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38.46% Immortal Warlock In Teen Wolf / Chapter 5: 5) Truth....

Chapter 5: 5) Truth....

After leaving Allison at home Asher went back to his place and put his homework on auto which let a pen do everything with answers that he would put down himself. Going into his study he booted up his computer which was so locked it would take the best hacker in the world ten years to get into. There was nothing super important on it just that he didn't trust people so easily.

While opening it he reread what he knew about banshees since it had been over a hundred years since he met one. He wasn't near death that much so he didn't have a chance to meet them that often and if he did then it was only because he was constantly checking the people around him.

After learning all he could he needed something else to do for the day which he couldn't find anything so he went downstairs and started making a cheese cake. After a little over five hundred years he had to cook for himself so it wasn't a stretch to say that he was a master chef.

For the rest of the day all he did was make sweets since he had a craving for them at the moment, while he was doing that he was texting Allison who was bored doing homework.

*The Next Day*

At a quarter to seven Asher was having cheese cake and coffee when there was a knock on his front door, after a quick scan he saw that it was Allison and let her in. She was in skinny jeans and a tight fitting white t-shirt which was making it hard for him to look away making her giggle slightly, he always hated giggling but on her it sounded good. "What do I owe the pleasure of your company this morning?" He asked leaning on the door.

"Well I don't feel like driving and I asked my dad as long as you are willing I was hoping to catch a ride." she said a smile gracing her face making his heart jump a little.

Asher looked across the street where Chris was standing, seeing him look over he pulled up his shirt a little showing a gun making Asher laugh on the inside but nod back at the man. He would clean up that misunderstanding later, "Sure why not but if this is going to be a regular thing then i might need to buy another helmet for you."

She smiled brighter and nodded, "Then get on that."

After finishing my breakfast which she called diabetes waiting to happen we took off for school which was going to be another day of boring, she did go quite after I told her I made her a piece too. School was pretty much like it was the day before but with him, Allison, and Lydia hanging out more. Two days went by like this.

It was now Friday and also the day of the full moon Scott and Stiles were thinking up a plan but Scott was saying he was going to the party after finding out that Allison was going. Derek had also met with him but when he told him that he didn't know who the Alpha was yet he went off to look for himself while also keeping an eye on Scott.

Since the air was colder Asher didn't take his motorcycle but his 70 Mustang Mach 1, it was a silvery blue color that had a cream interior. Allison was waiting at her house and when she saw it wasn't his bike she was a little sad but cheered up when he let her drive his car say, "This is my baby please don't wreck it."

That made her laugh and also mess with him when they hit a stretch of rode and she started doing almost ninety miles and hour but when she saw him smiling at her she knew he didn't care. Hell she could wreck it and he would ship over another that was just a different color he had twenty besides the one they were in.

When they got to Lydia's the party was in full swing and Lydia rushed over seeing the two of them, "I'm so glad you two are here, come with me drinks are in the back." pulling both their hands she led them out back that actually looked good with all the lights hanging outside.

Allison after a drink started to calm down, she didn't really like big crowds but started to warm up to it a little. Lydia actually stuck around them since Jackson was off with some people from the Lacrosse team, no doubt off with Danny somewhere. Asher already saw Scott who was lurking around the place with Stiles watching and trying to convince him to leave.

"So Lydia it has been a week but I don't know anything about you.... What do you like to do for fun?" Asher asked it was true since he did hang around her and Allison but most of the time he would tune her out since she was acting like an idiot.

"Well I like to shop that's fun, oh and I found this new fashion--" she stopped when he held up a hand indicating for her to stop which made Allison laugh.

"Let me rephrase that.... What do you want to do in life?" He asked not really like the shallow part of her seeing if she would be real with him.

Lydia stood there for a moment catching a looking in his eyes and she sighed a little mumbling something as she took a drink, "Well I don't really know yet I just want to get through high school first then I will decide."

He nodded excusing himself since he needed to go to the bathroom, on his way he passed Derek who gave him a subtle nod while walking to see where Scott was, No clue why others didn't say anything. After leaving the bathroom he was lucky enough (or is it luck) catching Jackson and Danny making out in the empty hallway. They didn't notice him so he took a picture of it.

After that he went back to the backyard and caught Scott somehow dancing with an uncomfortable looking Allison but since she isn't moving away he didn't go over to interfere. Looking at Lydia who was lost in thought he moved over to her taking her hand which made her surprise and started to slow dance with her. At first she was stiff but then relaxed in his embrace moving along with his body.

"Sorry about the third degree earlier, it's just I know you are smarter than you pretend to be and you aren't actually that shallow but you are hiding it to stay the number one girl in school." She went to speak but he shook his head since he wasn't done, "No I just want to say even if you acted normal Allison and I would still be your friend even if you were smarter than us. Also you are smart and beautiful so even if people knew they would still accept you."

She didn't say anything but moved closer to him and they started to sway he put his forehead on hers their breath mingling with each others so close for a kiss but still so far away. Lydia wasn't ready to fully come out but hearing his words did comfort her heart some since she wouldn't need to hide all the time now.

When the two were going to keep dancing Jackson came and rudely pulled her away from him sneering at Asher who just shrugged it off and threw a wink at Lydia who smiled. Checking on Allison he saw that she was now even more uncomfortable and Scott looked close to losing control, moving to them he gently pulled her away but he was holding on.

"Let go McCall before I make you." Asher said putting pressure on him which made him growl looking up at the two with his glowing yellow eyes. Allison was shocked but Asher just waved his hand inflicting pain on Scott while making him release her and move back.

Before he could jump to attack Asher he gained some sort of clarity while also sensing something since he looked over at Derek before taking off his watcher Stiles trying to follow. Allison was left there not know what just happened she only danced with him to be friendly but he seemed more like a possessive pshyco more than anything.

Asher took her to another side and pulled her into his arms while she collected herself about what just happened and what she saw he knew he would have to explain it to her. After shuddering twice she calmed down and wrapped her arms around his neck they were in the position he was with Lydia earlier but closer to kissing their lips millimeters apart.

"What was that?" She asked letting out a shaky breath since she was now a little nervous and aroused from their position.

"Well I don't really want to explain it here to many ears, how about later when we leave we talk about it at your house?" Asher said twirling her around to calm her more. Plus he knew that she had to be home after they left since it was a full moon tonight and her parents were worried something might happen.

"Okay." she said knowing he would tell her and that she wouldn't have to wait long.

The rest of the night was just some of the same with him switching between her and Lydia as dance partners when Jackson would take off to do whatever it was that he was doing. After another hour and a half the two decided they had enough time dancing and drinking which Asher didn't do much of before they left, Lydia was disappointed though but she was happier when they promised to see her tomorrow.

On the drive home neither of them talked but they both knew they would be having a conversation when they got back to her house. The ride wasn't awkward though more just tense since Allison didn't know what to expect when they got there. When they did pulled up she stared at him and he smiled at her, "Go upstairs and wait for me in your room I'm going to put my car away then climb to your window."

She nodded and went inside, like always he didn't leave until she was all the way inside.

After a quick change into something more comfortable which were just basketball shorts and a sweater he walked across the street, not missing the glowing yellow eyes to the side. Scott was already here looking for something to calm himself down and when he saw Asher he just got more upset but didn't attack and left.

Asher shrugged and using his flight landed next to her window and tapped on the glass, she opened it in seconds smiling at him. "How did you get all the way up here without a ladder, are you good at mountain climbing?"

He chuckled going inside and looked around her room it was in warm colors and not to girly which fit with her personality, he even picked up her bow on the side. Asher smiled remembering the Viking girl who taught him how to use one, he was called a sissy for fighting in the back but that was later squashed when he learned to fight with the sword. "Alright Allison, what do you want to know first?" he asked turning to her.

She bit her lip trying to find where to start but said the main thing first, "What was up with his glowing eyes?"

Asher chuckled throwing himself on her bed and patting the pot next to him, she didn't even hesitate and the two were laying facing each other with not much separation. "Well that is actually one of the biggest things so it is easier to talk about. Scott is something called an omega Werewolf but there is and Alpha here in town that is trying to get him into his pack that is why there have been all these 'Cougar' attacks." he stopped and let her process that.

"Wait you are being serious like actual Werewolves?" she asked seeing that he didn't laugh after and that his eyes actually looked serious about it.

"Yes it is true. This actually concerns you too since it is one of the reasons your family moved here to town. You see your family actually hunts them, that whole gun selling business is a half truth just to make it where you guys can move everywhere." He stopped letting her think before he went on, "Actually your last name means Silver in French, so what do Werewolf's hate..."

"Silver bullets.... oh my god that actually makes so much sense but why didn't they tell me about it?" She said looking wide eyed staring at the ceiling now since she was getting an information overload.

Asher moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms stroking her back he wanted to finish it quickly so he went on, "Well that is something you will have to ask them but let me finish why I know all this before we get off track. So I'm sort of a Warlock, you know magic and all that." To prove his point he did something similar to what he did with Derek but this time he threw his magic to the ceiling which showed the galaxy making her gasp.

"I've been doing magic for years this is just illusion magic I can actually do so much more but since we are inside I will show you this for now. So there are three sides to this world one is your family the hunters, two the Werewolf's and other supernatural beings, and three me who is neutral and just helps friends," Asher looked down at her and she was just staring back at him, "Anything you want to ask?"

"Why do my family hunt them?"

"Well that is kind of a hard question but also easy I guess because they do it when a wild wolf like this alpha goes around killing innocent people, while at the same time there are some who are just crazy and do it for fun." 'Like your grandpa and aunt' but he didn't say that last part to her.

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