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60% I Am a Level 0 Monster Hunter / Chapter 3: The Guild That Accepted Me

Chapter 3: The Guild That Accepted Me

I, Ai, and Rayyan were heading to the guild's headquarters. Since we didn't yet have any adventurer armor or stuff like that we were just in our casual clothes. I was wearing an oversized orange hoodie with a Big Chonk shirt underneath with jeans and sneakers. Big Chonk was a hamster Idol in my world. Rayyan was wearing a red jacket with sports pants and sneakers and Ai was wearing a light blue shirt with a flower pattern with a red skirt and also - sneakers.

As we got closer to the location of the headquarters were, I began to see them. As we got closer I saw that it was a sort of run-down building with banners of the guild. They had two crossing lightning bolts with a... hamster in the middle?

We entered the building and were met by a man looking to be in his late twenties with a short ginger beard and hair of the same color, wearing light armor, standing behind a bar-like counter. Behind him were people of several races - humans, half-elves, oni.

"Hello!" the man said, "I assume you're the Monster Hunters who wanted to join our guild?"

"That would be correct." I quickly replied.

"Good." the man said while grabbing three pieces of paper - our resumes, "So I saw all of your resumes and I have to say - you seem quite powerful."

"But..." I began to say, unwillingly, "Did you see *my* resume?"

"I did." the man replied, "It's truly strange to see a person with a Level 0 System. *And* a need for one hundred million points to Level up. But even so - I think that a Dragon Mage, even at Level 0 can still be powerful. You do have the ability to summon some types of dragons, am I wrong?"

"You're not, sir."

"Well, if you are going to join the guild I may as well introduce you to everyone so you know who you'll be workin' with." the man waved his hand signaling the people behind him to come closer, "Come here, guys!"

Out of the shadows came out eleven people. Two humans, one elf, one half-elf, a dwarf, a chroma - a race of human-like creature with magical powers and colorful scale-like skin, an oni, three goblins, and... a hamster.

'A hamster?' I wondered, 'In a guild?'

"These are our current crewmembers - the humans are Tuck and Crock, the elf is Crystal the half-elf is Feroy, the dwarf is Grolh, the chroma is Ina and the goblins are the Gor brothers - Harw, Larw, and Parw. And the hamster - well that's Big Chonk of course. We call him Chonk. And in another room is our dwarf blacksmith - Quann."

"B-Big Chonk?" I stood there dumbfounded, "The hamster idle?!"

"That's him." the man replied, "He's an old friend of mine and decided to join our little quest."

"B-but..." I began, "The guys a legend! Why is your Guild rank so low?"

"Oh that," he replied, "It's because we're only a Semi-Guild, 'cause we only got twelve members when the minimum amount of members is fifteen. If you joined us we would be considered an Official Guild and probably raise in rank quite a bit.

This deal seemed too good to be true. Not only did a Guild accept me, in it was Big Chonk a frickin' superstar! Of course, I would join it!

I looked at both of my friends, who nodded in agreement. It was official - we were joining this Guild.

"We're in," I said.

"That's great!" the man replied, "And by the way - the names Mychel. My friends call me Myche. My enemies call me bitch."

"We're happy to join your guild, " I said as I shook his hand, "Myche."

After that Myche told us to meet him next week when we have bought our equipment and weapons.

We arranged to meet in the headquarters and meet everyone formally and find out our tasks.

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