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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Changing Fate

~Third POV~

On the ground there were two people on the cliff side waiting for any children to come over passing the survival test.

The first person is named Uncle Bill he is a bald man who wears a monocle over his left eye, as he wears a professional clothing from the Empire.

The second person is named Gozuki is a middle-aged man with blond hair and green eyes he had a small beard and he wore a white shirt with black pants and a red scarf.

Both of them were waiting to see where was the kids that they put through the survival test was seeing none of them came out yet making them suspicious of what was going on.

Gozuki thoughts were occupied with the problems seeing that the lightning finally stops but that was getting him worried, 'Something is wrong here. I expected some of the brats would be here by now but so far no one has come something is off here.'

As he was thinking of this, he suddenly felt something was going to attack him as he managed to get away from his spot, but Bill wasn't lucky enough to escape.



Two crashing sounds were made loud enough for him to hear but soon brings out his Teigu One-Cut Killer: Murasame against Esdeath as she brings out Extase clashing with the two weapons.

As Gozuki saw this he was now getting into her assassin mentality of killing the two targets as he listens in to the girl in front of him, "Oh? Now that is surprising you managed to handle my first strike let's see how you fare against me?"

Gozuki seeing this gets ready himself as he takes his stance while talking to Esdeath with no emotions in his tone, "Really brat? I should be the one asking that but it's safe to assume that you and your friend were the ones to mess with the test, right?"


They both soon clashed their weapons as towards each other as causing the wind around them to clash disperses from the clash of weapons as Esdeath begins to talk to him in a cold voice with the expression to match, "Really it was that obvious? Doesn't matter at the end since you will lose here and take all you have to my beloved one Gozuki."

Narrowing his eyes, he was busy fighting Esdeath who has far stronger strength than him superhumanly possible.

As for Seiya he was busy reprograming Uncle Bill as he analyzes everything he has in his mind as well as absorb all he knowledge and Royal Palace layout finding out where to find the Teigu's in the Capital.

While Seiya was doing this, he was also reprogramming him to protect the kids under his care without any immoral means to turn them brain dead or the original plot of the kids that was with him.

Meanwhile Gozuki was handling against Esdeath with his years of experience fighting against her but was going toe to toe with him despite her younger age surprising him.

He tries to convince Esdeath to see if she was interested in joining the Empire as they kept on clashing weapons with each other, "Say brat with your skills you could easily become a General in the future how about joining the Empire?"

Esdeath seeing this just kept on the attack as she uses her Extase to cut the air between them causing wind blades towards them as she replies to him with no interest in her voice, "Hmm… sorry but no I'm with my darling till death I'm afraid that won't be necessary for me to join a weak Empire destined to fall but thanks for the offer."

Gozuki could only dodged the attacks as he frowns at the scene before him seeing this he could only think about what the next course to take, 'Shame that brat would've been an ideal candidate to become a General with her strength and the way she uses Extase is unreal cutting the air to cause wind blades and using it as two swords genius really but now I have to take out such a rare talent shame…'

With that he soon was done fighting against Esdeath as he used his body manipulation to dislocate his arm to reach in a range surprising Esdeath that the sword was finally getting close to her as she commands her thoughts, 'Shit I got to careless in the fight! Come out Grand Chariot!'

As the blade Murasame was getting near Esdeath soon Grand Chariot appears at her side blocking the blade with its armor getting Gozuki off guard as Grand Chariot simply crushed his wrist letting go of his blade.


Hearing a cracking sound Gozuki hold on his pain in his mouth as the Teigu One-Hit Killer: Murasame towards Seiya direction.

But Esdeath Grand Chariot wasn't done yet as its simple drags the whole arm towards Esdeath direction as Gozuki couldn't hold his ground he was forced along for the ride surprising him with Grand Chariot appearing out of nowhere.

When he saw this, he quickly thought to himself in clear surprise, 'Grand Chariot she can wield two Teigu's impossible?!!! Are these two the thieves that have been hunting the Teigu's all around the Empire!!'

As Gozuki was now in striking distance Esdeath used the back of her Extase as she coldly says to him with cold eyes, "Thank you for the match Gozuki this match has been nice experience but now it's over thanks for the fight."

With that she hit Gozuki in the back of his head coated in Armament Haki enough for him to stay down as he now fell down to the floor.

Sighing in her breath she was glad to have fought someone else for a change and the experience was certainly worthwhile for her she soon asks Seiya, "Say Seiya have you finished changing the mind of that bald man yet."

Seiya was still changing the mind of Uncle Bill as he access his mind as he is programing him in the process as he processes his memory of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge into him his own as he replies to Esdeath keeping his focus on the task, "No not yet I'm also getting his knowledge that will be useful for us in the future he has been around the Empire as well as have seen the vault leading towards the Teigu's they have."

Esdeath seeing this asks again in a curious but also excited voice, "Really? Well it looks like getting Akame and Kurome was worth it as well as get the knowledge of the Teigu's and skills from these two."

Seiya responds to Esdeath as he says to her while focusing the reprograming of Bill, "Yeah especially Gozuki he was to train the other kids in different skills involving them like sharpshooting, whip combat, or close quarters combat so I will take a lot more time with Gozuki and when I'm done I'll transfer the skills like usual."

Esdeath nodded at this since whenever Seiya learns the skills of others he can also transfer and paste the memories of skills in others whenever they are needed to learn.

After that it took sometime before Seiya was done with Uncle Bill he sighs as he gets to the next to the next target Gozuki, "Sigh… well it seems that took a while but the next one should take a lot longer but the knowledge I got from him was worth it now its Gozuki turn."

With that Seiya used his Rumble Fruit abilities to look over the memories of him and take any skills necessary for him to use but needs complete focus for this to continue.

As he was transferring the skills, he was getting all kinds of combat skills he obtained through his years as an assassin and all kinds of work he learned from different fighting styles for assassin.

When Seiya got the skills needed he soon reprograms Gozuki to help the kids at all cost and made sure to change him completely reprogramming his brain to help the kids escape somewhere safe that isn't in the Empire reach.

Seiya knows that there wasn't a chance, but he made sure to at least give them a chance.

Passing the time Esdeath asks Seiya some chatter and banter to pass the time.

When he was done with the reprograming it was already nighttime as he sees Esdeath wait in patience for him as he smiles over grabbing Gozuki and Bill by their clothes collar but not before soul bounding the One-Hit Killer: Murasame into his soul.

The blade at first was being difficult but after a full blast of Conqueror Haki made sure to know its place to obey Seyia as its new master.

When they arrived at the scene of the home base, they placed both the adults into the home with the other kids as they say to them that these two will do their best to protect them.

After that Kurome and Akame soon look at Seyia as he begins to say their next step in a serious tone, "Ok Kurome and Akame now we are leaving to a secluded temple that is near the Central Region of the Empire alright."

The twins nodded in agreement but soon Esdeath and Susanoo raised their eyes at this with Susanoo questioning his master, "Very well master Seiya but weren't we going to the Northern Region as soon as we leave?"

Seiya seeing this soon replies his answer to Susanoo and Esdeath listening to his answer, "No that is still the original goal it's just were going to train these two here before we do also we also need a change of clothes for the twins as well as each other for the time being also we may have to deal with a General Level person soon."

When Seyia says those words, he sees the reactions of the twins as confusions, Esdeath a smile of interest, and Susanoo a serious expression on his face.

The place that Seiya was talking about was Gensei the current user of the Teigu Demon Armor: Incursio.

When Seyia was reading through the knowledge of Gozuki he was able to read that Gensei was still the current user of Incursio living in a secluded area in the Central Region of the Empire since he was the one to taught Gozuki a few fighting techniques.

With that in his mind Seiya plans to kill Gensei to obtain Incursio before he gives it away to Bulat.

In one simple motion of snapping his fingers a flame cloud soon surrounded everyone as they make their destination to the secluded Temple where Gensei lives.

In Seyia thoughts he was determined to see through to get Incursio as he thinks to himself in a serous tone, 'Gensei… I swear that I will be the one to kill you and once you're gone Incursio would belong to me not Bulat or Tatsumi I will become stronger.'

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