One might wonder what the difference was between a [Soul Mark] and a [Soul Brand].
Me, I wondered who had shoved half burned sticks into my nostrils as I slept. Even as I pulled them slowly out, high-pitched twittering came from a nearby bush.
When you say the word Faerie to people, they immediately picture windlings, wyndlings, sprites, pixies, or noble faerie. They don't think about ratskinks.
Ratskinks are much like they sound; rodents with pushed in noses, nothing resembling butterfly wings, sharp carnivore teeth, and a sense of humor...
Let's just say that I'm glad they only plugged my nose and painted my teeth with charcoal.
I cracked my neck, trying to ignore them. In the east, the sky was lit with a thin line of blue that made the rest look darker than it was. If it weren't for the haze of smoke still in the air, the stars would look even brighter at this time. <1>
This is about the absolute earliest on any work-day that I can deliver a chapter. The writing isn't that hard; it's just all of the stuff needed to maintain life and health.
And that said, I need to find my external hard drive and unpack it; not only is it time for backups, I need to get to work. Rhishisikk might be closer to level two Shaman than I give him credit for, and it's kind of important to figure out sooner rather than later.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: Moe_DaoistWlZI1L, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout to Hopehard, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.