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I was starting to lose track of how long I had been trapped in this god forsaking place, it was the same routine everyday,

Food, interrogation, less food and more interrogation,

The four corners of this room had spun in my head a few times over the last couple of days, I was starting to smell very terribly which didn't seem to bother them during the interrogations,

But it was driving me crazy, I felt dirt in every hidden crevices on my body, places I had never imagined,

Feeling disgusted of myself was the least of my problems right now, I needed to find a way out of this hell hole Morris and his father were making no effort to get me out of,

I had played our whole fake relationship over and over again in my head like a very sad movie and every time it ended with me in a situation like this or similar, the little feelings I had for him had long washed away, all I felt for him now was pity, for him and his family because whoever went through the effort of kidnapping me, seemed very invested and from all the interrogations, they were just getting started,

I had ran through multiple ideas on how to eject myself from this present situation I was trapped in but I was too scared to try, but fear wasn't really helping me right now and I was staring to realise that,

I looked around the room, hoping to find something that would spark more ideas,

But all I saw were the broken bed frame and the dirty pee bucket sitting by the corner of the room, I looked at the bed frame and back at the bucket almost filled with my inner liquid,

I really couldn't do anything with the bursted bed frame which leaves me with a bucket full of my bodily fluids,

An idea popped into my head as I stared at the bucket, a disgusting one but at least it was something,


The thought of it sent goosebumps down my body but it was either that or being trapped in this room and i couldn't take anymore of the interrogations and the sad excuse of a food i was given each day,

I got up and walked closer to where the bucket was situated and bent down, using my hand to cover my nose,

I lifted the bucket by the handle, lifting it up and back down to see if i could easily accomplish my mission without much of a mess, which wasn't for the bodyguard's sake but for mine, I could care less about the bodyguard but i didn't want to be covered in it as well,

It was decided then, I was going to make my move at dawn,

I hoped the darkness would give me some sort of leverage over the bodyguard but I wasn't going to hold my breath because I was very aware this could go horribly wrong.


Maria stared into nothingness, she was doing that frequently of late but no one could blame her and no one did, her only child was missing and she felt more than helpless,

She didn't want to imagine what her child was going through, she blamed herself for Alicia's current situation, she had forced her into been with Morris thinking that would bring certain opportunities for her but that clearly wasn't the case,

Instead Alicia served as a shield for Morris, shielding him from the attacks that were meant for him,

Thinking back Maria realised she and her daughter had been used like her family had always been by the men of Morris's family his forefathers included,

*Maria?* Kathryn called out, she wiped the tears from her eyes, she was tired of their empty sympathies and promises of getting her child back, which was all they had done since Alicia was taken,

Make empty promises of getting her back, Maria had come to realise her delusional hopes in them.

*Maria?* Kathryn called out again,

*I'm in here, young miss* Maria replied trying not to sound like someone who had been crying,

Kathryn walked into the kitchen,

*have you been crying again?* Kathryn asked, the dark circles under her eyes gave Maria away,

*No miss* Maria replied trying to sound convincing,

*you should stop crying, papa is doing his best to get Alicia back, I'm sure in no time he will* Kathryn said trying to reassure her,

Maria smiled at her words she knew that was a lie, maybe Kathryn had delusional hopes in her father just like her,


*what are doing to get the girl back?* Kathryn asked her father very calmly, she didn't want the same hostile response he gave Morris,

Maria stopped herself from turning the door knob, she moved closer to the door to try and hear their conversation,

*Nothing* he replied,

Maria's heart sank into her belly hearing that, she and her family had given this family their loyalty for years and not the tiniest of the same courtesy was returned,

She was very aware they were maids but she imagined they deserved at least something more for their loyalty,

*what do mean by nothing?* Kathryn scoffed pushing her luck,

*I think I know the people who took her and I'm very sure she wasn't their target which tells me a lot about these people because I don't think a maid was who they wanted, I thought I had gotten rid of them a long time ago but apparently not* Dominic replied,

*if she wasn't their target then why would they take her?* Kathryn asked,

Tears trickled down Maria's face, how could she be this stupid, offering her daughter to them on a silver platter,

*if or when they realise she's a maid, they would probably let her go because she would be useless to them* he replied very nonchalantly,

*Even you know that's not true, my guess is when they find out however long it takes them to come to that very conclusion, they would probably kill her which would be very bad,

the only reason she was targeted in the first place was because she was associated with Morris which indirectly links her to you and from what I've heard she being with Morris was your idea*

Kathryn said as she stood up from where she was seated and walked towards her father,

*you have to do more than nothing, you can't let the poor girl die just from being in your proximity* Kathryn replied trying to coarse her father into doing more than nothing,

*well it would not be the first time, heads have rolled for less and like I told Morris, let me handle this* Dominic replied,

Maria placed her hand gently on her chest, she could feel her heart thumping against it as she listened to Dominic not care about her daughter not even in the slightest,

*but you handling this means you're doing next to nothing* Kathryn replied almost sulking,

*it's not nothing my dear, they wanted me to know who they were hence the reason for the letter* he said picking up the piece of paper in front of him,

*and they want me to do something stupid because they think they have someone I care about, but the moment they realise they do not that is when I'll do something, so relax my dear the maid is not going to die* he replied, trying to reassure his daughter who wasn't reassured in the slightest.

Maria knew he wasn't going to do anything, it wasn't the first time this family had left hers high and dry, she quickly walked away from the door to prevent being seen by Kathryn who made her way out of the study room.


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