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96.29% Silenced (Jeon Jungkook) / Chapter 26: Drunken

Chapter 26: Drunken

⚠️Warning this chapter contains sexual content. If you are NOT comfortable reading such things please do not read this chapter! ⚠️

Thank you for the support!! Enjoy~


As he hovered over you, your tongues collide in a drunken kiss. You kiss down to his neck as you softly bite him. You hear him inhale as he presses his growing member to you. He pins your hands by your head and attaches his lips to your neck. You whimper as he bites you harshly. You can feel him twitch as he slowly presses his body against yours.

"Fuck baby-" he says pulling away. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom.

"Before I put this on, I need you do help me a little" he says as you smile.

"Yes sir~" you say as he sits back leaning the back against the bed frame. You kiss his neck as you let your hand travel down to his throbbing member. You take off his shirt and trail kisses and marks down his torso. You make it to his pants and kiss his covered member as your fingers slide past the waistband of his pants. You slowly pull them down. You grab him and lick him from the very bottom to the top. Then you take him in, one of his hands grab onto your hair. As you move up and down you look up at him.

"Fuckkkk Princess you're going to make me act up" he said throwing his head back.

"I can't- I can't" he says opening the condoms slipping it on helping you take your shirt off and your bottoms.

"Ride me baby girl" he says as he slips the condom on. As he places himself at your entrence he places his hands on your side as you slowly slide down on him. As he slowly fills you up you bite your lip. You stop a little bit trying to get adjusted.

"Oh love you can't stop now~ if you can't take all of it yourself I'll have to help you" he says pushing you down as you moan out. As you move you feel him pulse inside you making your mind race. You wrap your hands around his neck as he gibs your hips and pushes into you at a fast pace.

"Hands and knees" he says as you do. He grabs a fist full of hair as he slams into you. You moan out as the sounds of your moans fill the room. You can hear him curse under his breath.

"You like that?" He asks flipping you over. He places your legs over his shoulders and starts to slam into you as you cry out.

"What's my name?" He asks as he smiles looking down at you.

"J-j-" you try to mutter out but you can't seem to find the air to.

"Come on baby-" he says. Sweat slowly starting to bead up in his face. The stamina on this man as he unforgivingly forces himself in and out of you.

"Jungkook!" You yell out as you finish. You shake under him.

"Fuck y/n-" he says as he still goes.

"You may be done but I'm not" he says smiling and you stop shaking a little. He turn you over so you may on your side.

"Right ther-" you say as he fucks you. You grab into his arms digging into him. Then you drag your nails to his back. He sits up and hold onto your thigh and slowly strokes.

"Faster" you say with a smile. He starts to speed up as you feel your high coming.

"I-I'm going to c-um again-" you pant out as he goes faster.

"Come for me princess" he says as you tighten around him he pushed into you as you cry out. He pulls out and pulls off the filled condom. He throws it away and lays down next to you. He covers you with a blanket as plays with your hair.

"Jungkook?" You ask with droopy eyes.

"Yes?" He says holding your hand.

"Why me?" You ask with a yawn.

"Love me and you are still to drunk to talk about that, we can talk about it tomorrow" he says kissing the top of your head as you too fall asleep.

Tae pov:

After everyone leaves I clean up a little and walk up stairs.

"Are they still here?" I ask going to Jungkooks door. I slowly open it and see Jungkook and y/n cuddle up. Before I leave I hear a voice.

"Tae?" I look back in to see Jungkook.

"Yes?" I ask and he speaks again in a rasped sleepy voice.

"Can you get us some medicine and water? Or juice?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah I'll be right back" I say walking away. I come back with medicine and set it down.

"Thank you" he says and I smile.

"She makes you happy. I'm really happy for you" I say as he brushes some hair behind her ear.

"Yes she does. But she is naked so get out, weirdo" he says with a laugh as I leave.

I walk to my room I lay down on my bed and think before passing out.

Y/n pov:

You wake up to see Jungkook sleeping next to you. You look over to see a few water bottles and medicine. You don't wait to take it, you drink some water and fall back to sleep.

You wake up again to see sun shining through the room. You see Jungkook walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him.

"Good morning gorgeous" he says grabbing some clothes.

"Good morning" you say groggily.

"How do you feel?" He asks

"My head still kinda hurts but I think I'm ok" you scratch your head. You go to scratch your leg and feel something.

"Looks like we did something last night" you say holding up a piece of the wrapper.

"Oh definitely~" he says walking over to you.

"How do you feel from that?" He asks as you sit up.

"A little weak but I'm not sure about anything else." You say sitting on the edge of the bed. You go to stand and your knees buckle and shake.

"Mm looks like you are having a hard time" he laughs

"Shhhhhh-I'm fine.... I think" you say with a smile.

"I need to go help Tae clean up and we will work out something to eat." He says kissing you on the forehead.

"I'll go shower and meet you down there?" You say as he nods and you walk with your wobbly legs to the bathroom. You turn in the water and let the warm water roll down your body. You smile as you wash yourself. You get out after a little and dry off walking to the room you look for something to wear. You pull out of of his hoodies and slip it on and put on a pair of his sweats.

"God he would look so good in this" you say looking in the mirror. You make your way down stairs and hear Jungkook and Tae in the kitchen.

"So when do you think you will tell her?" You bear Tae ask.

"It's my mother she'll know when she knows. You know how she will react when she finds out I don't want her bullshit girls. I'm not going to marry for more money or looks. I'm going to marry for love and that's what y/n does for me" you hear Jungkook say as your heart skips a beat.

"I'm happy for you man" you hear Tae say. You walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning y/n, hungry?" Tae asks and you nod your head.

"Starving" you say as Jungkook walks over to you.

"You look good in my clothes" he says hugging you from behind placing a kiss on your cheek.

"I love you" he whispers into your ear.

"I love you too~" you say with a smile as he walks to get plates and silverware set out. As you eat you talk about the party and Jungkook and Tae start to talk work and money.

"So y/n here's a idea. What if we put out a magazine, we talk to someone and take The company one step higher. I know Jungkook and you have had a conversation about him modeling for a magazine." Tae says

"Yes?" You raise about eyebrow.

"What if we had a meeting set up for a photographer to come in and do some interviews and take some cover photos?" He says and you look at Jungkook then at Tae.

"I think it's a good idea" you say as you look at them and jungkook smiles.

"What?" You loom at them.

"We were also thinking of having a separate shoot for you and Jungkook, so you two can be the cover of a separate article." You look at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"If you aren't comfortable with it I totally understand, I just think it's time for everyone to know about me and taehyung and my beautiful girlfriend" jungkook says looking at you.

"It's a little scary yes but I think it would open many things to all of us" you say even though the idea scared the shit out of you. But you knew it would blow everything up.

"Then I'll call them and let them know" Tae says smiling as you finish your food.

"Y/n come with me" Jungkook says standing up and you follow him.

"Tell me how you really feel about this" he says sitting down on the couch.

"Kookie- I'm a little scared." You say and he nods his head.

"Trust me we all are. It's a first time for it. It's ok to be scared" he says holding your hand. You nod.

"It's just you two own the business, and me? I'm a nobody. No one knows me. What happens when the first time people see me it's on the front of a magazine with a man everyone wants?" You question looking at him.

"Darling you have nothing to be afraid of. I'm with you nothing can take that away. I know you are scared but I'm with you ok? Trust me it will be on all of us it's just our choice to listen" he says holding your face in his hand.

"You think so?" You look at him.

"100% you don't need to listen to them" he says and you smile.

"But question" you say and he hums in response.

"How do I model and What do i wear?" You look at him.

"Well get it figured out when we get there because I honestly don't even know" he says with a deep laugh.


When I haven't posted in a month 😳

I just wanted to say I really appreciate all the support you guys are giving me through this story!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT HAD 52k reads or something like that I haven't looked today..... y'all fr tho. Thank you so much.

I love writing but sometimes I get blocked and don't know what to do. But I always make up something. I've been trying to start some new stories.

I'm trying to think of an idea on how to start this one I'm doing right now. I already have a title and a cover photo for it. I could give you guys a sneak peek. But I'll let you in on a secret.

My profile picture changes to the story I feel like writing next and who it's on. Soooo keep a look out for changes on that but rn it's on who it's on!!

Once again that you guys so much for everything!!!

I love you guys!!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜





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