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45.23% The threads of destiny / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Decision of the olo'eyktan of the Menariyä Tunti

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Decision of the olo'eyktan of the Menariyä Tunti

Lutsey led his prisoner to the entrance of the Keulutral, which majestically dominated the rest of the forest around him. As she brought her prisoner, she found two guards who were responsible for keeping watch for the night.

Menariyä tunti in a scornful tone when she saw Ben: Olo'eyktan, why did you bring this demon here? And why did you leave unattended? What would become of the clan if something happened to you?

The former soldier blinked, not believing what he heard.

Olo'Eyktan surprised?

Lutsey ignoring Ben: I'm old enough to take care of myself. I don't need anyone to watch over me. Suddenly, a young woman who looked exactly like her captor arrived and stared at Ludsey sternly.

Joltsyn: Big sister, you're being unreasonable; Imagine....

Lutsey: I know. But I prefer to be alone when I go into the forest. I can forget my problems. Do you understand that little sister?

Joltsyn: Yes, just as I know your reasons for bringing this tawtute here.

With these words, she watched the prisoner from top to bottom. It was the person Lutsey described to her from his vision. But she still did not understand Eywa's intentions towards this young tawtute.

Joltsyn: Do you think it's him, big sister?

Lutsey: Yes

The guards looked at them with astonished eyes, not seeming to understand. As for the prisoner, his mind seemed to be elsewhere.

Joltsyn: Are you sure of yourself?

Lutsey: Yes, these visions must have a purpose. Besides, I don't want our children to live in fear of the People of Heaven anymore. And if our Mother tells us that we must trust one of them, I have to do it.

With those words, she took him to the entrance in front of a crowd of hateful looks while Ben looked at them with a jaded look. Either he was playing the fairground attraction or he was death.

Ben: What did I do to be in this situation?

Once she arrived at her destination, that is to say in the center of the floor with a spiral-shaped corridor, she entrusted her prisoner to two guards. Then she went to change into her olo'eyktan outfit before returning. She stood in front of the spiral and addressed her people, trying to make them understand the importance of this human.

Lutsey: My People, your attention please. I know your resentment of this demon to share with you myself. However, Eywa predicted that it will be one of his outsiders who will allow our clan to make the People of Heaven pay for their actions.

She was expecting protest but not from the person concerned.


Ben: Hello! You're going to calm your enthusiasm right away. I don't...

But the threat of a blade on his braid interrupted him. He looked Lutsey in the eyes, clenching his teeth and fists in rage. He didn't want to lose his avatar, but he wasn't going to help them against his race in any way. He wasn't a traitor and he was going to let them know that. Olo'eyktan or not.

Ben: I am not a traitor! I will never help you in a war! Never!

This statement caused deep tension within the clan. How dare he speak to their leader in this way?

Joltsyn: Do you know that you are condemning yourself to death for...

Suddenly, a white selve flew through the crowd. Such a presence among the Kelutral was rare and everyone was astonished to see it. The seed flew again before settling on the prisoner's left shoulder, simulating a kind of comforting but also protective hand. Ben could hear some sort of comforting mumbling in his head, judging by the tone, but it was too low for him to hear clearly. However, his heart felt strangely soothed and this hadn't happened to him in years. As for the clan and Joltsyn, anger was immediately replaced by amazement at this strange sight.

The selve stayed for a few moments before taking flight again and moving away from everyone's view.

A calm prevailed for a few moments before Joltsyn interrupted the performance.

Joltsyn: Our Mother...Seems to want us to spare this...creature....

She was as shocked as the members of her clan. Even with the knowledge of her sister's dreams, it was a lot to take in. She did not understand their Mother's reasons for protecting this human.

Lutsey: Mother spoke. This tawtute was chosen to avenge ours.

Ben: You talk pretty fast. Know one thing, young lady, I have NO intention of waging war! Especially one of revenge!

Lutsey confronted his prisoner, observing a certain nervousness thanks to his lowered ears and his tail waving in a nervous tone.

Lutsey: Are you afraid of me, tawtute? I can understand you. Your life is in my hands after all.

It was to taunt him, of course. Now that their Mother had indicated her protection for him, she couldn't afford to kill him. But it pleased her to say these words and see the annoyed reaction of the person she was talking to. He held his gaze, clenching his fists in anger.

Ben: Remove his restraints and you'll see for yourself.

Lutsey: You will help us and I know you will. Mother has shown us that.

Ben with a mocking smile: Really? You know how to speak the selve?

He took a violent punch to the belly that took his breath away, forcing him to kneel down to catch his breath.

Ben murmured: Salope ! Tu ne perds rien pour attendre ! (Bitch! You lose nothing by waiting!)

Ludsey didn't understand the swearword, so he took his hair and pulled it out to look him in the eyes.

Ludsey: Show more respect for our Mother! It is thanks to her that you still have your false body.

Ben smiled: You'll thank her for me, so...

She took her blade and slashed her right cheek slightly before touching the chin with the tip.

Ludsey: Last warning.

Ben looked her in the eyes, not afraid of the blade. Even the blood dripping to the ground and the burning of the scar didn't seem to bother him. But he remained silent, signifying a victory for her.

Why did Eywa want a dream walker to be the instigator of the end of the period of sorrow? The answers would undoubtedly come in time.

Ben mumbled: You won this round,

This made the olo'eyktan smile, annoying the human, but when he saw the blades threatening him, he preferred to do nothing. So he stood up with a look that reflected his state of mind.

Lutsey: We'll try to open your eyes to what's around you. If you refuse, I will consider you a threat and kill you myself.

Ben: Basically, I have no choice

Lutsey: That's very perceptive.

The former pilot's eyes showed his anger. She got up and stood in front of the crowd. She scrutinized each look carefully. Fear, anger and misunderstanding were in the faces. It was her duty to calm them down.

Lutsey: Brothers and sisters, I can understand your feelings! Nevertheless, to fulfill Mother's wishes, we will have to open our eyes to this demon. I know it is a lot to ask of you, but think of the future. Who would like to volunteer?

As the young leader expected, no one answered. Whispers but nothing else.

Joltsyn: Lutsey, that's a bad idea. Don't do it.

All looked at the Tsahik with an astonished look before returning to the olo'eyktan. She sighed when she saw how little motivation there was.

She was aware of this mistrust, despite the sign of their Mother, following their story. But it was necessary to get rid of this people if she did not want it to happen again.

And if Eywa decided to do so, she had to bend.

Lutsey : Anyone? Very well..I will be his tutor.

Of course, this decision surprise all the clan, except Ben who sighed.

Ben: Super! Je sens que ça va être très instructif! ( Great! I feel that it will very instructive !)

Menariyä tunti: What do you say tawtute? Be glad that our leader is merciful to you! And that Eywa protected you from your insolence!

Ben: Oh, of course there's something to be happy about! With blades threatening me, how can I not be...

The warrior knocked him out with a well-placed blow, not being able to stand the tawtute's answers anymore. The sound of the falling unconscious body imposed a silence.

Menariyä tunti: He is stunned my olo'eyktan. I couldn't bear to hear him speak.

Joltsyn whispering: Who could blame you? Big sister, I'm sure there are much better people for this role! She knew that look. A look full of determination.

Lutsey: How can you say that, Joltsyn? You are Tsahik. I refuse to give this role to someone who doesn't want it. This tawtute will be difficult and it will take willpower. Moreover, I will do everything to protect my clan and to respect Eywa's decision. Even to that.

Joltsyn sighed: Do as you like, but I tell you it's a bad idea.

Joltsyn knew what Ludsey was talking about, but she didn't want to take this risk for her people who had already suffered enough. Once again, her sister let her heart and faith speak instead of thinking. She hoped she was right.

Lutsey: No one? All right, so I take that responsibility.

Everybody tried to change her mind, with no results except her sister who knew it was a pointless fight. Her sister slipped away for a moment to watch her young sons while she waited for further developments.

Later, one undid the bonds of the pilot and one transported his body to the floor where Joltsyn looked after him, although she was disgusted. She wanted her sons to stay away from him, so she handed over the responsibility to her sister, until she had fulfilled her duty to the creature. Finally, he awoke to the smell of food, his stomach asking to be filled.

Ben holding his head: What a headache!

Joltsyn: You asked for it, tawtute. Ben looked at it briefly, showing that his spade was not doing anything to him.

Ben rubbed his head at the place of the blow: If the truth bothers you, I can't help it.

Joltsyn in a dry tone: Is it courage or recklessness, your behavior?

Ben: I leave you free to think what you want.

Joltsyn made an annoying whistle in response, but Ben didn't care.

Ben: So, what's next in the program?

Joltsyn: I have to get you dressed. Then you'll have your first meal.

Ben: That's good timing. I'm so hungry!

Joltsyn makes that annoying whistle again before waving to follow her. We took off her clothes and replaced her with shoulder pads and a beige loincloth and brown knee accessories. This was exactly the person Lutsey described as the warrior in his vision. There was no more of that.

Afterwards, he joined the meal, next to his tutor. While she ate, which was good for her because her duel had made her hungry, she looked at the individual looking for a sign that might tell her something about his personality. She noticed that he was eating, but with an absent look on his face. She wanted to know what he was thinking. At the end of the meal, she decided to try something that might tell her a little more about the individual.

Lutsey: What was I thinking bringing him here? I am now forced to be her teacher! Those words provoked the reaction she wanted, which was anger.

Ben: Well, if you wanted me dead so badly, miss, why didn't you kill me?

Lutsey: Why would I answer you unclean creature?

Ben: You dare to call me a creature? Look in the mirror before you say anything. You'll be in for some strange surprises. The native was beginning to show signs of hostility at the employee's tone.

Lutsey: You'd better calm down," said the native, "because I warn you, I'm not a very patient person, and I'm angry.

Ben: That's good for me too. Do you want a second round?

This insolence was too much for her and the native threw himself on the pilot despite his bruises and the two fought, exchanging punches and kicks. This fight ended in a status quo where the two separated only with additional bruises and her apprentice got a shiner due to a punch that the native inflicted on his right eye while Lutsey had the same treatment for the left eye. Added to this, he grinded his teeth as a result of his injuries. Since no one wanted to point him to a hammock, he settled comfortably in a corner, in a seated position before initiating the disconnection.

Grace: Is the Avatar safe?

Jake seemed to catch his breath before answering

Jake: Yes.

Then he replied with a smile

Jake: But you'll never know where I fell asleep.

As he was finishing his sentence, a second box came out of the connection. The lid opened to reveal a very tired Ben, rubbing his eyes to stay awake. Soon he was interrupted in his thoughts by Grace.

Grace: What about you? Is your avatar safe?

Ben: Yes, ma'am. Wait...Was there another one who was in a relationship?

Jake: Yes. Me.

Jake got back in his chair and joined them with a smile.

Jake: And you'll never guess where he is.

Well, with a sigh: In a na'vi clan?

That surprised everyone, including Jake.

Jake: do you know?

Ben: From the tone of your words, I assumed that.

Norm looked at Jake with a strange look, resembling jealousy. He didn't notice him, focused on the former soldier.

Grace: What about you? Where is your avatar?

He turned his gaze for a moment towards Jake and Norm before returning to Grace, who looked at him worriedly. This confused the pilot, not knowing how to react to the scientist. She was not at all what he thought.

Ben with a tired smile: Safe, don't worry. I will tell you more tomorrow, you have my word. For now, I need to eat and sleep. And I think you'll have enough information to take for tonight.

Grace could force him to talk, but that would probably not be a good approach to him. And then, tonight or tomorrow morning, it wouldn't make much difference.

Grace: Good. Don't forget to make your daily registration. I'll be waiting for you in the morning for your report. You can dismiss.

Ben: Thank you, ma'am.

With these words, he got up and yawned away from the room. Finally, the scientist returned to Jake.

Grace: Why don't you start by telling us what has happened since you escaped from the Thanator? I want all the details.

Jake: As you wish.

And, with some pride, he told her all the events of that day.

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