Race to the
Chapter 251: Prepare for war
The alliance between the Tengyuan Kingdom and the Liahua Kingdom has been established officially and now its time to prepare for war
But before that, just where the enemy is and also what is their amount?
Right now, Hao Jiazhi is with Jin Yuxin inside the imperial court with very few people as war is a high-level matter so very few are allowed to be in the planning
Hao Jiazhi asked, "Do you have any idea about the enemy size and how far they are?"
Jin Yuxin took a piece of paper from a minister and gave it to Hao Jiazhi, she said "I don't know about the size of the army but I do know that right now… all the kingdoms, literally every single tribe, village or whatever group is around the kingdom, all of them are uniting at a very fast speed
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