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Chapter 22: Un-Drunk [Valor]

'Man, that wedding made me so sad! I'm so alone! Fuck!' Were Valor's last words before the night got very blurry.

The group tiredly assembled around the tavern's table. Everyone felt exhausted despite the amount of sleep they had. Jay however was doing fine and was attempting to get everyone's orders for breakfast. 

"JAY GET ME BACON!" Eunice cried out.

Daisy was having difficulty choosing as she was staring blankly at the menu. Kai asked for a specific drink he said got his co-worker "undrunk." Davis was sleeping on the table, while Leon was puking in the restroom.

"I want bacon pancakes! I heard about it in a song one time, so please get me them!" Valor looked straight at Jay.

"Just cuz I'm making the food doesn't mean you get to pick and Kai gets a special drink cuz he's from the town," Jay tried to explain.

"Didn't you burn the fish that one time?" Everybody seemed a little confused judging by their expressions.

"That… doesn't have anything to do with this." 


Jay rushed out to the back where he made them an assortment of dishes. Most were mediocre but they would take what they could get. 

"Hurry up and get undrunk," Jay said as he went back up to his room. 

"Hey! Did you hear the news?! There's been a new Dungeon spotted! They say that whoever goes into a dungeon gets untold riches and power!" Valor listened in while thinking about how much his head was pulsating. 

"Really!? Where's it located!?" The other man shook his head, "They're only giving clearance to adventurers or those who are strong enough to go in. Normal folks like us can't even enter or know where it is...for our 

SAFETY." The man emphasized the last word.

"Where's the dungeon?"

"Not too far from here. About a day or two by wagon or caravan. It's in an uninhabited part of the mountains. Don't even try with your strength, you'd be lucky to even survive the journey to where they're giving the clearance to enter."

"Hello there sir, I couldn't help but overhear. Do--"

He was then rudely interrupted by the man, "Look this is a dungeon, not some place normal adventures go, but a goddamn dungeon."

"My party and I are more than capable of going to a dungeon, sir." 

"Yea the party that couldn't even handle some beers, sure."

"Holding our liquor and fighting abilities are two different things. You do well to remember that, so where on the map is the place where they're giving clearance?" Valor asked one last time.

"Insistent bastard! Fine! Get you and your whole party killed! It's the guild hall!"

"Thank you, but I'll be making you eat those words soon enough. I trust you'll take back your words?" The man laughed at Valor. 

'I really hate this guy.' 

The party who were starting to recollect the memories soon realised that they were in need of some money. 

"I'm broke again!" Eunice cried out

Daisy quietly said to herself, "My wallet hasn't felt this light in a long time."

Davis asked aloud, "Sooo…. you guys down to uhh do some more quests?"

"My wallet felt like this….since...I had it! How about we go to the new Dungeon? We can get filthy rich and live in luxury!" Valor enticed.

The group who had felt somewhat reluctant at first, took a look at their wallets and seemed less reluctant in going to a dangerous dungeon. 

"Why don't we just do some quests or take it up with Jay?" Daisy asked.

"Welll….Jay's too rational, but maybe he's broke too!" 

"He might be, but I doubt it. He's way too careful and he didn't get drunk or as drunk as us." Davis said, in a monotone voice.

"Think about it. Magic weapons, riches, adventure, endless possibilities! This could be how we go into possible early retirement...well you all at least." 

    "Or maybe a miserable death," Eunice said. "But I'm willing to do this." 

"We could've died miserably on any quest, so it's not too different. Besides, we were too weak to not almost die against that demon. This way we can get some much needed power-ups." 

"Coming from anyone else that would've sounded very rational and almost cool." Davis remarked, 'What the hell man…'

"I try, so we got two for and the rest against or am I missing someone?"

"I'm down to go to this dungeon." Davis raised his hand.

"Hmm I'm not too sure….this might be a super tough dungeon and none of us have any experience in dungeon spelunking." Kai had a methodical expression. 

"Think about the riches and besides what's the difference between a dungeon and raiding a cultist dwelling?"

"A lot of things actually! For one, there's a boss monster and traps. We aren't facing some insane people, but monsters with capabilities we have no knowledge of." 

"The Chimera sort of counts as a boss monster doesn't it?" Valor looked over to the other members.

"Didn't we get saved by those higher lvl adventures?"

"Yea well now we have it on our side."

"Does it have any space to be summoned anyways. Not to mention the wielder of that power is puking his guts out."

"I'm okay… URGH!"

"That's not a good look for us, is it?" Everyone collectively shook their heads.

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