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50% The legend of capt / Chapter 2: The move

Chapter 2: The move

The car was loaded up and ready for take off. Winter was looking around at the near dark city that she have lived in with Capt for not very long. Although she grown to like it she couldn't wait to go to the next town.

"You ready go?" Capt asked Winter as he closed the trunk, rather forcefully. Winter nodded and kept her hands on her necklace. Capt never asked about it since Winter seems to never take it off and he didn't want to upset her if it brought back bad memories. Capt got in the car and started it up as Winter was also getting in the car with him. They both put on their seatbelts and started to drive. Winter looked out the window as Capt drove. She couldn't help but look at all the cars and people passing by as Capt drove. She saw elins, little girls with animal tails and ears with a little bit of animal behavior. She saw Amens, demon like creatures but nicer than any other race. She saw High Eleves, tall beings with intense intelligence. She even saw the rare popori race, little creatures just a little shorter than elins that are like the elin brothers. They are completely animalistic besides their behavior. They stand on two legs but they look exactly like an animal. Capt looked over and saw that Winter was looking out with a little bit of a sigh. Capt shook it off and let her be with herself. Winter looked over and rolled down the window. She sniffed the air and gave off a little bit of a smile.

"I smell donuts!" Winter said. Her fox ears were perked up and her tail was wagging slowly. Capt gave off a bit of a smile and looked around.

"Where is it?" He asked her. Capt knew that Winter liked little sugar pretzles that a donut shop sells and he thinks they may be near it.

"Turn left!" Winter said. Capt quickly turned left since there wasn't anyone on the road at the moment. He drove straight for a minute until, "Turn right!" Winter demanded. Capt quickly turned right and saw the donut sign on the side of the building. He parked next to it and they both got out of the car. Capt got a coin satchel. He looked in at his coins, twenty gold coins, fifty seven silver coins, and twelve copper coins. He walked up to the store front and his heart sunk a little. It wasn't the donut shop that Winter loved. Winter ran up to the counter and started looking at everything the guy was selling. Her ears flopped down as her tail curled up. "Wait... where are the pretzels." Winter said with dissapointment in her voice. Capt went over and bent down next to her.

"This isn't the right shop." Capt said as he got up. He looked over at the man who smiled at them and Capt gave off a little bit of a smile. "We'll have two glazed and a sugar." Capt said as he pointed. The man nodded and started to make the three donuts. The total will be thirty gold coins and Capt paused. He didn't have that much and he needed to do something. He put down the twenty gold coins on the counter and he started to think. "These prices are pretty high huh." Capt said as he picked Winter up and sat her on the counter.

"Yeah, well that's the price for amazing donuts." The man said as he finished up the second donut. Capt smiled.

"I only have twenty gold, can you please make an acception for us. We're looking for work but can't find anything and look at her face." Capt said as he pulled Winter over. Winter caught on and looked at the man sadly.

"Well, I guess since it is just this one time." The man said. He packed up the three donuts and took the coins as Capt and Winter got in the car drove toward the next town. Winter opened the package and started to eat the sugar donut. Capt smiled and grabbed one of the glazzed and started eating it as they came near a border. Winter looked up at Capt worried.

"Are we gonna be able to pass?" Winter asked, a bit concerned because she was looking forward to seeing the next town. Capt smiled as he came up to a cop that was talking to everyone trying to pass through.

"What seems to be the problem?" Capt asked as he rolled down the window and looked at the cop.

"Sorry pal but you're gonna have to turn back, we aren't allowing people to leave this city until we catch the murderers." The cop said as he pointed behind them.

"Wait, why aren't you letting people through? If anything you should be trying to get innocents out of the city so they don't get killed. Or maybe you're the part of the murderers and you're trying to keep people in the city so you can kill them! I oughta call the real cops and tell them right now!" Capt said as he reached down to grab something.

"Wait, I am a real cop." The cop said as he grabbed his badge and showed it to Capt. "Listen it's not my choice to keep people in, it was the goddess's choice to." The cop said with concern on his face and in his voice.

"Let us go. I have a little girl here and we're trying to get to the next town. Think you can help us out?" Capt asked as he pointed to Winter. The cop looked at them and nodded.

"Yeah, here let's get you out of here." The cop said as he motioned to his friend. The other cop lifted to rail that was in their way and Capt smiled.

"Thanks." Capt said as he drove off toward the next town. Winter let out a sigh of relief. "We got through." Capt said as he smiled down at Winter.

Winter nodded and looked out the window again as she yawned. It was getting pretty late and it took them two hours to drive out of the big city of Velika. It was late and dark out as Capt drove. He looked over at Winter who seemed like she was fighting sleep. Capt pulled over and helped pull Winter's seat back so she could lay down.

"Thanks." Winter said as she grabbed a blanket from the back. It was the blanket she had when Capt found her. It seemed newish but she must use it a lot since she doesn't like going much of anywhere without it. She grabbed the small blanket and put it over herself as he laid her head back. Her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep. Capt gave a small smile down at her and kept driving, not looking forward to the long hours it was gonna take to get to the next town.

Hours and hours of non-stop driving Capt finally arrived at the next town. He passed sign that said, 'Welcome to Chebika'. Capt let out a sigh of relief as he saw the town just another ten minutes away. He started to shake Winter who was in a peaceful sleep. "Hey, time to wake up, we're almost there." Capt said as he lightly shook her arm. Winter gave off a grunt as she brought her head up.

"What?" Winter asked as she rubbed her eyes from sleep. She looked over at Capt with her eyes still half way closed.

"We're almost at Chebika." Capt said as he smiled at her. Winter got up and Capt fixed the seat back to where Winter can rest her back on the back rest. "There it is." Capt said as he pointed toward it. Winter looked at the shiny town. They were surrounded by nothing but sand and this town looked like an oasis.

"Wow, it looks so beautiful." Winter said as she looked at it and gave off a little bit of a yawn. Capt nodded in agreement and kept drving. After the ten minutes of driving he arrived at the front. He parked his car in the giant parking lot of the little town of Chebika. Capt got out and helped Winter out of the car and she kept the blanket in hand.

"What are you bringing that for?" Capt asked as he immediantly knew the answer as a cold chill hit him in the back of his neck.

"It's cold!" Winter said as she shivered and wrapped the blanket around her. Capt smiled and closed the door and locked the car so no one would get in it. They began walking up to the gate and they saw that the opening was a market place. Everything was closed but even with it all closed down it still looked like a nice place. They look around and come up to a house. Capt looked at it and examined it. He nodded because he actually liked the house. He walked up to a building with a sign posted on the wall. The sign read, 'Want a house? Come to us! We got you!'. Capt smiled and walked into the building. Suddenly they were hit with a warm gust of air and Winter smiled. "Finally a warm place!" Winter said as she smiled and took her blanket off and flung it over her shoulder. Capt walked up to the counter and rang the bell. A human came walking out from a corner where there must be another room and came up to them.

"What do you need?" She asked as she sat down.

"I'm interested in that house out there." Capt said as he pointed to the house accross the street. She nodded and grabbed a book and looked for the price.

"Are you looking to buy?" She asked as she looked up at them. Capt nodded and she smiled and showed them the price. "twenty five thousand gold coins." The lady said. Winter's ears shot up and she looked up at Capt with concern.

"Well we don't have enough." Capt said as he looked down at Winter. The lady took the book and put it back down beside her.

"Then no home." She said as she started to walk off.

"Wait!" Capt yelled as he reached out at her. The lady turned around and gave him an annoyed look. "Well, i'm a swordsman and if you're interested then I can work for you guys incase you need something that requires cutting or..." Capt put his hand covering his mouth toward Winter's direction. "Or even someone killed." Capt said as he smirked at her. She smiled and picked the book up and wrote something in it. Capt didn't see what it was before she put it away again. The lady walked up to a wall with keys hanging off of it and she grabbed one of the keys. She walked back up to Capt and put the keys on the counter in front of him.

"Welcome to Chebika." She said as she walked back to the room in the back. Capt smiled and grabbed the keys.

"Come on, we got the home." Capt said as he nudged Winter with his hand. Winter smiled up at him and wraped her blanket around herself again because they needed to walk back outside in order to get to the home. They walked out and walked up to building. Capt put the key in the keyhole and unlocked the door. He and Winter walked in and he closed the door behind them as to not let any of the warm air out. Winter smiled and set her blanket on the couch next to the door and looked around in amazment. "Well, it's not that big but it is the perfect size for two people." Capt said as he looked around and smiled at what is going to be their new home. Winter smiled and ran up the stairs, running past the kitchen and the living space. Capt shook his head at how childish she was being and followed her up. Capt walked up the stairs and got up on the second floor. He looked around and saw two rooms and another small living space. There was a door past the two rooms. He went up and tried the door. The door knob jiggled and opened and Capt walked in. Capt sighed in relief as he saw it was only a storage room. Winter ran in past him and she began to look around. Winter took a good look as did Capt and they walked out and closed the door again. "Well, that room wasn't really anything special huh?" Capt asked Winter as he looked down at her. Winter shook her head and she ran back downstairs with Capt close in pursuit. They got down stairs where Capt was able to relax on the sofa that was already there for them. "Should we unpack tonight or wait until the morning?" Capt asked Winter as he looked over at her.

"I think we should at least get what we need tonight." Winter said as she was looking out a cicular window in front of the sink. Capt nodded in agreement and got up as he opened the door again. Winter followed him all the way to the car and he opened the truck. They got out sheets, blankets, and pillows for the night. Winter grabbed something else before Capt could notice. Capt closed the trunk and they walk back inside their house. They walked back upstairs and then Capt looked at the rooms. One was a little bigger than the other and the bed was bigger too. Capt bent down to Winter and looked at her. "Your room is that one, I'll be taking this one." Capt said as he pointed to each of the rooms. Winter nodded and walked into her room. Although it looked like it needed a new paint job she still liked it. She got her sheets on and made her bed, with the help of Capt once he finished his bed. Winter laid down in the bed as Capt walked out to grab something. Winter let out a sigh of relief to finally be laying down again. Capt gave off a little yawn as he walked up and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. He broght the drink up and laid it on the floor next to Winter since they both didn't have nightstands for their rooms. "If you get thirsty during the night then drink some water alright." Capt said as he walked to the door. "Night." Capt said as he turnd the light off. Winter fell asleep quickly as Capt sat on his bed. He looked out into the night sky as he let out a sigh. He laid on his bed and looked up the ceiling. "How will I make it through this..." Capt said as he rubbed his hands over his face. He turned off the lamp next to his bed and laid there for a minute. He fell asleep not to long after with his head underneath his pillow, as if drowing out sound of some sort.

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