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28% Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Anger

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Anger

After Jin's bounty was increased, he was in the Grand-Line trying to find Black-Beard.

He knew he had to get to the New World, but while on the way, he found countless Marines chasing him which he found an 'annoyance'.

"JIN KATSUO, STAY WERE YOU ARE AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!", the Vice-Admiral on the ship, Smoker, shouted.

"Well isn't this a surprise Smoker~ But I don't have time for you....where is Black-Beard?", he questioned.

"Why do you want to find him?", Smoker asked after puffing his cigarette.

"To kill him of-course~ I'm not going to let him Kill White-Beard and get away with it".

Unbeknownst, every word he said was heard on a Den-Den Mushi, one of the Marines had on, sending all he said to the News-papers making easy money.

"Smoker... I'm going to go now, don't follow me".

However, of-course, Smoker followed Jin as he made his way to the New World, Jin saw him continue to follow him as he turned towards their ships.

"I told you~", Jin said as he smiled

Before he jumped into the air raising his leg as he done a front flip, bringing the heel of his kicking leg down upon the sea, causing massive air pressure to release from the kick as it cut the sea in half stopping Smoker's advancement,<Renewal Axe>.

After getting rid of the nuisances, Jin found a small abandoned Island and decided to rest there.


While Jin was resting, news spread of his declaration which caused chaos but also excitement for most citizens. While this was happening, Black-Beard himself, was sitting on a throne in a secluded Island surrounded by his notorious crew as he ate and ate before a bird delivered a news-paper.

"HAHAHAHA, THAT LITTLE TWERP THINKS HE CAN KILL ME~", he shouted, completely amused at Jin's declaration.

At this time, the Straw Hat's were in Fish-Man Island...but when they heard Jin's warning they were also surprised because Jin was going to face Black-Beard's Pirates and his allies all by himself.

Luffy saw the newspaper and smiled as he seemingly knew that Jin was going to do what he said.


The wind howled in the sky as night came upon Jin. He stared at the moon on the Island he found earlier, completely captivated at the scene he was seeing. He stared for seconds, seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours.

No matter what, he knew that he was going to butcher Black-Beard until he begged for forgiveness.

He got up and practised his <Ssam-su Taekkyeon> and <Renewal Taekwondo> techniques for hours on end, absorbed in training for hours and hours, not even noticing the seagull resting on a tree with a Den-Den Mushi that broad-casted everything he done on the Island and will do.


A day past, Jin got in his boat leaving a destroyed Island, this time he knew that the Seagull was following him, but didn't care. He wanted others to watch Black-Beard plead for his life as he slaughters him and his crew alike.

He hadn't felt this angry before in his past life or earlier. He searched every Island in the Grand Line before moving on to the New World.

<2 Months Later>

These two months, Jin met a-lot of nice people thay gave him a place to stay, some of those places had trouble with pirate groups, using them as practise..Jin killed them after breaking all their bones as he imagined Black-Beard in their place.

This emotion was eating him up but it didn't bother him. However, he slowly felt his emotions change the angrier he felt.

He didn't care if Black-Beard had an army close to 100,000, most of which had Devil Fruits or his '10 Commandants', which harboured the worst of the worst from Impel-Down Level 6, he didn't care if he had two Devil Fruits or even if he had 10.


One day, Jin was on his boat, the seagull still following, he looked to his right and saw the Jolly Roger of a Pirate Crew that was placed next to an island, It had a large bird on it appearing to like a rooster. Jin stared at it for a long time and something clicked.

"Pink-Beard Pirates", he said lowly but not avoiding the Den Den Mushi on the sea-gulls neck.

The Pink-beard Pirates is a pirate crew under captain Pinkbeard , that affiliated themselves with the Blackbeard Pirates, when Jin grew closer he saw at-least 50 on-board but more could be on the Island. Not wasting any time he jumped on deck.


When he got on-board, all the pirates darted their eyes to him....since they were affiliated with Black-Beard, they of-course knew his enemies, one being Jin Katsuo, who was standing right in-front of them.

"Where is he~", Jin asked with an unbothered face

"We'll never tell yo-", before that crew-mate could continue, Jin materialised right in-front of him, coating his knee with Haki, he bashed it into his face while he threw him off balance,<Knee Kick>, before Jin dealt a barrage of punches at his body,<Mach Punch>, killing him in the process of 5 seconds.

"Do any of you guy's wanna tell me where he is~", this time he didn't reveal a bored look, as he unconsciously released his aura.

<1 Minute Later>

Jin sat in a chair pointed towards the Ship stairs as he was surrounded by mangled body, all of which had broken legs, arms, necks and cracked skulls.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pirate captain, Pink-Beard, finally came, " Hey guys, I'm ba--", he looked around as his face paled.

"Where is he~", Jin asked again, this time to the Captain.

"I'll never tel-", Jin grabbed his leg and twisted it 180° before grabbing his arm and digging out his bone and stamping on it.

"ARGHHHHHHHHH!", he screamed

"WHERE IS HE", Jin asked again, clearly annoyed by his screaming

"If you don't tell, I'll put your bones back In place, before twisting it just like this over and over again".

Clearly he didn't want such torture as he screamed," FINE FINE-, PLEASE I'LL TELL YOU", " Carry on", Jin said.

"HIM AND HIS CREW ARE IN DOERENA KINGDOM-", As soon as he said this Jin snapped his neck, as he went to the helm of their ship. He searched their bodies, and got the map to Doerena Kingdom


In the World Economy Newspaper, they all heard where Black-Beard was and that Jin was coming. They immediately printed out a paper and spread it rapidly all over the world.

All the major Pirates who saw this were excited and decided to make their way over too, while the citizens were conflicted with happiness and excitement and more.

In the Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Akainu commanded all the Admirals: Kizaru, Ryokugyu and Fujitora to get to the Kingdom led by thousands of Marines as he felt this was like a second war.

When the Straw Hats, saw the chaos from Jin finding Black-Beard's destination, they hoped for his success as they had their own plans at the moment.

When Ace saw the news, he wanted to join in and kill Black-Beard but was busy with making his own crew, to become to the pirate king before Luffy.

And lastly, when the original White-Beard Pirates heard the news, they didn't hesitate and ran towards Doerena Kingdom.

While the man in question, Black-Beard laughed maniacally, seemingly ready for Jin as he ordered his troops to guard the Kingdom.


Jin arrived at Doerena Kingdom at the evening, but the sky was dark and it was raining heavily, the seagull with the Den-Den Mushi started recording a broadcast for everyone in the world to see.


Marines, Pirates and civilians all saw a man with white hair, red eyes wearing a white t-shirt and black pants with a red jacket tied to his waist. His face was extremely terrifying and looked like the Reincarnation of Death itself.

The man stretched before traversing the jungle surrounding the Kingdom before being stopped by hundreds of pirates all wearing the Black-Beard Pirate logo.

"Where is he~", Jin said amused

They all laughed, as if they were calling him a fool for coming here....but suddenly they stopped laughing...

Jin walked forward as hundreds of pirates fell with punch wounds on their stomach, injuring their organs, destroying their heart in the process.

"Mach Punch X 100+", Jin said as blood spewed out of all of their bodies, dirtying the air as blood rained on Jin's body, turning his white t-shirt into a red one.


When everyone saw this, they were in disbelief, the man was scarier than anything they've ever seen. The marines on the way shuddered but found energy, as Fleet Admiral Akainu encouraged them.


Jin walked over the bodies , as if they were ants crushing their heads, before reaching a wall made of sea-stone.

"He came prepared~", Jin said before getting in his stance, his eyes turned purple as he entered,' The Balance'.

He raised his leg and rocketed it forward sending two horizontal kicks, crashing into the wall before generating a...


<Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Goryeo>

He walked through the dust and saw more Pirates, all equipped with swords and other weapons, before he killed them all, when they didn't have time to react, as he that combusted high air pressure by grinding the ground directing flames to them all.

"Ssam-Su Secret Art: Fifth Degree Flame Murder".

They all screamed as the heat was simply too much, before most dropped to the ground, leaving a couple before their necks were broken with a simple,<Renewal Karate Chop>.

He continued forward through some houses before he entered a place devoid of cover, more like a colosseum and an arena.

He looked around the area, before he was surrounded by thousands. Right behind all of them, sitting on a throne was Black-Beard himself, as he was with his 'Ten Titanic Captains', all of who stood taller than Jin by a large margin.

Jin didn't need to talk at all, and just rushed at the thousands blocking his path.

<Ssam-su Taekkyeon: Torrential Strike + Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch + Busoshoku Haki>

He threw punches faster than they could see, each punch got stronger as he hit more of them. Hundreds fell, after their skulls were destroyed.... Jin slowly but surely was making his way too Black-Beard, dealing everything he could, some pirates ran, some accepted their fate, some cried and some begged... but It all fell to deaf ears..

<10 Minutes Later>

The Marines arrived at the Island, and were met with hundreds of bodies on the floor, as they moved further into the Kingdom, they found a colosseum...thousands were dead on the floor, and Black-Beards,' Ten Titanic Captains', were unrecognisable...

In a crater, stood a man with white hair, pummeling a man long dead....

Before he just stopped and looked at the Moon, waiting for us to arrest him.

<10 Minutes Prior>

After killing thousands and thousands, Jin stood there looking at Black-Beard, before he said," Found you~", in a sinister tone.

Black-Beard felt shivers down his spine, but held it too appear strong...not knowing this would be his last feeling before he died...


PoorKarma PoorKarma

World change soon?

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