The next day the group gathers their supplies and the loot they'd taken from the Fiends, Afton takes an hour or two to get accurate coordinates around Camp McCarren, just in case he was forced to infiltrate this place in the future... They'd never expect him to simply teleport inside...
After their preparations are made, they let Datri know that they'll accept the job, only with a downpayment first, however. The man agrees, knowing that they'd likely have no one else to do the job if he refused.
Once they refused the large sack of caps, the group began heading for the Gunrunners. Karl, Boone, and Afton only really needed ammunition, but Anja and Josie would need to be completed outfitted with new equipment...
What they currently had wasn't bad for soldiers, 9mm Submachine guns are good due to the sheer quantity of .9mm bullets lying around. And service rifles were known to be incredibly reliable, despite their rather lacklustre firing power.
It's a long, boring walk. Only making Afton angrier at the Fiends for destroying Dirt-Bird. He sighs to himself, promising that his new vehicle would be 'nuclear proof'.
Josie and Anja make small talk on the way, the two women finding some degree of companionship in the group of men. The former still seemed to hold some hostility for Anja's ghoul nature, but they slowly worked through it.
When the group finally reached the Gunrunners, they noticed that a large group was already there, most likely outfitting themselves... Afton couldn't really tell if they were bounty hunters, bandits, or simple prospectors. Regardless, he didn't ask. That was their business, and he'd stay out of it as long as it didn't bother his.
Half an hour later Afton was standing before the Vendertron listing off the armour and weaponry they'd agreed on while walking up here. Anja wanted to keep her leather armour for now but Afton refused and bought her some Recon armour, along with upgrading her weapon to a 12.7mm Silenced Submachine Gun. With a couple knives that Afton would be teaching her to use properly.
Boone didn't need any other weapons, but was outfitted with some desert-camo combat armour. He didn't buy any last time as it was less essential than outfitting Karl who'd likely be in the midst of combat. But now it was probably a good idea to equip himself with some.
Josie on the other hand didn't want any heavy armour, she wanted to be backline support or something akin to that. Afton shrugs and just buys her another set of Recon armour, deciding that even if she didn't want to be anywhere near where the bullets were flying, she'd still need protection. They also sold off her Service rifle, replacing it with a Marksman Carbine, a powerful long to medium-range weapon.
After all that, they stocked up on a huge amount of ammunition. So much so that Isaac is dumbfounded by it, "You guys plannin' to fight an army or something?"
Afton nods, "Yeah, an army of Deathclaws... Ah, that reminds me. "I'd like two-hundred Explosive .50cal rounds as well." he says to the Vendertron, almost causing Isaac to faint at the sheer amount of caps that would cost.
In all honesty, the most expensive thing Afton was buying today was the Explosive bullets. He couldn't complain however, as they were probably the most essential. The explosion would disorientate the Deathclaw if it doesn't immediately die, allowing them to land a couple more shots on it.
He considered buying some Incindiary or anti-armour rounds, but eventually decided against it. Fire would only piss them off and possibly attract more with its pained screams, and Anti-armour might not even be useful against their leathery, scaled, hides.
Once everything was purchased, the group bid farewell to Isaac and left. However, most didn't recognise where Afton was leading them.
"Where to next, kid?" Karl asks.
"I want to see Doctor Usanagi and get some implants, you guys can get some if you want, otherwise I'd like you to help Anja and Josie get used to their new weapons." he says, and Karl nods.
"Yeah, good thing you weren't planning on having us go straight to the Deathclaws... Despite their size, I'd not bring two people who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn..." he says, sending a glance at Anja and Josie who look away sheepishly.
Afton enters the New Vegas clinic while the others wait outside, once inside he's immediately given a wide-eyed stare by Doctor Usanagi.
"You!... Shouldn't you be dead?!" she exclaims, shaking her head and immediately covering her face with his lab coat. "Are you still infected!?"
Afton chuckles and shakes his head, not minding the guns of the bodyguards pointing at his head. "I managed to find a cure, I still have some scarring," he gestures at his face, "But I gained more than I lost." he says, presenting his arm to her.
"Cybernetic?" she mutters, walking over and examining it.
"Nope." he says, taking his glove off and revealing the green, leather skin of his hand.
She flinches backwards slightly at the sight of it for fear of getting infected with something, but her curiosity wins out in the end. "Intriguing... Would you mind if I examined you?"
Afton shrugs, "I was actually here to get some implants, if you don't mind... How about this, you show me your implants, and I'll show mine." he says, waggling his eyebrows at her.
[Lady Killer is in effect]
The Asian lady blushes slightly but manages to quickly hide it. "I... I would be willing to waive the Implant costs if you let me fully examine you."
Afton grins, "Oh? If you wanted to see my wood, all you'd need to do is ask."
"Wood?" she asks, deciding to take it literally instead of replying to the innuendo.
He nods, rolling up his sleeve and revealing the bark-like upper part of his arm that acts almost lime armour.
The bodyguards in the corners of the room just look at each other in confusion about what was actually happening here... They'd never seen Usanagi act like this before... It was really strange!
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Eventually, Afton is led into the surgery room where he's instructed to take off his clothing. Nyx begins to protest as Usanagi leaves the room for her tools, but Afton manages to placate her for now.
The Stealth suit was literally connected to his body, so taking it off is more difficult than you'd think. Apparently, it's also quite uncomfortable for Nyx as well. Afton strips off regardless though, the promise of free Implants being more than enough to sway his opinion... And that's not even considering the sexy Asian doctor that'd be examining him.
He carefully rests the Stealth suit on a nearby table while propping all his weaponry next to it. Once done he sits on the surgical bed and waits for Usnagi to return.
It isn't long before she comes back carrying a box of supplies, she's about to drop them off on a desk when she spots Afton... Her eyes trailed from his body to his strange arm, it honestly looked like some sort of prop, but obviously wasn't when he displayed his ability to move it.
She was interested in this for a variety of reasons, one, how Afton was able to survive such a deadly disease. Two, who he was able to literally regrow his arm back. And three, the strange black veins that covered his body at this point.
She coughs into her hand, "*Ahem*, if you could lie back on the bed that would be appreciated." she says as he begins retrieving her medical instruments, many vials, swabs, needles, and Petri dishes.
Afton shrugs and does so, "So, you come here often?" he jokes, hoping to test out how effective his [Lady Killer] Perk really is. It didn't directly influence all his interactions with the female sex, but sometimes he did feel an urge to say certain things. Though, the occasions when it does are few and far between.
Usanagi just shakes her head at him, "You are much more... Social, than when you were here previous, Mr Parker. Could the Fungus have had such an effect?" she says, shutting him down completely.
"No, I don't think so... Though, I don't remember those trousers of yours being so tight before either." he shoots back, deciding to just ham-fist it until something works... He is literally in his underwear right now anyway...
"Perhaps a problem with your vision or memory as well then?" she drawls, walking over with a couple vials and swabs. "Open your mouth."
Afton does as she says and waits as she swabs the inside of his mouth, nose and ears. Afterwards, she draws blood from his plant arm, as well as some regular blood. The former of which is dark and almost a green colour, which surprises her immensely.
"Strange... How is the blood in your arm different to the blood everywhere else... Are the systems not connected?" she quietly mutters to herself before scraping some bark, and leathery skin off into a petri dish. Afterwards shoving all the samples into a machine nearby.
Afton shrugs at her question, "Maybe it's something to do with these black veins of mine..." he guesses.
She looks up from her contemplation and nods, using a needle to take a blood sample from the veins, much to Afton's reluctance... He wasn't afraid of needles but, having one so close to his eye was rather unnerving.
"Couldn't you take some blood from somewhere else?" he complains, as he had more veins like that elsewhere.
"It was the easiest place to extract from... Stop whining, I thought you were a man." she challenges.
Afton furrows his brow, "Men don't get penetrated. They do the penetrating." he states.
"Then you haven't been a man for some time. It was months ago with I first 'penetrated' you. Remember?"
He sighs, "How long's this gonna take? I'd rather have the Implants before I start my next job."
"Ah-erm..." She looks over at the machine, "An hour or two... Or three?"
Afton sits up, "Can you give me the Implants while that's happening? I've got better shit to do than wait around all day."
"Ah, wait, wait, wait... I still want to examine you to compare the findings afterwards. And I want to make sure it's as accurate as possible, so no Implants until after... Besides, I have no idea if the Implants will conflict with your mutations"
Afton frowns, "You know, if it's gonna take this long I might as well just pay for the Implants. I'm not all that worried about the side-effects either." he says, not wanting to sit around all day.
"I will pay you 100 caps to stay here and let me properly examine you." she finally states, eager enough to find the secrets of his body that she was willing to pay him.
Afton shakes his head and is about to refuse when an idea pops into his mind, "I don't want caps... Do you remember what Pre-war doctors used to give to well-behaved children?"
Not knowing where this was going, Usanagi answers properly. "I'm sure it was candy or something similarly sweet."
Afton grins, "More specifically, what candy?"
"Lollipops? I don't see why you are asking me this... Unless you want me to treat you like a child and give you one... Something I can't do as I don't have any." she explains, thoroughly confused.
Afton raises a brow, "You don't have one? Oh, that's a shame... I do have an alternative though..."
She sighs, wondering just what her patient actually wanted, "Fine, what do you want?"
He shrugs, "You don't have any, but I do... Suck on it for a while and I'll stay put." he states it outright. The bulge in his underwear signalling that they weren't talking about candy anymore.
Usanagi scowls at him for a moment, before eventually realising she'd not taking one kind of sample... She mulls it over in her mind before coming to a decision. "You don't tell anyone. And you release into this." she says, raising a vial.
[Lady Killer is in effect]
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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