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Chapter 1

"Dr. Williams, you are needed in the operating room right now."

I was just about to take my break when I heard my name on the speaker. As soon as I heard where I was needed, I went rushing over. I entered the operating room and saw a bloody body on the bed.

"Dr. Williams, he was in an accident and needs surgery right now. He has a bullet wound on his left chest." one nurse told me.

"Ok. Check his vitals and get ready for the operation." I instructed the other nurses. I went to the sanitizing room and prepared for the operation.

I was about to start the operation, but then my phone rang, waking me up from my dream.

"Ugh! It's not fair!" I whined to myself.

I looked at my phone and checked the time and saw that it's 6 in the morning. I got out of bed and got ready to jog. I love jogging in the morning. I like to stay healthy even though I stay up late at night studying.

I wore my sports bra with my running tights and Nike shoes. After grabbing my phone and my earphones, I then headed downstairs. I played my favorite playlist and started running. My morning run normally takes around half an hour.

I just entered the house when I smelt toast from the kitchen. That means mom is awake. I went straight to the kitchen to get some water.

"Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, sweety. Ready for your first day of Senior High?" Mom asked while preparing her coffee.

"Mom, there is absolutely nothing that is different in Senior High other than the fact that this is going to be my last year in that school." I replied while grabbing myself a toast.

"Senior High is the best year in high school. You should try to enjoy this last year before you start your college."

"Mom, I always enjoy every year. I gotta go get ready for school. I don't want to be late for my first day." I said, leaving the kitchen. I know Mom meant I should go out on weekends and walk by the beach and have fun and not just study all the time.

I went into my room and placed my phone and my earphones on my table and went straight to the bathroom after grabbing a fresh towel from my cabinet. It does not take me over 30 minutes to take a bath. After my bath, I wrapped my hair with the towel to get it to dry faster. I hate using hair blowers. Don't ask me why.

I got ready in no time. I wore my gray shirt with black jeans and black Nike Shoes. I tied my hair in a messy bun, just like always. I made sure that I have all my books in my bag and my necessities (power bank, chord, earphone and wallet). I gave my room a one last sweep, making sure I forgot nothing. I went downstairs, closing the door of my room behind me.

I saw Dad by the kitchen counter drinking his coffee while checking his emails on his laptop.

"Good morning, Dad." I said.

"Morning sunshine. All set for today?" he asked.

"Yup. All set and ready to go." I replied, giving him a big smile. "I'm leaving now. Bye Mom and Dad." I said grabbing my keys before heading out.

I don't live too far from the School. It's just a 30 minute drive and Sophie is picking me up. She got a car for her 16th Birthday and she has been literally our driver ever since. It's the perks of being BFF with someone who has a car, I guess.

I was just about to text Emmy when Sophie's car appeared from the corner of the street. Her car stopped in front of my house. I opened the passenger seat and slowly closed the door.

"Morning! "we all said together. You can't blame us. We are best friends, after all.

"I'm so excited for Senior Year. Finally, we are going to graduate soon." Emmy said with all the excitement.

"This is going to be the best year ever and there is going to be prom. Aaahhhh, I can't wait." Sophie said, squealing.

"Who is going to be your date to prom, Jessie?" Emmy asked.

"I already told you guys since Junior High that I am not going to prom. It's just not my thing." I explained, knowing that I will never hear the end of it once Sophie blabs.

"No can do, Jessie. You are going to prom and we will find you a date." Sophie said, and Emmy agreed.

"Come on. You both know that dresses and heels are not my thing." I said hoping it would change their mind, but knowing them, it will not even make them think twice about it.

Thankfully, we reached the school parking lot already. I thought they would forget about it for at least a while, but then I was wrong.

"You are going to prom and we will find you a date." Sophie said, grabbing her stuff from the back seat and locking the doors.

I love them, but I hate parties and dresses and heels.

We were heading inside when we saw Mark and Vincent heading our way. Mark is Sophie's BF and Vincent is Emmy's BF. They have been dating for a year now.

"Hey ladies. Ready to conquer the world?" Mark said while wrapping his arms around Sophie's waist.

"Hey babe. We need to find Jessie a date for prom." Sophie said while giving me "the look".

"Mark, please end my misery right now. I'm begging you." I told Mark jokingly.

"Babe, just let her be. If she is not comfortable, you can't really force her." Mark said to Sophie. "But we would love it if you would go to prom with us." he added.

We were by our lockers when the announcement about the prom was heard all over the speakers.

"Seniors, welcome to your first day and last year. One of the most anticipated events is prom. Prom will be held 5 months from now. As you all know, if you will not graduate this year, you will not be allowed to attend the prom. So don't forget to study hard students. That's all and have an amazing year!"

Loud cheers and whistles were heard all over the hall. Obviously, everyone was so happy. I was waiting for Sophie and Emmy to gather their stuff from their lockers when the Barbie's stopped by our lockers. The Barbie's are Megan, Olivia and Holly. Everyone calls them the Barbies not because they look like them but because they cover their faces with cakes (make-ups) trying to look pretty. They are like the It Girls, but also the bullies.

"I still do not understand why you allow these trash to drag you down the Popularity list, Sophie. You should be with us, not with them. Especially not her." Holly said, then pointed her finger with her long fake nails just like her fake lashes at me.

"Holly, I still do not understand either. How can you not get it through your empty skull that I will never be part of the "Barbies". And never call my friends trash because if there is anybody who is trash in here... it's the Barbies. Now leave before I break your nose job and you won't be able to attend the prom with your sorry ass broken nose job." Sophie said before turning her back on them.

Sophie Rule #1

Mess with me, but never my friends.

This made Holly mad, and in return she pulled my hair.

WTF! She had the guts to pull my hair?!

It all happened so fast. I was busy reading my books, then the next minute I was pulled by my hair. I don't feel intimidated by their words and I just always ignore them, but I sure know how to fight back when I have to.

I held her wrist and twisted it while turning so that she would lose grip of my hair. She shrieked in pain. It was not a lot of pain, but she overreacted. If Sophie was mad earlier, now she is definitely furious. She was about to slap Holly, but I stopped her.

"Sophie, it's not worth it. Let's just go." I told her.

Sophie gave me one look over to make sure that I am not hurt or anything before she agreed. We were about to leave, but then Holly had to cause more scenes when she saw Alexander McKenzie, the basketball captain.

"Alex, look at what she did to me. She broke my wrist." she fake cried.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her drama.

"Holly, everyone practically saw what happened. You started it and Jessie did not break your wrist. Now get over yourself and stop being dramatic." Alex said to Holly. Then he turned to me and asked me," Are you ok? Do you want to go to the clinic?"

I almost blanked out. OMG!!! Alex literally took my side and even asked me if I'm ok. My heart was practically racing. I mean, my crush just took my side.

"Yea, I'm fine." I blurted out calmly.

He smiled at me before leaving with the basketball team. After all the commotions, we grabbed our stuff and went to our class. We just sat on our seats when the bell rang. I always like sitting at the back. I don't like the attention of the teachers, that is why I don't sit in the front and the Barbies are sitting in the middle area. Sophie and Emmy always sit next to Mark and Vincent. They are practically inseparable.

All the students started coming in one by one. The teacher was about to start the lesson when Alex knocked on the door.

"Sorry for being late, Mr. Spencer. There were some mix-ups with my schedule." Alex explained showing Mr. Spencer, our History teacher, his schedule.

"Alright, sit next to Ms. Williams." Mr. Spencer said, pointing at the empty chair next to me.

I felt all eyes on me. Alexander Mckenzie, the hottest guy in the school, is sitting next to me - the nerd. This year just got more interesting.

The_Fallen_Angel16 The_Fallen_Angel16

Hey! It's me again. Thank you so much for reading my book. I hope you will have the patience with me. LOL. But I just wanna thank you really for taking your time to check out my book. If you like it, add it to your library. Take care and stay safe!!

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