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Chapter Two: Fire

Asher's Pov

I set the macaroni on the stove after I dropped Zoe off at her friend's house. I walked to the living room and started watching TV .

Few minutes later, I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I reached for it and took it out.

It was Ryder, my best friend. I dragged the green icon across the screen and brought the phone up to my ears.

"Hey. What's up?" I said, picking up the remote and browsing through the channels to find something interesting to watch.

"Asher, it's Rachel. Ryder's been arrested." She said, panick lacing her voice. Rachel is Ryder's older sister.

"What'd he do this time?" I asked

This was not the first I was hearing that Ryder got arrested. His mother died from leukemia two years ago and he's been acting out since then. Doing crazy things that were bound to get him in trouble.

It didn't help that his father walked out on them when they were kids. I was just glad he stopped trying to hurt himself.

"He burnt our neighbor's car and when the cops showed up he tried to burn their car. Please can you come to the station?" She said, her voice was filled with sadness.

"Of course. I'll be right there. What station is he?" I asked, already grabbing my jacket and leaving the house.

"The Downtown police station.", She replied.

"Okay. I'm on my way." I said, hailing a cab.

"Thank you so much Asher." She said.

"No problem. I'll see you there." I said and ended the call. I told the driver where I was going and he quickly zoomed off.

When I got there I saw Rachel sitting in the waiting area. I rushed to her side and pulled her in for a hug.

"It's gonna be okay." I said, trying to comfort her.

"It's not. They said he had to pay for the damages he caused Mr. Wilkins car. And the bail. Oh God. We won't be able to afford all of this." She said, tears falling down her eyes repeatedly.

My heart broke for her. It had been so difficult for them since their mother died. Rachel has been so strong for Ryder. Seeing her break down like this broke my heart.

I wiped her tears away with my fingers.

"How much is the bail?"I asked.

"$2000" She choked out, trying her best to stop crying.

"I can pay for the bail. Then we can add money to pay the damages of the car. I don't really have much but I'll do my best to help." I said.

I love this people like my family and I was going to do my best to help them.

"Seriously? You'd do that?" She asked in disbelief.

"Of course." I replied.

She pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered to me.

I tightened my arms around her in acknowledgement.

I transferred the bail money to the cops. After signing some papers, Ryder was released.

When I saw him my heart squeezed in my chest. His hair was disheveled. There were round circles under his light gray eyes and he looked pale.

I pulled him in for a bone crushing hug. When I pulled away I looked into his eyes. They looked dead. Completely void of emotion.

It hurt to see someone I care so much about like that. I patted his shoulder in a comforting manner. He was clearly not in the mood for a heart to heart conversation and I respected that.

"Please make sure he eats when you guys get home." I said, turning to Rachel.

"I will. Thank you for everything." She said.

I waved them goodbye as they got into the cab. Rachel looked at me with kind eyes, a grateful smile framing her lips as she waved back.

As their cab left I checked the time and was surprised to see it was six pm already.

I quickly hailed a cab and told him the direction of Mrs. Williams house, where Zoe was with her friend.

When I got there I told Zoe to get her things.

When she was done, I thanked Mrs. Williams for taking care of her. Zoe and I waved at them as we got into the cab.

I looked out the window as we passed by the streets. My mind went back to the events of today. I hope Ryder's doing okay now.

We met when we were thirteen. Our friendship had grown so strong since then. He's like a brother to me. I care about him alot and would do anything to see him sport that care free smile he always had on before his mother died.

I doubt it would be easy though. He lost his mother and that's a horrible thing to happen to anyone. All I can do is be there for him.

"OMG. Ash." I heard Zoe yell from beside me. I didn't even realize the cab had stopped. I was too caught up in my thoughts

I turned my attention to Zoe but her eyes weren't trained on me, she was looking out the window with wide eyes.

I looked out the window and my heart dropped to my stomach. Cold sweat appearing on my forehead.

"Don't just sit there. Pay me and get out." The cab driver yelled, pulling me out of my daze. I quickly paid him and rushed out with Zoe.

We ran towards what was once our home. There were fire men outside our house, trying to put out the rest of the fire with their hoses.

I held onto Zoe's hands and scanned the scene. When I located my parents I released a breath of relief. They were talking to a fire man and a man In a business suit.

I walked briskly to them, Zoe following close behind.

"Mom, dad, what happened?" I asked once I got to them.

They both turned to at the sound of my voice. Tears were flowing down mom's face.

She immediately pulled me and Zoe in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay. I was so worried."she managed to say in between sobs.

She pulled away but before I could ask any questions I was enveloped in a hug by my dad.

He let go of me and turned to the fire man. "Thank you. These are my kids." He said to the fire man.

The fire man nodded and walked towards the other fire men.

They had managed to put the fire out but what was left was mostly ashes. The roof looked like it was about to fall off any second now and the walls were black.

"I'll let you know Tomorrow Mrs. Brown " The man in a business suit said and then walked away.

"What happened?" I asked once again.

"The fire men said a stove was left on and that's what started the fire." Dad said, picking Zoe up and balancing her on his arms

My eyes immediately widened. The macaroni! I left it on the stove when Rachel called. My heart sank. I caused this.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I forgot to turn the stove off. Ryder was in trouble and I -" I started, trying to explain but I was cut off by Mom.

"Ryder? Are you going to just give your life away for this boy? When will he stop grieving. You're always putting your life on hold for him. I honestly don't know if I should blame him your being selfish or you for being dumb. You and your stupid dys-" Mom ranted but got cut off by dad.

"That's enough Nadia. It's not his fault. Anyone could have made that mistake. And what is so wrong with him helping his friend?" Dad said, trying to defend me and I was grateful.

"He burned our house down. We don't have enough money for another one. You're only defending him cause it's also your fault. You gave it to him.", She said and stormed off towards the car. Dad sighed, scratching the back of his head .

"Dad I'm so-" I started but he cut me off.

"Don't apologise. We're going to spend the night at a hotel and deal with all of this tomorrow. Let's go.", He said and started walking towards the car with Zoe in his arms.

I sighed and walked towards the car too.

I felt so bad but there was nothing I could do. And Mom almost mentioning my biggest flaw had put me in a sour mood.

She always finds a way to blame everything I do wrong on it.

When we got to the hotel after the tense car ride we booked a room.

There were two white beds in the room. Mom and dad slept on one while Zoe and I slept on the other.

Zoe cuddled me and I wrapped my hands around her. I thought over all the events of today.

I didn't want to but I thought about what mom said. If I really put my life on hold for Ryder.

I sighed and shooed the thoughts to the far corner of my mind. I twisted and turned till sleep finally welcomed me.

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