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Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Get the Twins

~Third POV~

During the trip, Seiya, Esdeath, and Susanoo managed to enter inside the location that they were looking for finding themselves inside a small home that Susanoo constructed Gifnora Forest.

It took only a few days to complete the home and camouflage the home to hide from the other Danger Beasts but unnecessary since Susanoo bodyguards the home.

The both of them waited for the test to begin in the middle of the test is when they will interfere since they want to gain Akame and Kurome's trust, but they also don't want to notify the assassins watching the event.

Seiya already has practice enough with his Rumble Fruit abilities to have some practice to reprogram a person although takes a lot of his focus to accomplish it is possible to reprogram someone now that it does.

As for the gift that Esdeath gave Seiya the Chaos Throw: Big Leaguer he was happy to have them around as the soul bound them into his soul since it would look cool in his Fish Form to make him look like an actual Seiryu.

Examining the Teigu Chaos Throw: Big Leaguer has six balls that have each elemental element and two non-elements:

Storm Orb: Created a large whirlwind.

Explosion Orb: Caused a massive explosion.

Flame Orb: Incinerated the victim on contact.

Ice Orb: Freezes any opponent it touches.

Lightning Orb: Stuns opponent with an electric jolt.

Rot Orb: Whatever it hits erodes.

Seiya uses these orbs in his battle form from this point forward since they can float around the user and he uses them for his elemental attacks as well as soul-based ones.

These balls are strong enough to block bullets by spinning around at a high enough speed to defend against them and the Lighting Orb was a perfect conductor for his Rumble Fruit abilities seemingly absorbs his max power.

Seiya made sure to view the entire forest of Gifnora Forest beforehand to know where exactly they'll be and make sure to safeguard the kids from the Danger Beasts in the forest.

Hunting them was also made a mission for them but not to over hunt them since Gozuki would notice something amiss so they only hunt when needed.

During this time Seiya managed to remember how the events go down and remember that the other person that was with Gozuki was Uncle Bill a master in his field of the medical and pharmaceutical field.

Seiya plans to rob him of his knowledge for himself since he lacks the medical knowledge never knows when it comes in handy.

Soon the day came when the test came as Seiya smiles seeing this was now the time to act as Gozuki was now preparing to send the kids to their survival.

The three of them were to rescue the kids from Danger Beasts first before all of them could fight against the two of them.

Although Seiya alone could easily defeat them he wasn't in a rush to defeat them so helping the kids would be necessary to keep him have a clear conscious…

However, Gozuki and Uncle Bill were getting suspicious with the random lighting strikes occurring in the forest but didn't think much about it since it would be useful for survival.

Currently at this time the twins were now fighting to defend their lives at the moment that they will soon meet with a Devil Fruit User.

~Seyia POV (10 years old) ~

Alright searching through the forest of this place I already managed to deal with a lot of Danger Beasts instantly one shooting them to make sure they are safe while Esdeath and Susanoo are already with the Danger Beasts.

Soon enough I was able to hear the certain two twins I was smiling of knowing where they are as they are defending themselves, "Kurome stay behind me I will handle this!"

Seeing the view in front of me I see that Akame was dealing with a Earth Dragon with a dagger better come in as the savior.

Charing myself I decided to use my Godspeed mode after copying off Killua move set of Whirlwind since he used aura to demonstrate this ability then why can't I a lighting human couldn't do the same?

The first core function of Godspeed has me react automatically to external stimuli.

Instead of the normal process of the stimulus being perceived by the nerves, which transmit a signal to the brain which in turn sends an instruction to the muscles, I made different programs to my body to send an electric signal to my muscles so I can instantly react to a threat, or action bypassing the comparatively slow nervous system.

With my Godspeed mode I was now glowing a blue light with electricity overflowing off from me I developed this move when I was sparing with Esdeath once she learned Haki and with Extase to cut me from a distance this mode was needed to avoid such enemies in the future.

Although I finally felt pain it was a good feeling to know that I wasn't invincible or else I might get over cocky with my abilities.

So, with that I was now already upon the Earth Dragon as I put my hand down releasing my attack, 'Seiya uses Thunderbolt.'

With my hand at the direction of the Earth Dragon releases a bolt of lightning from my hand, paralyzing them for a few moments and causing them pain but soon dies as I hit in the head where the brain was fried.

As I return to the ground, I see the twin look at me wary of the situation in front of them as I say to the two of them, "Are you two alright? I see that you guys managed to defend yourselves instead of my lighting helping the kids out."

When I mentioned the others and my lighting it looks like Akame got the right idea with the lighting strikes, "Wait… are you the ones that have been hitting the lighting strikes?"

Nodding my head towards her I respond to her as I make an offer to her, "Hey since you too have been defending yourself very well how about I make an offer for you and your sister? If you two agree to join under me I will do everything in my power to defend you with all my might."

Akame seems surprised and Kurome as well but it looks like they immediately agreed to my request well that was no question asked about that one since they have been sold by their parents and knew what happen to them here since they haven't been brainwashed yet.

Also, how would they survive by themselves anyway since they could be sold off again or worst.

So there only option was to join up with a faction that will protect them.

That was also another reason why I demonstrated that much power to show them that I can protect them.

They agreed to join me as protection as I smile towards the two as they have joined under me as I say to them in a happy voice, "Ok as for now you two will be under my protection but do expect me to train you alright, and my name is Seyia Parta? I have two others with me helping the children as well they are Esdeath and Susanoo right now they are escorting everyone to our home before we deal with the two adults alright."

When I was done explaining the situation to them, they soon introduced each other to me the first was Akame as she was guarding her sister, "I'm Akame no last name Seiya and I'm 10 years old."

Raising my eyebrows at that Akame is 10 years old?

Well I guess that makes sense she was stated to be in her teens in the show.

Next Kurome was the nest to speak with a shy voice, "Uh… the name is Kurome no last name Seiya I'm 9 years old."

Nodding my head at this I motion towards the two to follow me back to our current hideout as I smile towards them, "You two come with me I'll show you the way to our hideout we managed to get some of the kids unfortunate not all made it so be sure to be close ok."

Nodding their heads, we all started to head towards the base location and soon enough with some Danger Beasts in the way I dealt with I finally see the rest of my team with the other kids being scared.

As I made my way to the group, I ask how their end was, "Alright was there any problems on your guys end getting the kids."

They both nodded at me since they told me that there was a group of Danger Beasts getting in the way from rescuing them, but this was expected we can't always be there in time.

That was fine at least we save a few but for now though it's time to get the next targets and some reprograming, "Ok Susanoo your duty is to protect the kids while me and Esdeath deal with Gozuki and Uncle Bill it may take a while but will be back you got it Susanoo."

Susanoo nodded his head as I use my flame clouds to float myself and Esdeath as Akame and Kurome is surprised to see me fly as I look at the two I say to them, "Ok Akame and Kurome you two are under my protection from now on when we return we'll leave to the north soon so be prepared."

They both gulped at that as me and Esdeath finally get to a high enough point to see where the two of them are so I discussed with Esdeath of who fights who, "Ok Esdeath which one you want to fight first since I will basically win no matter what so who do you want to fight?"

Esdeath placing her finger on her lips as she thought of the choice for her, "Hmm… I think I'll take on Gozuki since I need to have some good fighting experience plus if I was endangered from his Murasame you will jump in to save me yes?"

Nodding my head to her question she smiles as she clicks her fingers as she summons out her Extase as we are now high above them, "Very well I'll take on the assassin and you the bald man take your time changing him as needed I want to have my fun."

Smirking at this I kissed her at her cheek causing her to blush at that as I jumped down saying to her, "Alright then dear but better have your time."

Esdeath was now being embarrassed at the scene as she readies her fight with Gozuki as she thinks to herself that I can hear, 'Damn that Seyia pulling a kiss on me well he better be prepared for mine soon after that assassin is beaten up.'


I don't know why but I feel like I may have raised a flag there…

Well better to prepare against the two men first before worrying about my health or love life.

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