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36.84% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 105: Orange Islands - Valencia Island

Chapter 105: Orange Islands - Valencia Island

Ash took a deep breath as he, Gou and their Pokemon went off towards Orange Islands off the coast of Pallet port. His mother had teared up a bit when she heard of his training plan and had taken out one of her albums. It had pictures of her and her husband together in one of the Sevii Islands, it was the first date they had after knowing each other for three years. Ash had listened very attentively, as she told her adventures with his father, it was a novelty learning about his father. A man he never met, and yet was so similar to in looks except for the cheek marks, Delia said Ash got them from his late grandmother. Before leaving however Ash gave Professor Oak the fourth installment of the book 'Hogwarts Chronicles', to publish.

Samuel, "Are you sure you don't want to reveal you are the writer?"

Ash, "The final book, once I have finished the final book, I will reveal myself."

Red nodded, "Good, people are actually asking if Blue or I were the writers."

Blue rolled his eyes, "As if we have the patience to do that."

Misty had gone ahead to Seafoam Island two days ago and Brock headed towards the league headquarters. Tomo had returned to the Chateau to spend time with his grandparents while Jessilina and Jameson had said they would meet Ash at the Islands soon. Duplica and Ritchie had returned to their own trainings while Horace and Chloe decided to return to their own homes. Now it was just Ash and Gou going towards the first Island of the Orange Archipelago, the Valencia Island to visit Professor Ivy. Both Gou and Ash's water and flying type Pokemon were using the chance to swim in the vast ocean and fly in the sky. The Professor had allowed Ash to carry all his Pokemon on him, as he would be focused on training more and if he ever want to consider taking part in the Orange Islands challenge then to call him first.

Ivy, "Hello welcome to Valencia Island, you must be Gou and Ash."

Gou, "Hello Professor and you are correct, I'm Gou."

Ash, "And I'm Ash."

Ivy smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you both, come in, I have what you were sent to get."

Ash looked at the pokeball, "It looks like it's made out of gold and silver."

One of the assistants Charity gasped, "Ah! You are right, well that fits the name we gave it much better."

Another assistant Hope nodded, "We were just calling it G. S. ball because it was the initials on it."

The last assistant Faith snorted, "No kidding."

Ash then heard a ring going through the lab, "What's that?"

Faith, "Oh! It's time to feed the Pokemon."

Gou, "Can we have a look?"

Ivy, "Of course, come along."

Ash, "Would you mind if our Pokemon were let out?"

Ivy looked at the Phantump, Chimchar and Omanyte on Ash's shoulders, "Of course not, in fact I would like to observe both of your Pokemon, if you don't mind."

Ash grinned, "Sure!"

Professor Ivy lead them towards the large back yard they had for the Pokemon explaining to the two of them how Pokemon in the Island differed from the Pokemon in the mainland. Gou's eyes were twinkling as he observed the different coloured Pokemon and compared them to the mainland and Alola counterparts. The three assistants crowded Gou as he showed them the pictures of the Alola and Kanto Pokemon and how they varied from each other. Ash on the other hand gave a sharp whistle towards the ocean and Fearrowwho was carrying Pikachu lead Pidgeot, who was carrying Wigglytuff, Butterfree, Beedrill, Togetic and Charizard who had Lucario on his back, towards where Ash was standing with the Professor and Milotic lead Wartotle and Kingler. Gou's Pokemon which were Heracross, Spearow, Squirtle and Raboot followed Ash's Pokemon back to the shore where they were greeted by the three very enthusiastic assistants.

Lucario, -Meema, we have a problem.-

Ivy's eyes widened, "So it's true Lucario line can truly communicate with humans."

Ash, "What's wrong Lucario?"

Lucario, -We saw more of those people with R on their chest heading this way.-

Gou gasped, "Team Rocket?"

Ivy became alert, "We need to protect the Pokemon, Hope, Faith, Charity, go to the lab and activate the island shield. I'm going to get my Gyarados and Lapras. They are not taking any of these Pokemon."

Ash, "We'll help.... First let's get you all some disguises."

Hope, "Disguises?"

Gou snickered, "Let's get to it."

Once Ash was done with them Charity looked like a boy while Hope and Faith looked like they were from Galar and Alola. Professor Ivy looked complete different with the blonde hair and orange jacket and Ash and Gou dressed up as girls. Ash then told Charity to run to Officer Jenny's office and warn her while he Gou and Ivy held Team Rocket off. Charity ran off to give the Officer a warning and she called the rangers and other officers warning them of Team Rocket in the area.

Ash climbed up on Fearrow's back, "Fearrow, Butterfree and Pikachu will use a combination of sleep powder, gust and thunder wave to keep them busy. I'm sorry Pidgeot, Togetic and Charizard but you are too recognisable, stay on the ground and attack them without being seen."

Pidgeot was annoyed but nodded, "Geot!"

Charizard grumbled, "Arrrrrr!"

Togetic pat Charizard, "Getic ge."

Ash, "Beedrill, Primeape and Muk cover the east with Pidgeot, while Tauros and Milktank cover the west with Charizard, Chimchar I know you want to battle. So this is my first order for you, follow Charizard and act as his back up. Listen to him, okay? Charizard watch over him."

Charizard nodded and lifted Chimchar to his shoulder and went off and Ash turned to the others, "Togetic you handle the south side of the Island with Milotic, Wartotle and Kingler, Ivysaur, Wigglytuff keep the Pokemon calm. I'm counting on you."

Phantump and Omanyte clung to Ash however making him sigh, "Fine, you two are with me but the moment things get bad you are out of there got it?"

The two Pokemon nodded before Ash turned to Lucario, "I know I'm asking for something difficult but can you keep everyone of us connected to each other Lucario?"

Lucario nodded, -I can however I will need to stick close to you. I have never tried to use aura in such a way before.-

Ash nodded, "Phantump, Omanyte I need you to go with Butterfree please."

The two Pokemon pouted but agreed to stick with Butterfree while Ash and Lucario flew up over the Team Rocket ship and saw them going towards the Professors Island. Ash shared his aura with Lucario and the battle proceeded as planned and Ash hoped Gou was okay in covering the East side with his Pokemon. Ivy was a very powerful battler her Gyarados already downed ten of Team Rocket's Pokemon before Butterfree and Fearrow got to work. Ash smirked, none of them were paying any attention to them as they were focussed on Professor Ivy at the moment. The battle carried on and Ash had put thirty of the grunts into deep sleep, Lucario informed him Gou was doing fine and had dealt with five grunts. Ash then noticed the leaders were a familiar blonde and green haired man and woman, he quickly took a pic and sent it to the group chat with the caption, 'Look who I met again.'

Ash, 'The chats gonna blow up. Maybe I should have waited... Nah!'

Professor Ivy was battling with the admins now and was having a difficult time with the Drowzee. Ash frowned that was not a normal Drowzee then noticed the machine attached to the psychic Pokemon. The machine looked very familiar to the ones he had seen back in Viridian City only a tad bit smaller than before.

Ash, "Butterfree, see that machine? Use silver wing, like we practiced last week."

Butterfree nodded and shot a silver wing which disappeared from sight before hitting the machine straight on and breaking it. The poor Psychic type looked around confused as to what was going on before Butterfree used agility to pick him up and fly away. He then explained to the confused psychic type about the fight that was going on and Drowzee remembered being taken away from her trainer by force. Butterfree nodded and promised to help her find her trainer but first they had a battle to win. Just when it looked like there would be an impasse Pikachu jumped infront of Butch and Cassidy grinning and shocked them paralysed. Ash who was dressed up in her blond outfit got off of Pidgeot and hugged Pikachu.

Butch, "You! I know you."

Ash laughed haughtily, "Flattered but I don't think we have met."

Cassidy hissed, "You and your friends are the reason why we lost our control over Mt Moon, you bitch."

Lucario kicked Cassidy snarling, -Watch it human. You insult my Meema one more time I'll show you exactly why my line is the most feared among fighting types.-

Butch, "I forgot he was a freak of nature just like that cat."

Ash kicked him where the sun doesn't shine smiling like a Cheshire cat, "I would be careful about what I say if I were you, I'm not exactly a kind little girl, especially when it comes to my enemies."

Butch cursed her out using profanities making Pikachu pissed off and shock him again this time where Ash had kicked him. It gave Ash a sadistic sense of pleasure seeing that and he wondered to himself if he needed therapy after all. He would deal with it later he needed to search for Gou while Ivy who was going by the name Sandy rounded up the rest of the grunts and tied them up for the officers and rangers to pick up.

Gou hugged Ash the moment he saw 'her', "Thank goodness you are okay."

Ash hugged 'her' back, "I'm fine, are you ok?"

Gou nodded, "A little shaken but I'm fine."

Raboot hissed, "Rab rab raboot."

Lucario bristled, -They were threatening to rape you!-

Ash was pissed and held Gou tight, "Excuse me! Who was it Raboot?"

Gou dug his face into Ash's shoulders, "Ah! It's okay, not a big deal."

Ash pulled Gou to look at him, "Yes it is, no one and I mean no one gets away by threatening my friends."

Ash turned to Raboot who was looking at him with respect, "Lead the way."

Raboot smirked and lead Ash followed by a worried Gou towards a group of men tied up, "Ra raboot ra raboot."

Lucario, -The one in the middle!-

The grunt sneered, "Well well, you got your friend this time eh? It doesn't matter, she's cute as well, I will have a fun time with gawck! You little bitch, gawccck."

Ash kicked him sneering, "You think you are so tough after being beaten by a little girl. I will make sure you never forget this, Pikachu thunderbolt right where I kicked him."

The grunts paled as they watched Pikachu give a wicked grin and shocked the poor bastard getting a blood curling scream from the lecherous man. They would feel bad if it weren't for the fact they knew exactly what sort of person he was, in a way they knew he kinda deserved it. The man lay twitching on the ground as Lucario decided to drag him off and the other Pokemon took the other four grunts.

Ivy soon found them, "Gabrielle, Ashley, there you are, I was so worried."

Ash smiled, "We are fine aunty, do not worry."

Cassidy grumbled, "Crazy freaks the whole lot of them."

Butch, "Not so loud."

Lucario gave them the stink eye making them shiver, -Good you are learning.-

Lucario leaned in close to them and whispered, -Next time we meet will be the third time, a final checkmate for the two of you. Remember that!-

Butch shivered at the venom he heard while Cassidy paled, they had heard of Pokemon who went feral just because their trainers were hurt. It was just their bad luck to run into one such Pokemon during their missions, if their boss didn't kill them then this Lucario definitely would. The two looked at each other as they were being taken away, it seems they would either have to quit which is impossible or go underground. Cassidy cursed her past self, she shouldn't have betrayed Jessie for money and now what, they have been marked by a feral for death.

[A. N.: Ahem! I may or may not have taken out my frustration at reading news about adults raping children on this chapter.

It gets really frustrating to read, kids below ten years of age getting raped.

Excuse me for the dark parts.]

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