, it relied on intent and emotions to deliver the full effect. A completely apathetic person could use the technique and deliver some pain to the victim, but nothing they couldn't handle. However, using negative emotions to fuel the technique intensified the pain the victim would experience. And I'm not talking fake emotions, or lesser emotions. Being frustrated or angry wasn't enough. You needed real, strong emotions to fuel the fires for this technique. And right now, pure, unrestrained rage burned through my veins. This monster revels in death and blood. He laughs at taking the life of an innocent child. I would make him pay!

"Yamanaka Clan Technique: Mind-Body Sear Technique" I all but whispered. I felt the energy gather in my hands. The pure spirit energy radiated from my hands and headed towards my opponent like a silent specter. A heartbeat passed, then two, then three…

"What the hell was that?! You're so pathetic your technique failed. You're even worse than tha-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The bastard was cutoff as the technique took hold.

As I said the technique had a few glaring weaknesses. But when it worked, it worked. Immediately the foreign shinobi pulled BOTH his hands to his head, screaming in agony. He couldn't even control his chakra properly as evidence by his clones dispersing into puddles and his footing on top of the water failing.

I continued my technique. Nose beginning to bleed. The technique was also very hard on the user. No technique causing this much pain and suffering came without a price. But I grit my teeth as my chakra levels dropped and the throbbing in my own head increased to new levels. I didn't have to wait for long.

As soon as he was free, Kakashi took advantage of his new found freedom. As he was wearing a mask I couldn't see the expression on his face, but his eyes, they promised retribution and pain for his fallen student. A second later he was in front of a quickly sinking ninja. Two Seconds later, and his lightning coated hand was through the missing ninja's chest. Three seconds later, the water was red with blood.

As soon as Kakashi had his hand through the missing ninja's chest, I had dropped my technique. I fell to the ground, exhausted. Naruto was by my side within seconds.

"Oi, Kenta! You OK? You're so pale and your nose is bleeding! Captain Genma! Hurry! Kenta is dying!" Naruto was in a panic by this point.

I chuckled weakly. "Thank you for your concern, Naruto. But that technique takes a lot out of me when I use it to it's full effects. I'll be fine after some rest."

A heartbreaking wail filled the silence that had surrounded the battle field. 'Oh for fuck sake was is it now?' I irritably thought to myself. There was no way I could fight another fight right now.

I turned to the source of the sound and saw a masked shinobi on his knees at the edge of the water. He was sitting there screaming. Who was this guy? Was he in league with the missing ninja?

"Master Zabuza! Master Zabuza! What have you done, leaf ninja?!" he was all but hysterical.

"Zabuza Momochi was a missing ninja and an enemy of ours. He attempted to attack our client who is under our protection and would not abandon his mission and paid with his life; the same way my own student did" Kakashi's monotone reply came. "He knew the risk when he took this mission, the same way my students and I knew. This is the life of a shinobi. Kill or be killed. Be strong or be weak. There is no other way."

I found myself agreeing with Kakashi. It was a cold reality, but reality nonetheless. From the S.O.S request we got, Kakashi and his team knew the risks of continuing the mission, but they did so anyway. Arata was the one to pay for it. I don't know the circumstances, but clearly Kakashi's words rang true. The now identified Zabuza was alive when we arrived and Arata was not. Kill or be killed.

The masked ninja turned towards Kakashi. I don't know if it was my imagination or not but the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees as he stared at the man for a few momnets.

"I see. Then I will complete the mission my master gave his life for. If I die in the attempt, it is what I deserve. I am nothing more than a blunted tool who couldn't' even save my master's life. Prepare yourself." And he blitzed the bridge builder.

Kakashi cursed, as it seemed the fight with Zabuza had taken it's toll. He collapsed to the ground and was struggling to get up. I wasn't much better. I tried to stand but my entire body protested. I let my anger and hatred cloud my judgement and used the Sear Technique. The toll it took on my own body was almost too much. Captain Genma was the only one in fighting form and he was moving as fast as he could, but it wouldn't be enough. We were going to fail our first mission outside Konoha. I couldn't believe it. After everything we went through, after that fight with Zabuza, after Arata GAVE HIS LIFE! We were going to-

"Sealing Arts: Four Pointed Cardinal Barrier Formation!" A voice called out. A voice I knew well. Naruto Uzumaki saved the day.

A red barrier surround the client, as well as the rest of the genin. The masked ninja unleashed a barrage of senbon, but they bounced harmlessly off the barrier. He charged again and attempted to smash the barrier with a powerful kick. It had the same effect as the senbon. Absolutely none that is.

Naruto, being the most mature one of our group. Laughed. The masked ninja turned to him. Naruto stuck out his tongue and flipped the bird to the ninja.

"I set those tags up while everyone was fighting that browless freak with the giant sword he clearly carried around to compensate for something. You know, as a fallback plan in case things went really south." Naruto declared quite smugly. Even adding a smirk at the end that would do the Uchiha proud.

I had never been more proud of my best friend than I was at that point in time. He was still a loudmouthed idiot. But he was starting to more and more become a tactfully thinking shinobi day by day.

"Naruto, I could kiss you right now. You really saved the day." I said wearily with a slight laugh.

Naruto turned towards me with a big grin. "Yeah, I know. I'm just awesome like that. How could I be Hokage one day if I failed my first mission outside the village, ya know?!"

I was about to reply but was abruptly interrupted by the masked freak. "Ah. So you are responsible for this barrier. If I kill you, then the barrier should drop and I will be able to complete my mission for Master Zabuza."

He was already flashing through the hand seals needed to unleash whatever technique he had planned. He stopped, ending on the dragon seal. Before he could finish and launch the technique, it seemed that Genma was done listening. He appeared behind the masked ninja and delivered a powerful blow to the back of the head. The ninja crumpled.

"You did well, Naruto. But this kid was right. All anyone had to do was take you out and the barrier dropped. I know there wasn't time as he attacked abruptly. But remember what I told you. Treat everyone as an enemy. If you had, you would have been back into your position to activate the barrier from the inside." Genma reprimanded Naruto.

Naruto looked down in shame. "You're right. I'm sorry Captain."

Genma's scowl lasted about three more seconds before his grin returned. He ruffled Naruto's hair in an affectionate manner, causing the boy to squawk in protest. "Regardless of all that. You did well. It was a learning experience. Everyone makes mistakes. Only idiots make the same one twice though. And none of my students are idiots."

We all smiled at that.

"Kenta!" I looked up at my captain when he called my name. "You also did well. I thought you were going to do the body transfer, but the sear technique was much more appropriate, especially with the knee jerk reaction of Kakashi as soon as he was free. I don't know if you could have released in time by the time he was putting a hole in Zabuza's chest…"

The implications weren't lost on me or my teammates. They both knew whatever damage I would have suffered if I had taken control of Zabuza's body would have reflected to my actual body. Dead Zabuza, but also dead Kenta.

"Yes, Captain. But it was also because he was a Jonin. I didn't know if the difference in strength would have been too great for me to even take control." I replied.

He nodded. "It was a good decision. I've seen you use this technique before though and it never took this toll on your body. Explain."

So I did. I told him how using negative emotions enhances the power, but also the drawbacks. He nodded in understanding.

"It's a dangerous technique. Your father is a truly terrifying and sadistic man to create such a technique" Genma said with a smirk. "It's perfect for a brat like you."

I smiled back at our captain. I knew he was just teasing us out of relief that we were all safe. I noticed as we talked the tension he'd had in his shoulders was lessening by the second.

"Ami!" he finally called out.

"Yes, Captain?" she said unsure of herself.

"I know you think you probably didn't do anything. And you didn't." we all gave our captain flat stares at that.

Laughing he said "Now hold on let me finish! You didn't do anything but you did everything right. You reported to your position and held it with composure befitting your station as a kunoichi of Konoha. You didn't let the tension of the atmosphere, nor the grievous wounds of the boy I know you admire affect your concentration. Even at the end when this fake hunter ninja was rushing the client, you stepped in front, tensed and ready to battle tooth and nail. No you didn't do anything, but I could see mine and Anko's training is helping you grow leaps and bounds; I'm proud" he finished with a warm smile for our female teammate.

Ami flushed deeply under our captain's praise. I was happy for her. She had grown leaps and bounds since our team had formed just three short months ago. Captain Genma was right, though she didn't participate, she kept her cool and did as she was trained to do. Ready to engage at any given moment. Ami glanced my way and I spared her a tired smile and nod, showing her I was in complete agreement with him. Her smile only grew, especially with Naruto in the background ("Yeah Ami! You were great, ya know! You're gunna kick ass next time we fight someone!)

"Alright genin. Time to get a move on. We've still got a mission to complete, wounded to be seen to, and a comrade that needs attending to. Naruto, make some clones to carry the injured. Ami, secure the prisoner and Naruto get a chakra suppressant seal ready. Kenta, can you walk?"

"I'll continue to sit here and regain some energy. By the time we're ready to move out I should be able to walk, even if I need some support, Captain" I told him truthfully. He nodded.

"Ok, I'll take care of poor Arata" Genma said sadly.

"U-umm. Captain Genma? How are you planning on taking care of him?" The timid question came from Sakura.

In response, Genma pulled out an intricate black scroll, tied neatly with a golden band. "These are specially designed storage scrolls for carrying back our comrades. They have a special stasis function that will keep the body from decaying for a month."

"Um… ca-can I do that instead? He was my teammate and it's the least I can do. He died defending me, I feel it's all I can do at thi-" she broke then, the adrenaline leaving her system and the shock of everything that happened finally breaking through. I'll admit that Sakura, despite being terrified, held up as well as can be expected. Surprisingly it was Ami that rushed to her side to console her. Ami had told us how much she regretted being a royal bitch to Sakura and Lady Hinata when in the academy. It seems she was being truthful when she told us she was trying her best to change.

Captain Genma looked on in pity. I know for a fact he's probably been where she is before. He was a veteran of the third war, so I know he's lost comrades right in front of him. He knelt down and said something to Sakura, too low for me to hear. She looked up at him in shock. After a few more minutes of staring she nodded and stood up with Ami's help. Genma put a protective arm around her and led her to her fallen teammate. I looked away at that point. Trying to give her as much privacy as I could. I couldn't imagine if I lost either of my teammates. Even Ami had become someone I cared for over the last three months. I know I'd probably be worse than Sakura was now.

Ami returned to helping Naruto secure the prisoner. The clones were making makeshift stretchers to carry Sasuke and Kakashi, the prisoner and a fourth for me if he thought I needed it. I smiled at his thoughtfulness. I'll have to ask Father if this was a normal occurrence or if I did something wrong.

We were on the way to the now identified Tazuna's house. We made a pretty pathetic show of force. What with half our numbers on stretchers or barely able to walk. Three hours later we finally made it.

Tazuna's house was a small little cottage that sat right on the sea. It was a cute little place with a spectacular view. I could see myself retiring in a place like this. It was serene; cut off from the noise of the world. The perfect place for me when I knew I'd be a crabby old man.

Tazuna opened the door and called "Tsunami? Inari? I'm home!"

"Father?!" A feminine voiced cried out in obvious delight. "You're home, and you're safe. Oh! Who are all these people?" she asked just now noticing the 5 pre-teens and two adults crowding her entryway.

"These are the Konoha ninja who kept me safe and will protect me and the workers while we finish the bridge!" Tazuna said happily.

Tsunami bowed to us all "Thank you so much for keeping my father safe. I know he's a handful and can be a real grouch, but he's our countries last and final hope."

"What do you mean, Miss Tsunami?" I asked. I honestly had no idea what the original mission was or entailed. Our mission was to simply save team seven's bacon.

Tsunami looked at her father curiously. "Father, do they not know the dire situation Wave has found herself in?"

Tazuna chuckled awkwardly. "Well you see, dear, the two blondes, the purple haired cutie and the bandana guy were called in reinforcements from Konoha. They arrived just in time to save the rest of us. I haven't had the chance to explain what's going on.

"Yes, some actual information would be wonderful" Captain's sarcastic drawl replied. "However, before that is there anywhere we can place our injured comrades so they can rest comfortably?"

"Oh! Of course. Please follow me mister shinobi." Tsunami started.

"Genma. Genma Shiranui." Captain said, extending his hand with a very different smile on his face.

"Oi, Captain Genma. Don't be a lecherous fool in front of our client's daughter. It isn't professional." I called out, snickering at the death glare he shot me.

"Wait, what does lecherous mean?" Naruto asked, the picture of innocence.

"Pervert" Ami supplied, glaring at our Captain. If there was one thing Ami hated more than anything, it was a pervert.

"Now, now my treading dangerous water students. It isn't perverse to admire a woman's beauty. Especially one as beautiful as Miss Tsunami. She is as-"

"PERVERT!" We all shouted at once, pointing at our Captain.

"Miss Tsunami, I'm terribly sorry about my students, but it seems we'll need beds for five injured shinobi" Genma said pointing at the three of us, senbon sticking out of all of us in random places. Naruto was especially sweating as one had landed just centimeters from his 'little Naruto.'

Dinner than evening was a pleasant experience, aside from an outburst and subsequent temper tantrum by Tsunami's young son, Inari. Tazuna and Tsunami explained the situation to us. How Gato had come to Wave to "expand the current market and make Wave flourish." At first everything was fine and it was as Gato promised. Trade exploded and the money was pouring in. The people of Wave were overjoyed by their newfound trade with far reaching lands that they'd only dreamed of in the past. That soon changed however.

In a power-play by Gato, in a single night he had seized and liquidated every other shipping and trading company, thereby monopolizing all trade to Gato Corporation. With each passing day, the people of Wave became more and more impoverished. Their hero, Tsunami's husband, was killed in a public execution. Extinguishing the last embers of hope the people had left.

It was a sad tale to be sure, and I was positive if we had originally taken this mission, Naruto would have demanded we continue the mission, the same as team 7. Sakura told us Arata was the same. He said they had to help Wave. He didn't become a ninja just to commit assassinations in the shadows, but to also help those that couldn't help themselves. It was a noble thought, but it should have been thought through more diligently. Had team 7 just waited for us to arrive before moving on, Arata would still be alive.

Sadly the past couldn't be changed. We can only move forward. I subtly kept shooting glances at Sakura to see how she was coping. I knew a tragedy like this would either make or break the young kunoichi. Once we returned, this would either be the spark that she needed to push herself to be as strong as she could get, or it spelled the end of her career and she would retire. Only time would tell.

Naruto and I were strolling through town the next day. Transformed to look like ordinary travelers. Our mission? Gather some intel and hopefully find where Gato's base of operations was. Hearing about and seeing the state of the country were two totally different things. Children huddled in alleys. The rags they wore as clothes hung off skeletal frames. The adults, most injured or sick lined the streets begging for scraps. The houses were worn and dilapidated. Roofs falling apart or just caving in. It was absolutely awful. I could feel the pity and sadness pouring off Naruto's chakra in waves. It wasn't helping me in trying to keep my own emotions in control.

We continued walking until we started to hear the first sounds of life that we'd heard since stepping foot in the village. We came upon a rundown bar. The light pouring out of grimy windows gave the place a grungy and uninviting look. The music and laughter however drew us through the front doors. The second we opened the doors I was immediately assaulted by two things. The decibel levels coming from inside, and the stench of dozens of unwashed bodies. Men were gathered around every available table. Singing, laughing and drinking. Groping and harassing the poor waitresses as they tried to maneuver the labyrinth of unclean flesh.

I looked to my left and noticed how green Naruto looked even with his transformation. I felt pity for the boy, I knew how strong his sense of smell was. More kudos to him for keeping his lunch down, as I was struggling myself. I couldn't imagine have that heightened sense of smell. We made our way to the bar and ordered a drink each; disappearing into the shadows to keep our eyes and ears open for any leads. We didn't have to wait long.

"Hey did you hear?! Seems that so-called Demon of the Bloody Mist was killed by some kids and their teacher. Guess Lord Gato was right, he wasn't really that tough."

"Yeah I did hear about that, and his little pet was captured by them. Lord Gato is holding a meeting tonight to discuss what the plan is now that the demon fail."

It seemed that was the biggest news and all anyone was talking about. Zabuza's defeat, and the meeting tonight. I knew I had to attend that meeting, somehow. I just had to find the right target… there.

"Take care of my body. Make something up about hunger and fainting and taking me home. I'm going to this meeting. Inform the two captains what I'm doing." I whispered to Naruto. He nodded once, knowing what I planned on doing.

I located my target once again; a wiry, middle-aged man with a wicked scare running from his jawline up to his hairline. He was one of the ugliest thugs I'd ever seen, and over the last two hours of observation I hadn't seen him speak even once. I subtly made the handsign for our clans prized technique.

"Yamanaka Clan Technique: Mind-Body Transfer" I whispered.

Using the Transfer technique was… strange to say the least. The best way to describe it would be that sensation of when you're so exhausted that you just seem to blink, and you've realized your parents moved you from the couch to your bed. That's how it feels to use this technique. One minute I'm in my body, the next eye blink and I'm across the room in the body of a total stranger.

Now the two keys to success to using the Mind-Body Transfer technique: Willpower and Chakra. One, your willpower needs to overpower and crush the willpower of the person you're attempting to hijack. If your willpower is shaky, or the victim is so self-assured, the technique will either collapse after a minute or two, or just fail completely. Chakra is more straightforward. The more off balance the two competing chakra ratios are, the longer and more absolute of a hold you can maintain on the technique.

I've been praised many times by my clan head and elders for my chakra capacity for my age and experience. I was on par with the average chunin already, and since my clan isn't renowned as having the largest chakra pool out there, this was the equivalent of someone like Sasuke having low jonin levels. They would only continue to grow but for now I was happy with where they stood; and it was more than enough to keep this scar-faced freak under my control for a few hours at least. Probably more as this guy has first year academy levels. How pathetic.

I spent the next hour listening to gossip. Naruto had long since left with my body; most likely to take it back to Tazuna's place and inform our captain of my plan. He shouldn't be too upset, as my plan was very low risk. Too upset is the key word. Captain Genma could be such a mother hen sometimes. After about an hour had passed, word spread the meeting was starting soon and all of Gato's thugs began to make their way back to base. I quickly followed suit, knowing I had picked the right target. No one had tried speaking to me, and no one expected me to really join in any conversation. I simply followed the crowd of about a dozen thugs out of town.

After about a half an hour of walking, we came upon Gato's base of operations. It seems he took over the country's Feudal Lord's Mansion and was using it as his own. Hopefully the family was alive and just being held captive and not dead. If they were dead, it would only be one more issue for Wave to overcome once Gato had been dealt with.

After some time and more and more thugs filed in, Gato finally made his appearance. He was… not what I was expecting. He was a tiny man. Middle aged. Shaggy brown hair. Overall, not really an intimidating or impressive sight to say the least. However, money talks, and from the gossip around the country this man had a LOT of it.

"I know you're all wondering why I called for an emergency meeting on such short notice" Gato began. "It seems Tazuna is craftier than I originally thought and enlisted the aid of Konoha to protect him." The mention of Konoha drew a round of boos and jeers. "I don't know what story he told them, but they sent Shinobi capable enough to kill Zabuza and take his apprentice hostage. We cannot, I repeat CANNOT, allow this bridge to be finished. If the bridge gets finished, I lose my hold on Wave, and you lot are out of a job! So in three days' time, we will march on the bridge, every single person in my employ, and we will slaughter those Konoha ninja as well as the bridge builder!"

At the end of his little speech the men all cheered, stamped their feet, and anything else to show their excitement for shedding blood. I smirked a bit to myself. They may have the numbers, but we were shinobi. We did whatever was necessary to win. I stuck around in the body for a bit to see if I could get any more information, but it seems that Gato had said what he needed to say and had retired to his chambers. I could snoop around a bit, but I didn't know what kind of clearance this guy had, and if I was being honest my control was starting to loosen a bit. It had been a little over three hours since I hijacked this body and while I could hold it for a few more, there didn't seem to be much of a point. I released my hold and a heartbeat later I was back in my body.

As soon as I arrived back into my body, I was assaulted from all sides by my teammates and Captain. As predicted, Captain Genma fussed over me and reprimanded me for doing something "so risky." Naruto and Ami were fussing and making sure I was OK. They didn't think it was healthy for me staying out of my body for so long. After assuring everyone I was fine and that I really wasn't in any danger, I was able to relay to my team and team 7 what I learned. Sasuke was ready to go on a warpath and march straight into Gato's camp. Genma had to remind him that Captain Kakashi was still suffering from mild chakra exhaustion and would need those three days to recover. We also needed to decide what to do with Haku, Zabuza's apprentice we captured. I had spent a couple hours talking to him and learning of his tragic backstory. The kid had it rough when he was younger and I could totally see why he would have devoted his life to Zabuza. However, knowing that he was never actually a ninja of Water Country presented an opportunity for us. Since he wasn't technically a missing ninja, he could theoretically join Konoha and add in his powerful bloodline to Konoha. The only snag was snapping him out of his depression long enough for him to realize the advantages of joining us.

Over the next few hours we planned and strategized on how to deal with Gato and his cronies. Our plan was simple, but would prove to be very effective. Since we knew the date and time of the planned assault, we could lay our traps with maximum effectiveness. And since team 11 was training to be an ambush squad, this was the perfect opportunity to show team 7 what we could do. We might never be a heavy hitting assault squad like their captain had planned for them, but we could be just as deadly, if not more…

The day of Gato's assault had finally arrived. In just a few short hours, the terror of Wave would be dead and the people freed. The thought filled me with excitement and a little bit of anxiety. In just a few short hours, Wave would be free, but my hands would finally be soaked in blood and I would have taken another human life. The thought terrified me to my core, but I knew that the men I would be killing weren't exactly innocent civilians. That single thought comforted me enough to get through the rest of the day without breaking down. Naruto and Ami weren't much better, and we took comfort in each other, knowing that we'd all be killers by the time the sun set.

The plan was simple, Naruto would create clones and transform them to look like Tazuna and his crew to make sure that Gato's scouts would see them. Once confirmed they would lure the small army of Gato's to the ambush point. It was there that hundreds of men would lose their lives in a short amount of time. Today was the day that Wave would win her freedom in a shower of blood.

The six of us stood in hiding at the bridge construction site. Sakura as well as a dozen clones courtesy of Naruto were guarding Tazuna and his family back at their house. Captains Genma and Kakashi were in the back. They wanted us genin to do most of the work, as this was the closest we'd get to an actual war. Hopefully at least.

Ami and Naruto were on my left, Sasuke on my right. The plan was simple, but effective. We just had to wait for the victims to appear. We didn't have to wait long.

The small army appeared just a few minutes after the sun had risen. The "workers" upon seeing the army all turned and fled, screaming in a completely overdramatic way. Go figure, Naruto would be one for the dramatics. The thugs just laughed and jeered at the "workers," knowing they had nowhere to go except into the water. That's when Gato made his appearance. "Tazuna! I know you're there! If you give yourself up then I won't have everyone here killed!"

Only silence met his declaration. Gato didn't like that. "KILL THEM! KILL EVERYONE HERE! SLAUGHTER THE BRIDGE BUILDER AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY!"

The thugs cheered and charged forward. I looked at Naruto and saw the sadness hiding behind his eyes. The guilt already eating away at him as he knew what he had to do. Naruto would be responsible for the most deaths today. He was probably going to be a mess once this was over. I couldn't do anything for him right now, but I'd be there for him in any way after this was all over. I saw Ami give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Naruto looked at her and she gave him a warm smile. He smiled in return and then a look of determination crossed his face. He began weaving the handseals that would seal the fate of most of these criminals. He finished his handseal sequence.

"Sealing Arts: Four Pointed Cardinal Barrier Formation!" Naruto Shouted. Immediately a red barrier sprung up around the thug army. This one was much more impressive than the one Naruto had used to protect Tazuna from Haku's assault. The men at the front of the line crashed into the barrier and toppled backwards as they hit the solid wall. Men began attacking the solid wall, hoping to break through. It was all in vain. The four of us rose from our positions, revealing ourselves.

"Hey! It's just a bunch of kids! They can't do anything!" One foolish thug laughed. The rest of the men followed suit and began laughing at us. Some though, looked nervous. They could tell. They were simply sheep for slaughter.

The four of us held identical handseals. Half ram seals. At once, we all called out the same command:

"Detonate!" four voices called out. A split second later, light and heat filled the early morning air. When the dust cleared, carnage was all that awaited the young Shinobi. Sasuke was the first to lose his breakfast, the rest of us followed quickly.

Blood. So much blood. Body parts strewn about. Men missing chunks of their entire bodies. The gore was just too much. Almost immediately, Captain Genma had the three of us wrapped in a bone-crushing hug. Whispering hollow, empty words to try and comfort us.

"Don't worry kids, Kakashi and I will take care of any survivors. I know what we asked of you was cruel, but you all did so good and I'm so proud of you. It never gets easier, I wish I could tell you it does. But it doesn't. Just remember that feeling, this guilt means you're still holding onto your humanity. Don't lose this feeling and you will never be the monsters that you think you are right now."

Captain Genma held true to his word, and he and Kakashi cleaned up what was left of any survivors or those that were lucky to not get trapped in the barrier. Gato was the last man standing; his entire army wiped out in seconds by a bunch of kids. He wasn't meant for the world of the living though. Captain Kakashi saw to that, the same way he saw to Zabuza. A hole through his chest.

The following few weeks passed in a blur. The people of Wave were ecstatic with the tyrant dead. Celebrations across the tiny country were a regular thing each night. Tazuna and his crew were able to finish the bridge just two weeks after Gato's demise. It helped that Naruto had the foresight to apply reinforcement seals to the bridge before we blew it sky high. The bridge only suffered minor damage from the explosions. So instead of delaying the project by who knows how long, it only took a day to clean and repair that section of the bridge.

The only thing that remained constant were my two teammates. This whole ordeal did nothing but bring us all closer together. We were able to heal much faster from the horror of taking so many lives, together. Within a few days, we were able to smile again. A day later, laughter was back in our lives. I would forever be grateful to my two teammates; especially after the nightmare I had the night after the massacre at the bridge.

Fire. Blood. Screams. Death. Sorrow. Mourning.

I woke up gasping. Naruto quickly pulling me into a hug.

"Oi, Kenta! You OK? Hey! Kenta!"

I shook myself out of my rising panic attack and looked at Naruto. He smiled at me and let me go. "You were scaring me, man. You were shouting in your sleep and I couldn't wake you up. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head, trying to clear it and get my thoughts organized. "I don't really know what I was dreaming about though. It was… confusing."

Naruto frowned and turned his eyes to the door just as Captain Genma walked in. "Well why don't you just get out what you do remember. Get it off your chest, y'know?"

I nodded. "Not much. I just remember Konoha. It was under… attack? I think. There was fires everywhere and explosions. There was giant snakes attacking. And… I think I remember waking up right as someone with golden eyes was putting a sword through the third's stomach."

I looked at Naruto who looked a little nervous, but the quick glance at Captain Genma was very telling. "Captain, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Captain Genma quickly composed himself. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that… How much do you know of Orochimaru?"

"Not much other than what the history books say." I stated simply. "He was the third's student. Part of the legendary Sannin. He was caught experimenting on citizens of Konoha and escaped the third before he could be brought in for justice. He's one of the most dangerous men in the elemental nations."

Captain Genma nodded. "That he is, Kenta. Well what the history books didn't mention was that Orochimaru is the summoner for the snake clan. And that he has golden eyes, and a legendary sword that is said to be able to cut anything."

I let those words sink in for a second, processing what Captain Genma just told me. Naruto, however, was much less subtle.

"Wait a minute! So Kenta saw the future! This Orochimaru bastard is gunna kill the old man!?"

"Calm down, Naruto." Genma said. "I never said that. Though coincidence in the shinobi world is something worth investigating. I'll make sure to mention your… dreams to the Hokage."

I nodded. "Thanks Captain. It just seemed, I don't know. Not real, but not something I imagined either." It almost gave me the same feelings I had as a kid. The ones that led to the capture of the Kumo Ninja attempting to kidnap Lady Hinata, and also how I met Naruto. I shivered at that thought. I really hope I was wrong this time…

Three weeks after the massacre, we were finally getting ready to leave Wave and head back to our homes. It seemed the entire country had come out to see us on our way.

"Well, this is it. I know you're all eager to get home and see your friends and family, but are you sure you can't stay just one more day?" Tazuna asked.

"Nah. We need to get back ASAP and report everything to Lord Hokage. He's probably going to have a heart attack, so we might be looking for a new Hokage in the near future." Captain Genma jokingly told Tazuna.

"Well then. Safe travels. And on behalf of our entire country, thank you Konoha shinobi!" Tazuna shouted, bent at the waist in a deep bow. The rest of the community followed quickly after.

We all said our final farewells, and with one last wave we departed the tiny island nation. First ones to travel across the "Great Team 11 Bridge."

Holy crap. Almost 8000 words. Sorry this chapter took a little longer to get out. The flu got me bad this year. Put me on my ass for over a week.

Edited: 3/31/2020 - Again, Line breaks. CURSE YOU POWERPUFF GIRLLLLS! I mean Microsoft.


This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at

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