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Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Tyrant

~Third POV~

As the group was going to the secluded temple that was the home of the General Level person names Gensei the current user of the Demon Armor: Incursio.

Currently his still the head General of the Empire having his black hair with a bit of silver hair showing in his time enjoying his tea.

He was stationed to be rested for the day before he returns to the Empire after a few days of rest before returning to action as he was busy training his student, Bulat.

Gensei felt that his life was amiss for some reason as he felt that his normal life can't make him truly feel alive anymore but when he comes to fight to the death or kill is when he truly feels alive.

When he was trying to relax in his temple, he felt that something was amiss as if something was coming for him from his years of experience as a General.

Sipping his tea, he stood up and grabs his Teigu sword Incursio going outside to see in the night sky an orange color flame appeared in the sky getting his interest.

He raised his eyebrow as he thought to himself of what he was seeing, 'Four kids on a flying cloud with a Teigu Susanoo coming towards here?'

Gensei looks back to his teas and then to the sky as he thinks to himself that he wasn't high or something, 'I didn't drug or drunk myself, have I?'

Seeing that the group of people finally came down the floor making a sound that was enough for Gensei to see that what he saw was real as he gets ready to fight seeing that the three of them bring ill intent.

When Seiya saw Gensei he wanted to fight him alone so that he can forcibly evolve Incursio using his emotions so that he can use it when he dies as the flesh of the Tyrant would be at a suitable state.

He soon armors up asking Seiya group the reason for their presence in his home with an edge in his voice, "Tell me strangers why are you here in my home it better be good or else you will be sorry."

~Seyia (POV 10 years old) ~

Seeing Gensei already enter his armor form this was going to be a lot more difficult than I originally had in my mind.

I know going after Gensei now would mean that he has the Tyrant with him at this time when he's still strong.

But that doesn't matter to me.

If I were to go all out from the start, then it would be a matter of time before he gives in to the pain of my attacks.

When Gensei says his words, I reply to him in a serious tone, "Sorry Gensei but you have something I want, and I won't leave till I get the Teigu Demon Armor: Incursio from your corpse."

Seeing my answer Gensei tenses up but not out of fear but at the excitement from someone going after his life.

Should've seen this coming but didn't matter I want to see how much the armor can endure from me going all out but first I tell Esdeath and Susanoo my orders in a serious voice, "Esdeath, and Susanoo please do me the favor of defending the twins while I deal with Gensei all out."

When Esdeath heard me say all out she was certainly surprised as she asks the three of them in a small concern, "You three we have to leave the area for a bit because I for one don't want to be in the crossfire of his attack ok?"

The three of them looked confused but agreed to leave me with only Gensei and me alone.

With me showing off my Mastema and Big Leaguer already out in the battle form as Gensei now realizes who he's facing against now, "Oh! So, you people have been causing the ruckus in the Capital that made that large lard worry, and to use two Teigu's at once certainly unheard of but rare interesting…"

Well, I might as well give him an out before I fight him but I know the result is just want to make sure I gave him an out, "Gensei if you hand over your Teigu you get to live if not well let's just say I didn't give you an out."

Gensei just laughs at me as if I was crazy sensing his emotions as he says to me, "Wow! Kid, I didn't that you were arrogant to believe that you can get away with this hahaha!"


Well, I did give him an out just don't blame me when I won't go back on my offer.

As he was laughing, I got ready as I enter my Godspeed mode as I instantly got close to him with hardly any time to counter or block as I punched him square in the guts with a Quake Bubble already coating my hand!


A cracking sound soon came from my punch sending him flying up in the air as he spits out some blood coming down to the ground.

However, I wasn't done with him yet as I coat both my feet with a quake bubble to disperses the air sending me flying in Gensei's direction in the air as I ready my Mastema.


When I was close in the air, I used my Mastema to fly me higher in the air now above Gensei as I now changed into the hybrid form of my Fish Fruit ability now channeling my Big Leaguer with the different elements inside of them.

When Gensei managed to see me change my form in shape, comes closer to my Human Form, with scales on my arms, outer torso, back, and legs, as well as six horns on my head, claws on the hands, and feet, and a long tail.

As he saw me, I sensed the excitement in his heart facing me now.

If Susanoo and Esdeath were to team up with me now it would be a guarantee that we win but I for one alone can defeat the Empire.

As Gensei saw me I was now channeling my Quake Bubble on my fists as he was now near my direction, I focused my punch towards his direction causing the air to break from the impact releasing a large shockwave towards him!


Soon enough the shock waves managed to hit Gensei through his armor damaging him entirely inside his organs.

He may have an armor that can defend against anything but…

He still has a body that can be hurt if you have a way to harm him from the inside.

Gensei was yelling out in pain as he can't do much in the air but that was when I noticed that the Teigu was now evolving growing wings?!

Seeing this I was impressed that the Teigu evolved from this but it's from the will of the user that it can grow more in a fight.

Emotions from the user can respond to Incursio or the Tyrant to evolve further from the fight at the cost of the host life force to make it happen.

Truly amazing and truly annoying.

Seeing Gensei is getting the second wind he glares at me angrily, but I feel he was glad towards me as I helped him evolve, "You damn brat?! I won't let you get away from this, but I should thank you since I reached another step that I have never seen from Incursio!"

Narrowing my eyes at this prolonging this fight now would only further increase Incursio evolution and if that keeps going then it will soon take over Gensei and the Tyrant will be revived again.


No way I'm letting that happen on my watch?!

Soon Gensei summons out a katana like weapon created from Incursio to help its host as he yells at me with excitement in his voice, "You brat that hurt but with this new form and my weapon you will die now?!"

When I saw him, he immediately vanished as I couldn't find him anymore?!

This is troubling if Incursio evolves any more than I might really be in trouble here.

No more messing around anymore!

I have to hit him with my everything or else I might be the one to lose here?!

This was a reason why I want to have Tyrants abilities in the first place its adaptation is truly powerful if you scale it to the unkillable lizard or Doomsday.

Even if the Tyrant ability isn't on par with them that doesn't mean it can someday in the future since the Tyrant's ability can increase the more if it allows time to grow.

I plan to use that ability myself to push myself to the very limits!

However, that was when I detected someone from behind as I dodge the attack using my Observation Haki to avoid it in time as I ducked.

Seeing this was my time to react in my Godspeed mode I focus all I had in my mouth a point-blank Heat Breath as I use Mastema feathers filled with underworld energy to freeze and Armament Haki coated on him on the spot.

When Gensei noticed the feathers piercing his armor he soon started to freeze up as he says to me, "What the hell you brat! You got tricks up your sleeves but that won't mean much to someone like me you hear?!"

To my shock the freezing effects of the feathers of the underworld were being resisted against by the Tyrants biology of adapting to the changes to the body.

That is not good to see.

Stalling for more time I used the Big Leaguer to cause some elemental damage to him but the second it tries again.

Burning, cutting with wind, freezing, explosions, electrifying, and rotting the damn thing to do some more damage as well as stall for more time but…

That damn armor is already resisting against it!


Now I see why the Tyrant's adaptation was scary to begin with.

But that didn't matter as I was done charging my Heat Breath as soon as Gensei managed to get rid of the feathers I soon appear in front of his face as I roar out a Heat Breath combing it with my Tremor Fruit and Rumble Fruit abilities to make sure it hits to kill!

As I was charging my Heat Breath with my Rumble Fruit abilities it soon started to make rumbling sounds of lighting coming off my mouth and see through my body light up from the back of my scales to my mouth like Godzilla from the movies.

But Gensei took that moment to yell at me while he shot out his own breath of fire on me, "You damn brat! This is the best fight I ever had you hear me?! I thank you for making me feel alive again now take this as a parting gift! ROAR!"

I felt the pain as he breath his fire towards my face!

But I preserved as I had my Lighing already coating me keeping any fire damage off me but now I was really pissed off now!

When I grabbed him while his mouth open as I roared as loud as I can to Gensei open mouth making sure I vibrate enough noise to kill his brain from the sound waves of shock waves produced from my roar as well as my Quaking Lighting Breath doing some serious damage to him!


The first that came out was the cracking sound of the Tremor Fruit breaking the air all over the place when I yell out at all direction.


Next came my roar following short after a large mouth beam that would make Broly proud seen in the sky of blue and orange energy filled the sky.


Next came a loud sound of lighting being heard from probably throughout the Empire by now seeing me go all out.


Lastly a huge explosion of heat and electricity surrounded me and Gensei as I felt the fear from the two souls.

One for Gensei and the other from the very living Tyrant itself still alive both experiencing fear.

Fear that I took hold of in that moment as I used the Soul Fruit ability to drain the two of EVERYTHING they had in the soul.

When the explosion was over, I was now holding Incuriso in its dormant state as I was seen having some wounds all over myself…

Damn I knew I used too much power in that Quaking Lighting Breath.

But I wasn't left a choice here since I had to go all out here since Gensei with Incursio was evolving at a very high rate that I didn't think I would overpower him now till the near future.

When I return to the ground, I was already recovering from my Fish Fruit ability regeneration factor thank Oda for a quick healing factor for Zoans.

As I returned to the ground I see Esdeath puff her cheeks at me while the rest were concerned about my state as I notify them with a smile, "Don't worry guys I won and Gensei lost but we have to go soon or else the Empire might send in their forces."

Akame soon asks in a scared tone with her sister behind her, "Where exactly will we go then since the Central Region forces would come soon."

Nodding my head at that I soon got close to everyone as I say to them with a determined tone to relieve them of their concerns, "Don't worry were going to be teleported away first I need to have physical contact with you guys the most I can travel to is one Region at a time for a day and some rest before we try again are you ready?"

With some nodding of their heads they agreed with me but before we left I made sure to grab Incursio and some valuables from Gensei home to use for us.

After that I managed to teleport everyone to the previous home of ours of the Partas clan.

Looks like our home wasn't much but I soon order Susanoo in a serious tone while I wrap the twins in a blanket to keep them from freezing while I start a fire, "Susanoo you have to build a home for us to live in and make dinner soon you got it!"

Susanoo didn't need to be said anymore as he already begun to start building us a new home as I now wield Incursio in my hands but this time I used my Soul Fruit abilities to place my soul into as I see its starting to become a soul bound weapon.

Good now comes the real hard part.

Esdeath soon comes over to me asking what I was going to do with the Tyrant flesh now, "Dear what do you plan to do with the Tyrant body now?"

I simply answer her question as if it was the simple thing to do, "Easy the weapon Incursio needed a host to become active armor but since it was fused with Gensei its possible for me to change it into my very body as well."

Esdeath seems to get confused by this as I begin to explain to her what I meant in a serious voice, "Esdeath what I plan to do is absorb the Tyrant abilities into my own. I intended to fuse it to me."

Esdeath and the others seem surprised at this but in theory it should be possible since the soul of the original is gone replaced with my own, I should be more compatible with it.

The way that Tatsumi originally fused with Incursio was by eating the host body piece by piece when each time in use in a dangerous situation to evolve.

That was why I prolong the fight with Gensei so that I can have the weapon be ready to evolve and forced Gensei to evolve with it if I get his blood hyped fighting me to the death causing his emotions necessary for it to happen.

It was either that or somehow wait for Incursio to evolve again naturally in this world with me as its user since that is impossible for me to accomplish that task since I'm already the strongest there is in that world making me unable to awaken the Tyrant adaptation ability to the fullest.

So that was why I needed to make Gensei fight to the fullest so that I can use Incursio evolved state into my own power.

Having evolved in such a dangerous way as the fight progressed it was going to completely devour Gensei and be reborn too quickly fortunately for me I managed to simply overpower it before it had a chance and eating its soul was a guarantee that I won.

Before that I look towards Esdeath with a wry smile towards her, "Esdeath whatever happens next make sure to keep everyone safe when I'm unconscious alright?"

Esdeath soon gave me a difficult expression but nods her head as she says to me, "Very well… just hope that your plan of yours work darling…"

Same here I hope I know what I'm doing as well…

Now that the armor before me was standing in the flesh I simply gave it one order filled with determination that my plan would work, "Incursio… you are to return my soul into me by fusing my body with the body of the Tyrant as well as make me have a human form as possible while giving me all the skills as you can!"

Seeing the armor looks at me soon destroys itself then change into the flesh of the Tyrant lunging at me soon going into my flesh fusing into me.

Next thing I see was darkness…

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