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72% Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength / Chapter 36: Chapter 36 : Revenge : Part Two

Chapter 36: Chapter 36 : Revenge : Part Two


Jin catapulted into the Ninja's delivering destructive punches at all of them, injuring their joints, nerves and bones.....

<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Torrential Strike>

BANG!!!! BOOOOM!!!! BANG!!!!!!


Konoha Jonin 21 : "ARGHHHH!!!", Screamed one, as his bones were crushed, before he was flung away.....

Jin's purple eyes gave him a ominous aura as he crushed the Ninja's, constantly sending barrages of kicks and punches...


While Jin was focused on the Ninja's in-front of him, one of the more experienced Ninja, dashed behind him, attempting to sneak attack him.....He extended his arm, swinging his Kunai in his hand, straight towards Jin.....


But suddenly, Jin twisted his waist, his back still turned, before bashing his right leg into the Ninja's chin, sending an immense shock wave through his head...<Renewal Rising Back Kick>...

The Ninja was catapulted into the air...while Jin continued fending off the others, before he crashed into the ground, caving it in the process....



The other Ninja's didn't show any mercy, even if they were slightly scared....they didn't show it, because they thought of the injustice the 3rd Hokage suffered....Using that as a fuel, they threw everything at Jin....

20 in Unison : "Fire Style: Fire Breath Jutsu!", They shouted, before a barrage of fire was directed towards Jin...


Their vigilance didn't lessen, as they watched the smoke disappear with wary, wondering if he survived that unscathed....


Before they could even think about getting closer or running away....a blur appeared, sending an outburst of punches....punching through the air itself, as air pressure collided collided, attacking the Ninja with the speed of sound...

<Renewal Mach Punch>


The sound was deafening, as all the Ninja's fell to ground, limp. The noise attracted the citizens of Konoha, most knew something was going on, but didn't know they made their way to the Gate of Konoha....

Hundreds gathered, as they looked shocked at a man with white hair and purple eyes, standing over a hundred Jonin. They didn't know what to say, and at first, they didn't even know who the man was but.....

Konoha Citizen 1 : "Tha-That's Jin....", one said lowly, but it didn't go un-noticed.

Konoha Citizen 109 : "....Now that you mention it...even without the purple does look-", before he could finish...

Konoha Citizen 280 : "YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT KILLED THE THIRD HOKAGE!!", when everyone heard him shout that, they looked at Jin carefully and noticed the resemblance.

They all voiced their anger and upset, as they threw things at Jin....who was still unmoving.....


Jin looked at the crowd of angry citizens and couldn't be bothered to deal with them. He watched them throw items at him....even some kids did it.

The scene made him smile for some reason, as before he chuckled, stopping all their actions:

"hehehehe~, you guy's are funny", he stated with a smile.....when the villagers saw this, their anger sky-rocketed to another level....but then....Jin's taunting face changed in a matter of seconds....

His eyes revealed a dangerous glint as he looked at them all.....spreading fear....

They couldn't move under his pressure, as sweat rolled down from their foreheads, dripping to the ground. "To think you guy's still think I done it, proves you're all idiots~", he stated in a mocking tone, still harbouring his threatening aura..


With his hands in his pocket, he slowly walked past the villagers who were still shaking, and headed towards to where Danzo was.


While all this was happening, in a forest, close by to Konoha, Naruto and Sakura were doing a test, under the super-vision of Kakashi. While the test was happening, they all heard a large explosion of some sorts, in the village's direction. Feeling something bad was happening, the 3 ran out and sprinted towards the village....

Whilst in a dark room, an old man was sweating profusely as he felt immense danger approaching. Danzo, had heard that Jin was in the village, and was stressing over what to do. He needed a plan, but in the face of life and death, his brain stopped working as his mind was only full of regret and fear.....

He only had one option, and that was to fight his way out, and so he ordered all of the ROOT Members currently in the village, to protect him at all costs.....


Leaping off roof-tops, Tsunade and Jiraiya were getting closer to the gate...


After a couple of minutes, they arrived, but were confused why the villagers all looked like they had seen the devil himself.

Tsunade : "What happened here? Where is Jin?", she stated with firm-ness, trying to re-assure the villagers that It'd be ok..

Villager 45 : "H-he said....we were stupid for thinking he had ki-killed the Hokage....before he went that way ,----->", he stated with some difficulty, before he pointed over to his right...

Knowing which way he went, Tsunade and Jiraiya thanked the villager before telling them to go to their homes....

When they were gone, Tsunade and Jiraiya dashed towards where Jin would be....

'What did he mean by, 'we were dumb for thinking he killed Hiruzen', is there some sort of conspiracy happening', Tsunade thought with difficulty, as she tried to connect the points...

While she was the distance...


Only adding to her worry and surprise, as the two ran faster...


Even Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi worried and wanted to know what was happening. They sped up and raced through the village, towards the noise....

<2 Minutes Earlier>

Jin walked with heavy steps, his eyes burned as the atmosphere froze....appearing in-front of a large dark castle, 'So you're hiding behind this, huh~', thought Jin...


He kicked the door down, and walked through it's completely dark interior. The castle had no light coming through it, but he walked in deeper and deeper....

Noticing the hundreds and hundreds of Ninja's hiding in the shadows, Jin chuckled, "Nothing can stop you're death from happening Danzo~, come out", he stated.....


Through the shadows, a middle-aged man with a bandaged right eye, looked at Jin with confidence, he had convinced himself that Jin could not harm him based on the 'number advantage', and his trump card, his 'Sharingan'.

(He clearly doesn't know Jin)

"So you've come~", Danzo stated with mockery, "To think you'd walk into you're death", Danzo said, before hundreds and hundreds of Ninja's appeared in-front of him. Thinking that Jin didn't notice them before, "I bet you thought I would fight you by myself huh~", continued Danzo...


Multiple veins sprouted from Jin's head, 'How stupid can a person be....', he thought before sighing


The delusion Danzo, thought that sigh signified him winning the 'mental' game, as his confidence grew..

"Kill him~", Danzo stated, as he turned his back, walking away leisurely, without any care in the world...

VOOOSH!! Sounded as the Ninja's dived over to their demise....

Before he could go though, he felt someone lightly tap him on the shoulder....


Turning around, he couldn't explain his shock, his face paled more than a ghost, it was if he'd already he looked at the hundreds of Ninja's dead on the floor, while a man with white hair and black eyes was standing directly next to him....

<A few seconds before>

"Kill him~", stated Danzo.

Hearing what he said, Jin was amused as he looked at him turn his back nonchalantly. His purple eyes turned black, as his power soared, the Ninja's dived towards him....

They all rushed in with confidence.....but before they could react.....they all dropped to floor. All riddled with holes after receiving a barrage of punches, the punches themselves harboured no noise, as they completely destroyed the speed of sound, and reached all of the Ninja's in less than a second, <Renewal Taekwondo : Mach Punch X 500>..

Jin reached over to Danzo and tapped him....after he turned, he could see the sheer shock on his face....

Fear attacked Danzo and broke him...he had no words, as he looked at Jin's eyes with wary....

"Are you ready~", Jin said with a smile.

"Pl-please-", before he could finish pleading, a destructive blow bashed his face....

<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Knee Kick>


He didn't let him rest, as he charged at him.... sending countless punches at his torso, damaging his bones and nerves, <Torrential Strike>...


"ARGHHH-", Jin didn't let him scream, as he slammed his leg on-to his face....sending a downward pressure on him, smashing him buried into the ground....

<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Push Kick>...


Jin raised his leg up high, and was going to smash the rest of his bones by sending crashing his leg down....but at the last second, Danzo got up and dashed a few metres away....


'I need to get away!!!!', Danzo thought with urgency. He luckily got some distance....


Before he could react....Jin easily broke the distance with a single step, before he used the momentum from the step, striking Danzo in the chest with a straight-armed open-bodied punch, carrying monstrous strength.... <Tai Chi : Rabbit's Step + Dragon Staff Strike>...


"ARGHH-!", Screamed Danzo...

Jin wasn't going to let him fly away just yet, as when the attack connected and catapulted him away, he used unimaginable appear in Danzo's 'flight' path....

Looking at the fast approaching injured Danzo, Jin slowly went into his, <Full Contact Karate Stance, before he pushed back his right arm, forming a fist....when Danzo was close enough, he extended his arm with fury.....connected with Danzo's spine....colliding with enough force to completely shatter it.....

Before he immediately spun his hips...raising his left leg as he focused energy into a single point.....before bashing it into Danzo's head rapidly...

<Full Contact Karate : Dance of the Four Gods : 1st Stance : Ballistic Fist>

<Renewal Taekwondo : Recoilless Kick>


Catapulting into the rubble, Danzo was completely dead from the sheer pain he suffered.....his spine shattered into hundreds of pieces....his body completely mangled, unable to move coupled with his caved in skull gave Jin satisfaction, but also he wanted to make him feel more pain...

He looked around the collapsed building, no walls intact as-well as the collapsing roof, as-well as the dust covering the air, before he walked out, walking away leisurely.....


At the same time, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto, arrived outside the building and looked with vigilance... the dust surrounding the area, meant they had limited vision....


But they all heard someone walking out the building....looking over, they saw a man with white hair and red eyes, covered in blood, strolling leisurely, without any care in the world....

Naruto : "Jin!?", Shouted Naruto as he looked at his old friend with worry.

"Hmmm~, Oh! Naruto you've grown up!", Jin said, walking towards him with a smile....

"The bloo-", Sakura said, but was stopped half-way by Jin.....

"This blood isn't mine don't worry~, I was just taking out the trash~", Jin asserted with a grin before he turned to Naruto.

"Naruto, you wanna get some ramen?", Jin uttered, leaving everyone dumbfounded....

They looked at Jin with shock, his relaxedness was just too much, it was if he didn't even care....

Tsunade : "Jin! You're under arrest for attacking Konoha and murdering Danzo!!", she shouted with an angry expression, before a dozen ANBU Member's appeared behind her.


Jin looked at her and thought about his time in Impel-Down, "Naa~, I've spent too much time in prison as it is~", he proclaimed before turning to Naruto, "Guess we'll have to have ramen some other time~", he disclosed to Naruto....

"WAIT!", Naruto shouted, but before he could stop Jin....


Leaving a blur, Jin vanished and left the village as quickly as he entered....


The villagers were still angered, but also scared at Jin's actions. His methods left them worrying about the future, but that was all cleverly buried by Tsunade, who assured they'd be safe in the future...

News of Jin's attack and successful murder of Danzo spread, only raising the reward for his assassination. Furthermore, rumours on Jin being framed by Danzo and ROOT, spread quickly, but were dismissed as Jonin other than the ROOT saw him have his fist through Hiruzen, only adding confusion for the other villages.....

His fame was rising, slowly a-lot of people were knowing of his name as the, 'Chakra-less Demon'. People who didn't know of his power, were ignorant and wanted to take his life. Days were always eventful, as people were always 'hunting' him....only to end up being 'hunted'....

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