It was two days later that one of the priestesses found me, and showed me the contract.
"This is ridiculous." I said, shortly into the second page.
"That," she said, "is standard."
"Three HUNDRED years of service?" I asked.
"Two of which is just training to see where your aptitude within the Purifiers is, before a ten year intensive training."
"She does mean intensive." Raevik said. "As in, life threatening."
"Do you want this lad as an apprentice, or not?" she snapped at him.
He smoothed out his imaginary mustache. "I said I would train him … IF his aptitudes match well enough."
"Who would sign away thirty decades of life?" I asked. Yeah, yeah, who tells a trio of gods that you'll take a twenty four year tour of their theosophies? <1>
"Only everyone you've been hanging around with." Hagon said.
"Don't worry about it." Sandro said. "We may live like Warriors or Monks, but we have a decent enough survival rate."
Another divergence from the original plan. He was supposed to have a final encounter with his siblings that ended in a brawl and them swearing hatred of him again. I mean, okay, family fights get nasty and all... but it's just boring, and worse, makes Rhishisikk a bully toward his own family members.
So... delaying that whole bit until it matures, or until I absolutely HAVE to write it into the story. Because, he has to confront his siblings before he can leave Othello. A little bird with a big mouth and a fake wounded wing told me so.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: The_mage1zansabar, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout to Hopehard, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.