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Chapter 2

Luckily, History passed by like a blur. I could not wait to get out of the room where I know the Barbies would start causing a scene just because I am sitting next to Alex. I was on my way to my next class when I bumped into a wall.

I was focusing on my schedule form trying to see where my next class is going to be. I was surprised because the wall spoke.

"Sorry, my bad." a voice said.

'I know that voice! I can't mistake that voice with anybody else.' I said in my head.

I nervously looked up, wanting to confirm my thoughts.

Holy macaroni!! I bumped into Alex!

"Uhm... Sorry I was focused on my schedule paper uhm.." I uttered while trying to hide my flushed face.

Thankfully, I was by the door of my next class already. I can finally hide myself from shame. I was about to enter the class when I bumped into him again.

"Hahaha. Sorry again. Go ahead, ladies first." he said with a smile on his face.

Aagghh!! Why does he have to be so damn handsome?

I smiled shyly at him, then entered the room. As usual, I sat at the back of the row. Even though Biology is one of my favorite subjects, I still love the peace at the back of the class. Unfortunately, I am all by myself in this class. Sophie and Emmy hate Biology. They are both taking Arts because Sophie wants to become a model and Emmy wants to become a fashion designer.

I grabbed my book and my pen and placed them on my table when I saw a guy sit on the seat next to me.

'Was that Alex?! No! It can't be. Don't look Jessie! Don't look.'

I had to disobey my inner self and had to look. Indeed, it was Alex. I was about to look away, but then he already saw me looking.

"Hey! You take Biology as well, huh? I hope you don't mind me sitting here." he said.

'Of course not! '

Shut up, you stupid brain!

I just smiled at him and went back to my books.

I saw my phone light up indicating I have a message. I was about to check my phone when Mr. Saltzman, the Biology teacher, entered the room.

"Good morning, students. I hope you had a wonderful vacation and had lots of rest because you are going to have a project that will be submitted at the end of the school year." Mr. Saltzman said.

I heard complaints from almost every student.

"All right. Before you complain more, this project will be done in pairs. I will announce who will be your partners. Now quiet down so that I can start discussing the project and who will be your partners. "Mr. Saltzman explained.

After 30 minutes of him discussing the project, he proceeded with the partners. I was waiting for my name to see who will be my partner. I was silently praying that I will not be partnered to the jocks nor to the mini Barbies.

'Mr. Ramirez, you are with Mr. Zang, Ms. Welsh with Mr. Peterson, Ms. Williams with Mr. Mckenzie'

I wanted the earth to open up at the moment the teacher said that. Out of all people, why do I have to be paired up with Alex. I mean, I do not mind, but this will just make my year worse, especially when Holly hears about it. Do not get me wrong. I am not scared of Holly, but I don't know how long I will be able to hold my temper with her.

When Mr. Saltzman finished discussing, he dismissed the class right away. Finally, it's lunchtime. I only had 2 periods, but I felt like I have had an entire day already.

I was putting my stuff in my bag when Mr. Saltzman called me.

"Ms. Williams and Mr. Mckenzie, you were two of the brightest students I had last year. That is why I paired the two of you. I'm looking forward to reading your research for this year." Mr. Saltzman said before leaving.

I just smiled at him and watched him leave the room.

I was about to leave the class when I remembered I had a text earlier. Not wanting to be squished in the middle of all the students in the hallway, I checked the text. It was from Sophie.

'I am already bored out of life. Ugh! Why does the Barbies have to be in my class?! I hate it!'

I was about to text her back when I heard Alex's voice.

I looked up from where the voice is coming from and saw that he was still in the room and we were the only two people left inside. The moment that registered in my brain, I immediately headed to the door. I bet this is going to create a major chaos in the school if somebody sees me with Alex in the room all by ourselves. Attention is the last thing I need this year. I was about to open the door when Alex called me.

"Hey Jessie. Since we are going to be working a lot on the Biology project, let's exchange numbers so that we can plan on where and when we should work on it." he said, handing me his phone.

I was hesitant, but then for the sake of my grades I took his phone and typed my number on his phonebook.

"Here." I said giving him his phone back.

I saw a message pop up on my screen.

'Hey! It's Mckenzie :) '

"That's my number. See you around Jessie." he said before leaving the room.

I was still under a little shock with what just happened. I was brought out of my own world by Sophie.

"Jessie come back to Earth." Sophie said, waving her hands in front of my face.

"What?" I asked her, dumbfounded.

"Jessie, you have been staring at the door for like 5 mins already." Emmy said.

I stared at them like a lost person before recollecting what happened. I simply showed them my phone with the message of Alex still on my notifications.

Sophie and Emmy were both shocked. For me, it's not a big deal, but for them it's the opposite.

"Look who is hustling during the second period. Way to go, girl! Looks like she is going to prom after all." Sophie said, wrapping her arms around my right arm.

"This changes nothing. Now let's go get lunch because I am starving." I said, pulling both Emmy and Sophie towards the door.

Thankfully, they let it go. We grabbed our food and went straight to the table where Mark and Vincent were sitting. Lunch went by peacefully. Although, I could feel the Barbies shooting daggers my way. I'm having Physics for 3rd Period, meaning I won't be with Sophie and Emmy for the next class. It's going to be another boring class without them.

After finishing my lunch, I got up and excused myself.

"I'm just going to go to the library real quick. I will see you guys in the 4th Period?" I said while grabbing my bag and my phone.

I like to spend a couple of minutes in the library after lunch. I can't explain it, but it kind of recharges me.

After saying hi to the librarian, I went straight to my favorite corner. I took out my earphones and plugged it in my phone. Played my favorite playlist then took out my Literature Book. I wanted to do some advanced studying for later. Time flew by fast and before I knew it, the bell rang already. I grabbed my stuff and left the library.

By the time I arrived in my next class, there were already many people inside. I saw that the teacher is already in the room, and so I excused myself. The teacher called me in the front and asked for my name and to see my registration form. He was checking his list.

"Ms. Williams, you are not enlisted in my class. Please go to the Office to have your schedule checked and updated." he said handing me back my registration form.

"Yes, sir." I simply replied and went straight to the Office.

It took 15 minutes for them to fix the mix ups and by the time I received my new schedule I was already 30 minutes late for my class.

"Here is your updated schedule and your late pass as well. I'm so sorry for the mishaps." the lady on the counter said.

I gave her smile while taking my new schedule and my late pass. Thankfully, my class is still on the same floor. By the time I got to my class, the teacher was already discussing.

'Great! Now all eyes are on me. Pffft!'

"Ms. Williams, why are you late?" Mrs. Welsh asked.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Welsh. There were some mixups in my schedule and I had to go to the office to have it fixed. Here is my late pass." I explained, giving her my late pass and my registration form.

"I see. Go ahead and take a seat next to Mr. Mckenzie. He will be your lab partner for the entire year." she said, giving me back my registration form.

I walked over to the empty stool next to Alex.

Great! My life is officially doomed. This is going to be the worst year ever.

Mrs. Welsh went back to discussing what she was talking about before I interrupted her. Thankfully, it was just rules and an announcement regarding the setup for the entire year.

I was taking down notes when Alex nudged me.

"Are you stalking me?" he asked.

To say it surprised me was an understatement. I was just looking at him dumbfounded. I was both confused and shocked.

He laughed at me and said, "Hey, I was just kidding."

I just shook my head and went back to taking down notes.

The class went by fast. Finally, it's the 4th Period. I sent Sophie and Emmy a text letting them know I'm on my way before leaving the Physics Lab. I was reading Sophie's text when I tripped over something. I almost fell face down, but then Alex caught me.

"You ok?" he asked me.

"Uhm. Yup. Thanks for that." I replied.

I'm even surprised that my brain could come up with a reply that fast. I mean, it's THE Alex Mckenzie, my high school crush.

"I assume you have P.E. for the next class. Am I right?" he asked.

I simply nodded because I'm still under a little shock.

I was about to leave already when he said something.

"Wait. Let's go to the gym together. You might trip over something again and might break an arm or leg. I won't be having a Biology and Physics Partner." he said with a joke.

I just shook my head in what he said and continued walking. He was able to catch up pretty quick. I just continued walking, pretending that I am not aware that he is right behind me. He was about to say something when Jake, one of his basketball teammates, called him.

"Hey man. Wassup? Classes had been so boring. You are barely in any of my classes. "Jake said, putting his arm over Alexs' shoulders.

"I know, man. At least, we still have P.E. together. "Alex replied.

I was glad when I saw the girls changing rooms. I ran inside and went straight to my locker. Sophie and Emmy were already there changing.

"What took you so long?" Emmy asked.

"You did not reply to my text." Sophie said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry, guys. You know how the halls are flooded." I simply explained leaving out the part where I tripped and Alex saved me from kissing the floor.

I went and changed right away before Sophie nags at me. We went straight to the gym after changing our clothes. We sat by the bench while waiting for the gym teacher. The boys are playing basketball while most of the girls are cheering for them and some are just gossiping.

Sophie was talking about prom dresses when the Mr. Spencer gym teacher arrived.

"Ppprrrrtttt!" I hate the sounds of those whistles.

"Gather around students. For today, we will have volleyball. And before you all complain and get excited, I have already divided you into teams. By the end of the term, you will compete against each other." Mr. Spencer explained. "I want you to come up here when I call your name."

One by one, names were being called. Half of the class were already in their respective teams. There were around 20 students left sitting. Sophie, Emmy and I have not been called yet. We are all hoping that we will be in the same group.

"Wilson, Davis, Peterson, Scott, Mckenzie and Williams. You are one team."

Holly complained right away about her group and wants to change groups.

"Ms. Stevens, the groupings are already final." Mr. Spencer said. "Now sit with your groups and come up with a team leader."

I was already sitting next to Sophie and Emmy so all the other 3 guys had to do was come by our bench. Peter and David are both basketball players as well.

"Hey girls!." Peter said.

"Alex, be the team leader since you are the team captain of the basketball team." Sophie said.

She is actually right and everyone agreed to her.

"Ok class. I want you all to sit together with your teams. Starting today, all our activities will be done by a group. With that being said, everybody on your feet and we will start with stretching." Mr. Spencer said.

The stretching lasted 20 minutes. Most of the girls were complaining the whole time. After the stretching, the first two groups were called for the first game. When it was our group's turn, we were playing against Holly's team. It was a simple game since all the girls in their team were running away from the ball.

After P.E., we all went to change. Since P.E. is the last class we have, we can finally go home.

I got home and went straight to the shower. I don't enjoy taking a shower in school. After my shower, I went downstairs and prepared myself a snack. Since Mom and Dad are still at work, I'm all by myself in the house. I grabbed my bowl of snacks and went back to my room to study.

A few hours later, Mom and Dad got home, and we had dinner. We just talked about how our day went. After dinner, I went straight to bed. The day exhausted me from all the dramas and the happenings.

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