Race to the
Chapter 336: Lets begin the war
"You should have asked him to stay here with you for longer" Zhu Hu said to Du Danya.
Hao Jiazhi has long left the place, forest of mist, and he is on his way back to his kingdom as the war is going to happen very soon.
Du Danya smiled at the words of Zhu Hu, she said "My death is for sure, having him by my side for more period will only make me fear death more and more. I have spent enough time by his side, so I no longer can keep him by my side"
Zhu Hu said nothing and listened to her silently
After some moment of silence, Du Danya asked "How is the ceremony going on?"
"Everything is prepared, now they are just waiting for the day" Zhu Hu said to her, he sighed and asked her "You have anything to say? Or a request?"
Du Danya smiled and asked, "Is this something like, my last wish?"
Zhu Hu nodded
The story is coming to its end, the last two chapters remaining... and yeah... I rushed things...
I wanted to make things detailed but I failed... I literally couldn't think anything.
Also, I will be now leaving for a small trip so... sorry, for making more grammatical mistakes.
Lastly, one more time... I am sorry as I failed to make a proper ending.
I am sorry
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