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75% Kid Squad Orgins / The Diary

The Diary

Narrator pov

Brook opened the diary and read it out loud.

"Dear diary,

all I hear is shouting. We keep arguing about what to do with our kids. Some of us think we should abandon them. Others think we should fight for them, but I don't know what to think brook and Chris. Are my babies. I just don't want to abandon them but even if we do fight how do we know we will win they're not going to stop until we're done for all they want is destruction. I don't know but I think we are going to abandon them but we'll going to fight as well. If we die in this fight we said, we would leave a package for each kid and our guardian will send it. When the kids are old enough. We have already decided where to send them if we abandon them. We're going to send them to Dunkin town. It's a safe town with a minimum crime. It has good schools and it's a pretty big town. They won't be found there. Bye diary.

She turned the page

Dear diary,

We decided to abandon the kids and fight. Our enemy seems to have found reinforcements. I don't think we're going to make it out alive. We have already decided what to put in the packages and what to leave at The hideout. You know hideout the guardian will watch our kids from the shadows and will not leave them alone until they receive the packages. One room was filled with books and weapons. The second room was filled with food the guardian prepared before they left. And the third room was filled with monitors that spied on the children to make sure they stayed safe. I'm going to leave my diary where they can find it. So they can know what happened. Bye diary

She turned the page

Dear diary,

We lost allen and Penny. This can't get any worse. Ted save the kids if it wasn't for him they would be gone. We have a trader they told the enemy that we were going to hide our children. So they came after them. Ted used the last of his energy to teleport them away to Yokota town. It wasn't the town we wanted to send them to but it's a close second. It's still safe but it's small hopefully the kids will be safe there. Rose decided to leave Gabby her animal DNA necklace. I left Chris and Brook masks I left them the masks that gave me the powers to blend in with the shadows like a ninja and to teleport like a bandit. Allen would want Chris and Brook to have these masks I know it. Penny left Ren sunglasses and a hat. Marlene left Kendra her walking stick. Bye diary.

Dear diary,

I'm going to explain the kid's abilities so if they read this they can know what they can do. I'll start with Brook I know she'll be the masked Ninja, the powers that the mask gives her are simple she can hide in the shadows as in she can be a shadow, The mask makes her noiseless so when she wears it she won't be able to speak no one will be able to hear her, she's also very nimble while wearing the mask that's all I know. Chris will be the masked bandit. His mask will give him the ability to teleport, be sneaky, and able to sense attacks. Gabby will be the next animal kid. The necklace she received is from another world. It gives whole the abilities of any animal even ones that don't exist, she will be able to smell, hear and see a hundred times better than any human, she can also understand and talk to animals. Kendra is blind side. The walking stick will reveal the abilities she's always had. She may be blind but she can see differently, her eyes will change colors each color represents a different power she has red eyes means the power over fire, dark blue eyes is the power over water, sky blue eyes is the power over air, yellow eyes all the power of hypnosis, brown eyes all the Power of the earth, and black eyes means she can go into people minds and give them nightmares. Last but not least is Ren who will be reken.

The hat is for ren's secret identity it'll put an illusion over him. The sunglasses are a device that can scan people and things and tell him a summary of them. I know our kids will be amazing. My only wish is for them to uncover what happened to us and to stop whatever is coming. To do this they've got to find the four hidden weapons that we hid years ago because they were too dangerous the weapons may be our only hope. Hopefully, our kids can get to them before he finds them. If you're reading these children please know we love you and it wasn't our choice to leave you. If none of us are there with you now it means we lost our fight, please finish what we started and stay safe. bye kids.," Brooked reading.

"They were killed. Our parents were killed, they didn't leave me because of my illness they left me because someone took them from me. From us now that I know. We got to do this or their sacrifice will be in vain," said Ren. "So the outfits on us are our hero outfits," Gabby said. "Our parents risked their lives for us so let's go find these weapons and save this world for them," said Kendra. "Wait we should stay here for a few weeks. Get our powers under control and then we can find the weapons, but we won't be of any use if we don't know how to use our powers so let's train. Let's learn how to use the weapons in the weapon room," said Brook. "We should also buy some supplies. Does anyone have any money," said Kendra. "I got some in the bank. I do live alone after all. I've been saving up for years with any odd job I can. I have about 200 I believe," said Gabby. "I got 300," said Chris. "I also have 300," said Brook. "I get checks from the government because of my disability so I have around 2,000 saved up right now," said Kendra. I don't have any money all my money goes to is medicine," said Ren. "Though I'm pretty smart. I usually just build anything I need, all I need to do is get parts from the dump, and I can build about anything. I'll use the computers in the monitor room, make some blueprints then make us some vehicles to use it should be pretty easy," said Ren. "Okay, it settled we stay here for a month and then we head out. Let's get to know each other within the month as well," said Kendra.

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