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Chapter 14: Esdeath Day Off

~Esdeath POV (12 years old) ~

Well, today was certainly a good day to have some time for myself Seiya told me that he will stay here for a bit asking Mr. Cosmos for a bit about some information with the rest of our friends.


I hope darling is fine.

But still, it is good to have some time for myself.

Training is nice and all but darling needs his time to relax.

Even though the beach and hunting are nice I wonder when he'll take me for a date.

Currently, I was wondering what I need to do is walk around the place of this village.

Seeing the people walking around this place with couples holding his hands I look at my hands as I was reminded of the times when he held my hands.

Smiling at this I was reminded of the time when we were kids.

Thinking how my foolish darling was believing himself that following a predestined path was dumb instead of following his own path.

Smiling at the young man that I know of is changing for the better.

As I was looking around the village, I was wondering how people get along with their lives.


I should ask darling for a date when we're a bit older in the future?

He seems to be shy when it comes to dating topics I wonder how he will treat me in the future?

Well, I do I have some knowledge from my father once I come in age is the best time to dominate your mate in bed if what he said was right?

But soon I was interrupted when an obese young man soon approached me with an odd look in his eyes as he says to me, "Ah! Look a young pure kid as you shouldn't be wandering around the road how about I Champ to show you the proper way to stray beautiful!"


Who the hell does this fool think he is?!

Seeing this Champ was an overweight, dark-skinned man with puffs of dark curly hair above his ears; he was always seen wearing clown makeup and clothing, as well as a small baseball hat with a smiley face on it.


Champ wasn't another person to look out for when arriving at this village that darling mentioned before?

He does fit the description and he did mention he was…

Suddenly holding the urge to rip this fat piece of shit to pieces I wanted to exclude our location since I want to deal with him personally, "Oh, really mister I was hoping that you would tell me more so can you take me to a secluded spot away from any prying eyes."

Champ hearing my response seems to agree as I was eyeing and following him as he was holding on to a Teigu around this person is Big Leaguer.

Another useful Teigu that my darling would like maybe I can use as a gift for him in the future.

When I was following him, he clearly made sure that we were in a far enough space away from anyone nearby.


A clean and perfect kill away from anyone to know what happen to this trash.

As soon as he was done leading me away I soon waited for the fool to speak before he tries to pounce on me, "Well then my child allow me Champ to show you the correct way to stay perfectly pure!"

As soon as he pounced my Grand Chariot soon appeared as she says her battle cry as I soon like to have as Seiya explained to me what that word meant, "Muda Muda Muda!"




With a quick flurry of blows towards him, he was clearly caught off guard as he was being pummeled to death by my Grand Chariot.

Him trying to take a pure maiden secret spot.


I'm saving myself for my darling not this piece of shit of an unstable man!

I want my first time to be with someone I love to whether he likes it or not.

To think that this man tried to rape me before I share my first time with my darling!

I'll make sure that his death is painful.

With that in my mind, I soon brandish out the scissor blade Extase into two different parts that acts like swords as I coated my Armament Haki on the edges of the blade.

I may not be very good at using Haki at this level but at the very least it makes for good practice since I need to train my body physically to use it at the maximum level.

As soon as Grand Chariot was done pummeling the fat man, he soon throws one of his balls at me with clear rage seeing his damaged body, "You… YOU BITCH?!"

Seeing the ball, he threw soon started to release a large amount of electricity towards me?

Truly this man hasn't released that I was trained by the very man that is literally lighting himself as he uses that to train with me.

When the ball made contact with me, I simply grabbed it soon electricity started to hit me as he was yelling with glee, "HAHAHAHAHA! Take that you bitch I bet that you will be feeling the most intensive pain you- "

However, I interrupted him as I say to him in an unimpressed tone, "That's it? Shame that this stuff doesn't really affect me anymore."

Soon enough I slash the air between me and Champ as I cut in the direction of his arm and soon it was cut off in the same way I put my direction in.

When Seiya suggested to me that if Extase can cut anything we had to make some tests using how far we can see what it can cut and the result with Haki coated with it was that it was able to cut the space difference between my target and myself.

Seeing the arm that was attached to him was gone he soon started to panic as he yells in pain showing a pained expression on his face, "Ahh! No how did you cut off my arm?! MY ARM?!!"

Seeing this moment of his weakness I cut the air between myself and him as each cut, I make created a wind blade generated from each swing of my twin scissor blades.

As my darling says if you have the means to end the fight make sure to end it to win.

When I saw Seiya used his wind blades on me during practice I wanted to replicate them into my arsenal since they can come in handy.

Good thing Extase can really cut through most materials already the best weapon ever!



Soon enough the wind blades managed to cut him all up as I say to him with clear disdain in my voice, "Trash you trying to rob me of my gift to the person I love was your downfall you piece of shit!"

With that, I soon grabbed the Teigu in a ball that was enough to hold them for the time being as I was smiling at this as I say to myself, "With this darling would love me even more if I bring this to him."

Surely, he would reward me if I bring him such a gift!

With my newfound determination, I quickly ran towards the building seeing Susanoo and Seiya got outside I say to them with a smile on my face, "Seyia I brought a gift for you?!"

When I got close to him I explained everything to him about what happen as he soon gets immediately concerned about already using his healing soul technique to see if I was injured asking me in a worried tone, "Esdeath are you alright do you need a medic to help you were you injured anyway."

Aww that is very sweet of him to concern himself of me.

Shaking my heads towards me I was met with him sighing in relief as he thanks me about the job well done, "Sigh… don't scare me like that Esdeath I thought you were really hurt but anyway I got the loctation of our next target and we need to go now so I hope your ready alright?"

Nodding my head at this was simply easy thing to do.

With that we all left with Susanoo ahead but soon Seiya grabs my arm as he gives me a box of chocolates as he shyly says to me, "Oh and another thing I asked Mr. Cosmos about something you would like I hope this is good enough for you got them fresh too."


Blinking at this I simply hugged my Seyia back for the wonder gift and a simple peck on his cheeck as he was spooked and started to move quickly ahead.

Seeing this I smile at his shyness as this was going to be easy for me to take his first time when we are both old enough.

Opening the box I ate the chocolate as I licked it clean from my fingers and lips as I say to myself with determination, "Oh this does taste sweet. Lick. But I really hope we do grow up soon Seiya because I for one can't wait~"

With that I managed to catch up to my darling to see where we go next licking my lips.

Ara Ara~

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