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100% Crossovers and X reader one-shots / Chapter 2: Enemies {Star Wars X Marvel}

Chapter 2: Enemies {Star Wars X Marvel}

"Great, so now we just wait until Thanos arrives?" Tony asked others, sitting on one of the rocks. Now, they were on some planet, on which they thought they could suprise attack Thanos, once he arrives.

"Technically, yes." Star-lord answered him. They didn't knew, how long it would take for Thanos to get there and start a fight with them. It could be minutes, hours or even days.

"So, um, are we stuck in here?" Peter Parker sighted and sat on the ground. Noone even noticed, that Doctor Strange was having these 'Time Stone Visions', just like we know it from the movies.

Out of the view of these people, a portal has opened in the planets atmosphere. Out of the portal, four spaceships emerged, flying really fast, yet they weren't in hyperspeed. They managed to slowdown a little.

"Everyone is alright?" Anakin Skywalker tried to contact his friends through his comlink.

"We are Anakin, but what was that? A Portal?" Ahsoka wondered and noticed that her ship was damaged "My ship was damaged during the fight, we need to land.."

"Sure thing Ahsoka." Obi-Wan nodded, even though noone was able to see it. They all landed and jumped out of their ships. Now Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex and Cody were on a planet, they certainly didn't knew. It wouldn't have been that bad, if all of the our Jedi didn't felt presences of unknown people.

"Someone is here." Ahsoka announced for the clones, who weren't Force sensitive and couldn't feel the presence. Everyone grabbed their weapons and prepared for a fight. They felt like they were being watched, and that they were.

Guardians of the Galaxy, together with Peter, Tony and Doctor Strange were watching them for afar.

"Who are they?" Peter whispered to Tony, while analysing the beings they were looking at, well only one of them which didn't look like a human.

"Peter, if we knew that, we would have told you already." Tony answered him.

"They must be with Thanos, we should attack them before they notice us and tell Thanos we're here." Star-lord said and looked at Mantis. She was the only one, who could read their minds and make sure they aren't lying.

"I agree with you." Tony nodded and again activated his suit.

"Well, I don't agree! They could be friendly!" Peter whispered and again looked at the 'aliens'.

"But they can also be the exact opposite." Star-lord warned him. Peter sighted, knowing noone will listen to him.

"On three everyone." Star-lord continued and started to count down. Drax didn't listen and jumped up from behind the rock and with a battle scream he ran towards the Jedi.

"Drax!" Star-lord cursed and went behind him, just like rest of his team. The Jedi already saw them, and were ready for a fight. That was the second Peter recognised something about them. Not their faces or armor, but their weapons. He was a fan of Star Wars and he knew everything about the three episodes, that were released in this universe.

"Mr. Stark? Do you see their weapons?" Peter asked and also began running towards the other group.

"I do Peter, why?"

"They look like those lightsabers from Star Wars! Do you see the similarity too?" Peter shot a web at one of the armored soldiers. For him, they looked like stormtroopers, but they were also quite different.

"One of them is exactly same as the one Luke Skywalker used in the first two episodes." Friday informed them, after making a scan. Peter had to avoid a couple of blasts, that came from the troopers and then he shot one of them in his hand, causing him to drop his blaster.

"Then it must be this Star Wars." Doctor Strange said, landing next to Peter. He created a portal underneath Ahsoka, but she managed to jump away from it.

"Hey, who are you? Are you with Thanos?" Peter shouted at the Jedi, before dodging one blast from Cody.

"Who's Thanos?" Ahsoka yelled back and once again jumped away from a portal.

"A bad guy who wants to kill half of all the live beings." Peter shouted again. He gained an angry look from Tony.

"Why are you talking with them?" Tony asked before shooting at Anakin And Obi-Wan.

"We might have misunderstood them! They might not be with Thanos!" Peter said to Tony, making him think that over again. Peter was right, they might have just misunderstood those people.

"Bad Guy? We aren't the bad guys! This must be a misunderstanding!" Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and Cody. All of them lowered their weapons and stopped fighting. The Avengers did the exact same.

"We are sorry for attaching you. We thought you were with our enemy." Obi-Wan apologized. Avengers walked over to them.

"We are sorry too, we thought the exact same. We're waiting here for a giant purple man with a gauntlet." Tony also apologized, looking at the people infront of him. Cody and Rex took of their helmets, to make sure everyone knows they're humans too.

"I am Tony Stark and this is Peter Parker." Tony introduced himself and Peter "That is Doctor Strange, Drax, Star-lord and Mantis." He pointed at everyone.

"This is my padawan, Ahsoka Tano, that is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rex, Cody and I am Anakin Skywalker." Anakin introduced everyone from his team "a giant purple man? That sounds hilarious." he smiled.

"It might sound hilarious, but trust me. That man is evil." Star-lord said.

"Well, our enemy is an old guy with a glowstick and an army of robots." Ahsoka laughted a little.

"Well, we could help you with your enemy, if you help us with our. Like we help eachother." Tony suggested.

Everyone liked that idea.

"We will help you." Ahsoka smiled. They then prepared to face Thanos, all together....


Hey! This is the first one-shot and I hope you like it :D It was fun to write and I hope I will get to write more interesting crossovers like maybe ATLA x Star Wars or Miraculous X ATLA. Please share with your friends, because when more people read this, more interesting stories will come.

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