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Chapter 4: CHAPTER 24


Alicia opened her eyes, she seemed to have passed out after the interrogation section she had gone through earlier on, she could barely remember being brought into this new room but then again she had gone almost twenty four hours without food or water,

Unlike the room she was locked in before, this room was flooded with light from the sun which was now starting to set, there were two windows on each side of the wall,

Each one with metal rods covering the window frame,

at least this room has fresh air coming in,

Alicia thought to herself as she walked closer to the window,

She turned back to take a good look at the room she was now locked in, the room had a small bed with a crooked bed frame at the corner, the white sheet covering the bed had several patches of brown stains, some darker than the others,


Alicia's nose wrinkled at the thought of having laid on the bed,

She looked at the other side of the room and there was a bucket at the corner slightly covered with mud at the bottom and brown traces of dirt at the top,

She didn't want to imagine what that was for even though she suspected,

*can I please get some water and maybe food—* Alicia yelled standing closely to the shut door, hoping someone was standing at the other side,

The chains bounding her hands and legs were removed which was a slight relief, she looked at her wrist and gently ran her fingers through the bruises the chains had left behind,

*he said I could get water and some food* Alicia said resting her back on the door as she slowly slid down to the floor,

She heard the door knob slowly turn and she stood up giving way for the whoever was at the other side to come through,

*I did say that didn't I* Alberto smiled as he walked into the room with a bottle of water in hand and a plate of something that looked like food on the other, hours after he had mentioned for his men to provide her with water and food,

*but that wasn't totally my fault now was it? You passed out before I could bring them*

Alberto added placing the bottle of water and plate of food on the bed,

*you should have brought them anyway* She grabbed the bottle from his hand before it could touch the bed,

*easy now—* Alberto replied letting go of the bottle of water as Alicia yanked it out of his hand, he balanced the plate of food on the bed,

*what is this?* Alicia asked using the wooden fork on the plate to separate the strands of pasta from the brown sauce poured on top,

*I believe it's called pasta—* he replied sarcastically,

*I know what this is—* she said referring to the pasta,

*I mean the brown sauce on it* Alicia replied still using the fork to separate the pasta strands from the sauce,

Leaning down closer to where she was sitting on the bed, he dipped his pinky finger right into the plate of pasta and looked back up at her, locking his eyes on hers, he licked off the sauce from his hand and stood back up,

*you should taste it— fucking amazing* Alberto replied,

Her brows furrowed as she looked down at the hole he had created in the food with his finger and looked back at him,

*what's with the face?* Alberto asked,

*nothing* Alicia replied trying to hide the disgust that was plastered all over her face,

*you're one picky fucker you know that, you're my prisoner but still I bring you food and yet your face isn't looking very appreciative* Alberto said, Alicia looked back up at him and forced a smile trying to relax her furrowed brows,

*I need to use the toilet* Alicia said,

*over there* Alberto replied pointing to the dirty bucket she had seen earlier,

*i said I need to pee* Alicia said again hoping for a different response,

*heard you clearly the first time* Alberto replied still pointing at the bucket,

*you're joking right?* Alicia chuckled, not wanting to believe he was serious,

*no, no, I don't think I am* Alberto replied staring coldly at her,

She looked at the bucket which he was still pointing at and back at him,

*can I at least get a paper tissue, I need to dry up* he reached into his trouser pocket and brought out a white handkerchief,

*you don't really expect me to use that right?* Alicia asked,

He held out the handkerchief to her still staring at her coldly saying nothing,

*you want it or not?* Alberto asked holding out the handkerchief to her, she snatched the handkerchief from his hand and walked towards the bucket,

She raised up her gown to pee,

*could you turn away* Alicia fired, she held the outer garment in place waiting for him to turn around,

He rolled his eyes at her before turning his back slowly,

*no funny business now* Alberto said,

She raised her inner garment and bent down but not too much, she avoided getting close to the top of the bucket, she looked at him and at the unguarded door,

She dropped down her inner garment and held the outer one while she tiptoed slowly to the door, she twisted the door knob but it wouldn't budge,

She tried again this time with both hands, not noticing Alberto was now facing her,

*they say third time's a charm* Alicia muffled, she looked up at him slowly with her hands rooted on the knob,

*don't be stupid* Alberto yelped pulling her hands from the door knob where they were rooted,

He dragged her by the hand and unto the bed,

*you should really eat something, you feel like paper* Alberto replied picking up the plate and placing it on her legs, forcing the fork into her hand,

She stared at him as he walked to the door and looked back at her,

*can I get a change of clothes?* Alberto laughed, looking at her, trying to understand why she thought she could ask for anything,

*I don't know, I think you look good in red and  this one especially—* Alberto replied walking away from the door and closer to where she sat,

he bent down and reaching out with his hand, he held her by the hair,

*don't get too comfortable* he stared at her for a while and smiled, before letting go of her hair and walking back towards the door,

He banged on the door twice,

*sleep tight miss Alicia, don't let the bed bugs bite and I mean literally* he said pointing to the bed,

*ARGHHH!!!* Alicia yelled in disgust jumping up from the bed, dropping the plate of food on the floor trying to dust off the insect that was on her gown,

*and there goes the only food you'll be getting tonight, now that's on you* he said as he shut the door behind him,

Alicia ran towards the door hoping to grab the knob before it was locked from the outside, but she tripped on her gown and fell flat on her face,

She rolled up into a foetus position, whimpering like a child, she was too weak to scream, she laid on her back with her hands wide open on the floor, looking at the ceiling hoping she could wish herself out of her current situation.


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