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Chapter 60: Chapter 56: Grown ass man playing soldier [Jay]

Sorry, re-reading every chapter carefully to refresh my mind took a lot longer than I expected.


"So Leon's eagle summon has noticed strange movements in Troy. Apparently all the citizens rallied for something, but couldn't catch what they were saying. We've all been around the camp here and so far no one shows any signs of being out of place." The three had met up in Jay's tent where a [Silence] spell was cast. They had been here for a few days by now and were barely making any progress.

"Feels like we've been here for years…I miss my old body. What was that?" No one else heard a sound, so Jay figured it was just Valor trying to be funny.

"Yeah feels a lot longer than it actually has been..anyways our search hasn't had any results and the soldiers are starting to get restless. I can't keep calling for delays for every inconvenience. I don't doubt they're already suspicious of us." Jay explained.

"You think they would launch their own attack without us? Valor's Achilles, and you're Odysseus, there's authority and respect there. Be for real." Leon seemed a bit more perturbed as of late.

"True, but think about all the people who have already lost friends. It'd be easier if we were dropped at the start. Underworld, even near the end of the war, would've been better."

"It's possible that the rest of our group is in Troy, no? I mean that's pretty much the only place we haven't checked." Valor suggested, which brought an array of thoughts to the forefront of Jay's mind.

'If they're in Troy, then who could they be? We were all put into key figures in the war..if they were nobodies then they would've been able to slip out and join us..unless they haven't figured out we're not in Troy. Not likely, Daisy is way too intuitive for's almost scary. That means they have to be key figures, people who wouldn't be able to move far without someone noticing and who could change public opinion..'

"Earth to Jay." Valor was snapping his fingers in front of Jay while Leon gave him a complex look that was analysing his every move. Jay had noticed that a lot since they had their talk and after Leon became more open about his wolf-like attributes.

"I think you're right Val..the rest of our group is in Troy-" Just then the tent flap opened and there stood a soldier dressed in full battle ready attire.

"Odysseus sir! Hector and his troops have landed on the battlefield! Few soldiers have intercepted them and need back up! How should we proceed?"

"Yes. Round up our finest 10 soldiers. We have to move quickly! Achilles and Menelaus will join as well. Now go before we lose more of our forces!" The soldier immediately dashed out of the tent and went to round up 10 soldiers.

"Would've been better if you just sent us two. Ten soldiers and us three just seems suspicious." Leon inquired which annoyed Jay.

"I had to cut our losses, our conversation was interrupted and we have to take a few soldiers or else it'll look more suspicious. Now both of you get ready." They nodded and dashed for their gear in their tents.

'Interesting strategy if I do say so myself. You got quite the brain on you. The real mystery is your constitution. How could such a fragile body contain your power?'

'Will you shut up already?' The voice once more was gone as if it were never there in the first place in his mind. Jay tightened the scabbard onto his back and composed himself before leaving his tent. The horse ride there was short, but the sight once they arrived was unforgettable. Hector was holding back multiple soldiers who had been disarmed with his arms as if they were children.

"Hector! I come to..well..what are we here for again?" Val turned to Jay, "Hector, we are here as backup, release our troops and there will be no ceaseless bloodshed."

"Hector? Oh yes I am Hector and I have come as an..envoy for Troy! We offer an olive branch to you and wish to end this war." Jay caught on to his odd manner of speaking that seemed to be trying a bit too hard to be old-timey.

"Yes, well then first we must hear the conditions and then we will deliberate. How goes the--×>#&,#. No, you swine. There won't be any negotiations. I'm ending this entire war with your heads as trophies." Jay's voice grew deeper and his whole demeanor shifted.

"Um..Jay what're you doing…?" Valor whispered so only Jay could hear him. Leon only watched with slitted eyes, as Jay spoke, "We will collect what you owe us and swiftly deal with you."

"W-We'll return Helen to you, so please don't push this war further than it has to."


"We'll review the terms if you have them on hand." Leon interjected. Jay didn't say another word and instead began unsheathing his sword. Leon and Valor, seeing this, began to move to stop Jay when the sword was forced back into its scabbard by Jay himself.

"Uh we don't, but I can get it to you before the sun goes down."

"Very well." Jay turned his horse and began to ride back to camp. Once they returned the boys regrouped back into Jay's tent.

"What the hell was that?! You almost ruined our chance to clear this dungeon!" Leon lifted Jay with one arm.

'Like he's been much help. A general should put an end to insubordination as soon as it starts.' Mana flowed freely around Jay as a chill filled the air. Icicles threatening to pierce Leon in the back at the slightest movement.

"Hey guys come on, I'm sure Jay was just trying to get more out of the deal." Valor moved to separate the two when a wolf and icicles stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Stay where you are Achilles." Jay ordered.

"Val, I'll handle this one." Leon took a more animalistic form and went to claw at Jay.

"As if you could." Shackles of ice wrapped around Leon. Said boy began to thrash all over trying to destroy the chains, but they only restrained him further.

'Did you think I'd lose that easily?' All the ice shattered and disappeared before Jay saw the floor getting closer.


"What the…fuck…fucking frostbite." The pain dulled slightly when he reverted back to his normal form. The real problem lies in what to do with Jay now.

"Can you unsummon this wolf already? It's starting to get on my nerves." Val appeared behind Leon with a serious expression.

"Yeah sorry about that pal." Leon waved his hand and the wolf disappeared. He moved closer to Jay and raised his dagger when Val grabbed his arm, "Whatcha doing there pal?"

"You saw him going ballistic too! We gotta take him out now before he wakes up." Leon asserted.

"We also saw him being strange beforehand. He called me Achilles, even though no one else was around. We both know Jay's not the type to escalate things so quickly." Leon pulled his arm away and raised it once more. Val gave no resistance, so Leon brought it down only to stop halfway.

"Damnit! I'm tired Val! This place is messing with my head already…We have to find everyone and leave! I want to go and–×>×; rescue my wife!" Valor's eyes widened and immediately slammed Leon's head to the ground.

'Lights out for me..couldn't hold him back this time…thanks buddy...' The last thing Leon saw was Valor bashing his head against the floor.

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