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56.49% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 161: Jhoto

Chapter 161: Jhoto

Max was quiet as they left New Bark town after making sure Venasaur had settled in back at the lab and Wigglytuff's condition was not getting worse. Theoretically Max knew that a Pokemon journey could turn into a nightmare for many people who quit being a trainer because they could not handle the harsh reality of being a trainer. Max however felt more fired up to become a strong trainer and meeting Shroomish just made him feel more sure in his decision. Speaking of the mushroom Pokemon, she was a pleasant surprise, one that the group welcomed happily.

Professor Elm had been kind enough to register Shroomish as his starter Pokemon before Lucario, Steelix and Cinderace him aside and explained the importance of being a starter. To say Shroomish was ecstatic was an understatement and made a promise to always be by Max's side and keep him safe from danger. Lucario flicked her head and explained again that they were a team and they must always work together to keep each other safe. Max would be upset if Shroomish got hurt the same way Shroomish would be sad if Max got hurt.

Shroomish nodded understanding and jumped on Max who caught her grinning, welcoming her to his team. Shroomish had given a happy shout and nuzzled him and Ash had decided they should celebrate Max meeting his first Pokemon. Max tried to tell them it was not necessary but Gou explained it was tradition and Max half wondered if May met her Pokemon in Galar. If she didn't, he could always show off Shroomish. He even got to ride around Lapras, well he was Ash's Lapras but still, they were extremely rare outside the Orange Archipelago and Alola island. He took a photo and sent it to his family, getting coos from his mom and sister while his Dad simply told him to have fun.

Ash, "Meowth will meet us outside the town."

Max looked at Ash, "What's so special about a Meowth?"

Brock chuckled, "One he is older and wiser than all our Pokemon combined."

Gou, "Two he is ridiculously smart."

Ash, "Three he is a dear friend."

Meowth, "M happy ta c you all s wel, nyarth."

Ash beamed, "Hi Meowth!"

Gou, "Good to see you too."

Brock, "We are glad you are here."

Max shrieked, "You talk!!!!"

Meowth gave an amused smile, "Nyarth, I knw I talk, cn you?"

Max, "How? You are not a Lucario or a Psychic Pokemon."

Shroomish, "Shroomish!"

Meowth gave a grin, "Wat can Nyarth say? Nyarth's special!"

Ash gave a laugh, "That you are Meowth, that you are. Come on let's get this show on the road."

Max, "Yeah!"

Gou, "Hey isn't that Casey from the Indigo League? And that's her Meganium right?"

Ash looked at where Gou was pointing and nodded, "She looks busy training and it looks like she's got more Pokemon."

Max, "Is it just me or is most of her Pokemon, black and yellow?"

Brock, "Not just you."

Casey soon noticed them, "Heyyy! It's you guys, Ash and Brock right?"

Ash, "Yup, what happened to you?"

Casey touched her bandaged hand, "This? Don't worry about it, just a run in with Team Rocket. They thought they could steal my Pokemon, but we showed them, right Meganium?"

Meganium gave her trainer a reproachful look before sighing, "Meganium nium."

Phantump, "Phaaaa."

Lucario, -You too huh?-

Casey, "..... I keep forgetting you can talk. Wait what do you mean too?"

Max, "We ran into them as well and I met Shroomish there."

Shroomish nodded, "Shroom."

Casey grinned at them, "Awww! Aren't you a tough little lady?"

Shroomish puffed up, "Shroom shroomish."

Casey looked around, "Ah! How adorable! Your Pikachu looks really good. His coat is so smooth and shiny and guess what I got a Pichu last month. Pichu come here, come here."

Pichu perked up, "Pi pichu."

Pikachu smiled greeting the younger yellow mouse, "Pika pika pikachu."

Pichu, "Pi pi chu pichu."

Ash, "Are you sure you are alright?"

Meganium nodded in approval, "Mega meganium."

Casey pouted, "I'm fine, just a bit banged up."

Brock sighed, "Fine but let me give you a check up first. You look like you went through the wringer, got chewed up and thrown out."

Casey grumped, "Fine."

Meganium grinned, "Mega mega."

Casey pouted as Brock checked her cuts over and gave a relieved breath. Most of the cuts were only surface level and would heal without any scarring.

Casey whined at that, " I wanted a cool scar to show off."

Gou burst out laughing, "Seriously?"

Max giggles, "I'm glad you are okay."

Ash smiles, "Want to come with us for a bit, I hear the Pinsir and Heracross sanctuary is not far from here."

Meowth climbed up on Ash's shoulder and made himself comfortable as he watched then chat and walk. Ash reached up and gave Meowth a scratch before focusing on the conversation going on. Casey was talking about their baseball team and how her older brother was part of it and doing well. She was quite proud of him and Max was telling her about her own older sister who was in Galar currently. Soon they reached the sanctuary around evening and booked a cabin for the five of them. Brock and Ash were in the kitchen, making dinner, consisting of hot pot, and tempura and dango for dessert. Max, Gou and Casey were prepared the poke chow Brock, Gou and Ash had made and distributing them.

Casey, "Your poke food is filled with berries and fruit."

Gou, "We noticed that the Pokemon enjoy it more that way."

Max, "I was surprised too, but I guess the Pokemon love it."

Gengar nodded and dropped more fruits and berries on the table, "Gengar geng gengar."

Ash hearing him, "I can make a fruit salad out of those berries and fruit for everyone."

Casey giggled as Gengar cheered, 'How cute!'

They enjoyed the dinner and dessert before cleaning up and turning in for the night, Casey had a room for herself, Gou and Max shared a room and Ash and Brock shared one. Ash sat on his bed with his laptop going through paperwork sent via email for at least one hour before working on the fifth book. He decided to name it, 'Rising Phoenix', as this book was when a lot of things happened that was a turning point for most of the characters. But unlike the original books, the characters kept in contact, behind the adults back and was more aware of what was going. He decided to make his characters slightly rebellious as part of growing up and taking things in their own hands, because let's face it. When all things are said and done, they'll be the ones dealing with the big bad.

Ash stopped typing, 'Okay! That just gave me an ominous feeling.'

Lucario, -Meema?-

Ash, "Nothing just a strange sensation."

Meowth looked at him before humming, "M going out fr a bit."

Brock, "Sure be careful!"

Meowth, "Nyarth!"

Meowth left the cabin and looked around before his eyes sharpened looking at the far end of the river Lapras was in. Lapras was also quietly observing the visitor, his stance protective and wary. Meowth joined the youngest water type and watched as the observer left them soon enough. The two Pokemon looked at each other before nodding and deciding to just observe for now. As long as the legendary does not attack, they won't either.

Meowth, "Let's jst obsrve fr nw, little ice. Dey don luk lik dey wll creat trouble."

Lapras nodded in reluctance, "Laaaap."

Meowth sighed before making himself comfortable to sleep, 'It'll be a long nite.'

Meowth woke up to Max poking him, "Wats it kitten?"

Max became flustered at being called a kitten, "A... Ash asked me to wake you up for breakfast."

Meowth yawned, "Mrning alredy? K I'll be dere."

Lapras nudged Max, "Lap."

Max grinned, "Morning to you too Lapras."

Ash smiled seeing Meowth, "Good morning Meowth. Good sleep?"

Meowth, "Nyarth did gt sleep. And we wre visted by an intersting guest."

Ash, "Oh?"

Meowth, "Latr I'll tel ya."

Brock hummed as he put breakfast infront of Casey who joined them yawning, waking up on smelling the food. Ash finished his breakfast and joined Meowth outside while Casey decided to train a bit before going out to check out the sanctuary. Meowth's information was surprising and yet not to Ash who sort of expected to see Suicune. He didn't expect Celebi of all Pokemon to appear, it really was different from the anime, well at least he didn't have to worry about battling them like in the game. Casey was finishing training with her Pokemon when Ash and Meowth finished their talk and called Gold about citing Celebi.

Gold had deadpanned at them before sighing and shaking his head grumbling about ridiculous luck some people have. They talked for a bit before Green took the phone and talked to Ash and gushed about the legendary calling it a forest fairy. Ash sweatdropped at the nickname Green had given them before asking how she was and if she was alright, she looked pretty banged up. Green waved his worries off saying it was normal and she would heal and she was planning on challenging Red soon. Ash wished her luck and said goodbye before hanging up and sighing.

Meowth, "You k? Nyarth."

Ash, "I'm fine. Just this journey started with quite a bang."

Meowth hummed getting up, "Come on, kit! Lt's go have some fun."

Casey came in at that moment, "I'm done training. Let's check the sanctuary out."

Max, "Yeah."

The sanctuary was quite large and filled with many bug types, especially Heracross and Pinsir. The two were the dominating bug Pokemon on the park and there were quite a number of maple trees. The maple trees were indigenous to the area and grew in abundance causing a natural smell of sweet maple to linger in the air. Gou spoke of a maple syrup company South of the sanctuary that helps in watching over the area and making sure the trees remain healthy. Which meant making sure the Heracross and Pinsir are well taken care of and do not have a lack of food. The last time it happened ten years ago, the forest was in the brink of turning into a dessert.

Pikachu sniffed one of the dry sap patch before starting to lick it, "Chaaaa."

Gengar looked at him curiously before joining in, "Geng geng gengar."

Ash, "Make sure you don't bother the others, you two."

Lucario, -I can't blame them, this is delicious.-

Ash stifled his laughter, "You too, Luc?"

Brock grinned, "Well, the syrup coming from the tree directly is good for the Pokemon. It's the reason the syrup from these trees are a popular sauce for pokefeed."

Casey, "My Beedrill's joined them too."

Max, "Shroomish as well."

Gou, "Guess it's a sign for us to have lunch, this is not a bad place to settle down in."

Ash, "Yeah."

Brock took out the picnic cloth and spread it and Gou helped is setting up the plates and food for the Pokemon. Ash and Casey helped in setting up food for the humans and Max took care of the glasses and drinks. One of the Heracross was curious about the food the humans were eating and approach them.

Heracross, "Cross hera cross."

Ash, "Want some?"

Heracross brightened and nodded, "Rara!"

Gou observed them, "You gonna catch him? He will be your first catch in Jhoto."

Ash, "Maybe, I have been thinking of getting more bug types, besides Beedrill and Butterfree."

Heracross perked up, "Cross!"

Lucario, -I think he is interested in joining Meema.-

Ash, "Really?"

Casey observed the excited bug getting into a battle stance, "Somehow I get the feeling he's doing it for the food."

Pikachu, "Pikapi."

Shroomish snickered, "Shroom."

Heracross attacked Lucario that was opposite of him with brick break getting a raised eyebrow from the aura Pokemon. Lucario jumped away from the attack and stood next to Ash who looked impressed by the move.

Ash, "A wild Pokemon using brick break. Not bad!"

Heracross eye smiled at the compliment before attacking again, this time with horn attack. Lucario answered using bone rush and the two fighting Pokemon were soon battling against each other.

Max looked between them, "Aren't you going to call out an attack?"

Ash, "I would but considering who we dealt with right after coming to this region, Luc over there wants to test him."

Gou sobered, "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Brock, "He's strong though, rough on the edges and move set is small, but nothing that can't be remedied through training."

Casey grumbled, "Team Rocket really knows how to kill the joy meeting new Pokemon."

Lucario and Heracross soon came to a stand still and nodded to each other. Ash grinned at Lucario as he passed him a pokeball that he threw at the fighter and caught him.

Max, "A Pokemon caught a Pokemon. No one is gonna believe me."

Ash ruffled his hair, "I have my reasons for doing that."

Lucario, -We have a new family member.-

Phantump cooed, "Phaaaa."

Abra, -Meema, cn I do dis to?-

Ash smiled, "Once you are older and stronger little one. Good job Lucario!"

Lucario smiled releasing Heracross, -I will help in training him.-

Brock, "It's a good strategy, actually. This way if we are separated from our Pokemon due to unforeseen circumstances, they will not be lost."

Gou, "Cinderace does the same thing when I get a bit too busy compiling data and a Pokemon that is not in my list comes along."

Cinderace nodded, "Ace!"

Shroomish, "Shroom?"

Lucario nodded, -You need to be stronger before you even want to consider it. Or it'll be very dangerous to you and your partner, who is still not of age.-

Shroomish nodded in understanding and looked at Max who was very excited about the idea just like he was. They were both young at the moment but in time, the two of them will become strong and battle like the older humans and Pokemon. She was very giddy with the idea and her future, she would not only fight battles but also have a cluster to call her own. She would make her birthday cluster proud, that's her personal promise.

[A. N.: I'll be honest I was not sure if I wanted to add Heracross now or later.

Then I was watching one of Heracross battles and went for it.

Till next time!]

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