The Martial classes have no common [Darksight] abilities. Uruk, Hobgoblins, and Minotaurs had access to [Dimsight], unless they crippled it with a daytime schedule. I made do with [Owl Nightvision], which was enough.
Their tactics were doomed to failure; the walls facing us were wood, not of stone, much to the chagrin of a manitou that I had no interest in confronting.
<Reset Tree Counter.>
[No such counter found.]
<Reset Quest Counter for planting trees.>
[No such counter found.]
Fine. If I survived the battle, I'd worry about setting a new counter. I put in into my expanding list of things to do.
Honestly, with just two health, I was expecting to get struck by a random arrow and miss the rest. I wasn't expecting it to be interesting.
As the title implies, there is also a battle of Northern Glory. More on that in upcoming chapters.
It amazes me how much Rhishisikk gets done with so little. And yes, the discovery of magical grenades isn't something unique to him, he just had to re-invent the wheel.
Something he could do without fighting.
As always, thank you for your readership. It means more to me than thinking up an analogy involving a motivational tree.