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"Za Warudo" speaking

'Za Warudo...' in thoughts

(Za Warudo) my stupid notes and

"Funny" "Jokes"

(Author) p.o.v

There is a legend that may not be as equally as known as the story of the Seven Deadly Sins, the most powerful knights in the Kingdom of Liones but that is as interesting. The leyend was about a Vampire a species/race that could fight a whole army of Holy Knights the name of that vampire was... "Dio".

The legend says that there was a hero, a hero that was noble, kind-hearted and that was really strong, who confronted him. He won against Dio but when he was on his honeymoon (is that how you write that?) he was assasinated by the servants of Dio who had lost his body in battle but that won in the end.

The legend also says that he currently lived in a forest surrounded by living dead, zombies, the forest was very dense, hard to see even during the day. There was a time when Holy Knights tried to enter the forest but they were never seen again. Pressumed to have become zombies by Dio's abilities...

Currently the Seven Deadly Sins were accused of being traitors against the Kingdom and in the forest there is a mansion filled with silence and in one of the rooms of this mansion which was poorly iluminated but not because of shortage but because it's neccesary.

The room had some candels that helped to see better but a regular human would propably see from little to nothing. The room seemed to have a bed, a very fancy one with what seemed very expensive sheets from of color red and purple. And... sitting with a menacing and intimidating aura while reading a book in one hand and resting his head in the other in a chair not too far from the bed was... DIO.

DIO (reader) p.o.v

Me: 'It's been 100 years... 100 years since I defeated you... JoJo. Since that day I have been researching and thinking of a way to use this body and obtain more power. In one of the many books that I've read one thing has gotten my interested.'

'I have never believed in anything but myself and yet... Heaven is something I have heard and read about since I was a child but never truely consider it. Until now.  The ancient books is written that there is a way to "Ascend Heaven.." (Ok I haven't read the manga yet so you'll have to wait and be happy with "Awaken DIO" for now) but there is something else that I have been investigating for a while...'

Enyaba: "Lord DIO I have brought the arrow that you asked for.."

Me: "Good job, Enyaba. Now... give it to me."

Enyaba:"Of course, Lord DIO but may I ask why did you need it?"

she said as she handed me the arrow

Me: 'Enyaba, one of the many people I have gained as tools to help me achieve my goals.'

Me:"Well in simple terms..." I trailed off as I stabbed myself

"To be closer to Heaven!"

when I finished saying that a blinding light surrounded me

Enyaba:"L-L-Lord DIO!!!"




'I did it. I've obtained it... I, DIO, have become... a STAND USER'

Enyaba: "L-Lord D-DIO..?" she said concerned of my well being

Enyaba: "Lord DIO, are you alright?"

Enyaba p.o.v

Me: 'W-what just happened to Lord DIO? Why would he stab himself? He said it was to "be closer to Heaven" but... What does that mean? What was that arrow?'

This and many other questions invaded Enyaba's mind, concerned for her master that she didn't notice that he was now standing begind her.

DIO: "Enyaba... did you doubted of the great DIO?"

Me: "Wh-?! Lord DIO!" she exclaimed surprised 'Wasn't he.. infront of me?

DIO: "You don't have to yell I'm right here..." He said with irritation clear on his voice

Enyaba:"S-sorry Lord DIO... but may I ask, are you ok? What was that light and why did you stab yourself?"

DIO(Reader) p.o.v

Me: "Don't worry Enyaba because there is no way I, DIO, woudn't pass the test" said DIO with arrogance and clear confidence in his voice but with a calmed and yet intimidating tone to normal people and even some of the Holy Knights would find it... charmeful while also frightening

Enyaba: "I see.. but what test are you talking about, Lord DIO?"

Me: "The test to become a Stand user of course" he said with the same tone of before with no doubt in it

Enyaba: "Stand... user? What is that Lord DIO?"

Me: "The Stands are manifestations of one's soul, every Stand is different, no one can posses the same (well not for Mr. Jotaro Is the same type of Stand Kujo...) and the strength will also depend of the individual" explained DIO to Enyaba while she listen with all her attention on her master's words

Me: "Stands posses different shapes, colors and forms... but the most interesting thing about them it's their abilities... though it seems that only the 30% of the people in this world can develop a Stand " he finished his explanation before trying to summon his own though only arms could be visible but barely

Me: *sighs* "It seems that this body needs to adjust to the Stand and..." said DIO as he touched the scar in his neck while smirking deviloushly and his eyes... those diavolical red eyes glowing in the darkness that filled the room "This body isn't completely mine... yet"

Meanwhile in another place not too far from the mansion... In a mountain, what seemed to be a very strange building with the shape of a hat and the name of "The Boar's Hat" was a little boy with blonde hair, green eyes and a cheerful smile attending other people that seemed as customers in a bar, or a tabern would be more precise. When suddenly the peace of the tabern that had been interrupted for a moment by someone who seemed scared of something or... someone that bursted in but the customers didn't pay too much attention until someone in a rusty armor had came in

End of prologue

Ok so... I completely forgot that Enyaba was the one to know the power of the arrow... I'm sorry for that one but I think it's not such an important detail for what I want to achieve. This isn't a 100% accurate to the series and some things will be different.

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