Race to the
Chapter 151: FUCK
Hao Jiazhi has only banned the letters about new laws but not the travelling of people from other kingdoms, so information can still be exchanged. Though Liahua Kingdom has no interest but.... the same can't be said for others
[Continuation of the past event]
Lu Zemin didn't want to believe in the words of Lu Long but the fact is true, he has himself noticed the various time that Hao Tai and HaoJiazhi are too close to be siblings
No doubt, he did ask her about her real thoughts but what he comes to know is that their relationship is something special which cant be described in words
Is war necessary? Who knows, but still Lu Zemin want to avoid this situation
Lu Zemin said "Your highness, what people say is only what they saw and they don't know the truth
I have talked to Princess Hao Tai and she had clearly said to me that the bond she and King Hao Jiazhi share is really pure and special
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