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95.43% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 272: Jhoto

Chapter 272: Jhoto

Casey, "Brock, you made it. I am glad."

Brock, "How are you holding up?"

Casey answered dryly, "Okay, I guess? I am not the one hurt or saving hurt Pokemon."

Brock chuckled, "Of course. I brought a few Nurses with me. You can trust them."

Suicune eyed them or rather glared at the Nurses but after a while nodded, -Very well, but remember, this is my domain. Do not do anything that will force me to throw you out.-

Nurse Joy, "We understand Lord Suicune."

Nurse Jim, "We are only here to help, that we swear."

Suicune nodded allowing them inside his domain which was a very beautiful glade, there was a spring that divided into four as it flowed through the area. They were in awe of the place for a few seconds before getting to work but half way through Nurse Joy reminded Casey to head back as it was almost time for the event to end. The final round would start after two days which would be a battle round between the participants to determine who would become the next Elite. Casey was honestly very excited about the battle rounds and rushed to the starting point.

Casey, 'It would be end point now. Huh?'

Casey eyed the surroundings, "Why do I get the feeling the boys were involved?"

Jolteon barked amused beside her and the two rushed back to the main area where she noticed three other participants. She waved at Egan and sat on one of the available chairs and observed the other participants closely. There was a woman called Maya who had a Trevenant and a Sceptile by her side, a grass type specialist most likely. She looked at the other participant who was a teen, Oboroi with Magmortar and a Tailow that was pretty large. Casey was with her Jolteon and Beedrill who were observing the other Pokemon just like she was observing the participants. After a while four more people joined them and the count down to the end the of the second round started.

Karen, "Welcome participants. Looks like we only have eight people now."

Koga, "Congratulations on clearing the second round everyone. You will be allowed two days so that your Pokemon can rest and recover."

Casey listened to the rules then nodded to herself, 'My Pokemon will be in top shape by the time the last round starts.'

Karen, "I must make it clear however, we are near a yellow zone. That means you may be required to drop everything and help others during an emergency."

Egan, "Makes sense. Hopefully our good luck will last."

Casey left after the announcement was made, "Come on! Let's get you all fixed up, ok?"

Jolteon, "Jol!"

Beedrill, "Bzzzzz."

Brock appeared around night time, "Phew! We are back."

Nurse Joy, "That was quite something."

Nurse Jim, "Suicune was very suspicious of us in the beginning, but I am glad they did trust us in the end."

Brock nodded, "We cannot blame them for the distrust. Some of the bruises and cuts were man made not natural."

Nurse Joy became serious, "I agree. I swear those came from electricity run traps."

Brock nodded, "I have a feeling it's not over yet. Things have been happening in the background a lot. I only pray we can come out alive."

Nurse Jim, "We have to. Who will take care of the rest if something happens to us?"

Nurse Joy nodded, "Agreed! Let's do our best, no matter what."

Brock, "I can promise that."

Casey met with them, "Brock, you are back."

Brock, "Casey, done getting a check up for your Pokemon?"

Casey, "Yes, they are healthy mostly. The biggest damage was cuts and exhaustion from trying to calm the scared Pokemon. It was nothing life threatening."

Nurse Joy, "That's a relief to hear. I need to go. I shall see you tomorrow Brock, Nurse Jim."

Nurse Jim, "Sure, I am getting some rest as well once my shift is over. See you around."

Casey smiled at her friend, "I was about to join the others for dinner."

Brock, "Yeah, dinner sounds good."

The next two days were spent with Casey training for her final stage while Ash trained for the Silver Conference. Gou and Max joined them to help add a little variety to the training and soon enough it was time for the finals to start. There would be one on one rounds first both sides using only one Pokemon each to win and lose. Casey had already chosen which Pokemon she would use and waited. The referee brought their attention to the spin wheel which had two hands and started to spin them. The first to get chosen was Oboroi and the next to be picked was a girl called Nobi who smirked at her opponent.

Referee, "Choose your Pokemon."

Oboroi, "Go Magmortar."

Nobi, "Let's go Combusken!"

Casey watched the fight with interest as both sides did not hold back their moves, they were here to win. Combusken was a very fast fire type and Magmortar was no weakling either especially his defense. Even though Magmortar was slower than Combusken, he still somehow managed to defend himself from the attacks. Casey was very impressed by both side, she could have done without the double overheat though, it left the rest sweating. The fight was soon over with Oboroi grabbing the first win as Magmortar timed a very clever seismic toss.

Maya whistled, "Gotta look out for that one."

Casey agreed mentally looking up at the selection wheel, 'Very strong. Oh? My turn.'

Referee, "Casey and Jubeli please step up to the battle area."

Casey, "Hello."

Jubeli, "Hi there."

Referee, "Choose your Pokemon."

Jubeli, "Let's go my lovely Milotic."

Casey, "Let's go Gyarados."

Referee, "Begin!"

Casey, "Whirlpool!"

Nobi, "Aqua ring."

The two Pokemon used the attacks to fight against the other followed by twister and disarming voice. Meanwhile the Elite Four were watching the matches from the observation area. They were observing both the battle and the trainer that was leading the battle. So far they were satisfied with the participants attitude of giving it their all no matter what happened. That was what was needed in their job which would sometimes include making calls that no one else had the guts to do. On the screen Gyarados used Avalanche to distract Milotic with a wall of ice while Casey called out thunderbolt.

Karen, "She didn't hold back. Interesting!"

Bruno, "Have you seen her file. Every month they had to face Team Rocket or one of their cells once. Not to forget she also witnessed her friend getting kidnapped right in front of her."

Koga, "Yeah, that sort of trauma could make anyone wish to become stronger."

Will was laughing, "Well, she has the right attitude and the strong desire to give it her all."

Karen, "She has been through quite the traumatizing experiences too. How is her mental health?"

Koga, "According to her therapist who she sees at least once a week, she is stable, for now at least."

Bruno nodded, "Which is more than we can hope for."

Karen, "Understatement."

Casey sat back after making sure Gyarados was ok, "Phew! That was so close."

Jolteon nudged her, "Jolt?"

Casey, "I am ok."

Casey turned her eyes to the rest of the battles, the third round was between Egan and a man called Jomy. Jomy turns out specialized in flying types and took out Altaria to battle with Egan's Gardevoir. As far as types go, Egan had the advantage but people who aim for Elite levels always thought of counters to weaknesses. Egan had to struggle quite a bit before he finally won his round and got qualified for the next round. So far there were no disturbances but Casey could not help but feel tense. On the other hand Ash was dealing with his own problem on the outskirts of town.

Ash, 'I just wanted to train in peace. Dammit!'

Butch, "Been a while Champion."

Cassidy, "Your travelling partners are not with you? Oh! They must be taking part in the Elite selection."

Ash, 'Only Casey but what do these two want?'

Cassidy, "They are, aren't they? How very ambitious young Champion ~ Now, come with us. Gonzalez is waiting for you."

Lucario attacked, -Not under my watch.-

Ash, "Be careful of their Hypno Lucario."

Lokoko, -Leave the bratty psychic to me. I will show them what a true Master looks like.-

Meowth, "You got quiet sum nerve attacking my kit."

Butch, "Meowth? Dammit! Jessie and James are probably here."

Cassidy, "We would have run into them if they were."

Gou shouted, "Cinderace blaze kick!"

Ash, "Gou, just in time. Let's teach these two a lesson."

Pikachu, "Pika."

Butch, "Really? Is this your answer brat?"

Cassidy, "Don't blame us for going after your friends and family."

Ash had dark aura around him, "I see, so you have chosen death."

Cassidy, "Shit! He looks kinda like the boss when angry."

Butch "A bit I guess. No wonder he wants the best to join him."

Cassidy, "Run. Teleport."

Butch, "This is not over."

Gou, "Ash, are you okay?"

Ash, "They just threatened my family and friends. No, I am not okay. I am pissed off."

Gou, "I understand. I am angry too. Can't we catch a break?"

Ash sighed, "Apparently not. I hope Casey does not have to deal with this. She has her hands full."

Gou, "Agreed! Now, come on we need to warn the Rangers there's Team Rocket activity here. You get to inform Lance however."

Ash drawled, "He is going to be so ecstatic."

Lance was furious, :They approached and threatened you outside town? My, they are getting bold.:

Ash, "Apparently Gonzalez wants a successor because Giovanni fatally wounded him."

Lance, :Are you sure?:

Lucario, -Cassidy's Pokemon confirmed it, yes. I don't see why they would lie about a huge weakness like this.-

Lance nodded, :Good point. I shall keep an eye out but Ash... :

Ash, "Yes?"

Lance, :Do not go anywhere alone.:

Ash, "Fair enough."

Gou, "I informed Brock. He was not happy."

Ash, "I can imagine."

Gou, "Come on! Max is waiting for us and I prefer we stick together from now on."

Ash, "I hope others have better luck than me."

Gary grunted as he battled with poachers, "Damn! They are annoying."

Silver, "No kidding. Come on. I have an idea."

Gary, "Oh, you want to distract them using the Beedrills on the tree. I'm all for it, Haxorus use hyper beam."

The poacher and their Pokemon dodged the attack just like Gary hoped they would and the hyper beam hit the tree. The poachers mocked them but soon their mocking turned to painful shrieks as the Beedrills attacked them from behind. Silver grabbed Gary and his behind one of the stones while the temperamental bug type flew above their heads. When the Beedrills left the poachers were left behind in a very bad state, bleeding from places they were stabbed. It did not matter to Silver or Gary however they were alive and that was all they cared about as the red head called for reinforcements.

Gary, "You seem distracted."

Silver, "I just have a bad feeling."

Gary, "Like?"

Silver, "My brother is in trouble kind of bad."

Gary, "You too? I am worried about them too to be honest. I think I got lucky compared to them."

Silver, "We don't attract as much trouble as they do."

Gary, "Yes."

Meanwhile with Casey and four others had cleared to the next round which would be a double Pokemon battle. They would have to choose two Pokemon and fight their opponent, this was to ensure they were ready to fight more than one opponent at a time. Casey and Maya were battling in the second round while Oboroi and Egan went first. This time Oboroi chose Ninetales and Pidgeot while Egan called for his Houndoom and Cleffable who reminded Casey of Ash's Jigglypuff. Casey bit back her giggles as the referee started the match and the two sides clashed.

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