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56.31% I Just Want to Be in a Relationship / Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Isn’t It Obvious since You Are so Clingy to Each Other?

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Isn’t It Obvious since You Are so Clingy to Each Other?

It marked the first time that Yu Qinghuan had ever been so explicit about his affection with Huo Qu. Huo Qu stunned for a minute, then he was overwhelmed and in a loss by the exhilaration of getting hit by the jackpot of love.

"Qinghuan, do you really fall for me? Do you like me as well?" he confirmed with Yu Qinghuan once and again.

"Of course." Yu Qinghuan held his hands, with his heart deluged with regret.

He always thought that he should profess his feeling towards Huo Qu when everything was settled, but he never thought about how upset Huo Qu may feel. Huo Qu split his heart to show him how he felt, but had never received any replies from him.

Huo Qu was different from the ordinary people. Yu Qinghuan should have more tolerance to him, instead of losing temper whenever he felt under pressure.

"I'm so sorry, Huo Qu, I shouldn't have taken your tenderness for granted." Staring at his handsome face brimmed with satisfactory, Yu Qinghuan felt his heart ache. "You don't need to try to ignore these sorts of things, neither to swallow your distress alone. You can get angry at me whenever I treat you the wrong way."

"Actually I…I am not that perfect as you thought. I am stubborn, lacking in sense of security, and sometimes self-centered. I'm sorry, I've upset you so many times."

He did know that Huo Qu was never a grumpy person, and he couldn't be more sincere before Huo Qu, but he still split hairs sometimes.

Yu Qinghuan's eyes turned red. He had been thinking that Huo Qu should be considerate enough to skip this incident since he just returned home from work with exhaustion and fatigue.

But he forgot how deep Huo Qu had been in love with him, how much he relied on him, and how depressed he might feel as he heard about the rumor about Wang Chengcheng and him. Instead of giving him a patient explanation, he deemed his love as being capricious.

How heart-broken Huo Qu would have felt when he heard his cold words.

Yu Qinghuan felt his heart wrenching. How he wished he could have turned back the clock to stop himself from hurting his beloved one.

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu could hardly grasp all his words, but he endeavored to respond the part he understood, "I didn't…"

He paused for a while, raised his eyes, and saw the encouragement in Yu Qinghuan's eyes. He finally determined to trudge through speaking out his thought, "I was angry at that time. I saw the photo, and you were close to her."

Pursing lips, he continued with indignation and helplessness, "Qinghuan, she intends to steal you from me, I…I was really terrified."

Although he tried his best to learn about sensing and handling emotions, Huo Qu knew that he could not understand the emotions of others as an ordinary one.

Such as the sudden anger of his mother last time, and the cold face of Qinghuan today.

The curses from his classmates and colleagues in the past kept flashing in his brain.

Fool, psychopath, freak, abnormal guy, douche…

The unfair harsh comments he had never cared about now suddenly turned into sharp knives, stubbing him deeply in the heart.

He felt so useless. Except his extraordinary IQ that had been repeatedly mentioned in front of Qinghuan, he could hardly find any other advantages on himself.

At the thought of Qinghuan may be stolen by other people or he might fall in love with another person, Huo Qu could no longer suppress those negative emotions deep in his heart.

"Qinghuan," he spoke in a low, forceless tone, "Do you really… really like me?"

"Why not?" Leaning on Huo Qu's chest, the clips of those memories between them flashed in Yu Qinghuan's head, he curved his lips and answered in a tender voice, "I fell in love with every bit of you."

As an introverted and bland person, Yu Qinghuan would never say such cheesy words if there was no previous quarrel and the perfect ambience at that moment.

The only thought in his mind now was to soothe Huo Qu's anxiety, and the other things that concerned him previously had seemed not so important now.

"You are concentrated and serious about your work, you are good at academic, and even your poor sense of direction is so cute."

His gentle voice was like a drizzle in spring, which nurtured the slightly draught field in Huo Qu's heart. In a second, a sweet flower pushed its way through the solid and blossomed on his heart, with the sweet nectar inside. Huo Qu got drunk by the wine-like honey, which flushed his face to burning red.

So he was so perfect in Yu Qinghuan's eyes.

All the timidity and the feeling of inferiority disappeared in a second. Huo Qu rubbed the hair on Yu Qinghuan's head with his chin. He smiled, with his deep dimple revealed on his left face.

After the two silently cuddling for a while, Yu Qinghuan suddenly remembered something, he slightly pushed Huo Qu away from him and asked, "Have you had diner?"

"Not yet." Huo Qu grumbled, "When you told me you would be back on the phone, I was too happy to have any food. And after I saw that news, I entirely lost my appetite."

He deliberately touched his stomach and said intentionally, "I am a little bit hungry now."

Was it his delusion? Yu Qinghuan felt that Huo Qu seemed to become…childish a little bit.

But being childish before him was quite good. Yu Qinghuan got up from bed, left him a "wait a moment", then headed to the kitchen.

He was thinking about making some instant food for Huo Qu, but when he entered the kitchen, he saw a full table of dishes. They were all cold, without any traces of being touched at all.

These dishes might be sent by the bodyguard or chauffeur of Huo family. Yu Qinghuan turned on the gas stove to heat them up.

As soon as he held up one plate of dish, he was held from the back suddenly. Huo Qu laid his jaw on Yu Qinghuan's shoulder, sticking to him like a huge marshmallow.

"Hey, I can't cook now," said Yu Qinghuan. After a few seconds, Huo Qu still didn't let him go. Just as he turned his head to one side and was about to say it again, Huo Qu quickly kissed on his lip corner.

His eyes were starry, straightly and shyly, discarding all the caginess in the past. They seemed to say: What's wrong? Wasn't it my right to kiss my boyfriend?

Yu Qinghuan totally gave in to him. The warmness from his back gradually touched his heart, melting all the previous burden.

Thus, Huo Qu held his boyfriend throughout the cooking. He moved as the one in his ams moved, stopped as his lover stopped. Until all the dishes were ready, he reluctantly let him go.

"Just take a few bites," said Yu Qinghuan, but he still pushed all the dishes before Huo Qu.

Huo Qu nodded and picked up the chopsticks awkwardly.

"You eat. I am going to make a phone call." Speaking of which, Yu Qinghuan took out his phone, intended to go out. But his wrist was held by Huo Qu.

"Make the call here." It was the first time Huo Qu proposed his demand in a strong tone.

Yu Qinghuan stunned for a second and sat back to his seat, "OK."

"It's Rui ge, he called me for some new arrangements." Yu Qinghuan explained to him when dialing Zhao Rui's number.

"Hey bro, did you call me for the new arrangement of Orange?"

The current box office of Orange had approached 500 million RMB, although the rising tendency had gradually slowed down, it still a big hit. It was said that even some films' premiers were postponed due to the movie.

But the publicity period of Orange had already been over, what would Zhao Rui want him to do?

"Orange has been nominated for the best picture of the season, and it is going to be released in Macau." There were no signs of excitement in Zhao Rui's voice, he was talking as if this outstanding film had nothing to do with him. "I want you to go with me."

"I…think I am not necessary in this trip." Generally, such activities only required the director and the producer, while the actors' presence was not a necessity.

Yu Qinghuan hesitated for a bit and then asked, "Or… Do you have some other special plan?"

He was just back from work, the next thing to do on the schedule was the publicity of The Line of Life and Death. He hoped to accompany Huo Qu more during this spare time in between.

"Ahem." Zhao Rui made a cough and spoke vaguely, "I just, hmmm… I just saw your news these days."

Thinking Zhao Rui was speaking about the gossip of him and Wang Chengcheng, Yu Qinghuan replied, "The gossip has been clarified, and those netizens are all blaming Wang Chengcheng for it now. I am out of this thing now."

"Not that." Zhao Rui made up his mind and poured out his thought, "Those villagers said the one sat beside you could won the mahjong. I… What I am trying to say…is if you can go to the casino with me."

Yu Qinghuan: "…"

Suddenly he kind of missed the Zhao-nit-picker-Rui with grumpy face in the past.

As he was just about to excuse himself from this invitation, Huo Qu suddenly grabbed his left hand, stopped having the meal and stared at Yu Qinghuan without any facial expressions.

Knowing that Huo Qu was just afraid of his leaving, Yu Qinghuan held his hand and gave him a comforting glance. "I am so sorry, ge, I have other arrangements. My schedule is really tight,." he reclined Zhao Rui.

"What arrangements?" jeered Zhao Rui, "There is still some time before the publicity of The Line of Life and Death."

"To accompany my boyfriend." Yu Qinghuan continued without hesitation.

Zhao Rui silenced for seconds and asked, "Is it Huo Qu?"

As a man regarding life and death as nothing, Zhao Rui didn't consider homosexual as a matter.

But Yu Qinghuan was shocked. "How did you know?"

He and Huo Qu just confirmed their relationship tonight, how could Zhao Rui know about it? Was he a prophet?!

Zhao Rui had a smoke and replied calmly, "On man! Look at you two! So clingy to each other! Only the dope like Zhao Qingyuan cannot notice your relationship."

"…"Labeled with "clingy", Yu Qinghuan didn't know what to say.

Since all the cards were put on the table, Yu Qinghuan felt less pressure to refuse his invitation. "Ge, you know how tight my schedule will be. So I only want to stay with him during these days."

"You can take him with you." Zhao Rui still insisted, "I only need you when I am in the casino."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

He had to admit that Zhao Rui's suggestion was reasonable to some extent. He had never travelled with Huo Qu even though they'd known each other for so long. "When do you plan to go?" he considered for a second and asked.

"The day after tomorrow."

The day after tomorrow was Saturday, Yu Qinghuan covered the receiver and asked Huo Qu, "Do you want to go travel with me?"

Traveling with the beloved one was a whole new experience for Huo Qu. He thought over and nodded earnestly. "Yes."

"OK." Yu Qinghuan said to Zhao Rui, "Let me check if Huo Qu has a passport. If he has, we will go with you."

"Alright." Zhao Rui fully understood the consideration. "Inform me as soon as possible," Zhao Rui then hang up the phone.

Huo Qu should know nothing about the passport, so Yu Qinghuan could only get the answer from Huo Qu's brother. But thinking of what he was going to do with Huo Qu, he was afraid to make the call. After hesitating for quite a while, he didn't call Huo Rong at last.

Finally, he gave up and handed the phone to Huo Qu, "Call your brother, and ask him whether you have a passport."

He always deemed that he was prepared to face Huo Qu's family, but when the moment came, he still lacked the guts. However much psychological construction he had done, he still felt guilty and faint-hearted.

Huo Qu didn't have such mental struggle like him, he dialed his brother's number without any hesitation.

Listening to his straight-forward tone, Yu Qinghuan scratched his palm lightly with envy. At such a critical moment, he still needed his Professor Huo to stand forward.

"He said I have it." Huo Qu looked delightful, "The chauffeur will send it to me tomorrow morning."

"That'd be great." Yu Qinghuan felt relieved, he passed the chopsticks to Huo Qu, letting him continue his dinner, and then sent a confirming message to Zhao Rui.

Under Zhao Rui's strong demand, they took the earliest flight to Macau and didn't arrive there until 7 p.m..

Zhao Rui could hardly wait to go to the casino. After delivering the luggage to the hotel, buying some stuffed buns at the stand downstairs and withdrawing some HK dollars, he dragged Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu to a casino he had already selected beforehand.

He heard that one could not win the gambling in the hotel where he/she checked in. Therefore, he selected another casino in the distance.

The casino was splendid from the exterior and was all-golden inside. It was the first time Zhao Rui had ever entered such a fancy place, he exhilarated and kept looking around. "Just watch, I'm gonna go exchange a lot of chips to win a great fortune!" Zhao Rui swore to Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan ignored the crazy Zhao Rui. He walked with Huo Qu around the casino and asked him, "So? Do you want to have a try?"

Huo Qu was not interested in it and shook his head.

Yu Qinghuan did not have the intention, either. He was frightened by his creep good luck. One jackpot was enough, he was never a greedy person.

Therefore, the two of them decided to merely watch Director Zhao's gambling show.

"I exchanged 50 thousand' chips," Zhao Rui said painfully as if he had been filleted, "I swear I am not a man if I can't double them!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

So? His "a lot" meant 50 thousand? And who gave him the confidence that he would definitely win money?

As if seeing through Qinghuan's mind, Zhao Rui winked at him, "That's because I got you, the god-blessed koi here. I planned to exchange only 5 thousand at first."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

With a gale full of courage circling around, Zhao Rui rushed to the gambling table. He strongly demanded Yu Qinghuan stand behind him, forbidding him to leave for even one second.

Yu Qinghuan had no choice but accommodate to him.

Fortunately, he'd got Huo Qu beside him. Standing behind Zhao Rui, he explained the rules of the gambling to Huo Qu, making the whole process not that boring.

However, even accompanied with Yu Qinghuan's luck, the gambling luck was against him. Ordinarily, the new casino comers would win for a couple times first, but Zhao Rui didn't win at all! Not even a single round!

He lost almost all his chips in quite a short time.

Zhao Rui's face twisted with his aching heart, "S**t, I shouldn't have come here! 50 thousand! Totally gone now!"

He suspended and glanced sideways at Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, your luck sucks today."

"Those were all merely coincidences." Yu Qinghuan smiled with relief. "They were just joking. Don't take it seriously."

"No, maybe that's because your luck was used out by me last time," sighed Zhao Rui. As he was about to bend his arm around Yu Qinghuan's shoulder, he saw the glare from Huo Qu, he could only pull his hands back and threw 2 chips of 100 to Qinghuan instead. "I quit! My heart has broken. Spend it, Qinghuan, we gotta go."

"Alright." He didn't refuse this time.

He didn't get good luck today. It was nothing to play a round.

Looking around, he chose the closest Caribbean Stud Poker. Clicking on the starting button, he bet after the card showdown.

The first card revealed was spade A, Zhao Rui joked, "Wow, won't it be a straight flush?"

He was immediately flooded by the contemptuous look from the people around the gambling table. They were all veteran here, who had seen numerous silly tourists like him.

A straight flush? Daydreaming!

Yu Qinghuan just ignored it. Glancing at Zhao Rui to let him stop, he continued to reveal the cards.

But with the cards revealing one by one, the atmosphere on the gambling table changed. And many people came to see his cards.

As the successive appearing of J, Q, K, they murmured in their heart: Was this guy really lucky enough to get a straight flush?

Yu Qinghuan's heart was shaking. He wanted to quit immediately, but once a gam-bling began, no one could stop it. He had no choice but to reveal the last card.

Spade 10.

"Hiss!" gasping from the people around hit the celling.

That was a straight flush! A big one!

Wining 8.5 million by 200!

What a good luck the boy had!

The whole casino seethed with excitement!

A great number of guards rushed over within the highest speed, blocking the gambling table, and Yu Qinghuan and his fellows were protected by rounds of guards.

The top administrator of the casino showed up, registered Yu Qinghuan's ID and passport number.

The whole casino entered the highest alert immediately. The people outside were for-bidden to enter. And the whole scene was spectacular.

Until this moment, Zhao Rui finally found out the situation. Holding his fluttered heart, Zhao Rui spelled the 4-letter word with full his force, "F**k!"

Comments from the author: The incident in the casino was a real thing that happened last year in Macao. But it's a pity that I missed it because I was having a meeting at that time. Hearing the scene described by my colleague, I wrote it down in my story.

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