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66.66% Young Justice: Ultraman / Chapter 2: Welcome to Happy Harbor 

Chapter 2: Welcome to Happy Harbor 

Mount Justice

Batman met the five young heroes in the Justice League's old headquarters, the Secret Sanctuary inside of Mount Justice.

"Since all of you are determined to fight the good fight, this will be your new base," announced Batman

"Isn't this the old Justice League base that was compromised," asked Kid Flash

"Exactly the villains know that we know that they know so they wouldn't attack here," said Robin

"Oh, so this is hiding in plain sight," remarked Kid Flash

"Or is this a dumb idea" said Chris who thought it was a stupid idea for most of the villains to know their base location

"You 6 will be on the team and doing the missions," said Batman who ignored what Chris had just said

"Actual missions?" questioned Kid Flash suspiciously

"Yes covert missions, leave big stuff to us that's why we have these targets on our backs," replied Flash knowingly as he pointed to the symbol on his suit

"6 people?" asked Robin

"Ye-" before Batman could reply he was interrupted by the Zeta tubes announcing the people who had just arrived

As the light around the 2 figures vanished. Martian Manhunter and a teenage girl who looked similar to him came into view of the group.

"This is my niece, M'gann M'orzz," introduced Martian Manhunter to everyone there.

"Hi everyone my name is M'gann M'orzz but you all can call me M'ggan," said M'ggan excited.

"Hi, I'm Wally or Kid Flash and that's Robin, Aqualad, Superboy and Match" introduced Wally flirtatiously "But you don't have to remember them," winking at her.

"Hello everyone" replied Megan excitedly, not noticing the flirty look Wally was giving her.

Suddenly Superboy looked at Megan enraged and shouted "Get out of my head" and stormed off, angry at her for the intrusion into his head.

Megan looked very upset by this and looked towards Chris or now Match unsure of what she had wrong

"You tried to eak with him telepathically, didn't you? My brother doesn't like that" Match answered.

"Anyway, Red Tornado has volunteered to be your supervisor, and Black Canary has offered her skills as a trainer for the team. The Team will go on covert missions; the League will still handle the high-profile cases," Batman continued.

*** ***

(Chris/Match POV)

Mount Justice a few days later,

I gotta say this is a fresh experience for me, all the tension that's built up after the first meeting of the meet. I've been training non-stop and absorbing sunlight like a madman. it's good news because I just keep on improving. I think I'm nowhere near Superman's level as he has been absorbing sunlight for his entire life, but I can at least protect myself from harm which is good.

The team keeps on asking Red Tornado for missions he keeps on saying "its Batman's job" but the team isn't letting up, I honestly don't know what they're expecting after he's said that 20 times at the very least.

I've made friends with Aqualad because he is a nice guy overall, but Wally is too talkative which is too annoying and I'm just not used to it. And don't get me started on Robin he's got some superiority complex thinking he's better than everyone else he needs a lesson in humility. Other than that, me and Superboy are getting along just fine, I guess it's because he's my brother or the fact I understand what's he's been through and the fact Superman has been neglecting him. We train together and I gotta say he's really trying hard to catch up to my strength and I admire that a lot.


We were all in the living room and suddenly Red Tornado announced "there is an emergency that requires your help" and we all quickly got up and got ready for the mission.

***** ***** *****

Happy Harbor,

In the hangar, Megan introduces the team to her Bio-Ship. She invites them to come aboard, and so they quickly do.

"Can you shape-shift," asks Wally

M'ggan then shapes-shifts into a female version of the entire team

"Is it ok to think I'm hot," says the Speedster

Everyone them looks at him strangely

"Nice but you will fool no one with that," remarks Robin

"It's harder to shape-shift into boys," replies M'ggan embarrassed

"Can you phase through walls?" asks Robin

"Oh density shifting is a very advanced technique," says M'ggan even more embarrassed.

"It's ok, the Flash can phase walls but Wally does it bang nosebleed," trying to reassuring her.

"Dude" Willy says clearly angry at Robin for embarrassing him in front of M'ggan

Before they can land at the location, they are gobbled by a tornado.

Megan tries evades it and quickly lands the bio ship. Before Kaldur can assess the situation, Robin sneaks off to the power plant.

Chris is still unsure what to think of the arrogant Robin that was starting to piss him off.

A android sudden appeared.

"I'm Mr. Twister" introduced the android

Kid Flash ran at the android no identified as Mr. Twister in a attempt to beat him into submission.

The android waved his hands creating a hurricane hurling Wally into a building.

Superboy charged at the android only to be blasted by the winds created by Mr. Twister.

After repelling Megan and Kaldur, he mocked "Instead of actual heroes I got a bunch of sidekicks."

This angered Chris so he flew high and fast then dive bombing into Mr Twister which sent the android flying into a nearby tree.

Chris then quickly thought about the situation and realised that this was one of the first real victories for the team and a lesson so if he beat this ripoff Red Tornado single handedly they wouldn't learn their lesson so he let the Android smack the team around and pretends to fight.

"I can't believe we got beaten so easily," said Chris angrily pretending

"This team is a joke" remarks Robin who gets an angry look from Chris


Mr Twister is intercepted by Wally, who yet again attempts to attack him, but Mister Twister knocks him away again, only to be saved by Megan, who arrives with the rest of the Team in tow.

Kaldur asks him what he wants and the villain remarks "I'm waiting for a real hero to show up."

"M'ggan read his mind" orders Kaldur and she concedes, after being reassured that it's acceptable to do so to villains.

Megan could not get a reading, and naturally surmises that Mister Twister is Red Tornado in disguise, seeing as he is an android able to generate tornadoes.

The other teammates figure that this was the test Tornado had previously referred to.

Twister generates a storm, but they refuse to indulge him in battle. Twister is delighted that they think he is Red Tornado and blasts them away with lightening. Superboy lunges at him, only to be stricken down.

Twister exterminates them, but is stymied by the concealed Bio-Ship, which hides the team from sight. Mr Twister lets them live.

Confused, Wally asks "what just happened"

Megan explains "I placed the Bio-Ship between us"

"This is all you're fault" says as Superboy vents his frustration and rage at Megan for misguiding them into thinking Twister was Tornado.

The others stand up to her, but agree that her lack of experience is a liability and tell her to stay behind.

After the three take off, Megan says "I just wanted to be part of the Team"

Kaldur says "I'm not sure there is a team to begin with" and rushes off too, leaving Megan behind.

Chris reassures M'ggan that it's ok and everyone makes mistakes.

Mister Twister sweeps Happy Harbor with an array of tornadoes to draw attention to him, and the team tackles him. En route to the Cave, Megan tries to convince Red Tornado to help the Team. He refuses to do so, but points out the odd coincidence of Mister Twister being inorganic and possessing the same elemental abilities. This suddenly gives Megan an idea.

Back at the bay, the heroes spar with Mister Twister, but to no avail. Megan contacts them telepathically and lets them in on her plan. A few moments later, Red Tornado arrives and tells the Team to depart, and takes charge, telling he thought they could handle it. The two androids match their elemental powers against each other, but Mister Twister proves he's far superior and knocks Tornado out. He plans to reprogram him, but it was actually Megan disguised as Red Tornado, while Wally produces the tornadoes with super speed. Chris then precedes to smash Mr Twister to vent his anger from before.

The team took advantage of the android's bewilderment and knocks him around. Superboy punctures the android repeatedly and sends him flying to the sea, where Kaldur electrocutes him. Then, Megan rips his body further apart and Robin blasts him with explosives. Chris then uses his heat vision to fry him.

"Well done guys" commented Chris

"This is a real team," replied Aqualad

The Team celebrates their first mission.

HolyVoid HolyVoid

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