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Part 3: Standing Up


He entered his first class, which was song recording, he headed towards the seat in the very middle of the class and noticed that people were staring at him. As he sat down he stopped a guy that was passing next to him and asked;

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

"That's Tina's chair, no one but her sits there," the guy responded then turned and walked away.

And as if on cue Tina walked in, "Oh wow I guess the new guy didn't get the memo, well here it is, that there seat is mine and no one other than myself sits there."

"Oh well I apologize for the misunderstanding, see I'm not a follower of yours so I didn't notice nor do I care where your seating position is, but since you want it so much I'll sit on another chair," and with that, he stood up and sat on another chair three rows away.

The entire while Tina and her followers just stood with their mouths hanging open, shocked at what just occurred.

"No one ever talks to Tina that way," one of Tina's followers spoke up.

"Well I guess Tina's reign is being threatened," He spoke with a daring smirk.

At this Tina gasped and furious she took her seat, there was a complete silence as everyone in the classroom was shocked, no one had ever rendered Tina speechless. Then the professor walked in and the class started.

The class had finally ended and Dean checked the time on his phone and he was grateful because it was just 10:30 am then he checked his schedule and noticed that his next class was till 1 pm so he went off campus to see where he could go to get brunch.

Dean found a cafe near school and as he entered the smell of coffee and muffins hit him. It was an amazing smell especially since he was starving so he went straight to the counter and ordered a large coffee and two blueberry muffins, the lady at the counter smiled and told him to take a seat and she would take his order in a bit. As he turned to look for a place to sit when auburn locks caught his eyes, as he focused he realized it was Alison, she was seated on a corner table writing in a book and a large cup of coffee and muffin beside it. Alison had her hair loose and the sun made the touches of red in her hair stand out and it was a beautiful sight. She was wearing a black blouse with olive green ripped jeans and black converse and she had a jeans jacket hung on the arm of her seat.

He was about to approach her till he remembered how she walked away from him so instead of going to her, he sat on a chair two tables away from her. As his coffee and muffins arrived he thanked the lady and dug in, it was the best coffee he had ever tasted and he loved the muffins and it was right then that he decided the cafe was his now and for the rest of the year breakfast destination. As he finished he looked over to Alison and saw that she had just gotten a refill and as she sipped her coffee she closed her eyes enjoying her coffee, she then set down the cup and continued to write in her book. It seemed as if she was humming to herself as she wrote and every once in a while she would fiddle with the pencil in her hand and shake her head then continue writing when she finally looked up Dean looked away and checked his phone it was 12 pm and he was shocked he couldn't believe he was staring at Alison for over an hour and she didn't even notice. He shook his head then got up to pay his bill

"You're a new student at the Arts Academy aren't you?" the lady at the counter asked, she looked to be in her 50's.

"Yes, I am what gave it away?"

"The fact that you were staring at Alison for an hour,"

Dean sighed "Why did that give me away? I mean surely plenty of guys drool over her I mean she is gorgeous without even trying"

"Alison truly is a beauty a gift to the world but after a while, all the boys give up on her because even though she is a true beauty she doesn't notice nor talk to anyone she is always alone unless it's either that one girl, her brother or her father who manage to sit with her and get her to look up from writing in that book of hers and engage in a conversation with them but it's a rare sight so everyone who has been here for a while doesn't stare at her nor do they contemplate going over to her like you did."

"Wow I guess the Principal wasn't kidding, but how do you know so much about her?"

"Alison has been coming here almost every day for about 2 years and her dad asks me to keep an eye out for her, he is a businessman that loves his daughter and son with all his heart but ever since 5 years ago he has become more protective of them, his son is older than Alison and is a business major, he is a very handsome boy with the same hair as Alison but he is far more open, like his father but he too worries about Alison."

"What happened years ago that causes them to worry about Alison so much?"

"It's not my place to say but I am warning you for your own sake try to find someone else because Alison won't look your way and if you continue to follow her and learn more about her you will fall for her and she unintentionally will break your heart because she won't even realize who you are nor will she try to get close to you."

"Was she always closed off"

"No, but after what happened 5 years ago she completely changed and only those closest to her from before what happened are close to her but, not as they were before. Alison was always full of joy singing her heart out making everyone around her smile and she was always in a skirt or dress that made her eyes and hair stand out, she was always apart of something because it's what she was taught; to be humble and be friendly with those whom she comes across but after the incident, she completely changed, she is completely closed off and she hardly ever wears a skirt or dress and she barely shares her beautiful voice with those around her."

"But she is a singer and songwriter major isn't she? How can she not share her voice with those around her if she doesn't perform at any of the functions?"

"Alison only plays recordings for her teachers and for functions she is always behind the scenes she writes songs that others perform."

"Wow. and how do you know so much about her?"

"I am a family friend you could say I was always close to her father, he always came to me for advice and when one of us needed help the other wouldn't hesitate to pitch in"

"Well, I guess she is lucky to have you around keeping an eye out for her."

"No I'm the lucky one because I get to see her grow and blossom into the beauty she is, now don't you have a class to get too?"

At that Dean checked his phone and saw that it was already 12:30 and Alison was getting ready to leave. He went to his table to get his bag and as he was about to say goodbye to the lady he noticed Alison saying goodbye so he just waved and mouthed ' thank you ' and went off to his class.

As Dean entered the class he noticed Alison sitting way to the back ignoring all those around her, he took a seat 5 chairs away from her and he took out his phone to play a game but not long after Tina walked in and placed her bag on the chair in the very middle then she and her followers walked towards Alison was seated.


After she left the cafe she went to class and took her seat in the back left corner of the class and she took out her phone and earbuds to listen to music and she was listening to love myself by Hailee Steinfeld. As she was halfway through the song when someone ripped out her earbuds as she turned her head ready to confront whoever did this she noticed it was Tina.

"Will we see you freeze up again Alison? because I so need something to laugh about right now and your the best at making me laugh in vocals class"

"I'm sorry Tina but today isn't my day so I won't be amusing you today"

"Oh love didn't you hear the professor is taking volunteers today and apparently you volunteered to sing today"

"What?!?!?! everyone knows I would never do that"

"Well the Professor says you had a chat with Principal Wayburn so he isn't shocked that you're trying "

"I swear ugh" at that Alison grabbed her bag and rushed out of class into the nearest restroom and she pushed her way into a vacant stall and threw up her brunch.

'I swear to the gods why me, why does this always happen to me.

Why can't I be confident like her, dad says I get her looks but why couldn't I get her confidence?

why can't I run to her anymore why did they take her away from me' she cried to herself.

She wiped her tears, got up brushed her teeth and washed her face then stepped out of the restroom, she planned on going to her dorm and skipping class but sadly she bumped into her professor.

"Alison I saw you run out of the classroom are you okay?"

"Uhh Hi Sir! I'm better now but I don't think I can sing today my throat is hurting me, sir."

"Hmmm alright, then Alison but you are going to sing first on Monday's session; you can't keep running away and letting your fear control you you have a brilliant voice but I only get to hear your recordings I need to witness you sing in order for you to pass this course, on the other courses you may have gotten out of singing in front of others but you can't do that with this one."

"I understand sir I'm working on it."

"Good, now let's head to class ."

With that, they walked into class and Alison took her seat and kept her head low.

"Thank you Alison you have made my day much better"

"Your welcome Tina I'm glad that I can make your day better"

"Alright, class today we welcome a new student, Dean Ozeata where are you?"

At this Alison looks up to see Dean walking towards the front of the classroom.

"Okay Dean since this is a vocals class instead of having you tell us about yourself I want you to sing something for us at the end of the class so we can know your sound, you can get back to your seat now. Okay, class, I will pair you guys up and I want either both of you to sing a duet of an original song or one of you can sing an original song that your partner wrote."

At this Alison sighed because now the class was even so she had no excuse to not have a partner, just great.

"Tina you're with Georgina, ... and last but not least Dean with Alison, and before you can protest Alison the class now has 22 students so you will now have a partner."

"Just bloody great" Alison muttered to herself.

"Since I asked Dean to sing for us at the end of the session he will perform one of Alison's creations for us now class you have an hour to prepare now get to work."

"Don't worry Alison you will still have to sing one day," Tina mocked.

"Get to work people," The professor chided.

"Guess you heard him, "Dean said as he sat in the chair next to Alison, "So let's see your creations. Oh! And I guess there is no walking away this time."

"Why oh why ?" Alison muttered.

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