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Chapter 48: Setting Sail Arc [Daisy]

"So now that we're on the sea..what the hell is the plan? Ahh!" Kai asked, as a rogue starfish tried to attach itself to him.

"Sail until we arrive and hope we don't piss anyone off on the island." Everyone turned to Valor and Leon, as they both seemed offended by the accusations. Leon did eventually relent that, "Yeah, Valor is pretty dumb sometimes."

"Hey! I bet I could outsmart you any day!" Everyone just gave him a look of pity before continuing to do what they were doing. Valor sat down in a corner and cried for a bit. Daisy was up for lookout duty, so she went up to the crow's nest and looked around with a telescope. In the distance she said a small speck. She didn't exactly know what it was, but it didn't seem important. Hours later, she went back up only to see that the speck had become bigger. It took the form of a ship, but seeing how far away it was she just mentioned it in passing to Jay.

"It's most likely just a supply ship making its rounds. We shouldn't face any trouble, as long as we don't attack them or anything." Daisy agreed with his deduction, as she spent the rest of the day playing chess with Davis. Everyone headed off to bed in their respective bunks to turn in for the night.


Daisy was minding her business trying to sleep when a loud blast awoke her from her slumber. She got up slowly, not really wanting to leave the bed, but eventually she did. Once on the deck she viewed what could only be described as a complete shitshow.

"Ahh! Valor go over there!" Valor sprinted onto the plank and jumped the distance to the other ship. The pirates tried to gang up on him, but he was so jumpy and hyper that they couldn't keep him in one place at a time. At one point they insulted Valor's get-up and he went ballistic.

"Leon! I'm on fire!" Leon ran over and poured water all over him to put it out. Kai manned the cannons, but eventually had to join in when the pirates decided to jump onto their ships. Eunice was decapitating them, but more just kept on coming onto their ship. They threw a molotov cocktail at them, but Eunice grabbed it out of the air and threw it on the man. He erupted into flames, as Eunice went on with her own business.

"Well nice of you to join us while everything's going to shit. How the hell do you almost sleep through a pirate raid?" Jay said with sarcasm dripping from his voice. He shot a blast of ice towards a few of them while Eunice finished them off. Kai pushed 5 pirates into the ocean where 2 sharks tore them apart.

"I could've not shown up at all, so you're very welcome." Daisy said while taking out two revolvers she 'borrowed' from Ανοιξη's shooting range. She proceeded to headshot a few pirates before healing Valor who had just got hit point-blank by a cannon. He was back up in a few moments, as the cannon ball just bruised his stomach a bit. Jay fired off spells until a scruffy looking fat pirate charged at him. Davis shot his peg leg and he immediately tripped. Leon stabbed his head and went on with the fight. His summons were currently on the other shop ravaging the pirates alongside Valor, but the Chimera was still only for emergencies.

"Fucking kill steal!" Davis yelled before firing an arrow at the pirate Leon was fighting. Daisy watched this all while shooting her revolvers before going into the kitchen to make herself some coffee. They had it under control and if things worked out they'd get some treasure. When she returned Valor was holding their currently burning pirate flag, as the other pirates bowed down to him.

"Huh…he really did get them to bow to him. I guess he gets to offer them." They raided their ship before burning it and had some breakfast. Cleaning up on the ship took the rest of the day, but Daisy learned a valuable lesson, coffee in the morning is vital.

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